With Fleece as White As…

            “Hmm, let’s see what it is over there!” The curious girl ran ahead towards the abandoned farm. She was a lot like the hundreds of other trainers who roamed these fields looking for the vast array of Pokemon. Her head was dressed with short brown hair with a green cap with a wooly white ball topped above it all. Over her body was a cute pink dress with a wooly sweater buttoned over it. She ran with such eagerness to go out and explore, a curiosity in her that wouldn’t be sated until she’d seen it all and done it all.

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The Cat Cafe – Sabrith And Tayelle

Sabrith and Tayelle

The Cat Café

                The plate with the little cake was placed atop the covered table. Tayelle looked down at it with a big excited grin. “Oh wow! Look at how adorable it is!” She gestured to it happily. It was a tiny cake, spongy wet and soft. Pink frosting laid atop it all sparkling and cute, painted perfectly into a little cate face.

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Dark World Bunnies

               The sounds of a world changed was what Zelda awoke to. She felt groggy and confused as she rose up to her feet. Her dress still clung to her body, but everything about it just felt a tad odd. Her body just felt so strange, but she couldn’t quite place the feeling. “Link… everyone…” She took in her surroundings.

               Up above her pretty blonde head were trees tall and thick with greenery. They were ancient forest sentinels untouched for hundreds of years. Their gnarly branches were dipped at the ends in bountiful bunches of thick leaves, broad stars of green. Zelda took a few steps amongst these timber giants, pressing her hand against the bark of a tree.

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Your Waifu is Trash!!!

Your Waifu is Trash

                The gloves were off for the most sophisticated duels between gentlemen. It all started without much of note. Two men met at a booth in the artist alley. At first their existence was inconsequential to each other. They were just strangers perusing a humble booth attired with print outs of art, a few painted games, and just next booth they were selling fur suits and cucumbers from Japan. They didn’t even know the other one was there until one of the future combatants uttered a phrase that was often a signal for war.

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