Strong Girls and Strong Feelings

Strong Girls and Strong Feelings

                The rugged cliffs made for an excellent place to train. Kale stood amongst the bronze colored stone, staring out into the vast horizon. She wasn’t normally so contemplative, but this was a special occasion. Not too long ago, this place, and every place ever in her home universe were erased. Destroyed, as if they had never even existed. All of it gone because she wasn’t strong enough. If it weren’t for the decision to bring it all back, well, Kale wouldn’t even be able to think these thoughts.

                “Hey, Kale!” A familiar voice shouted out. Kale snapped out of her little spell and saw Caulifla standing impatiently and staring her down. “C’mon, we gotta get ready to train or else we’ll never start!”

                “R-right, sis!” Kale replied frantically. How long had she been out of it for? “It’s crazy… To think we almost didn’t even exist because of that tournament.”

                “Eh?” Caulifla raised a brow. “I mean I guess so! I don’t really give that crap too much thought. We lost, but we met some really tough people that we have to beat on next time! We got lucky that time. We can’t let ourselves lose again with so much on the line! And we especially can’t let those other Saiyans beat us ever again! Hehehe!” Caulifla stretched a little, raising her arms up high and pushing her chest forward against her tight fuchsia tube top. 

                Kale caught herself staring at her friend. Ever since they had fused Kale’s feelings had changed. To Kale, Caulifla was always someone incredibly important. Like a big sister always guiding her and showing her the way and fixing her mistakes when they happened. But when they fused, Kale felt something so much deeper. It was a bond that went far beyond anything she had felt towards anyone. It was like their thoughts and powers had merged; their insecurities trumped by the other’s personality. Their bodies too had come together, and it left Kale noticing every little muscle on Caulifla’s body.

                “So, Hit thinks we should try and take our training a bit more seriously,” Caulifla explains, cracking her knuckles and giving Kale an encouraging grin. “The guy’s pretty tough, so hey, maybe it won’t hurt to take his advice. He showed me a few moves that we can try out. Some stretches and junk, says it helps him get the most out of his training. Sound good?”

                “Oh yes!” Kale said, her enthusiasm pouring out into a little fist bump and a grin. “I mean… We probably don’t stretch enough when we train. We usually just get right into it.”

                “Well it’s a lotta fun to get right into it with you!” Caulifla shoots a big smile. Kale is paralyzed as she reads into the words a layer too deep. Caulifla looks completely confused, but shrugs it off. “C’mon, we better get this started or we’ll waste too much time!”

                First Caulifla helped Kale with her stretching. It was mostly simple stuff they went through. Stretch and hold, a few reaches here and there. Whenever Caulifla touched Kale it sent sparks through her, lighting up her world. Still, Kale was able to pass by the sensations without succumbing to the stranger feelings.

                But when it was Kale’s turn to help it was a different story. Caulifla started doing her own stretches in earnest. She lifted her strong arm over her head and held it tight. Kale was supposed to be watching her friend’s form, making sure she was following through with all of the exercises correctly. Kale shivered. Caulifla’s arms were slim but so strong looking, just the right amount of definition. Her breasts were round and large, bulging out against her tube top, her nipples poking up against the thin ragged fabric. Kale couldn’t help but wonder if Caulifla had gotten bigger, or maybe she just always wore old clothes. And her stomach stretching out was covered in toned rippling abs. Their depth was shimmering and pleasing to the eye but far from being hulk-ish.

                Caulifla bent over to grab her feet. Kale shamelessly craned her neck around to get a look at her back. Strong and muscular. And her rear surprisingly shapely and feminine. It was often hidden away in the baggy pants she liked to wear, but today Caulifla was wearing a pair of black shorts that really hugged her form nicely.

                It was all just so amazing to look upon. Kale felt as if all this time she had a gorgeous tapestry in her bedroom and had never even noticed. Now that she could see the artistry in her chiseled friend, she couldn’t help but suck it all in. Caulifla gasped as she broke away from a tenuous stretch, gasping in satisfaction in a way that nearly made Kale buckle over. “Alright! That set is down. Kale, c’mon, help me stretch like this next! Just get behind me and help me hold my stuff together!”


