Sab and Tay Visit The Tipsy Pixie

            “Welcome to The Tipsy Pixie, where we- Um, is that a golden ten foot phallus?”

            “Ignore it,” Sabrith said, setting down the massive statue off to the side. The warrior cat girl looked beaten and tired. Tayelle, who was carrying the balls-end of the statue, set it down a little after Sab, and was caught nearly falling forward with it. She was literally given the shaft. “So, I heard you serve some really interesting drinks here?”

            Eztella, the slimy bartender, blinked, pink eyes wide and confused. “You walk into my bar with a dick statue taller than most people and you say that my stuff is interesting?” She clearly wanted to laugh but was still figuring out what was exactly going on with these people. Eztella was a bit too deep into her shift, having about another who knows how many hours to go before she could close up. She already had her fair deal of interesting customers and there were a few orgies going on in the booths in the corners. “Well, if you must know, yes, we do have interesting drinks here. The Tipsy Pixie is at times more museum or collection than a bar. I pride myself in our wide variety.”

            Tayelle took a seat at the bar, the shorter cat girl curiously gleaming through the menu with a careful eye. Sabrith sat like a great weight was removed from her, sending her tumbling and ragdoll like against the cushion of the barstool. Eztella gave them both some time to peruse the menu. She still had a few glasses to scrub clean.

            Finally, Sabrith dropped the menu she seemed to barely be reading and pound the table with enthusiasm, the hammer on her back jiggling in its restraints. “Surprise me!” Sabrith demanded.

            “W-we really don’t recommend that here!” Eztella said, raising her hands.

            “Why not?” Sabrith retorted. “I’m beat! I can barely think, let alone read.”

            “She can barely read usually too,” Tayelle snickered. “But really, the menu is way too big and the font too small. I can barely read half the things besides the titles.”

            “Dammit Eztella,” The bartender mutters to herself. “That’s what you get for trying to get it all on one page. Fine.” She turned back to her bar and got to work. She retrieved a fancy glass, a shimmering crystalline heart as the cap on the top. She tugged it away and poured two tiny glasses for the cats. They both took it and gave it a curious sniff. “Lover Vision,” Eztella informed them.

            Sabrith savored it slowly. The notes of lemon, tea, the alcoholic content. It all went down fairly smoothly. But as she finished it she noticed that Tayelle was now captured inside of a large outline of glowing pink, so bright it made her eyes hurt just a little. “Tay is glowing really bright now! All pink!”

            “Yeah, Sab is too!” Tayelle replied.

            “That’s what the drink does,” Eztella says with a little satisfied, tired grin. “It makes people you are compatible with glow pink. I usually serve it to people who need to get used to the kind of drinks I serve.”

            The cat girls were entertained by it for a moment. Sabrith scanned the bar, noticing a few people here and there were also outlined, albeit a bit less brightly. A few wolf girls, some dragons here and there, a couple more cunning looking types. Tayelle was a little less curious, already checking over the menu to try and pick out something else for her to try.

            Tayelle then looked to the bartender with a lightly raised hand. “I’ll take a Mighty Mead. Give Sab a Cheap Whore.”

            “Where?” Sabrith looked around for a second before realizing what they were talking about. “Hehe, well, that’s a weird name for a drink?”

            “I don’t get to name them, sadly,” Eztella said. She got to work on their drinks while the cat girls idly chattered amongst each other.

            “It was the title!” Tayelle said. “I’m just as curious to see what a drink called Cheap Whore would even look like? Yeah, yeah, if you don’t like it we can just order something else or split my mead.”

            Eztella returned to them with both of their drinks. The Cheap Whore took a little bit longer to prepare, a delicate bow even placed atop the glass. Everything was so perfectly in place it looked like Eztella was getting ready for menu pictures to be taken. Tayelle took her mead and started to curiously sip her. Her eyes went wide and a grin spread over her face. She drank away the rest without much restraint. Sabrith as well found herself enamored with the beverage she had chosen for her. It was a smooth and easy to enjoy drink.

            Something about Tayelle was starting to subtly change. Her grasp on her mug was clumsy at first, needing both hands to lift the honey filled beverage to her thirsty lips. But as she finished more and more of it she became capable of carrying the drink entirely with a single hand. She didn’t notice as the height difference between her and Sab diminished away, her abs hardening beneath her robes. She set the mug down empty and wiped her lips, a big grin on her face. “That was really good!”

            The more experienced drinker had already finished her beverage. Sabrith was surprised at how hard the drink was hitting her, unaware of how a Cheap Whore made one more and more like the description of the mug. Sabrith felt her libido rise, a fire that was stoked and needed to be stroked. Her thoughts wandered to lewder and lewder places, fantasies of being bent over and golden coins tossed on her back as she was plowed rode to prominence.

            Downtime between that round and their next was even shorter. Sabrith had been scanning the menu as she drank, looking for titles that would make her interested. “Oh! Cider! Can we both have a Hound Apple Cider?”

            An even easier order. “Coming right up.” Eztella found two bottles of the stuff, poured them into some glasses, and click clack they were served and ready. Tayelle sniffed hers curiously while Sab pounded it back and swayed it in need of a refill. Eztella took the hint and poured her another. “So… Are we just going to not talk about the huge golden dick that is now laying in my bar? With how horny and drunk my clients are that is a practical safety hazard.”

            “Oh yeah!” Sabrith laughed as she was halfway through finishing her second Hound Apple. Tayelle was still sipping hers, a little less in love with the flavor. “So, me and Tay just got back from another adventure. We were inside this weird temple. It was clearly meant to worship some sort of lust goddess, but from a dark plane where sex consumed entire worlds. This statue was in the middle of the temple, and the only way to shut down the ritual was to get it out.”

