Gwen’s Gaiden

            Fanfare blasted from the exotic instruments onstage! The crowd exploded into clapping and cheering. The man on stage cleared his throat and tried to calm the audience like someone swimming against the current of a wave. He was a strange man with smooth aquatic skin the color of sapphire and with two long slug-like antenna atop his head and curled back. He wore wise robes and brass adornments across his wrists and fingers. He was a touch portly and gave a joyous smile, overwhelmed but pleased. The audience formed a calm tide for him.

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Fraud Correction

Fraud Correction

A Twisted Tale from The Dark Skies
(Thumbnail art by Puptini : )

            From town to town, village to village, people made their living. In the tattered ruins of the broken world, little settlements eek out a living worthwhile. They farm and delegate, build and aspire, and all this builds to the gathering of coin and currency to enter the world of trade. And what was most enjoyable, delectable, and fascinating about these hardy people? How easy they were to rob blind.

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