Introducing Desda Astrae, an idol who has taken the world by storm with her warm personality and deep lyrics. Mandy is looking forward to seeing her concert soon, if only she wasn’t stuck doing deliveries to make enough money to upgrade her PC. With any luck maybe the stars have other plans for her~

The icon art was done by who also designed Desda and helped bring her to life. Thank you so much for your hard work.

How the hell did this cake shop have a line? Mandy the raccoon stared down at her phone impatiently waiting for the line to disperse. Was this the line for ordering or just to get inside the place, because she didn’t need to order. “Hey, hey? Um…?” She raised her hand nearing the front of the heavily windowed shop. Right by the door there was a chalkboard and on it was written the phrase: Without Cake, there is no joy. “Excuse me! Is this the line to order?”

            A bunny girl wearing the pink employee apron rushed past the crowd. “Yes, this is the line to order!”

            “Okay, great great! Because I already ordered! Um, I’m picking up an order for RocketLunch! Do you have an order back there?”

            “Huh? Oh, oh!” The bunny girl raised her ear. “Of course, let me just—” Suddenly the bunny girl’s attention is grabbed by a man approaching her.

            “Hey! What all cake do you have? I heard you had a limited edition one just made fresh today?”

            Mandy watched in disbelief as the woman vanished through the foliage of shoulders and elbows clogging the entrance. And then she was gone. Mandy felt her glasses nearly fall from her snout. She wanted to yell but social awkwardness stopped her.

            Just yell! Just yell for them, dumbass! But no matter how much she treated herself kind of poorly in her head she couldn’t will the employee back over. Mandy took a deep breath and pushed herself against the door frame. Her tits squuuuished up against the door frame as she carefully tried to avoid pubbing anything too intimate against anyone else nearby.

            There wasn’t enough excuse me’s to forgive how hard it was to squeeze past. Mandy felt guilty for the body she chose to have that day. Of course, she just got done requesting for her TF pills this month to be extra busty because she was tight on cash. Bigger tips meant bigger tips and she could really use the cash lately. Mandy squeeeeezed past the majority of the crowd and neared the special little basket weave material shelf where all the orders to-go were.

            She looked through the populated shelves of little plastic bags and cute stickers with handwritten names to find hers… There it was! She grabbed it and turned her head to make eye contact with a short stack rat girl with bulging shorts, like obscenely so.

            “A-are you MANDY?!”

            Oh shit oh shit oh shi—“HELLO.” Mandy stiffened and straightened her shoulders as her knees locked into fight or flight or just lay down and die on the tile floor of this lovely place. The acoustic jams played on the tinny speakers felt cold as purgatory. The AC jammed as high as it would go make the place cold as purgatory. “Um! Do I know you from somewhere?”

            “Yeah, your streams!” The rat smiled and adjusted her short hair as she lunged for her cellphone. “I’m Goblintown USA in your chat! I watch you every single night, especially the premium ones lately, wow! You’ve been insane lately!”

            “Ahahahahahahahaha—” She took tiny inoffensive steps like a cricket skittering away from a lizard slow enough to stay invisible. “YEAH! Those streams wow! I sure—I sure do them! Yeah!”

            “Seriously, was that your biggest dildo yet or?”

            Mandy wanted to be a bomb. Not a bomb that hurts people, that would be insane. She just wanted to be one of those little teeny tiny bombs that blows up but only takes herself out and like a small amount of infrastructure so the city had to pay to fix up where she exploded. It’d be a cool way to be remembered. She coughed loudly and turned.

            The crowd was big and most of them were there for cake. But… a solid 40% of the people in that line were locked on Mandy now. They recognized her.

            She sprinted. She escaped. Photos were taken of her. People praised and yelled for her but she told them she had to go and that she was doing another job and okay bye! One person however got her to pause, this cute cat girl who approached.

            “Are you going to the concert you talked about on stream?”

            Mandy froze just as she was about to head down the street. “Huh? Oh, you mean the Desda Astrae show? Hell yeah I am! Aha, if you wanna talk there let me know!” And off she went. She couldn’t help but get a bit excited because she really wanted to go to that show.

