Cat Fever

Cat Fever

            Snow fell, dulcet and fluffy, and stacked outside the wooden windowsill outside of Bernadetta’s room. Alone and lit only by candles, more than usual, she found herself hating the world outside. Supposedly, this academy rarely actually got any snow but here it was, snowing. Classes weren’t cancelled for obvious reasons. Most students didn’t mind just putting some boots on and trudging over to their classes but Bernie wasn’t most students. She was quiet in her room, isolated and happy. The second she left all that security she was seeping in would vanish.

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Even in Crimson

Even in Crimson

            It was born in flames. The gentle wind that rolled through the open window and lifted the pedals and danced with the blades of grass came from arches of fire tall as the sky is wide. Forged in steel and ancient weapons carved of beasts and bones wielded by soldiers engraved with a dark, unforgivable power. All of this was born in sacrifice, born in slaughter, born in fire.

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