Tipsy Pixie Prompts



Eztella arrived at the bar on time. Well, she was on time mainly because she was the one who was opening the bar, running it until close, and also just so happened to own it. The posh slime girl adjusted her pink tie and retrieved her keys from inside one of her wobbly blue slime tits.

Click. The door slid open as she lethargically entered the location. Lyme was nowhere to be seen, Tifia was likely out, and Catherine took the day off. It was just going to be Eztella. She sighed to herself, but it didn’t bother her so deeply. After all, she did adore working at her bar. She made her way over to behind the bar, put the keys away, and prepared herself for a long evening of working. She just hoped that her bar didn’t pick up anyone too strange from some bizarre universe. It was the regulars and the natives she much preferred serving.

She polished her glasses, scrubbed the tabletop and prepared herself as the door opened. “Welcome to The Tipsy Pixie.”

Salty club prompt:

“a shy and lanky guy orders half the menu to try to break out of his shell”

He didn’t look like the kind of person who would come to the Tipsy Pixie. He took a seat and laid back into it, a small silhouette in the world of the bustling corruptive establishment. The man sat like he knew it too. Posture awkward, eyes scanning a clammily held menu, he hesitated when it came time to order from the busty bartender orbiting ever nearer to him. What he asked for was pretty shocking.

“A little bit of everything, please. I’m trying to um, get out of my shell I guess.” It was a little unprecedented, but the order was one that could in fact be fulfilled, and so it would be. So, she went down the line of the glasses, colorful labels and gem styled bottles lifted and gently dripped into a wide and tall glass, more like a bowl really. She clacked it down against the table and offered it to him.

First of all, it tasted nasty. Just a single sip of it made him reel and lean back into his chair, trying to escape the flavor by balling up and lifting his feet. But, for his credit, he soldiered through. Another sip, and then a gulp. His hair shortened, faux hawk formed, his drab hair rushed with a river of pink from end to end. His whole body became stronger, mightier, but staying slick and fierce. Chest grew taller and plumper, rear became wider and more gorgeous. A good amount of heft, a delicious bounce.

At last, she was finished changing, the drink settling in. The punk girl adjusted her shorts, tossing them off and throwing on a new pair she had prepared, along with some more befitting underwear. She kicked her feet up on the bar and smirked. “Well? Can I get another or what?” The confidence was rising from her like a fire.

let’s start right off the right way. lucina, going for some nice wine at a bar, decides to try a glass of that zyzxylian stuff?

                “I’m normally not much of a drinker,” Lucina admitted as the glass was poured for her. The bartender seemed disinterested, maybe a bit tired. Otherwise, she likely would have warned Lucina what exactly the drink would do. Lucina came pretty darn early to the bar too, which she couldn’t really help. She was in the area, exploring bright and early. She looked at the wine and saw its unique pale color swirl in the glass. She took a sip.

                A fair flavor graced her tongue. Not the greatest wine she ever had, but it was worth finishing the glass. She was unaware as the magic eggs inside of the wine began to activate inside of her. Her back shuddered and strained as a long blue tendril emerged out from either shoulder blade, pushing out past her attire. The tentacles wrapped around her legs and spread them as new ones grew across her back and pushed past the confides of her skirt. The warrior princess was shocked, but quickly wrapped inside of a warm wave of lust that drowned her. Her needy slit came hard around her new growing tendrils as the last few finished growing in. A slight red warmth glowed across her face.

                A bit of a light weight, it seemed~

Dude tries to help buddy get over a break up when they find the bar. He orders a Sultry Sorceress for friend and a Panda Baijiu for himself. Seeing how hard he’s tying to help the bartender added some Lover Vision to their drinks. Maybe things would go better with this couple.

                “Here, see, this bar will be nice! A different place, change of pace!” Matt was trying his best as he guided his rather lost friend into the location. They walked in together. Vince took his seat next to Matt at the bar. Matt rose his hand and caught the bartender’s attention. “Hey, two drinks here. Hmmm, I’ll have a Panda Baijiu, aaand, Vince?”

                “… I guess I’ll take the… Sultry Sorceress?” With that the bartender left. Vince stayed slumped over checking his phone, his thick black hair getting in the way at times. Matt pat him on the back awkwardly, watching him the whole time until their drinks arrived. A glass with a clear fluid and a taller glass with a sort of creamy pink color were served. Inside both glasses was a strange swirl of pink. Vince grabbed the clear glass and drank away. Vince was slower to convince, but one sip of his Sorceress brought him over and he was finishing his glass in no time.