                They sat flat down. Kale nervously let herself wrap around Caulifla. Within her power, Kale tried to assist without getting too close to Caulifla. She pushed forward, trying to grasp Caulifla’s legs and keep them together as she needed. Caulifla waited about as patient as she could, a kettle always set to boiling. Energetically, she began stretching, her shapely rear pushing back with each push. She wasn’t used to the stretch and her every move rustled her form. Until-

                Poke. Kale felt something soft yet firm press up around her. It wasn’t just any part of her that was feeling this oddly nice sensation, but specifically it was a part of her that she had lacked the control to keep small and contained. This beast wasn’t just pushing against any part of Caulifla either, it was pressed right and nicely in between her ass cheeks. And it felt nice. Very, very nice. Kale nearly shrieked in surprise, in shame, in all of those feelings that made her feel jumpy and terrible!

                She snapped out of her trance and rose right up. Caulifla ended up falling on her back flat on the dirt. “H-hey! Kale?!” She rubbed the back of her head where it had made contact with a little rock and groaned. “What was that for? I thought you were watching me?”

                “Sorry! Sorry! Oh crap, I’m so sorry Caulifla! Don’t be mad I just…” She couldn’t think of a very good sounding excuse, and she hadn’t an idea if the truth would exactly go down well. And there she was over thinking things, fussing around long enough for Caulifla’s face to go from tense and confused to a bit softer and just outright concerned. And now she was just holding up the warm ups. “It was nothing! Honest! I just um, had a weird thought was all and it made me a bit jumpy.”

                “Weird thought?” Caulifla craned her neck forward, her body bending just slightly more towards Kale. Enough so, Kale noticed, that there was a much better view of her ripped abs, her swaying breasts, all the lovely details of Caulifla laid out in such a flattering angle. Kale gulped, her legs awkwardly crossing to try and cover up her raging lust.

                “Just, y’know… The tournament…”

                At the mention of the tournament Caulifla nodded very sternly, as if instantly understanding the excuse entirely. “Oh yeah, I get that way all the time!” Caulifla grinned bright and cockily. “That fight just keeps replaying in my head. It’s probably the most fun I’ve ever had! I wanna rematch those guys so bad it just keeps me up at night! Hell yeah I get being jumpy over that!” Caulifla jabs at the air, five swift jabs to the gut and an uppercut to the chin, destroying the air elemental she envisioned. “I’m jumpy as hell myself! That’s why this training has to be damn right perfect! Else we won’t even be tough enough to put those other Sayians down! I wanna you and me to be the toughest bitches in the universe! And we’re already so close, especially when we fuse!”

                Kale’s face lightens up, like the feverish reverent in the sermon. “Yes! We when fused, when we fought together! Everything felt possible! We were so close and…” Kale winced. She was swelling up again in more ways than one. She knew if she stayed on the topic, she was bound to burst without even laying a hand on herself. “W-we should get right to the training, like you said!”

                “Hell yes!” Caulifla laughed.

                It was a much more familiar stance. Kale planted her feet and took on her pose, elbows bent, feet poised for quick movements and dodging. Caulifla slowly slid back to make enough space for there to be a bit of an arena for their fight. A similar pose was struck. Kale recognized that Caulifla’s whole body was a bit looser. Kale was always too tense, and Caulifla too loose. Something about that thought troubled Kale, but she couldn’t quite place it.

                “Hope you’re ready, sis!” Caulifla smirked, raising her fists. “Because I’m gonna give it my all!”

                “Ready when you are…” Kale nodded. For some reason, she wasn’t feeling entirely ready, but she had to be. This fight would get her mind off things, and it would make Caulifla happy.

                A single second of unspoken time slipped by, and Caulifla launched forward. She flew forward, fist as a bow, dust beneath her stirring like a storm. Kale waited for just the right second. The time came and clicked, and she dodged through flight to the right. Caulifla swung her fist and just missed. Kale smirked, happy with how well she knew her sis’s move set. Caulifla quickly spun around as Kale dodged and continued to pursue. She was fast enough to close the distance in the dodge and swung out.

                Kale was expecting another melee blow and dodged slightly backwards. Caulifla’s hand blasted light and a volley of ki roared forward. There wasn’t enough time to properly dodge. Missiles of energy blasted around Kale like a cage. She focused on smaller movements to dodge, feeling a few close calls singe against her. She winced, but quickly noticed that Caulifla was in fact still rushing forward to follow up her volley with a more old-fashioned attack.

