Introducing Desda Astrae, an idol who has taken the world by storm with her warm personality and deep lyrics. Mandy is looking forward to seeing her concert soon, if only she wasn’t stuck doing deliveries to make enough money to upgrade her PC. With any luck maybe the stars have other plans for her~

The icon art was done by who also designed Desda and helped bring her to life. Thank you so much for your hard work.

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Mandy And The Wise Wolf

Mandy And the Wise Wolf

(Thumbnail art by:

(The following is a story of confusing canon-ness. This story was brainstormed by my Discord chat. I really, really liked the idea because it was adorable and fun and would be a good chance to show more of Mandy’s character. However, I was on edge because I almost wanted to save the story for when I do the big Mandy novel proper story whatchya-ma-callit. It was tempting to sit on this idea and wait, it was even more tempting to properly incorporate this story into the main one, but that would mean doing it differently and waiting for a very long time. I am writing this story on the pretense that I am 99% likely to rewrite this entire story here once the full thing is made, but with a lot of details changed.

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Obligatory Mandy and Lenea Lewds

Features Lenea from the SpaceSol (canon-est roommate)

            Controllers made percussive sounds as two total dorks sat back on the couch. Thumbs flew across the surface of the nubby control stick, gliding it against the rims and edges of the circumference. Mandy the raccoon bent forward against the chair, staring on at the screen with a squint in her eyes of pure determination. All the while on her left was a brown haired girl with a similar pair of glasses to Mandy’s contending in every way she could.

            “You cheated!” Lenea accused, hissing as she rammed her fingers against the buttons of the controller. “I can’t believe you’d actually cheat like that!”

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Horny on Main

            On a humble stream chat there awaited a few users. It was a few minutes before the stream was to come on, but these users had appeared just before, like the brave souls who camped out in front of a store before the release date without the risk and inconvenience. They messaged each other back and forth:

[UhOhMoss: did mandy say what she was going to play tonight?

Bl4nkedstare: a video game???

Xoras123: this is the release date for forgotten war 4 so maybe that

UhOhMoss: so is she not playing that dating sim anymore?

ISuckCopper: she beat it last stream

UhOhMoss: oh I missed that stream, guess I’ll watch the vod.

TipsyGoose: I hope we get to see her tits! :raccoontits:

MOD UntitledUntitted: Same.]

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It’s Not Just Delivery! (It’s Ass Eating!)

Reader x Mandy (anthro herm raccoon) 

                You ring the doorbell. And then again. It was about 11 PM, that is to say, you are exhausted, lonely, and really ready for work to be over. In your hand is a carrier bag carrying a big fat pizza and a box of cinnamon sticks. The logo of your place, “Sluts For Pizza” decorated the front of the container. This was likely going to be your last stop, then you go back to the restaurant, clock out, and get home.

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