                Neither would notice as every drink they took made them slowly change. Matt was always a little heavy set, but his body was widening just a bit more. His body erupted with black and white fur, spreading over his body quickly. Vince slowly feels his own body change, two large breasts erupting from his form. Fox ears sprouted from Vince’s head as his, now her, hair spread further and further down along her form. She felt so good and tingly, her mind racing with strangely cunning thoughts. It was nearly enough to kick her out of her funk.

                They turned to each other after their drinks were finished, and before they could even get a word out, they saw each other outlined in pink. Their hearts raced, bodies trembled as the changes finished. Vince leaned in against her friend, smiling up at Matt. “Wow… You look really good as a panda. Maybe… We should order a few more~” Her tail waved seductively.

Yang orders a needy bucket

                The door blew open. On the other side was a girl looking to start her night with a Yang. Yang walked inside the place, getting a good look at the oddity that was the bar. “Wow, can’t say I’ve been in this place before. Décor could use a little work, but at least I don’t have to fight my way inside this time.” She took a seat at the bar and glanced over the menu as quickly as she could manage. The tough girl snapped her fingers. “Needy Bucket please. That sounds like a good time!”

                Clack! A bucket was laid down in front of Yang and the booze poured into it. She grabbed ahold of it and angled it back against her lips. A rich chocolatey flavored drink poured down her gullet with only a subtle tinge of alcohol sneaking in on the creamy substance. As she drank, each gulp make her tits swell and swell. The growth of her body pushed further and further up against her top until one of her bloated tits with huge hard nipples bushed out from her blouse. She fell onto the ground, hooves growing on her feet, a tail sprouting from her rear. “W-wow, this r-really is sooomoooooo~!!! Mooooo~!” She grabbed her breasts and started hungrily squirting them into the bucket. Her entire mind filled with the urge to fill it.

                Her udders sprouted out from her belly, pushing her clothing aside and drenching it in milk. She tugged and tugged, gasping and moaning, her hips widening, her body embraced in a warm hug of spotted cow fur. Finally, the bucket was filled, and the cow girl was left cooing in her afterglow.

Stocking Anarchy gets Dragon Hoard Sundae Milkshake with Sinister Chocolate, Candy Crunch Cocoa, and Molten Fudge

                The gothic beauty had ordered the ice cream, thinking it the absolutely perfect treat. “I’m soooo excited! I’m probably gonna sprout a second belly but I don’t fucking care, holy shit! Dragon Hoard Ice Cream is soooo good but I’ve only been able to get tiny bits before!” The fallen angel was damn excited, but the poor waitress having to make the stuff was bent over and grueling shoveling together what was honestly a very large serving of ice cream.

                A tall parfait glass that took both hands to really hold properly was filled too the brim with two different layers of chocolate. A darker, smoother layer at the top, and at the bottom a layer a bit lighter in brown with flakes of crunchy chocolate. Atop was a molten river of fresh fudge melting away the delicious alcoholic shake. Stocking was without restraint as she plowed her straw through it like pay dirt and sucked it all in very quickly.

                Stocking was unaware as a tail began to crawl out from the confides of her skirt. Or as a massive dick slithered free from between her shapely thighs, pushing out more and more. Ice cream scales began to sprout along the surface of her skin as she drank down more and more of the chocolate overload. Her nuts bloated bigger and bigger as more of that delicious beverage was finished. She couldn’t stop even if she wanted, taking down the entire sundae in one gulp.

                When she was down, she let out a hearty sigh, her tits larger and leaking a little fudge as colorful dark scales covered her body. She leaned back, wrapped both hands around her steaming needy dick, and jerked it off long and hard. “This was even better than I thought it was going to be~ I’m literally made of sugar now~ Oh yesss~ Yesssss~!!!” She squealed in delight as she came, a hearty blast of hot fudge oozing from her cock, the dragoness leaning in to suckle down her own climax. It tasted incredible~

Coming off a less than successful Materia heist, Yuffie Kisaragi attempts to put it behind her with a few Mark of the Thieve’s. (Extra points if she goes in knowing the side affects of the drink.)

