Selfmade Mana

Strapped for cash and curious to boot, a mage decides to allow a strange experiment to be conducted on himself to see if the properties or a rare variety of honeypot ant that produces mana potion can be imbued in him to greatly expand his magical capabilities. He was probably just not aware for where the mana potion would be stored. Contains a gradual journal of corruption, big sloshing blue tits, and a witty mage losing some of his wit.

Entry I – An Intriguing Venture

            I believe once a journal is started it is vital to explain the impetus of such a venture. My name is Foris Vanterleis and I am a journeyman mage employed by the powerful Hauvis Guild of Mages. This means I spend most of my time being employed by various adventuring parties as a sort of mage for hire. For a few gold (60% to me, 40% to the guild) I become a utility for the group I was hired by and lend my various talents to their strength. Buffs and cures and glowing light orbs and magical traps disarmed and even a few fireballs to dispel menacing goblins.

            However, like any studious mage I have determined an issue that has struck me. As my spells grow stronger so too do the demands of my mana. In order for me to continue climbing the ranks of my guild I must continue to grow stronger and thus cast stronger spells however my mana has not grown alongside me. Over and over I draw from the same well to fill increasingly larger buckets and find myself dry when the need for water is at its highest. As if that wasn’t enough, due to an increase in dragon activity in the magical herb farmlands the potions I typically depend on have hiked massively in price.

            All across the land mages find themselves entirely bereft of the typically reliable Blue Rose Mana potions as the coinage to pocket them has doubled in the fairest places and become rare treasures where staunch and wise businessmen have decided to take advantage of my peer’s dependence on this potion.

            In this I sensed opportunity twofold.

            Where I to discover an alternative method to produce mana potions I would not just be able to continue working during this drought but as well I might be able to sell it myself and make a fair deal more coin to lift me up from the squalor I current abide by. Gruel and uncomfortable beds and avoiding all the nice things I’d adore to have…

            That is when a friend of mine showed me to a strange woman who might have come upon a unique solution for this situation and all she needed was someone of my talents and willingness.

            Her hovel was outside town, an abandoned windmill that once ground grain and now instead was a distillery for this woman’s strange thoughts. She was a self-fashioned witch and had turned the scarecrows into sentries with strange bright red threads weaved through them. She herself was beyond human for certain. Long raven black hair and eyes that did not match (red and purple) with strange slits for irises. Her face was distorted by strangely elegant mandibles and her head topped with a pair of antenna. She was thin as a pale white twig and her clothes were clearly weaved by herself. Her body was normal until I saw the long curling lower body with row after row of legs and chitin dark as the night with swirling purple markings and strange glowing from her form. She introduced herself as Wylixia and beckoned I come further in.

             Now my peer had neglected to mention the researcher was part centipede but I never regarded my friend as perceptive enough to glean something so glaringly strange and I myself am no prude, so conversation carried on without issue.

            I came to her willing to assist in her research and her experiments and she made clear her own desires. To her, humanity was limited. Nary the life span of elves or the strength of dwarves and entirely devoid of intrigue (her words, not mine.) In the world of insects she saw untapped potential and pointed me past the potion bottles and cauldron to a distinct corner where a pale dark desk with broken drawers had atop it a rectangular shaped object covered by cloth that failed to completely disguise the glowing blue light that came from within.

            Cautiously, I lifted the tarp and inside were a very rare breed of insect I recognized immediately.

            Potion Pot Ants they are called and across the land they are coveted for their incredible abilities. There are three varieties of these beautiful creatures. Red produce a special nectar that cures wounds and then there is the mysterious yellow that assist with disease and strange afflictions. However, the rarest of them all were the blue for what their bodies created was the most powerful and efficient mana restorative in all the land. Even looking at the ant farm she had assembled had me shaking with my hands against the desk I leaned on for control.

            “This,” She told me, “Is my primary goal. To take their marvelous ability to turn sustenance into mana and transplant it onto humans. Imagine if we could create that much mana on the same diet we already sustain ourselves on. A single ant makes four times that of a human. Were we to scale that up…”

            I was wholly convinced, blinded in the moment by my enthusiasm. I packed my things and agreed to stay in her home for a time and assist with her research. And of course, a part of research is a well detailed journal that spares not a single detail. I look forward to sharing more as my journey proceeds.