            It was actually later on that very night! It was about 6pm at that moment. Mandy made it back to her little bike and loaded the cake bag into her backpack which already had the two other bags from the various places her current client ordered from.

            RocketLunch Premium users were always insane, they were power eaters. This one had Mandy go to the pasta place and get this huge bowl of raviolis and their soup. Then, strangely enough, she was off to also get chicken nuggets at Kobold Burger. And of course, a quick trip to this trendy cake shop that makes all these rare promotional cakes. Since Desda Astrae was coming into town they were making custom Star Cakes. They were these extremely soft cakes with a star anise frosting and brown sugar. Mandy’s mouth salivated and she was hoping to see if she could have gotten another slice while there but that line was impossible. And talking to all those fans would’ve fried her social battery so bad…

            Being a streamer was fun for sure, but ever since Mandy passed the million subscriber mark she just started getting recognized way more often than she’d personally like. Sure, it was fun to have fans but meeting them in person was weird. Just walking up to a person who already knows everything about you and on top of that has probably seen you masturbate in cosplay on a horse cock dildo. Yeah, that’s a rough start to a conversation…

            Now that she was taking streaming more seriously it also meant making more money to keep supporting things. Her CPU stopped being able to handle new games, her microphone sounds gross lately, she only has one monitor… UGH! Money didn’t need her but damn did she need it. Her part time job at the game store wasn’t really cutting it anymore and she was struggling to get sponsors she was comfortable with on stream.

            She climbed on the bike she rented and turned it on. The device came alive and electronically whirred as it entered the road and joined the flock. Mandy looked at her watch to check the GPS for where she was headed. Good, this was the last restaurant, time to get the food to the client.

            Zipping along the highway, Mandy took turn after turn that put her deeper into New Athena. Off she went past the fancy restaurants and college students hitting up the bars before the concert. The TF bars were open as well, Mandy easily able to see a very hung equine enjoying their night. She smiled and turned her attention to the road. Traffic grew more congested as she neared the stadium up ahead. Desda was due to be performing that night in one of her live shows.

This was her first real tour, so people were pretty excited. Mandy had looked up where all she was going to play and it was mostly college towns where most people had likely heard of her. She really took off after her song went viral online. It was one of those songs people loved to set to their videos of either genuine sadness or their cat mourning that they weren’t getting any treats, that kind of thing. Just 15 seconds of one of her singles went popular enough for her to justify filling a stadium. Mandy sometimes wished something she did went viral but it would either be her saying something insane while playing a video game, or her pushing her tits into a webcam. No, sometimes being mildly popular was the best popular.

But, Mandy really liked Desda’s stuff. She had her earbuds in while driving and was listening to one of her songs along the way. Humming along, she sung as the cars drove by, “Staaar shine, my favorite light above! Why would you leave me, if you called me love? If we could be together, just one more day. I’d orbit your sun, and we’d be okaaaay!”

Mandy pulled her bike up to a pretty fancy hotel and parked it in a temporary spot set aside for delivery drivers. She paused her music and walked inside the lobby with her backpack equipped where backpacks go.

This was actually the first time Mandy was set to deliver to a hotel… Do you just leave it in the lobby or do you take it to the door? Mandy pulled up her phone, trusting the screen to tell her what to do. Alright screen, what’s the plan? Customer instructions: “Hand it to me so I can thank you personally! <3” Heart was a bit much but…


Mandy blinked.

That… that wasn’t the tip when she left?! It was a solid $7 when she left so why was it $240 now?!

Was this person insane?! Did they mess up? No seriously, two-hundred and fourty American United States Dollars for delivering?! Yeah, for fucking sure mam, Mandy is going to hand it to you for that much! Heart away, you affluent foodie!

Mandy stood in the elevator and pressed the button for the eleventh floor and waited for the awkward box to take her there. There was this big screen inside the elevator blasting her with ads the whole way up.

“Hey, did you know that you can make a lot of money without ever leaving your house?”


“Introducing MONEY PLANET.”

Alright. Good name.


Bad. Bad move.

“You can securely purchase plots of DIGITAL LAND and you’ll be paid to—”

Please. No. I am begging you. Mandy’s tired eyes reflected in the screen. Stop. Please just stop. When does it end? You tried this forty years ago. Don’t you remember the Google Wars? The AI singularity? The internet was DEAD for ten years.

