This fucking guy was huffing fumes like a god damn truck. A real honest to god mouth breather, he was leaning over the bar perched like a chromed out hyena. Not quite a metalhead, but the guy was chromed to the nines and had more in common with the rear end of a big rig than your typical person. Lucy could barely tear her eyes away from him, not sure what to make of him. He seemed shaky, ready to crack any moment and become another cyberpsycho splattered all over the evening news and he was hinging it all on if he could get the bartender’s attention soon enough to medicate his condition with pretty neon bottles decorating the wall.

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Halloween Vibes

Halloween Vibes

A blistering spark of flames leapt from its containment to a book. Brought to life and suddenly aware of what it was capable of, the winged toad instantaneously burst into a furious green flame and emerged with the zest of a being well aware of the short wick of its existence. She had been looking away when the confluence betwixt the summon’s world and our own emerged. By the time Beth had lifted her head out of her other book the toad had already accomplished its first leap and set fire to the curtains. “H-hey!” Beth shot straight up to her feet and raised her hands in defiance. Her ability to defy went further than others, past physical grasp as her gestures grew beyond whims and became magical hands that hurriedly squeezed the leaping meteor toad before it spread the flames to the god damn laundry basket.

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