Entry II – Accommodations

            All of my belongings have been moved to Wylixia’s abode and I have already settled in. As it turns out she rarely uses the basement of her windmill and has allowed me to take up residence there. It is not perfect and I confess to using a few bouts of fire to ride the corners of spiders instead of more pacifistic methods. The rats however are going to be much more difficult to convince to leave their residence as it is much more their home than mine.

            Still, I have grown used to humble accommodations and will very willingly take up this place as my home until the research concludes! I have requested a short suspension of my duties with Hauvis Guild until my research bears fruit though I dare not infer the nature of my work. If my guild heard what it was we were trying I’d be banished and the work would be aggressively sought out. The Guild would sooner take the ants and farm them for their resources rather than hear out the ever-hoarser voice of progress. Wylixia often speaks of the subject, of past experiments she held and treacheries that haunt her.

            Do you ever have someone speak to you of terrible and mysterious things and hear breaking tragedy and scry for anything else to speak of? Wylixia vexes me in this manner and tests me for navigation abilities in small talk. Treachery and betrayal is her small talk over toast and eggs, her disdain for government and royalty is then her luncheon, and by supper she has worked herself to near tears over past loves and friendships lost only for her to exhilarated for the progress of our great mission. I am only curious if her body took on its transformation before or after all these great mishaps in her life that I deftly dodge with idle mention of the weather or my preference for soup on cold days such as these. I think if my heart were to be broken I would not turn to becoming a centipede for comfort and succor.

            Besides that, our research has already begun. We have carefully nurtured the ants over the course of the past few weeks. What I recognize as a field-tested mage used to exhausting my mana to its very bottom has thrilled and assisted Wylixia who excels more as a research mage who lacked the understandings I brought, as well as a few unique spells and a touch of alchemy.

            As I write this, Wylixia has entered a concerning state of mind however. I sleep now and pray things improve.

Entry III – Wylixia’s Research

            For three days now Wylixia has not slept. With every morning she drinks a strange concoction and returns to her word with renewed vigor. Her work on the ants continues and continues as she speaks too fast for me to understand and shares fewer and fewer notes with me. The few documents I have gleaned are beyond my comprehension. Her short hand has slipped into a dialect I’ve never touched and the once dutiful numbering of sheets has vanished leaving me stranded for context.

            With every moon she howls like the wolves outside as breakthroughs are found with alarmingly increasing fervor.

            That was until this evening when she had grown eerily quiet. I no longer hear the scuttling of her many legs on the wooden floor above. Has she finally permitted herself rest?

Entry IV – The Potion

            I awoke to Wylixia in my room, her long form stretched over me. “It is finished.”

            She was domineering in how she spoke, quiet and final like voiceless lightning. I was sat at the dinner table that had been cleared of all her work and turned sterile and purpose filled. On it was only a glowing blue potion.

            “Drink it and you will be imbued with the properties of the Blue Potion Pot Ant. Your mana will be greatly improved in power. All I ask is that when you return to your work you keep careful notes for me.”

            And in my hands was the summation of our efforts. In truth I was scared but only for a moment. I was much more excited at what this potion meant, what it will make me. I took a careful drink of it. It was sweet as honey and thick with the twisted flavors of grass and flowers and soil. The deep plant flavor inflated in my mouth and immediately filled my nostrils with the saccharine haunt so deep my mind would never permit I forget it.

            A few days passed of Wylixia watching me closely and at last I was permitted I leave.

            With the extra time I was gone I was reprimanded and demoted by my guild but permitted to return to contract work. I had to return to producing an income or risk losing my place forever. Wylixia preferred I stay but I had no choice but to defy her. I returned to work the following day.

Entry V – The Mage Returns

            In truth I was thrilled to be back in the field. I donned my armor and sharpened my blade. A Spellsword such as myself can only be held back for so long and I was excited to return to my varying duties in the field.

            My first job was with a fairly inexperienced party, so some leadership duties even fell on me. Luckily enough I was more than capable and led them through the dungeon they braved without incident.

            The lower down we got the more dangerous the threats and perils. Eventually we found the treasure they were sent to extract and capably returned it to the surface. They were ecstatic though the pay was certainly not what I had hoped for in the end. Still, at this point I was mostly taking jobs to assist with returning myself to my previous status in the guild’s rapport.

            It was hard to pinpoint with this easy job if my mana reserves had grown or not. There were certainly times it felt much easier to draw upon my energy and it seemed to me I was able to cast more often and even faster but to me that was more eagerness than extra capability. I will see if future missions change this at all.

