Strong Girls and Strong Feelings

Strong Girls and Strong Feelings

                The rugged cliffs made for an excellent place to train. Kale stood amongst the bronze colored stone, staring out into the vast horizon. She wasn’t normally so contemplative, but this was a special occasion. Not too long ago, this place, and every place ever in her home universe were erased. Destroyed, as if they had never even existed. All of it gone because she wasn’t strong enough. If it weren’t for the decision to bring it all back, well, Kale wouldn’t even be able to think these thoughts.

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Salty Seas and Horny Beaches

            “This seems a good place to set our things down,” Laegjarn said. “Let’s set up here.”

            “Alright,” Laevatein said, as emotionless as ever. The sisters set their towel down on the sandy shore. Laegjarn put the cooler down nearby and wiped her hands down. Laevatein adjusted her bikini rather thoughtlessly as she peered over the calm warm sand, the rolling foamy sea, and the countless other beach goers partaking of the festivals. “Seems the Summer Festival has started for most people already.”

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Sab and Tay – A Battle in Shadows

Sab and Tay

A Battle In Shadow

            Ice cream was good. It was a universal law of the world. Much like gravity affects everyone, so was it the same with the creamy frozen treat that came in such a wide variety of flavors. Tayelle made no attempt to get the best of this law of the world as she dug her spoon into a candy coated mound of pink creamy goodness laid soft and fluffy inside the paper dish she held in one hand. Her face was bright like her face was still up against the glass picking a flavor out. The sugary pink haired cutie munched away while stepping in time with her mate.

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You’ll Never See It Cumming

            The strange tendrilled beast sent off another shot of the strange pink mist from its plantlike structure. “Ann!” Futaba shouted out from the safety of her Persona. “Come on! Be careful! That stuff is the same stuff that made Haru and Makoto fall over!”

            “Roger, Oracle!” Ann said, trying her best to leap out of the way of the oncoming cloud of strange pollen. “But it’s pretty tough! This stuff is spreading out like crazy!” The blonde in the tight red cat suit looked over at her allies. The rest of the party was still on the ground. Haru was panting, her face a deep flushed red, and she was nervously pushing her hands down against the frilly outfit that clung to her chest. Makoto was on her knees, eyes squinting as her fingers pushed against her crotch. Ann felt a tingle in her at seeing her friends in such a rough state.

            A cloud of pink rolled through and encompassed Ann. “No! Ann!” Futaba yelled out. The pink surrounded the cat girl. She gasped and coughed as the substance seeped into her, her skin absorbing it heavily. She cooed as she fell to her knees, her eyes filling with hearts. With no other option, Futaba issued orders for a quick retreat! The group regained their composure and darted back along the halls of the palace, returning into the bedroom saferoom just a bit away to figure out what it was that happened.

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Dark World Bunnies

               The sounds of a world changed was what Zelda awoke to. She felt groggy and confused as she rose up to her feet. Her dress still clung to her body, but everything about it just felt a tad odd. Her body just felt so strange, but she couldn’t quite place the feeling. “Link… everyone…” She took in her surroundings.

               Up above her pretty blonde head were trees tall and thick with greenery. They were ancient forest sentinels untouched for hundreds of years. Their gnarly branches were dipped at the ends in bountiful bunches of thick leaves, broad stars of green. Zelda took a few steps amongst these timber giants, pressing her hand against the bark of a tree.

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Your Waifu is Trash!!!

Your Waifu is Trash

                The gloves were off for the most sophisticated duels between gentlemen. It all started without much of note. Two men met at a booth in the artist alley. At first their existence was inconsequential to each other. They were just strangers perusing a humble booth attired with print outs of art, a few painted games, and just next booth they were selling fur suits and cucumbers from Japan. They didn’t even know the other one was there until one of the future combatants uttered a phrase that was often a signal for war.

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A Passage of Corruption

                It felt so good to give in… She… Grew… So…         

In the darkness of all worlds Aqua found herself without an idea of where to go. She was on the ground, gently bringing herself back up to her feet. She felt woozy and confused with no memory of how she got to exactly where she was. Her knees ached as she used them for a moment, standing on one knee and foot. She looked around her, eyes still half closed.

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Hard Studying

            “Hiya Mistress~!” Kawakami came in through the door to Le Blanc in her maid attire, an umbrella at her side. It was a rainy day outside, the sun hidden behind layers of clouds. The kind of day that made the mornings and afternoons feel the exact same. Dreary, but relaxing at the same time. Kawakami, or Becky as she sometimes went by for the job, came inside, adjusting her hair. “Ah, I see it’s just us again today. Well, it’s nice to be called out. My other customers are just soooo weird!” She said, walking up to the attic to take a seat. Joker followed close behind.

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A Trip To A Swamp II

Previous Part:

            Drip, drop, drip. It was probably the most painful five feet she had ever walked in her whole second coming. Orphelia could feel the sensation of the writhing slugs in her nuts as she followed the shapely mage back into her home. It was certainly bizarre, and Orphelia could muse on it all night, and come up with a dozen observations about the plethora of eye catching things she saw just on the walk to the chamber pot in the backroom, but these slugs were hell bent on making her cock dribble like a wounded beast.

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Running The Drillls (Siege Smut)

Running the Drills

            Ela ran through the halls of the objective, a blaring alarm playing over and over in her ear piece. She readied her gun, just one room away from the objective when the all clear was given. The test was over, and the invading team won. Ela let her arms go limp for a moment, her rifle falling to her side, still grasped in her gloved hand. The green haired punk shuddered with her free hand. She stared at her shoes, flinching over and over. With a scream, she threw her hand against the wall. She growled through her clenched teeth, leaning against the wall she threw her rage into.

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