Amore A Manor

                It was certainly going to be a strange portion of her journal. Naoto Shirogane, Detective Prince, was on a case that had her crossing dimensions yet again. It began with rumors of a new variant of The Midnight Channel that was showing some sort of character from a video game violently thrashing and dishing out threats. Naoto was unable to see the footage herself, but it was worthy of a solo investigation. Curiosity was always one of her weaknesses.

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Peri’s Candy Craze

Peri’s Candy Craze

            Something hadn’t been feeling right all day. Peri, the cotton candy haired maniacal killer, noticed that when she plunged her spear into a living breathing person and ended their life in a spray of viscera, she did not feel pleasure. Or at least, not nearly as much as she was used to. The amount that she felt was more… dull. As if everything she liked about killing had been robbed from her!

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