Entry VI – First Changes

            Another contract was hastily taken without any time for me to even settle back at the town or report back to Wylixia of my findings. This mission would take me further out with a group of warriors and entirely devoid of any other mages but myself. Even with this plethora of frontliners I brought my armor with me in case I was expected to rush in to pick someone up who fell in the frontlines. However, I suspected my clients’ hopes would be that I remain in the back and send out fire as artillery and curatives as support. All the same, would rather be prepared for anything than caught off guard.

            It was pleasant to sit back and watch these strong warriors manage the goblins we were sent to handle. This lounging also gave me plenty of time to examine myself as the others managed the weak stock we dispatched. There was at the time little of note save for a slight change to my waistline which I had figured was due to my previous eating habits while sequestered away in that witch’s basement. But then too, I had also noticed that my appetite had begun to change.

            Waxing and waning through my first few days on this venture I felt my tongue long for something sweet to grace it and it was a strong craving that never departed me even as I had my rations. With my current company we feasted mainly on meat freshly hunted or salty rations, but my tongue clicked and curled for something as sweet as honey or sugary as a fine bowl of berries. As the days progressed this craving grew and grew until the drool in my mouth tasted sweet as candy and I fantasized of pouring thick globs of honey over my meat to disguise the less fetching savory flavors I grew increasingly distraught with.

            On the last day of camp there was this strange sensation that refused to leave my torso. And strangely… my chest ached as well. Both of my nipples felt strange and tender in a way they never had before. Even touching them caused some irritation that I’d rather not reflect on. I was already on my guard for anything that could possibly be caused by the potion but this was not one of the symptoms I had anticipated.

            I wanted nothing more than to return to Wylixia and assure myself that all was progressing per her parameters but life it seemed had other intents. Our quest unexpectantly took us to another city where another chapter of my guild was stationed. As soon as we arrived to collect a reward for our job, I was tasked with an urgent mission to assist a wholly different party of fledgling mages to exorcise a small academy that was currently inundated with a haunted host of spectral terrors. Of course, I understand why this must be done! Without academies there are no new mages for Hauvis Guild to recruit and the guild must respect their pledges and alliances to the magical academies to maintain this partnership. I just wished I could have devised any other excuse to return home and wait out these effects to see how they progress and take them in.

            One more mission and then I shall return. Wait for me, Wylixia.

Entry VII – Changes Continue

            Over the next two days we journeyed out to the academy, cloistered away nearest the mountains that made this fertile valley. The smell of flowers dominated my perception and I oft found myself depending on the lower rank mages that I accompanied. With every step they looked to me in recognition of my skill and talents but they had no idea how fiercely my mind warred with myself.

            By the eve of the second day of journeying I was laid in my bed with sweat on my brow and the changes becoming more and more apparent. My waist had continued to slim out in a way that made me cautious of how it might progress as it dipped into a thinner pinch. I had only seen waists this narrow in those women who wear corsets strung tight in the endless journey for beauty. Without armor on my body I stood before a river and squeezed the cloth of my small clothes against this frame and found it concerning how… beautiful it was.

            As well it was this evening when I first produced… dew we shall call it? It was shortly after this session of admiring myself I will confess that I toyed with my body as I walked nearer to the camp. My walk nearly returned me to the comfort of the fire and the cacophony of the two snorers who occupied our camp with their malformed trumpets for noses when I felt a drop hit my chest.

            I held my hand out for rain and never did it arrive to bead up in my palm. That was, until a thin rivet of blue fluid, as small as the condensation on a glass of water collected, pooled up and gave a thin glow to the contours of my hand. I was shocked at what I was seeing and yet I stared for a long moment in complete shock. From both ends of my chest, left and right, this fluid was slowly produced and pushed out by… by what I can only assume was pressure. The dew was being produced inside me and had need of storage but found little refuge in ill prepared form. And thus, little pressure was needed before I was… overflowing.

            Auspicious it was that I caught it before I was able to return to camp with bravado ill fitting. I quickly fetched my bag with my blanket held over my chest like a maiden caught after the bath to fetch two vials from my bag.

            I laid behind a tree and filled each vile. I placed the cool lip of the glass against my nipples each and slowly and patiently coaxed them. I filled each vile to the halfway point and then placed corks on them.

            The question then became… do these do what I think they do? Have I just fulfilled the purpose of my genetic donor? Was this mana restorative?

            We arrive at the academy and began dispersing our foes with the appliance of turning spells. Although normally employed by priests and clerics, we were just as capable of casting a magical equivalent to the holy spells. Room by room… Until I insisted I disperse one room by myself.