                Fists crash against a brick wall defense. Kale holds herself down as a storm of swinging attacks crash against her like the swirling blade arms of a saw. Swiftly, Kale dodged out of the way of the hurricane and rammed her fist forward into Caulifla’s gut. The blow doesn’t land as Caulifla kicks away Kale’s arm. She presses the dodge and pushes forward with her fists. Kale catches the first punch, then the second, and holds them down.

                There they stood, hands held, pushing against each other with all their strength. Sweat dripping down their foreheads. Caulifla pants and pants, the excitement of a good match, the furrowed brow of someone in the zone, fire in her eyes, all of this on display. Kale gasps back, holding Caulifla back, fists grabbed in her own hands. They push against each other, their chests drawing closer as the strength of their arms fail. The immersion of the match blinds them to how close they were becoming.

                Elbows gave why like accordions. Caulifla made an excited grunt and pushed into the grasp. Kale began to try to escape but weakened her push too much. The two clashed into each other. Breasts merged into a big blob of softness, abs ground against each other sharing sweat, and their crotches met. Kale felt Caulifla’s bulge. And Caulifla felt Kale’s.

                “I-I’m so sorry!” Kale let go of Caulifla and fell backwards. She crossed her knees, desperately covering herself up. Hands shot across her chest covering as if it was naked. “I didn’t mean to! I didn’t feel anything honest!”

                “Hey, it’s okay!” Caulifla eased her friend. “We just got so into the fight! We didn’t even notice! I know you didn’t mean to do it that way!”

                “I’m really sorry!” Kale went on not hearing. “Please, please! Forgive me, because I would never do that on purpose! I was just so- “

                “Kale!” Caulifla had to catch her before she fell too deep. “Hello, Caulifla to Kale, it’s alright!” She shot a grin, the same kind she always gave that made Kale feel safe. “It’s no big deal. Literally nothin’ to apologize about! We touched each other. We touch each other all the time when we fight. So, that wasn’t any different.”

                Kale began to look at Caulifla’s eyes. She wiped away her own tears. “Are you sure? Because I really was afraid that I- “

                Caulifla shook her head firmly. “I mean it. Now c’mon, are you still okay to spar?”

                “Yes! I mean, I think so!” Kale brought herself back to her feet. She noticed that her body was still very aroused from her contact. It was going to be tricky to hide her erection in her damaged attire. She was fortunate it was mostly around the breast region that got damaged at the worst. It was nothing she couldn’t bear, though she did wish that Caulifla had been a bit more careful while they fought. More than anything, though, Kale didn’t want to let her down!

                Quickly, Caulifla took back up her starting position and struck a determined pose. “Good! Cuz this time I’m going to be holding back even less! I’m going to give you my everything, Kale!” Before Kale had time to make sure she got the correct meaning, Caulifla was rushing forward, assuming that Kale was as ready and restless as herself.

                A flying fist, but it was a bit slower than the others. Kale dodge easily and snapped back. Caulifla deflected that jab and followed up with one of her own. The shyer girl moves in to snap a kick, but her erection makes it awkward. Her legs graze against it, her thoughts get a little excited, her eyes dart to Caulifla’s gorgeous chest- And for her distraction she’s awarded with a punch she could’ve easily dodged. Kale goes flying back from the force, smashing against a cliff wall.

                Caulifla races forward, a volley of blasts shot gunning from her palms. Blasts singed at Kale’s attire, eating away at more of the clothing beneath her breasts. She ducks beneath Caulifla’s punch, flashing her under-boob window that had been sliced open. Kale notices that Caulifla’s eyes traced the path of her bosom, a blush on her face. Kale’s own face reddens up. She tenses, feeling the seconds pass palpably. When she realizes Caulifla still hadn’t done a follow up hit, Kale exerts her nervous energy into a quick and dirty face punch.

                Kale ducks down to her knees and slips between Caulifla’s legs. Something brushes against her nose, making it itch. Caulifla growls in frustration at herself. She twists on her feet to catch the escaping Kale. Eyes betray her again, darting straight for her chest. Caulifla tries to snap out of it, but Kale decides to push the advantage to try and keep the fight feeling real.

                A quick jab. Caulifla barely catches it on time. Kale launces her other fist. Caulifla holds Kale’s hands. The red on her face triples. Caulifla snaps her wrists away and lunges in to do a gut punch. Kale was leaning too much on Caulifla’s weight and ends up slipping towards her. Her breasts smash against Caulifla’s own. Caulifla felt Kale’s bare breasts for a moment. When Kale tried to stand up, she only ended up mashing her groin against Caulifla’s. She felt Caulifla’s bulge on her own again, only this time it was just as hard and erect as her own. A strange sensation shot through Kale, making her growth twitch.