                “Jeez, I’m lucky to even he here!” The girl exclaimed as the second glass was served. She’d already downed a single Mark of The Thief, the brass colored cup laying aside, the taste of lime and root still on her tongue. Yuffie knew her way around a few of these drinks, and this one was one she was pretty excited to get. First came the tail every time. It would grow with her as the other desires took hold. She could already feel a tiny nub pushing out past her rear, expanding out from her shorts.

                It started small then, sneaking a few coins from the preoccupied denizens. The cow girl had some weird tech on her, the lovers had some paper money, etc. But as she stole more and more her hands became blanketed in the black fur, her face sprouting its own little furry mask. Her tail grew out more and more, becoming a thick plume of grey and black stripes. More fur sprouted from her as the stuff she stole from around the bar got a little bigger and she finished her third cup.

                The busty raccoon thief adjusted her outfit a little, only having to make minor changes to keep it all in. “Ehehehe~ Just a little something to keep my thievery instincts tight~”

A lithe, curvy Asian woman enters and assuredly orders a double Foxy Sorceress.

                “I don’t know,” Mei replied to the waitress as the glasses were served. “Just something about them seemed like what I’m into.” She carefully drank the first glass. A tarty sweet creamy flavor graced her tongue as she downed it much faster than she thought herself capable of. She had barely finished the glass when her already pretty sizable tits began to push out. Her shirt practically just slid right open like a gameshow door, revealing what was behind both prospective doors. Fat foxy tits grew out quicker and quicker, her whole body becoming more voluptuous by the second, her black hair elongating, becoming more regal looking.

                Even knowing what she was becoming, she went ahead and slurped down her second glass. Her breasts burst out, growing even fatter, her frame taller to account for all the sorceress it now had to support. Twin fox tails burst out from her skirt, her widening hips ripping her attire in half like an egg being cracked. With the final slurp of the creamy stuff down, the newly born twin tailed fox sorceress cooed gently, toying with her much bigger breasts. “Fascinating~ Perhaps my research subject should change~ I know mom said I should stop changing majors, but…”

Bar prompt: (Futa) Samus drinks a Mighty Mead and is disappointed when it does nothing. Then she tries a Straight Up with similar results. Oh well, at least she can force Dark Samus to drink a Dark World Nectar and/or a True Submission.

                The Straight Up went down without so much as a second thought. Samus’s nearby table was decorated with a few other empty glasses, each one progressively more exotic than the one before. An empty glass formerly filled with beer laid next to a container that once proudly contained a seemingly inert serving of Mighty Mead. And now, in the graveyard of drinks, Samus laid to rest her glass of Straight Up. The bounty hunter waited, counting the seconds until… Nothing happened.

                Of course, she wasn’t going to settle for such a tame outcome. She eyed over at her counterpart. Dark Samus was nearby, the two on their way to a Smash Sisters meet up a few quadrants over that-a-way. She looked like Samus in her Zero Suit in most ways at the moment, albeit with a black and cyan color scheme that made her look like an evil lava lamp turned sexy. Samus ordered a special concoction just for her. Dark World Nectar with just enough True Submission in it to get the best effects. The bounty hunter snuck over and forced the beverage past Dark’s lips.

                As soon as the booze hit her lips it was too late to fight back. Dark shuddered as her form began to mutate and twist. Dark scales rippled across her skin, her phazon rippling through it with hot radiation cracks of growing cyan light. Her breasts bloated out beyond her bio-synthetic clothing, bursting out further and further as the scales grew in. Two feelers sprouted from her head as her face stretched into a short draconic muzzle.

                She drooled a long and needy strand of cyan nectar from her lips, her rumbling ass quaking with need as she presented herself to Samus without so much as a second thought. The bounty hunter took her claim, pressing her cock into those needy cheeks. Musk rose through the air, a perfumed pheromone that took particular root in Samus’s brain. She came but just seemingly couldn’t stop breeding the newly made space dragon into dust. Not that Dark was displeased any~ 

Tired office worker curly brown hair unhappy with her life finds a new door on the walk home. Talks with host and ends up ordering Dark World Nectar and a Sugar Fairy Daytrip because they sound strong and sweet. Starts slamming them to try to get drunk and relax past her alcohol tolerance.

