Saltyween 2019

[Tea Club] Futaba thought she was so clever, playing mad scientist by hacking into Aigis and trying to turn the combat android into her personal servant, but nothing like accidentally tripping a conversion protocol to find yourself getting fucked by a cyber-horsecock and getting converted into a fellow machine.

The rain was falling just outside her window. Futaba could barely believe what it was that she was toying with. It was that miraculous nature that was drawing her in deeper, the silvery strands of auspicious fortune dragging her down into the quicksand of foolish mistakes. Through a panel of the dormant android, Futaba clawed her way around with growing expertise. “Wow… This thing is incredible! And gorgeous too!” She snickers. “I bet I can get it to clean my room tons. Just gotta figure out how to respect its skillset… Ah, there we go!” She flicked a switch and ran back to her laptop on her bed to try and figure out if anything changed.  

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Tipsy Pixie Prompts



Eztella arrived at the bar on time. Well, she was on time mainly because she was the one who was opening the bar, running it until close, and also just so happened to own it. The posh slime girl adjusted her pink tie and retrieved her keys from inside one of her wobbly blue slime tits.

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After finding a cursed vanity mirror a guy is changed into a horny big dick milf and her first target is her guy friend or rather future daughter that came into the house with her.

The power of the curse flowed through Jack. He writhed in place, his whole body pulsating with a foreign energy. “W-what the fuck?!” He gasped as he fell forward, hangs against the table. Growing breasts burst through his shirt as it became less and less able to contain the melons swaying against it. His black hair grew longer and longer, cascading down across his back fair and gorgeous. His pants were snapped open by his growing cock bursting straight through his snapping zipper like a battering ram crashing through a castle gate.

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