                Caulifla growled and pulled away from position. “Grr, dammit!” She kicked the ground. “I-I can’t focus at all! How about you Kale? Are you having a hard time?”

                “I, ummm…” Kale nodded meekly.

                “Stupid, stupid body…” Caulifla squeezed her member inside her pants, disdainfully staring down at it. “Because of this thing… I can’t move right! And my stupid head keeps going weird places… And you can’t focus either, right? Well, that means we can’t really spar until we get these down and our heads in the right places!” Caulifla turned her head up, grinding devilishly at Kale. “Well? We, er…” The grin dissipated a little, like rain in the heat of the sun. “I guess if you don’t mind, we should just drain ourselves a little first?”

                “Right now?” Kale blinked. “I um, don’t think I’ve ever done it in front of someone before…”

                “Relax, I just do it whenever I want,” Caulifla peeled down her pants without a care in the world. Kale got a sneak peek of her big thick cock. It was a damn fine member, a bit veiny, but as powerful as the girl it was attached to Kale hardly knew if she should look away or stare in delight until she was blinded by it.  Caulifla shamelessly latched her hand around her member and began to ride her hand up and down along the length of it. Kale traced the path up and down, watching the turgid thickness be worked over firmly. “C’mon! The quicker we get off, the sooner we can get back to the fight!” Caulifla was facing Kale and everything!

                Meekly, Kale pulled down her own attire, freeing her cock as well. Needless to say, for the shy Saiyan, she was a bit of a grower. She was a tad smaller than Caulifla at her current erect size, but as she began to give in to her friend’s pressure and join in the quick and dirty fun it began to sprout out further. It slipped into the slightly larger territory, and then eventually gained a whole inch on Caulifla’s dick, as well as being a little bit thicker but a lot sleeker and neater.

                Kale’s movements were slowly and confused. Caulifla was pumping away with her wrist for results, hungrily jacking her dick to just try and quell her desires and her erection down. If there was a button to just eject it all she probably would’ve slammed it really quick, but the little grin on her lewd face did give away the sort of primal pleasure she took in the animalistic process. Kale, however, could barely bring herself to go at quarter march. At least watching her hot friend be so into it was a good egging on for the shyer Saiyan.

                Their little sparring ground was overtaken by their new purpose. Caulifla and Kale jerked away, Caulifla always setting the pace much higher. Kale tried to look away once she had become aroused enough, but even that did little. The sounds filled her ears. Sweet symphonies of skin on skin sliding and rubbing, a slight wetness growing to the tones. Caulifla’s breathe hitching and grumbling in a heated and incredible manner. Kale loved the little breathes, grasping her breast roughly. Her nipple felt hard on her palm, felt pleasuring. She groped harder, her eyes closing as passion slowly slid them shut.

                Fantasies ran rabid in her mind. Kale wanted her friend. She wanted to have her friend’s dick inside her, or maybe even the other way around. Kale almost wished that Caulifla had asked Kale to service her instead. It’d be so nice to be able to help her friend in all and pleasurable ways. Kale nervously patted her feet against the ground, zaps of pleasuring making her knees bend awkwardly.

                She was uneasy on her feet, unable to keep her eyes open for too long without spoiling her visions. Kale only glanced for a moment to refresh her vision. And when her eye lids slithered open just enough to let the light in, she’d see Caulifla in her most primal. A wet hand covered in pre sliding up and down a shimmering fat cock. Rippled abs sheened in sweat from her earlier sparring. A warrior. Plump breasts bouncing naturally along as Caulifla’s exaggerated movements encouraged. And that incredible face. Caulifla’s powerful features, cute eyes, all of it twisted in such a succulent way to be as lewd and aroused as possible. Her tongue slipped out, her eyes were tense and half lidded. Kale thrust and humped at the air like a dog. The sight drove her wild! She wanted to… Wanted to-


                A touch she wasn’t expecting. Kale opened her eyes the whole way. Her hips were jutted forward. As were Caulifla’s. Their naked dicks were mashed up against each other. Caulifla’s slithering pre laid between them like cement between bricks. Kale’s thumb slithered past her own dick, gently caressing Caulifla’s. For a second the pair paused and looked down at themselves and that back up to each other. There was shock in their expressions, but still the remaining resonance from their heated session bled in to their moods.