                “- So to hell with this job!” Brianna rocks the drink right back, downing the Dark World Nectar way faster than most would recommend. Even just a whiff was enough to rock Brianna’s world, sending her into a spiral of lust. The sweet nectary flavor on her tongue made her brain do horny dick flopping cartwheels. But she soldiered on and also downed her Sugar Fairy Daytrip too fast to taste the oddly pleasant floral experience. The bartender tried to say something, but it was already too late. She just braced herself for the oncoming drunk attack.

                Brianna was a light weight. She got drunk off of steam, let alone two really strong and highly corruptive drinks. Just a few minutes ago she was back in the normal world, and now here she was, her stature starting to shrink, her bra squeezing down on her rapidly growing tits like it wanted to strike back, and her whole perspective on the world was changing. She tore her bra off and fell down to all fours. As her lizard tail sprouted she began to frantically crawl around on all fours, scales growing in. The first dick was easy to get. A flash of her tits, a wink, and the girl at the table undid her pants and let her musky needy prick lay flat against Brianna’s face. Jackpot.

                The newly made slug dragon suckled away at every cock she got. She lost track of how many loads she must’ve swallowed. She was completely lost in her flash of mind frenzies and strange desires. She collapsed a little white later, the Daytrip catching up to her despite her best efforts. Eztella lifted her up with a simple levitation spell and carried her upstairs to the rooms. Poor girl just needed to sleep it off. At least she had fun~

Cynthia from Pokemon having a Needy Mouth ends up worshiping the Goth Ice Cream Dragon’s dick

                It wasn’t often someone as regal as Cynthia came to The Tipsy Pixie. At least she was down to earth and kind. She ordered a Needy Mouth, having hopefully read the menu properly and understood what it was she was getting into. Usually they recommended newcomers start slow, but Cynthia seemed very aware; She gave a sultry glance giving away her intentions, a blatant lick of her lips. She sucked the drink down with a thirst usually reserved for long days at the beach.

                As soon as she was down the champion was clearly sent into a horny fit. She began scanning the bar, her nipples growing hard and tense. Her whole body was swimming in a brand-new sensation as she became hyper aware of what it was she desired. She stood up, and with a sultry hip sway, walked over to Stocking, the ice cream dragon who was letting so much hot fudge go to waste. She was openly jerking off, her wobbly rear consuming the bar stool she was barely sat on. Cynthia fell to her knees before Stocking’s cock in a prayer motion and ran her finger up the underside of the dick. She licked it clean. “Sweet~”

                “It’s even nicer fresh and hot from the tap~” Stocking giggled, pushing the tip of her dick against Cynthia’s lips. The leader decided one little lick wouldn’t hurt. And then a suck wouldn’t hurt. And before she knew it, fat dragon nuts her slapping against her chin, her throat stuffed to the brim with corruptive fudge. She was already looking a tad bit more plump.

(From the stream) Neo from RWBY tries her favorite combination: A few Needy Mouths followed by a Breath Taker

                It was the first time anyone had written their order on a convenient sign. Oh well, at least it made easy to tell exactly what they wanted. Neo waited patiently as the bartender worked behind the counter. The first Needy Mouth was served with little fanfare, and Neo downed it with even less regard. It was sweet and slightly spicy, a cinnamon delight that had her smacking her lips and toying with her tongue. She would have another. This one made her squirm in her seat, start to eye all the patrons of the bar in another light. Her third one was much harder to finish, barely able to contain her need, her desire.

                In frantic sloppy handwriting she ordered a Breath Taker. She downed it and quickly sprinted off. Neo began frantically undoing pants, pulling down zippers, breaking apart buttons. It was only a matter of time until she amassed an army of needy cocks all around her. She worked each one off masterfully, her lack of a need to breathe making her throat the ultimate weapon is sucking dicks off. She earned a few tips, and did a good job of helping the whole bar unleash some pent up steam. Neo winked at the bartender who looked on concerned. That girl knew how to spend her nights.

A group of tourists stop by the bar to experience the night life of the city. One of them notices a treat from home, Atlantis Halo Halo. She’s amazed at how pretty the drink, her scales, and her fins look as well as how many of her friends’ newly formed dicks she can take.

                “Oh wow!” Seria was surprised to see just how wide the bar’s menu was, and even more exactly what it was they had. While the rest of her group was making the poor single bartender sprout extra tendrils to bust out a dozen dick sprouting drinks, Seria was captivated by the Atlantis Halo Halo. A fruity delight from home. She gingerly ordered it, the slime bartender just barely finding the space to get it made and dished out. Seria sipped it happily.

