Sab and Tay – A Battle in Shadows

Sab and Tay

A Battle In Shadow

            Ice cream was good. It was a universal law of the world. Much like gravity affects everyone, so was it the same with the creamy frozen treat that came in such a wide variety of flavors. Tayelle made no attempt to get the best of this law of the world as she dug her spoon into a candy coated mound of pink creamy goodness laid soft and fluffy inside the paper dish she held in one hand. Her face was bright like her face was still up against the glass picking a flavor out. The sugary pink haired cutie munched away while stepping in time with her mate.

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Dark World Bunnies

               The sounds of a world changed was what Zelda awoke to. She felt groggy and confused as she rose up to her feet. Her dress still clung to her body, but everything about it just felt a tad odd. Her body just felt so strange, but she couldn’t quite place the feeling. “Link… everyone…” She took in her surroundings.

               Up above her pretty blonde head were trees tall and thick with greenery. They were ancient forest sentinels untouched for hundreds of years. Their gnarly branches were dipped at the ends in bountiful bunches of thick leaves, broad stars of green. Zelda took a few steps amongst these timber giants, pressing her hand against the bark of a tree.

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Dragon Date at Dragon Stone

Dragon Date at The Dragon Stone Mall

            Dragon Stone was a fucking metal name for a mall. No wonder Sabrith could appreciate it so much. It was objectively impossible to deny the appeal of a mall with a more fantasy oriented name. She always wondered where exactly it was that the name came for the mall. The city had a few others and they all had the usual names one would expect. *Insert City Name Here* Shopping Centre/Mall/etc. But Dragon Stone broke the mold, which was probably for the best since it wasn’t the only mall in town.

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