                Caulifla tugs away first. Her cock brushes past Kale’s thumb. Kale gasps awkwardly and mutters out a little ineffective “sorry” to her friend. Caulifla mumbles something to the effect of “its okay” and gently tugs away. Kale also pulls her dick back, half ready to turn around and walk away to avoid this happening again. But her whole body was tensing. Where Caulifla’s cock had been there was now a phantom warmth nibbling at the underside of Kale’s dick. She missed it already and it had barely happened.

                Both girls failed to tug past escape velocity and their dicks came ramming back forward. A test, just to make sure it had felt good as both of them had stumbled onto. Kale gasped in sufficient pleasure. Cauli’s dick felt hard and warm, but also soft in the strangest way. The friction she was able to get was also pretty good since their bellies were a bit closer during this, much more intentional thrust. Still, it could’ve been written off as the gravity of their lusts. They tugged away, but this time rammed forward so entirely intentionally that there was no longer any denying it.

                “Heh, your dick’s pretty big…” Caulifla broke the silence. She started to rub up against her friend’s cock at their first steady rhythm. Her hips jutted and her hand wrapped tenderly around the pair of rods to make sure they didn’t escape. Kale leaned in more so her stomach and Caulifla’s were pressing the dicks hard against each other. Their breasts touched again, only this time there was no pulling away. This was where they wanted to be. “I think that’s pretty hot, sis. I’ve never seen anyone bigger than me.”

                “I’ve never seen anyone’s…” Kale gasps. “I’m happy I got to see your’s~” It was hard to keep back the truth when it was so blatantly obvious. “I think I really wanted this…”

                “If you really wanted to see my dick, you could’ve taken a quick peek while we were fused,” Caulifla gave that cocky grin again, albeit with the sexual tiny of someone being warmed and embraced by her desires. “It was at least 50% mine.”

                Kale laughed. “Well, we were a bit concerned with other things at the time!” She laughed, but it was interrupted by a moan. Caulifla wrapped her hand tighter around their dicks and began to steadily jerk away. Kale groaned and pushed her dick rougher up against her, slipping out of the hand and climbing up along the surface of her cock in her thrusts. “It feels so good~”

                “It really does~” Caulifla moans. “Holy shit this is so much better than just my hand!” She gets a little more excited and her thrusting picks up the pace, going much quicker and harder than what Kale was going at. The shyer girl for once accepts the challenge and goes out of her way to try and match the pace. The girls both moaned together, their favorite sounds now playing away into each other’s ears. “We should do this every time~”

                Pre starts to slobbery out from Kale’s prick. It isn’t coming out quite as fast and heavy as it was out of Caulifla’s but it was bubbling up sure enough. Their dicks were both now plenty lubricated in their desire. Cauli’s abs was even getting a fair dousing as Kale’s cock jousted the other up against that washboard. Kale bit her lip and grunted through the amazing feelings she was having. “F-fuck yes~”

                Caulifla laughed at that. “Never thought I’d hear ya cuss like that,” She pushed forward with a little more force. Kale retaliated, reaching an arm around Cauli’s body and squeezing that ass down roughly until she squeezed a little yip out of Caulifla. The warrior gasped and shot her own hand back at Kale’s ass, groping it just as roughly. They both had their free hands quickly join the other on their respective asses. Kale squeezed the rear, focused on feeling how soft it was. Caulifla was more about juggling the cheeks, feeling how their girth moved and jiggled. She let out a more than satisfied moan.

                A hand shot free from Kale’s ass and grasped her already torn attire. It ripped it away, letting her two wobbly breasts finally bounce free from their containment. Kale let out a shocked moan, reacting as fast as she felt the spark of excitement in her. She rammed her lips against Caulifla’s and started frantically kissing her. Caulifla’s eyes collapsed like store shutters at night. She returned the kissed, their lips sparring in a brutal battle. Kale introduced tongue. Caulifla teased lips with teeth. Kale tilted her head and interlocked their faces like chains. Caulifla’s rebellious hand grasped at Kale’s breast and groped at it happily before lunging back and pinching at the nipple peak to take it with her. Kale groaned into the kiss as her nub was toyed with so roughly.

                All the while their cocks just kept mashing against each other. Their escalation was limited there but it was clear they would do anything to spark a hotter fire between their sticks. Their ramming hips mashed their girl boners as hard together as they would go. They were both tough girls who liked it rough. Kale broke the kiss, hissing for air through strands of spit. Caulifla gasped roughly, her arousal mixed with a playful rage.