                She watched as her body was wrapped in the changes. Her legs merged to become a gorgeous tail. Her breasts grew more elegant and pronounced. Her rainbow scales shimmered gorgeously in the light, nearly reflective in how pristine and gem-like they were. The fins her cheeks shimmered beautifully. She was more than happy to let a friend lift her new mermaid body to stuff her full of cock. She jacked off her whole tour group, ordering a few more drinks for the road~

Haru and Makoto from P5 share a nice drink of ‘mark of the thief’ after a tiring mementos adventure. Little do either of them know that their drinks are spiked with salty teas and bimbo parties as well!

                “I can’t say I ever expected to find a place like this in Mementos.” Makoto said as her Mark of The Thief arrived. It had two straws and looked extra sweet. Makoto had attempted to order it in such a way it’d be sweeter on their tongues and not alcoholic since they had some more adventuring to get to.

                “Mmm! But it is pretty nice!” Haru said, wrapping her pink lips around one of the straws. Makoto did so as well with the other. They both sucked away, shocked at how sweet it was the flavor turned out to be. If either of them previously had a Mark of The Thief before they’d notice the overwhelming sweet notes and the subtle tea flavor was both entirely not a part of the usual drink and was actively changing how it was the drink performed.

                “Salty…” Makoto said, feeling a very strange sensation rise through her. Her Phantom Thief attire began to struggle to contain something sprouting between her legs. She wasn’t doing too well herself. She came to stand from her stool, straightening and spreading her legs. A huge equine member sprouted out along her body, pushing inside of her skin tight body suit up to her tits. She could feel the warm pre running down the shaft across her body. Her tits bloated out, growing bigger and bigger. Her mind was rupturing, turning dark and slutty. All the life in her eyes turned dark and needy, a ditzy grin spreading across as her face just as a raccoon mask spread across her eyes.

                Haru was already on the bar table, her new horse dick sprouted from the confides of her dress. The slutty raccoon beauty leaned over, her curly hair bobbing as desperately suckled away at her newly grown cock. Makoto leapt onto the counter with master rogue proficiency and ground her own contained member against Haru’s exposed and needy dick. The two ground into each other, giggling their brain cells way, watching as their bodies bloated out into perfect fuck dolls. Makoto ripped her suit open, letting her fat watermelon tits dangle, her trim fit frame show, and her huge dark dick finally become exposed. She rammed it into Haru with only two thoughts left in her mind.


Yang buys Ruby a Lover Vision (no relation to the Needy Bucket ask).

                “Here ya go sis!” Yang passed the drink over to Ruby with a big grin. “Go ahead and give it a try. Lemme know what ya thing of it and I might get one!”

                “Sure!” Ruby took a sip of the drink. The sweet tea-ish flavor caught her by surprise. She took another swig of it, slowly working away at it as she enjoyed the flavor more and more. She turned to Yang to compliment it but was caught off guard. “Woah, Yang?! You’re outlined in like this weird pink?”

                Yang was just as caught off guard. “Pink?” Yang said, looking over the menu again. She gestured to the bartender raising a finger and pointing at the spot on the menu that hosted it. “W-well that’s weird!”

                “Yeah!” Ruby said. “Though it makes you look really cute! I don’t know why, but in a weird way it feels like that pink was always there? Did the drink do this Yang?”

                The blonde nodded, a thick blush on her face. “Um, yeah. It is um and detector sort of deal…” The drink arrived and Yang downed it like a shot.

                “What does it detect?” Ruby asked.

                Yang answered by gasping, and then leaning in. Their lips met and the most passionate and pent up kiss of the century overwhelmed them. They were both equally shocked by how intense it was. They stood up and went to the backrooms, needing some privacy for where their feelings were taking them.

Samus Aran is thirsty for Anubis Ale, of course Peach could probably use a sip as well.

                A rather large mug of the corrupt ale was delivered for Samus to curiously sniff at. “Eh, only smells half as bad as Space Pirate booze. They literally drink nuclear power plant run off. The kinda stuff that kills all the fish in their rivers!” She laughs as she sips it down and offers it over to Peach to give it a shot. The princess was trying to get out of her comfort zone, enjoy life a little more. The bounty hunter talks on, oblivious as the tuffs of black fur sprouted over her cheeks.