“You can fill your DIGITAL CITY with DIGITIAL CITIZENS each with their own wants and needs! And you get PAID FOR IT!”

Like, paid to help make them happy?


The elevator doors opened, and the ad stopped playing. Mandy shivered as she walked out of the cold box. No. Just no.

Ugh, okay, recovered from that, Mandy turned her attention to the halls of the 11th floor to find the hotel room that had ordered. According to the fancy glass plate on the wall her room was all the way at the end of the hall. Oh, does that mean it’s one of the really fancy rooms? Interesting!

Mandy did a little speed walk down the hall. She really needed this order to be done since the concert was at 9 and she really didn’t want to be doing this anymore. She had to go home, shower, get dressed in something nice for the show and—Knock knock—And then she had to figure out what she was going to eat beforehand! She was starved after smelling that food the whole way over!

The door opened after Mandy knocked.

On the other side came a woman with long flowing purple-to-cyan gradient hair that positively sparkled regardless of the lighting condition. She had short, decorated antlers and cute dark fur. Her muzzle had little star shaped spots on it as well. Also, she was very busty and tucked inside a cute sweater that made no attempt to hide her side-boob. “Why hello! Are you my Rocketeer, little star?~”

“I…” Mandy froze. Holy SHIT. Holy shit holy shit… She was frozen and struggling to push something through her body to do something that wasn’t freezing like a deer in headlights, which was ironic considering it was the deer doing this to her. “Hi, are you Desda Astrae?!”

“Yes, I am dear!” She smiled and wagged her hips. “Are you a fan?”

“YES!” Mandy laughed. “Oh my god I was literally listening to your music on the way here! You’re…”

“Would you like to come inside for a second, starshine?” Desda gestured to the hotel room. It might as well have been a command as Mandy obediently marched inside the hotel room.

Desda led the way inside, her hoofs tapping on the soft pale carpet into the seating room. Mandy at this point noticed that this hotel room was multiple rooms since it was that fancy. The seating room had two couches facing each other with a neat little glass coffee table between them that was covered in small little things Desda had been playing with. There was a laptop open and a little electronic keyboard plugged in to it. There was also an unopened can of a light beer sitting next to it. Mandy pulled her backpack down and unzipped it and set the food bags on the table.

“Is here alright?” Mandy asked nervously. “I was able to get everything, sorry if the pasta got cold. I thought the cake shop would be slow but it was a little crammed when I dropped by.”

“Oh please don’t worry about something silly like that,” Desda smiled. “I can just reheat it. The room has such a lovely kitchen but my management didn’t bring me any ingredients to cook with. Not that I mind, before a show I just like to relax a bit…” Desda immediately sat on the couch and laid across it, lounging so beautifully. Mandy couldn’t help but notice a bulge pushing against her dark skirt and immediately looked way.

“Ahaha, I bet! Performing must be really stressful!”

“Oh no, not at all!” Desda stretched on the couch and pushed her hands against her body. Mandy dared not look! “I love big crowds and singing and dancing for them! All those dazzling stars in harmony! It makes me so happy!” Desda opened the cake box and immediately took a little bite of the blue dyed cake. “MmmmMMMMmmm! Oh wow, stars above is that good!” She sat up and kept eating… and that bulge kept… growing…

“Well! Um, I should get going! Glad you like your food Desda! I can’t wait to see you at the show!” Mandy turned only for Desda’s voice to pause her.

“Aww, you don’t have to leave right?”

Huh?! Mandy turned back. “Um… I…? You don’t want me to leave?”

“No, not at all! I don’t mind talking for a bit. OH! Desda you silly…! Do you have another order you need to do?”

Mandy checked her phone and saw another three offers come in. She closed the app. “Are you kidding? You paid me more money than I’ve made all month doing these deliveries. I can afford to just… relax I guess?”

“Please!” Desda pat the spot next to her but Mandy decided to sit across from her… keep some distance and not come across as too into it. Desda didn’t mind and kept eating her cake, making increasingly pleased sounds as she did. “Star anise for the frosting? Oh gosh I love it! Every time I get star anise, I struggle to use it up before I forget I even have it. It is so good in rice but I’m not always in the mood for it with dinner…!” Desda pulled up her phone and then smiled. “So, Mandy, right?”