            At last alone and before the room I had assigned myself… I quietly lifted the bottle to my lips and took a sip and paid close attention for any sort of effect. Alas… There was none. Not a hint of my mana restored. I placed my bag aside and rushed inside to defeat these ghosts.

            To my embarrassment, perhaps still distracted, I was very nearly defeated by these spectral foes! What luck it was that one of the mages entered the chamber and quickly defeated the ghosts. I applauded her for her efforts. She was a promising graduate based on her efforts and I could see her climbing the ranks fairly quickly.

            She did, however, make a confession.

            “We are even as far as I am concerned,” She said, lifting then an empty vial. “I had to borrow one of your mana healing potions, I was fresh out. Still, this stuff really works, I was right back up to full after drinking this!”

            As we marched back from the academy to try and get home I felt an extreme discomfort in my chest. My loins ached with heightened libido that made it difficult to ignore anything else that was happening to me. My armor hurt and creaked with every step and I was aware of every crevice, every and any sway! When at last we made camp I opened my chest armor and sent the wrappings I had equipped that morning flying.

            My chest had grown two sizable blue mounds. They were slightly transparent, windows of jelly not dissimilar to slimes but a bit thicker, and both of these breasts were glowing blue. I quickly determined the reasoning for their glow was how full they were. I hid away from camp as far as I could and made great efforts to empty myself.

            Before the release was a strange and alien sensation but this time it was pure and utter relief. Food after a long wait, dropping a heavy heavy bag after marching for miles, or release your boot buckles after you heartily locked them too tight before that day’s duties. I was relieved so heavenly as drop after drop was squeezed from my new additions and emptied into the vials that I was now easily able to fill. Both were filled to the brim with brilliant blue potion. My breasts lost their glow but remained their shape and heft, comparable to especially plump apples and perky as some of the firmer cheeses. I struggle to describe! I rarely thought of them and now here I was with two very strange ones! And it was hard to even think! Emptying them felt good in a way that made it hard to describe how good it was!

            Was this the intent? Was everything as we had hoped it would be?

Entry VIII – Sugar Sugar

            After the draining my craving for sugar became painful. As soon as we returned to the guild, I collected payment with selfish haste and vanished into indulgent shops all about the town. I found delicious creams and sugary pastries with a crisp crunch and sugary and cinnamon exterior. As well there was the chocolate I indulged in as it was rare and the honeyed milk I drank by the pint.

            It was heaven. This was the happiest I had ever felt. The same way a dog’s brain might be ignited by bone and a warm bed so was I in my inn room scooping honey from its pot with my hand as a scoop. I never thought myself so indulgent but all decorum vanished as the thrum of my changing body heightened its inhuman needs.

            When I woke the next morning in that inn room I was the horniest I had ever been in my entire life. Indulgent still, I wrapped hands around my member and… indulged. The details are not needed, it was fast and furious and was not singular. By count three I was once again in control of my facilities and began to track another change. Just above my rear there was this strange bud that was rapidly growing.

            From my time with Wylexia I was able to unintentionally memorize some insect anatomy… so what I was growing was likely an abdomen. A plump hind quarters that these ants would traditionally store their dew inside of. And yet when I looked in the mirror both of my breasts had grown yet another size.

            I attempted to place my armor around my chest again and it would not happen. I binded them down as tightly as possible and still it could not be accomplished. I had entirely outgrown my armor. Metal of its caliber was expensive and it would make no sense to buy a new set so I wrapped myself and adorned my changing body in loose clothing that gave nothing away and sold my treasured armor for coin that was quickly spent on another binge of sugary delights.

            I write now with hindsight of indulgence, disgusted with how frivolous I have acted. Even now I just want to touch myself or relieve the pressure that is growing. I am out of vials. I have emptied my potions and would do the same of my waterskin if it wasn’t filled with the sweetest pinkest wine I could find! The pressure will not let me sleep. My loins ache in unison with the blue buds on my chest. I can not just empty myself on the floor of the inn. When I awaken the next day I will not delay any longer! I will charter a trip back to my original town and present my changes to Wylixia and demand they removed.

            … Or well, at least ceased here. This was manageable. And nice. Troubling, but nice. A felt a certain stir when I was mistaken for a maiden earlier today…

Entry VIIII (9?) – pressure pressure need to be milked pleased

            Paid coin to get home. Cart was nice. Breasts had doubled in size. I woke up to them being very big now and touching them felt amazing. I squeezed them and masturbated for hours before I remembered I had to leave! I felt ashamed of the mess I made so I left some extra coins and all of my filled vials behind so they could sell them. Needed to get home. Needed Wylxia to help empty me.