                She squeezed Kale’s ass very roughly, sneaking her claws in to streak them against the malleable thick melons. “So fucking hot~” She hissed through her teeth. Kale cooed out, grasping onto Caulifla’s powerful shoulders for support from the very welcome abuse. With the extra support from the shoulders she was able to ram her dick much rougher against Cauli’s. Her dick did slip away a little to the right and rode down the valley of firm abs. Kale screamed in delight at the sensation of how firm it was. She wanted more and was ready to do anything.

                Kale pushed against Caulifla, gradually overpowering her until they fell onto the floor. Kale atop Caulifla, she frantically thrust her dick against those abs. A big drooling grin on her face, Kale happily moans as she straddles a little upset Cauli. “Fuck yes~ Oh fuuuuck~ This is a dream come true~” She moans away as she lets her mind go off the leash for once. At least there wasn’t a risk of her going berserk as far as she knew.

                “H-hey now!” Caulifla growled and rolled the pair so she was on top. She frotted her dick against Kale’s before plowing it in between those fuck pillows. “C’mon, my turn now~” She groaned. “Mmmph~ You have no idea how soft these tits are~”

                “I was sooo clooose!” Kale moaned. “Don’t be selfish! Unf~” She still felt damn good when Caulifla’s hands grasped around those fat tits, especially with the little teasing pinch to quiet Kale down. Still, the Saiyan beneath always seemed to be the one that was upset. “H-how close are you?”

                “I could pop any second,” Caulifla groaned. “I-I think we should finish at the same time~” She slid gently back so her wet dick was pushed back against Kale’s. Both cocks were pulsating frantically and radiated a very deep warmth. Kale could feel how close Caulifla was. Every pulse was very obvious, every sensation and shiver making it react all the more. Kale’s dick was acting just the same albeit Kale could feel it truly. How it felt like the pressure was filling the bucket all the way up. The tension was intense as little drops kept pouring in, and any second the bucket was going to overflow and everything would come pouring out. She loved the feeling, but the intensity of even a little gust of air being enough to make her cum was driving her wild.

                “I wanna cum, Cauli~” Kale moaned, hungrily pushing her dick up against the Caulifla. The above Saiyan gently tugged Kale to her feet. They met again where they started. Caulifla smashed her dick against Kale’s, and Kale reciprocated the movement.

                They grinded and grinded, losing track of the time. The pressure was harder to build with them standing up. Kale leaned in and kissed Caulifla just as her moment was about to hit. She squirmed into the kiss, holding back and ear-splitting moan. She gasped as the first squirt of her orgasm burst from her dick. A long milky strand of thick cream. Caulifla grabbed Kale’s ass hard and squeezed and clawed. Her own cock then shot its first strand as well. She was bursting much quicker as her second burst came out much quicker.

                Kale shot and shot away, her cum exploding out in slow controlled explosions while Caulifla just kept firing one steady burst. At some point, as they stood on weak and flimsy knees and their bodies weakened in the afterglow, Kale had finally finished her climax entirely. The two slowly collapsed onto the ground and everything was just soft clouds and warmth.

                They cuddled against each other, panting for air and to relieve the warmth that was swarming through them. They faced each other on the ground, curled towards one another, almost making a little heart with the way they were bent. Kale’s dick was still slowly draining, though there wasn’t much left after how hard she came. Caulifla’s dick was blasted in wetness, her abs drooling a slow and steady strand of Kale’s cum that blasted it like a gun. Kale watched the cum drain slowly, her eyes filled with hearts.

                “T-that was… That was amazing…” Caulifla could barely find the air to say it, but she was happy.

                “Y-yeah~” Kale cooed. She felt giddy, albeit tired out of her mind.

                “Can you still spar… Cuz I can’t…” Caulifla laughed.

                “Hah, yeah, we really over did it,” Kale squirmed a little nervously. She felt guilty. This whole little break was sort of her fault. She was sure she kept accidentally escalating things, letting weird mistakes slip in. “I’m sorry I ruined our training…”

                “Ruined?” Caulifla laughed. “You made it better. This was amazing… This was… Wow…” Caulifla laughed and sighed. The two agreed to call off the training for now. They’d have to think of way to fit sparring in around their newest and more favorite past time. Maybe fit it in after sparring? For right now, though, all they wanted to do was rest.

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