“Yes ma’am!” Mandy beamed, her nerves finally calmed. She was having a normal conversation with Desda Astrae, the lady who was playing a sold-out show in the stadium just a drive away. All the traffic swirling around this hotel towards that stadium, all those headlights glowing like distant stars, were for her. The window behind Desda shined with these cars and spotlights and the swirling galaxies. Mandy WAS CALM. “It is um, kinda a recent name.”

Desda’s eyes lit up. “A new identity? Oh, I love that! It can be scary to try and find yourself, but I’m glad you have, Mandy.”

Mandy blushed and fiddled with her phone on her lap. “Aha… you flatter me. I promise you, it isn’t that brave of me… I mostly just use that name with friends and my stream.”

“Oh, you stream?” Desda asked. “That’s so nice! Tell me, what is your stream called?”

“Absolutely! Just search Mandy Raccoon and you’ll find me!”

Desda did just that. And Mandy realized she had made a mistake.

Alright, it is really easy to explain what a MISTAKE this was. So, pretend you just met this huge star you absolutely love, this musician who’s made you ugly sob in the shower or hell just get you through a day at work. Their stuff is good, hits your yearly wrapped or whatever and you read their lyrics obsessively and they’re good enough for you to buy tickets to their show! Awesome! And you luck out somehow and you actually manage to MEET them! Sweet! They ask to see some of the stuff you make which is kinda based of them? Wow, they’re thinking of the little guy, they’re just a normal person after all! You tell them your username. Piddleyfangs, for instance. Well, they Google you up.

And they find porn.

Mandy has searched herself up before. The search engine showed her normal streams first of course, Mandy R gamer streams every weeknight at 6-ish! However, the second result riiiiight below that safe normie content was a website that let her host her pay wall content. And on that website it showed the name of her most popular video right below.

Her most popular video was titled “FAPPING my FAT knotted COCK for my audience while riding a FOOT LONG HORSE COCK! $10 = 2 more minutes!”

Now… let’s not mince words. This wasn’t high art, and this wasn’t anyone’s first toe dip into porn. That wasn’t just the name of a porn video, that was an EXPERT porn video title. FAPPING was some internet degeneracy name for what you’re doing they don’t teach that shit in schools. KNOTTED means you take dog dick TF pills specifically to have a knot because you specifically want to have a knot. Audience means people are watching you and we all know what’s up with the horse dildo. But finally, $10 = 2 more minutes. That’s how much it costs? $10 and you’ll ride a horse dildo for 2 more minutes?! That’s your price? Sure, you enjoy it, and frankly you were already doing it (hence the 2 more minutes) but that’s all it took to put more time on the clock?

Within ten seconds Desda immediately understood that Mandy was a massive pervert. Mandy’s favorite singer in the whole world knew she was a dirty disgusting pervert. But luck should have it, Mandy learned something new about Desda within the next ten seconds.

Desda played the video full volume on her phone. She slipped her thumb across the timeline to the most viewed moments. And she smiled. “Oh my! Mandy, you are GORGEOUS!”

“SGSHHEFDH” was what Mandy approximately said.

“Ooooh stomach bulge! That one was so big! I can see why you’re so popular. A million subscribers? Congratulations. Ehehe…”

Ding. Mandy checked her phone. Desda Astrae ~ PreOrder new EP Starvibes now | is now following you!

… Oh no. Oh no no no no! No way… NO WAY! “You… you followed me?” Mandy was struggling to find the ledge to grab on to what the actual fuck was going on.

“Of course! That video of you is so good! If you don’t mind, I’d love to watch it later after the show! I get so pent up after a performance, having some more lovely material would be nice. If you prefer I don’t I can just watch your gaming instead dear, I don’t want to make you nervous!”

Remain calm. Reality was gone. This was new, uncharted territory, boldly going where none had before. Mandy asked her gut what to say. Gut had her say this: “No go ahead!” Alright. She gave her top artist this year full permission to masturbate to her. This was fine. Transactional almost! Mandy sobbed in the shower to Desda’s music and now Desda was going to be masturbating to Mandy. This was equivalent emotional exchange. “I don’t mind at all; I mean it is all public anyways! Well, I mean the good stuff is behind a paywall.”

