We Dream The Moon

Originally featured in the excellent erotic art book by Monstrifex: https://monstrifex.itch.io/beasts-within where it is superbly formatted and accompanied by a soundtrack I wrote for the project.

A woman named Shama is hired to investigate and infiltrate a strange enigmatic cult known as The Astral Watchers in order to recover a noble woman who has been kidnapped by these strange witches. She uses her social skills to persuade and deceive her way into the cult only to discover the dark grip their focus has and how easily one can be converted from apathetic to fully enraptured. The moon sings a sweet song so few can hear, what if you were to open your ears to it and join it in resonating?

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Unearthed Corruption

            Gloria lifted her skirt and scurried over to push her bare loins against the metal device. The lass looked a wee bit nervous at what was going on, but she had volunteered for giving her scientist friend a helping hand. Professor Penelope was running her hands through her clipboard papers, positioned at a “runaway safely but stand reassuringly” distance away from Gloria who stood conjoined to the strange machine.

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Spring MATEnance

Spring MATEnance

Mod Your Own Bunny Girl

            To little fanfare, the package arrived. Penny looked curiously at the box left at her doorstep. It was a featureless box save for the packaging slip that had it addressed specifically to her. The cheery bot lifted the box. It was a bit heavier than the cardboard hinted, but to Penny most weights were nothing. She brought it in and effortlessly cut open the lid. “How exciting! I wonder what is inside?” She marveled to herself.

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Forbidden Garden and The Sinful Seeds

            Stars looked down on the world with unblinking, twinkling eyes. Celica stared back at them as she laid flat on her back in her small clothes. The night air in the woods they traversed was cold but welcoming. She felt comfortable underneath the covers of her blanket. She was close enough to her tent that she could go back in should the night grow cold or unwelcome. But for the moment, the priestess was just happy to be looking up at the grand sky beyond.

            Celica’s red orange hair laid around her on the ground, flowing and gorgeous. Her pallid skin felt the breeze that swept through the grass of the late night camp site. Her mind was consumed in thoughts of her journey, of where she was headed, what divine obligations now rested firmly and taxing on her shoulders. She was stressed, she was concerned.

            But then, something wonderful teased her.

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