                She keeps on talking and laughing as the fur encompasses her face, her Zero Suit fitting with the growing fur, opening psychically for her sprouting tail. Peach is only a sip in and she almost right away sprouts two tall black furred ears. Samus’s speech gets heated and troubled as a large knotted cock starts to sprout out from her loins, pushing out until it filled her suit. Peach waved her tail in a horny fashion, wrapping herself around Samus and cooing. Samus turns and locks lips with Peach. They were probably going to need another drink.

A man and his best friend go out to drink at this hip new bar! He decides that he might go with something silly sounding, and orders a Grog of Goblins. His ladyfriend, however, decides to order something as a joke- some Boy Cream. The both of them take their first swig, but neither had really paid much attention to the fact that these drinks transform you. What will happen to our unsuspecting participants?

                He finishes his drink with little restraint. To be honest, Gabe was a big fan of the flavor. “Holy shit, that is a lot better than I was expecting?” He said. “The waitress said this stuff tasted like slop, but I’m not so sure about that.”

                “I’m not so sure,” Ryley said as she sipped a little bit more at her drink. It was making her feel weird and tingly, and the bitter flavor that laid beneath the otherwise creamy profile left her bothered. Gabe was struggling to reach for his grog any longer. For some reason he felt both lower from the table but further from the floor. He slid down to the ground beneath, slinking away from his clothing in the process. When Ryley looked down at him he was barely recognizable. A short little goblin with bright blue hair that was short and punkish, a surprisingly massive and jiggly green rear.

                She would’ve done something, but as soon as she went to move her huge dick finally split through her zipper like a thousand degree karate chop. The goblin on the ground leapt up for the cock and snatched his face around it and began suckling proudly. He sucked and sucked, the slutty little goblin hungry for his friend’s huge drooling dick. Needless to say, they needed a little time alone and were likely to order a second round.

Ruby wants to go to a real bar and try a proper drink, but Yang insists on coming along to watch over her. Ruby tries a Grog of Goblin but doesn’t like the taste, so she chases it with a Needy Mouth. Meanwhile Yang is putting away Gray Steel Ales

“Ugh?! W-why does it taste sooooo bad?!” Ruby suffered as she quickly chased the nasty ale with another drink, this one promising to be much more fruity. Yang was nursing her own ale, almost done with it.

“I told ya to stop sipping it forever ago,” Yang giggled. “Man, you almost finished it too!”

“I just felt bad!” Ruby said, blushing as she finished her Needy Mouth, the glass empty and sugary. “I mean, you paid for it and everything and…” Ruby paused for a moment, running her tongue over lips. A rush hit her, feeling the desire to just get something big and hot and salty in her mouth. She started to suck on her finger as it turned green, the girl shrinking in her seat.

“It’s fine! It was your first, and I just wanted my sis to-NEEEIGH~!” Yang let out a long spirited whinny, hit hard by it out of nowhere. She rubbed her throat as two horse ears popped out from the blonde hill of her hair. A tail poked out of her pants, and a huge bulge began to make her pants creak and groan, filling out the empty space in her trousers.

“Yaaaang~ Oh Yang, is this what being drunk is like?” Ruby was struggling as she became too short for her old clothing to fit. The goblin girl slipped out as her ears finished growing out long and floppy. The goblin Ruby eyed Yang’s pants and was hit with something like destiny, undeniable, inevitable, and utterly desirable in her very core. She licked her lips again and rushed forward, her goblin mind simple and lustful. She ripped open Yang’s pants and began thrusting her throat against that huge horse dick until-

“Neeeeiiiiiiigh~!” Yang came inside her sister’s throat, giving her a second type of beverage for the first time~

Not one for drinking, Weiss ends up ordering the only thing on the menu that catches her interest – the salty tea.

                The tea was poured for Weiss into a fairly fancy cup. Owner said it was something she got on her adventures. Weiss’s opinion rose with her brow as she admired the dark black porcelain with the golden leaf outline. It was sinister, but befitting an heiress such as herself. She sipped the tea idly, enjoying the only drink on the menu she’d be able to enjoy. Salty. The flavor was a tad surprising, but she was enjoying it for sure.