“Oh, you’re right! Wow, that one video was free? Such good content just for free! You’re very generous Mandy!”

“Ehehe, I mean that’s how you get people to subscribe y’know?” Mandy’s phone buzzed. She instinctively checked it.

Desda Astrae ~ PreOrder new EP Starvibes now | is now subscribed at tier: PLATINUM RACCOON LOVER.

Desda then patiently scrolled on her phone and rubbed her skirt. “Wow! So much good stuff! You’re so pretty in all of these cosplays! Do you make them yourself?”

“Oh no, one of my friends likes to make them and some of the others get sent to me from fans who pay me to… wear them?” Mandy gulped. “Gosh, I’m sorry, I’m just nervous to even see you Desda, let alone watch you scroll through my stuff? My lewd stuff even!” Mandy felt that bizarre emotion whenever one realizes they are in a dream. To what degree do you refer to things? Your every reference for reality feels inefficient and words feel weightless and floaty as if they’d have no effect on what is actually happening but you speak them to control the dream.

The reindeer placed her phone down with a video of Mandy’s ass riding a fat dildo on the table. She licked her lips and looked at Mandy. “I’m so sorry dear! I didn’t mean to make you nervous! I wouldn’t blame you if you wanted to head home now, but if you don’t mind…”

She stood up. Mandy didn’t look away this time to preserve modesty or whatever. There was none to be found here. Desda walked around the table towards Mandy’s couch. Her skirt was tented fiercely by her huge straining cock and her tits equally struggled to stay tucked inside the stylish sweater she was wearing. Desda sat down next to Mandy and leaned closer. “I’d love to help make you less nervous.”

Mandy shivered. It was her choice for sure. Desda made it clear she could leave if she wanted. She was still a little intimidated. “You wouldn’t mind if I left?”

“Of course not!” Desda nodded her head. “I only want to do anything that’d be fun for both of us.”

“Then… I wouldn’t mind being less nervous, Desda…” Mandy’s eyes scanned Desda’s phone as she got a text. When she looked back Desda was pressed up against Mandy’s shoulder. Her breasts were warm and rested on her. Desda leaned forward and squeezed Mandy’s other shoulder and pulled her forward so she was on top.

Desda’s head hit the throw pillow against the armrest. Her legs spread. Mandy’s hands ended up around Desda’s wrists pushing her down against the couch. Desda smiled back at her and patiently cooed.

Why was she on top of Desda Astrae? What was supposed to happen? She was set to play in a few hours. Her videos had millions and millions of views. Desda posted and she eclipsed everything Mandy had ever done in hours. Desda grabbed one of Mandy’s hands and patiently hovered it over.

“I won’t do it for you dear,” Desda explained. “But I want to feel you touch me. Whenever you’re ready little star. Push your hand in and tell me how soft it feels.”

Mandy blushed and obeyed the gravity of the situation. She sunk her hand in. The sweater was silky and smooth and what laid below it was incredibly soft. Desda’s other hand gently pushed Mandy’s head closer to the sideboob.

“Lick it~”

There was a hesitation, but Mandy let her tongue drag out and squirm against it. It was soft. A little salty. She licked as Desda suddenly pulled her into a close hug. Mandy’s knees ached like the snapping suspension of a bridge before surrendering entirely and sending her down. Her own cock bulge pushed against Desda’s. Their cocks squirmed and instantly throbbed together. Mandy moaned into Desda’s breasts and slowly raised her head out of the warm place.

As her head emerged, she looked up to see Desda’s twinkling eyes eagerly waiting for her. Encouraging. Sweet. Desda hooked her fingers into Mandy’s shorts and slowly tugged them down. Mandy moved her legs and let her panties follow the clothing as they were discarded beneath the table. Desda unhooked Mandy’s bra and lifted her shirt up over her head.

“These are so lovely,” Desda squeezed Mandy’s breasts and then ran her hand over that throbbing cock. Mandy winced. “Oh are my hands cold?”

“N-no, I just… I just saw a musician I love touch my dick and kind of flinched.”

“Oh you love me?” Desda sung it. “What’s my favorite song of yours?”