            I was short money for the cart, however. I got on it later but needed money. Guild gave me a job so I took it. Their party had mages, really good ones. We were attacked by kobolds. Whenever I tried to cast a spell I couldn’t quite remember how to make the fireballs go forward or the words to make the wind nasty. Luckily, the other mages protected me. I thank them every time by giving them a freshly filled vial to restore their magic. They were very thankful since magic healing was really really rare! I felt good and really helpful even though I wasn’t casting any spells.

            Fine fine fine it was fine, Wylixia would fix me. Wylixia would get me back to normal and make it easier to think. Whenever I filled a vial I got really hard and wanted to masturbate but I wouldn’t be able to finish in time before the party noticed. But, I think they did notice that the vial was always full when I gave it to them since I kept it topped off.

            Near the end we were fighting this dragon and all the mages needed topped off. I tried to sneak off but one of them followed me secretly and saw me lift my robes and reveal my really narrow waist and wide hips and my huge water melon sized blue tits. She laughed and asked if that was what she had been drinking. She forgave me and scratched behind my antenna that I hadn’t noticed I’d grown and she began suckling from me.

            LIPS FELT SO GOOD.

            It felt so much better than vials! Glass was cold and bad but her lips were warm and hungry and massaged and kissed her tongue slurped and I loved how hungry she sounded. When she left her lips they were stained blue. She noticed my bulge but I told her I was a boy. She said I was really cute and she started sucking my other breast empty. Felt so good! Loved it so much!

            She was super strong after that and could cast as many spells as she wanted without having to hold back! She did her biggest spells and refilled her mana with the vials whenever she got close to empty. Without me casting even a single spell I was the reason we won.

            We got back and I got paid and I said goodbye to them all and finally got on the cart.

            Cart was nice. Just sat back and relaxed and waited for it to get me home and back to Wylixia. Finally. I missed her so much. She was going to help me. Help me get empty. Keep me empty all the time. All I needed was to be an empty good boy.

I’m home!!!

            Finally got back to Wylixia. She was so happy to see me and hugged me a lot and starting sucking off my tits right away! I liked this greeting a lot! When she asked me what happened I tried to tell her but she said I sounded drunk and foolish. I told her I was keeping a journal and she took it. She looked it over and said I did a really good job!

            After a few nights of her checking me out she decided the best thing to do was for her to keep me around and keep an eye on me. As well, she wanted to sell my dew! This made me really excited! It sounded really really nice.

            It took a bit but she eventually sold a few bottles. And then a few more. She even was able to afford to buy a bigger place for both of us and equipment to help milk me more. It felt so good and I was proud of what my work did. Sometimes, I even got jobs to go exploring with others! And on those jobs I’d be their personal mana supply!

            And I was a good one too! They called me good boy and good ant which was kind of cute too but not my favorite. I still got to explore and get my own money and it was a better cut than the old guild too!

            Anyways… This is it for this journal. Wylixia says the research is done so I don’t need to record anything else anymore. So, bye journal! Been nice!

Fori Blueglow (new name hehehe)

            The experiment was quite a success. At first, I was concerned by the path I had decided to take. Keeping things from his was cruel, I’ll admit, but it was vital to me that this job be successful. I was very concerned when he was gone much longer than we had first agreed to and he never once communicated. I was left waiting and hoping that my new favorite experiment hadn’t been destroyed. Thank goodness he returned to me, changed beyond my wildest expectations!

            All my tests told me he would obtain at most a light bit of fat to contain the dew and a manageable lactation that would at most need to be attended to once a week. Instead, he came to me a veritable dairy cow producing the most valuable milk in all the land! And just as much, his intelligence had joyfully lowered to that of what I assume to be a caretaker role in the ant colonies.

            I believe this was due to me not understanding this species. I think now that blue potion pot ants are not entirely their own species but a role within some rare colonies. So, he was not just turned into an ant, but a version of ant that was extremely focused on the pleasure of other members of the colony. This explains why he is now quite servile and very, very affectionate. Like a damn dog. But… it isn’t too bad.            

Try as I may to not get attached, I’ll admit that I love the poor thing. So long as I live, I shall ensure no harm befalls him. I am also curious how he would feel about having some fellow hive members? Another test is needed… at least to expand

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