                One last drop was sipped away, Weiss letting out a satisfied coo. As she looked down past her glass, she noticed something from the corner of her vision. Her skirt was being lifted. All of a sudden the feelings hit her. A rush of lust that wasn’t expecting in the slightest! She reeled, bending forward and grasping her gut. The cock grew longer still. Her panties were slid back, her skirt hoisted. She didn’t have  a second longer of thought before her hands were wrapped around her cock and her mouth suckling at her head. She sucked and sucked until a corruptive load of delicious cum went rolling down her throat.

                She rose from her seat, drunken and horny. “More~” Weiss muttered. “I-I need to spread it~!”

It may not popular at weddings, but at one bachelorette’s party Needy Mouth is ordered for the lucky woman and all her friends.

                It sounded like fun! A sweet tasting drink with a little flavor text that made it seem so alluring and strange. The girls were all getting wild and crazy, so the description promising to turn them into crazy driven sluts made it all the more alluring. The bachelorette in question sipped hers down quickly and ordered another. She began licked her lips over and over. And then started sucking on her finger. Next thing he knew she was down on her knees, fishing a cock out of her friend’s dress. She sucked and sucked and sucked, just worshipping it frantically~

                Soon the whole party was given in to their drive. Skirts were hiked, panties were tugged down, and mouths were rammed against the sultry enticing mounds. Everyone was dug into something, worshipping and licking away happily. It was a party they weren’t going to forget.

Ms Fortune (Skullgirls) orders a shot of Tanuki Ale hoping it’ll give her nuts some size that her miniscule pecker lacks. Gotta fill out those Daisy Dukes somehow.

“Well, hey, it cat hurt!” Ms Fortune grinned, accepting the drink from the bartender and sniffing the delicate white glass over. It was certainly sake based on the subtle burn it gave off. Ms Fortune put the cup to her lips and sipped down the shot of sake. A pleasant burn made her throat fuzzy and warm. She laid back against her stool, watching her shorts eagerly.

And sure enough, a bulge began to appear in her shorts. Her tiny cock was being paired with rapidly growing set of nuts. Soon they were fat enough to dangle between her legs and touch the stool. And then they became two big oranges, and even bigger still. Grapefruit sized nuts filled out the space between her legs. Ms Fortune opened her shorts and toyed with her clit dick until she came all over her tanuki nuts.

A quite and shy girl orders a Hound Apple Cider and Straight Up mix not knowing the effects of the drink, but soon she’ll be prowling for a girl or two.

Lyza sniffed the drink cautiously. She had been nursing her cider, her usual flavor of drink she enjoyed. This bar had a strange variant of it, but it was still cider, so it was still good. The Straight Up was recommended for some reason as something that would be perfect for her. The first sip of it was this strange, creamy, very boozy flavored beverage. At first it was utterly repugnant to her, practically making her eyes water. But the more she drank of it, the more she liked it.

And as she went, things naturally changed. Ears sprouted from her cute head. Tall, powerful dog ears. A tail poked out of her puny skirt. Her whole body gained mass, growing in strength. Her bra was snapped off by growing breasts. Her panties were cracked open by her growing ass and needy dog cock, equine in length, canine in flavor. Her abs hardened, her fur sprouted dark and mighty. She rose from the barstool and entirely different woman, howling with delight as she ripped away her clothing with her claws.

Now, to find someone to bend over~

Ochako was surprised at the effects of Tanuki Sake, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t enjoy it.

                Sip sip sip. The cute gravity bending heroine finished up the pallid glass of fluid with a hardy gulp. She gasped in satisfaction, her face scrunched from the flavor burning at her tongue. “Wow! T-that was weird, but I kinda liked it!” Her beamed smile lit up the room from corner to corner. Two tiny ears sprouted out from atop the chocolatey waves of her hair. They shivered alive as Ochaco gained control of them. “Huh?” She pat her hands at the tips of her new ears, feeling them flick in reaction. “That’s a weird head band…”

                Thwap~ A large tail sprouted out in a fluffy boom from her skirt, the growth having built up inside her panties like a charged shot, growing more and more desperate to just burst free! But her changes weren’t over. She felt something even stranger between her legs as something else grew. A shaft sprouted from her loins, pink and sensitive but growing thicker and longer with each passing second. Ochaco shivered in her seat, wracked by the sensation of the growing member. “W-what’s happening?~” Her voice hitched high with pleasure as her huge balls sprouted, quickly stuffing the space between her legs.