“Umm, oh gosh!” Mandy watched still. Desda geeeently squeezed her cock. Mandy nibbled her lip as her thoughts struggled. She could only really remember the last song she listened to at that moment. “S-starshine! Has to be…”

“I love that one too~” Desda slooowly rose her hand up and down. “Staaarshine~” She sung it slowly. Tenderly. “My faaaavorite light above.”

Her favorite musician in the world sung slowly, hot and breathy. Mandy’s cock gently dripped with pre on Desda’s pretty sweater. Desda’s singing slowed for a moment as she smiled, proud of how aroused Mandy was. “Why would you leaaave me if you called me love~”

“I-if you keep going I might…”

“If we could be together, just oooone more day~” Desda pushed her clothed tits against that cock she was gingerly squeezing. Mandy gently pushed forward to get her cock in closer at Desda’s urging. “I’d orbit your sun~ Mandy~”

Mandy’s eyes shot wide. Desda licked the head of her cock. Desda pushed it into her mouth. Mandy dragged her cock back and felt the knot push against the tits just below. And then she came. It was fast and sudden. She messed up that pretty sweater and left a thick pearl necklace around Desda’s neck. Mandy gasped, ready to apologize only to see Desda still smiling.

“And we’d be okay~” She sung. She grabbed Mandy’s hands and pushed her finger beneath her sweater. Mandy tugged up. Desda twirled it and tossed it aside. Beneath it was an intricate fancy bra. That was unclasped and pushed into Mandy’s hands. She stared at it and then down at Desda’s breasts, free, laid bare with inverted nipples topping each beautiful peak.

Desda sat up on her knees and pushed Mandy onto hers. Desda stood up in front of Mandy as the raccoon patiently watched. Desda tugged down her skirt to reveal what laid between her legs. A long dark purple cyan tipped glowing horse cock. Mandy’s eyes went wide.

“Holy shit.”

“Do you like it?” Desda posed cutely. She pushed her hand against her heavy nuts and her other perked up her tits as she struck a little pose. “You can do whatever you want with me~” She wagged her hips and her little tear drop tail swayed behind her. “Would you wanna sit on my cock? See if it compares to your dildo?”

Mandy shivered and stood up. “Where do you get your TF pills? That color is insane!”

“You love it? Fyuhaha~” Desda ran off to the bedroom proper and returned with a fancy white purse. She pulled it open and tugged out a pink onahole and some lube and then a little pill bottle. “Varia Designs.”

“Varia?!” Mandy gasped. “That’s a thousand dollars just for the entry level stuff! And is yours custom?”

“Entirely so! Here…” Desda put one of the TF pills on her tongue. Mandy’s eyes widened. Desda crawled into Mandy’s lap and craned her neck up to reach the taller raccoon’s mouth. “Match with me, my star~”

They kissed. The pill slipped across Mandy’s tongue. Desda slooowly broke the kiss, so close their breath touched. Mandy shivered and gasped nervously.

“Swallow for me, do it for Desda~”

Mandy gulped it down. The pill vanished inside her and right away she felt the effects. She watched as her cock began to throb. It immediately shot back to its full length as the red tip began to turn cyan.

It was like shaking a flashlight with dead batteries as the tip steadily began to glow again. Desda pushed to the side of Mandy and leaned in against her. Watching eagerly. Desda licked her lips. The cock grew longer… longer… fattening up and the head tapered off and flattened. The base turned purple as the cock grew longer and longer. Soon her cock was just as long as Desda’s and eagerly slobbered a long clear stream of pre out.

Desda poured the lube into the toy. Then she spread her legs and urged Mandy to do the same. They hooked their legs together as Desda slowly lowered the toy over their cocks. They were squeezed close together. In unison they poured out pre.

Mandy felt incredible. More expensive cocks didn’t necessarily feel better, but this one sure did! Every nerve was on fire, every pulse sent her flying in her head, swimming in the pleasure. The toy lowered all the way to the base and the pair ended up moaning in unison.

The raccoon swayed her tail eagerly. She grabbed the toy and forced it up. Desda let out a surprised sound before squirming in pleasure as Mandy rocked it back down. “You’re so fucking hot,” Mandy moaned.

“Stars above, you are too~” Desda shivered. “I wish I could keep you.”

“You should do it. We can do this all the time,” Mandy slid it up and down, gradually controlling the pace.

“Mmmph that’d make me sooo happy. I wake up and get off right away, we can do it together~”

“Y-yessss!” Mandy thrust her hips. Their balls squished together. Oh, the pill made Mandy’s nuts swell too. Fair enough, might as well match everything down there. Shlck. The pace grew as Mandy’s energy and confidence sprouted.

Faster, harder, she needed to get Desda off so bad. She wasn’t even paying attention to her pleasure, she just wanted to see that cute face squirm and moan. The deer stumbled over her words looking for the perfect thing to say but in the end, she just rode the pleasure.

“Backstage…” Desda squirmed. “I wish you were backstage at every show so we can do this. You feel so good Mandy~”

Mandy moaned. “Desda! Desda!” Fuck, this was it.

They came at the same exact moment. Long, erupting strands of cum sprayed from their twin cocks. The girls moaned and sung and just… laid back on the couch once the last little hip thrusts finished.

After a few minutes of swimming in the lust, Desda got up from the couch and threw the onahole in the bathroom to be attended to later. She picked up the pasta and put it in the microwave. As soon as it was done, she grabbed a blanket and some paper towels. She helped clean Mandy up, wrapped her in the blanket, and split the pasta with her as she put a video up on the flatscreen on the wall.

… Was this a 5 hour video?

“So, all you need to know is the last thing this guy talked about was the Reapers. It is like a sci-fi fantasy thing, kinda like Warhammer. Reapers are made whenever someone trained in the cult is dropped in a blackhole and allowed to be shaped by it.”

Mandy nodded her head and Desda hit play. The video… was esoteric but nice. Desda was warm. The blanket was warm. The food was REALLY good. Rich people microwaves must just reheat stuff better.

After a little bit of relaxing someone came knocking at the door. Desda only had to explain that Mandy was a friend and suddenly Mandy was in the car with Desda to the show. And then Mandy was in the front row at the show, watching as Desda came out in her flowing sparkly dress.

“Thank you, my stars, for arriving here for me! New Athena!” The crowd went wild because the city they lived in was said; A common tactic! “I’m so honored to be playing the last show of my first ever tour here! I am so grateful to all of you! Without fans, without my stars… I wouldn’t be here. I wouldn’t be… as happy as I am now! So, all I want to do is make as many of you as happy as possible! Making music is my greatest passion so please continue to support me. Thank you so much!”

The first chords started playing. Mandy recognized the song and felt her shorts tense as her boner also recognized it.

Desda sang: “Staaar shine~ My favorite light above!”

Mandy woke up the next day to Desda gently poking her. “Hey starshine! I ordered you eggs benedict! I didn’t want to wake you, so I guessed what you’d like.”

The raccoon turned. The clock said 7:00 am. They were up until like 2 last night. “When did you wake up…?”

Desda smiled. “5 I think? I’m always an early riser,” she curled her hand and wiped some tired out of her eyes. She gave Mandy the plastic dish with an extremely gorgeous eggs benedict in it. “They just left it at the door, oh well~ I also made you this!”

She got up in her cute see-through sleeping dress and rushed off to the kitchen. She came back with a wide white latte cup with some latte art of a little thief’s mask with whiskers. “Look at my latte art, it’s you!”

Mandy grabbed the cup as she sat up. “You… you brought a latte machine?”

Desda nodded. “And my tea set too. Go ahead and eat up, star! I actually need to check out of the hotel soon. Turns out my manager schedule for me to record some music today and then I need to go to the airport. But…! I promise we’ll be in touch! I can be pretty busy but… I’d like to sit down with you again and talk some more. Get your instant messaging username and all that. If you’d like!”

“Yeah…!” Mandy smiled. “It’d be great to get to know you more.”

Desda smiled back at Mandy and then lifted her dress. “Okay, finish eating and then help me get off, ok?~ Please, it’s really really hard today. I promise to help you too, star dearest~”

… Mandy lifted her blanket and nodded her head. This was the horniest woman Mandy had ever met in her entire life. She took a bite of her breakfast. It was SO good.

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