                Before long, the gravity girl was reborn as a tanuki girl. And her gravity powers would be absolutely marvelous for her mischief. She used her powers to prop her nuts up as she rose from her stool, her tail swaying mischievously as her mind began to fill with sinister little plots. Of course, her face was a cute cinnamon bun with a smile drawn in frosting, too innocent to scare a soul, but her cock quivered in anticipation. “Deku~”

Mina, Froppy and Ochaco visit a bar for the first time ever and all tell the bartender the same thing – Surprise Me.

(I’ll do this one as best I can~)

                First, it was Froppy. Well, the frog girl seemed a bit out of her element, hard as it was to tell with her vacant expression. She slurped her Surprise Me down much fasster than the other two. <31> Tsu’s changes hit her rather quickly as she just became much, much thicker. Thicker more delicious thighs, a fatter ass, even a little tummy growing out from her. She kero’d, rubbing herself curiously.

                Ochaco had just barely noticed what happened to Tsu when she finished her drink. “W-woah?! Tsu?” Her eyes were wide, and if she hadn’t swallowed she would’ve spat. <90> Ochaco barely had any time to react before she was encompassed in stone that spread over her in quite a rush. Luckily, it was only temporarily.

                Mina laughed as she finished her drink. “Man, this is a really weird bar! Ochaco are you okay…?” <62> Soon as she spoke she was struck with a very strange sensation of pressure in her head. Mina’s skin drained in color, becoming a paler pink, but her eyes grew brighter. Her fangs grew long and slender. She licked her lips, looking at Tsu like she was a snack. Which she was about to be. “Heeey~ Tsu~ Let me get a close look at your neck! I think I see something else happening~”

On a busy night, two patrons unfortunately get their drinks mixed up – the ditzy blonde tease ending up downing Straight Up with a shot of Demonic Fireballs mixed in, while her hardass punk girlfriend drinks a True Submission with a few drops of Incubus Tincture mixed in, just enough to give her a tiny cock and a growing addiction.

                Rachel grabbed the delivered drink and gave it a curious sip with the straw. “Oooh, this is strangely yummy!” She giggled as she sipped away at the glass with abandon. “I don’t even remember what I ordered! This is sooo nice! I’m gonna get so drunk tonight.”

                “Pfft, sure, sure,” The punk girl snorted, Gretchen looking to just get her drink downed so she could have a huge pillar smashing dick ready and raging to go. She sipped her drink and was… well surprised how it tasted like a rainbow got milked into her glass. She couldn’t help but just keep sipping away at it. All the while her form began to slut up, her breasts growing, her cock shrinking smaller and smaller as her will to resist subsided.

                When she turned her head, all she heard was a “open up and suck it~” and oh god did she open up. Rachel was still a fair deal shorter, but she was strengthened by the potion she had taken, a massive horse dick hanging between her legs and plowing down Gretchen’s throat. It was a mess up that would redefine their relationship for a long time.

Being a Dark Mage, Tharja ordered the Dark World Nectar with the utmost confidence she could handle it.

                It was served with little fanfare. Just a glass with a lid put atop her table by the ever diligent bartender. Tharja smirked at it, running her fingers across the lid with an entertained grin. “Oh, is that all?” She lifted the lid away and looked inside. A brilliant purple nectar laid inside, a perilous poison that produced a pungent scent, albeit so drowned in a nectar aroma it was hard to be disgusted. Tharja was hit by her mug’s musk, her eyes turning to hearts as she raised the glass and forced herself to sip it. Giving in right then and there to the drink’s whims wouldn’t exactly be impressive.

                A long, reptilian tail sprouted out from her body stocking, ripping to shreds the rear end of it. Dark scales spread along her skin. While this drink normally turned the curious into some sort of gooey slug dragon, this time it was preferring something a little more on the slim and sultry end. (Salazzle.) Tharja’s dark scales covered her now from head to toe, her face stretching out into a short gator like muzzle. She licked her lips as her hips creaked and widened, spreading so far apart that her stockings ripped apart like string cheese. “Mmm~ This requires more experimentation~” She lunged out and hopped on the first cock she could find, her pheromone perfume perfectly enthralling her chosen thrall into a state of pure serendipity. She rode that dick like a monster~