            “Sab came up with a plan to break in and steal it without an issue,” Tayelle said, leaning in against her mate. “But plans backfired. Our healer ended up licking the statue and turning into a crazy horny bimbo. We hoped our healer would adjust, but she adjusted too hard and started to eating us out. Our purity wards were starting to fade, so we had to hurry. So Sab just tackled the golden dick and rolled on top of down a literal jizz river.”

            “It was… Well I’ll be honest I’m going to tell the story every time I get drunk so it was in fact totally worth it.” Sab finished her cider. Her ears were already looking a lot more dog like, and on the inside of her legs her body was changing and adjusting. A sheathe was forming out of skin from her crotch, rapidly taking shape as a secret ruby laid buried between, starting to poke its head out as the second dose of the cider took effect. Tayelle’s effects were less pronounced, a slight change to her nose, her ears a little taller, and perhaps a seed planted for a canine cock of her own.

            “Is it cursed or anything?” Eztella asked, eyeing the phallus nervously.

            “Oh probably!” Sabrith said, already diverting her attention back to the menu.

            “It’s inert without a host or someone to channel its energies,” Tayelle said reassuringly. “We wouldn’t have brought it in otherwise. We just really needed to grab a drink and get our strength back before we even tried to carry it any further.”

            “And do you have plans for what to do to dispose of a massive golden cock statue that may or may not end the world?”

            “Honestly we hadn’t gotten that far!” Tayelle said. “The quest said there was going to be a ritual and a temple, but not a giant golden dick we’d have to stash.”

            “Worst case scenario,” Sabrith said as she skimmed her glass for a few more drops, awkwardly grasping at her crotch. “We could just play monkey in the middle with it, just keep moving it and tossing it around so no one can get it.”

            Eztella shrugged. “Well, I’m no expert, but I’ve dealt with a few magical items here and there. After this I can see if one of my artificer friends would be willing to help us deal with it. And maybe once the golden is stripped away we can use it to pay off your tab.”

            “Well that’d be sweet!” Sabrith grinned. “By the way, a Dragon Whiskey for me please.”

            “Hmm, can I try the Gray Steel Ale?”

            Two interesting choices, but they were also a few more pour and serves. Eztella’s lazy ass filled two more glasses up. One with a rich and rare whiskey, the other with a more common yet curious ale, both amber and rich. She set them down in front of each respective cat girl.

            Sabrith sipped her whiskey, hit by the fire and strength. Tayelle gulped hers down. “I’m surprised,’ Tayelle muttered. “I’m usually not much of a beer girl, but this stuff is really good!”

            “I pride myself in my collection,” Eztella said with a sage nod.

            “It’s so goooood!” Tayelle gulped it down a bit more. “I could just NEEIGH!~” Tayelle was shocked, reaching to cover her mouth, the mug still hooked in her fingers. “What was that just now?”

            “You must be real into the theme, eh? Tay the mare~” Sabrith teased, downing the rest of her draconic whiskey. “I can’t blame you. I’d love for someone to ride me about now~” Though even as she teased Tay, the pink haired cat girl was starting to sprout a tower cock from her crotch. It pushed out past her legs and from her half formed sheathe, the crown of her dick pushing against her robes and starting to drench them in pre.

            Sabrith as well started to change more from her drink. Normally the first shot was rather safe, but Sabrith already had some corruption swimming around in her. A few red scales sprouted up her arm, down her legs. She ordered a second without much more thought. It was just so easy to drink even though it was rather hot. She downed it in seconds. The burn made her reel, completely distracting her as a scaled tail burst out from her rear, spreading out into the open air. Claws grew out from her hands, long and sharp. Her tongue became forked, washing over her fangs.

            “Neigh, neigh~” Tayelle couldn’t contain her equine calls, like hic-cups they just rose out from her and echoed lightly. Her feet burst from her boots, turning fully into hooves. Her body became even more muscular, joining forces with her prior changes to become stronger looking. Brown fur sprouted along her legs. She clumsily ran her hands over the cock outline in her outfit, working away at her massive shaft.

            Sabrith gulped. “Incubus Draft for her…” She muttered. “Bimbo Party for me…”

            Eztella returned with both drinks in record time. “So~” She leaned in against the counter, resting her chin on her hands playfully. She had to admit, her job was fun, even though people really needed to learn to read the menu. “You girls drink often?”

            “Oh, not too often,” Sabrith’s voice was shaky as she took a big gulp of her Bimbo Party. The sweet flavor was enticing her to slurp more and more of the concoction down. Her tits in proportion sprouted out a cup size with each sip she took of her margarita. Soon her breasts were bursting out from her outfit, every draw string and thread tearing at the seems in a failed attempted to hold back her drink. Her mind was further dunked into the gutter, her slutty desires rising, her intelligent thoughts snuffed out. “We like, only do it to celebrate and stuff~”

            Tayelle curiously sipped the shot glass of thick white fluid. As it slithered down her throat she was hit with a strange sensation. Her cock suddenly burst through her outfit, ripping right down the middle. “N-neigh~” Her dick had grown even thicker, even nastier as little bumps began to dot her cock. She felt a strange sinister sensation growing through her. She lifted the menu and nodded. “Another horse drink for me. Give Sabbie a-neigh-fer drink~ Needy Mouth~”

            Eztella delivered them both without much of a wait. Sabrith was painfully horny, waiting for the drink as her mind wandered to less noble pursuits, eyeing Tayelle’s grown and powerful cock with pure hunger. Tayelle lifted the Needy Mouth and brought it to Sabrith’s lips and had her drink it. Sabrith downed it in an instant.

            As soon as she finished it she pounced on Tayelle and rode that cock as hard as she could. “Oh gawds I can’t think straight without a dick in me~ Arf arf~!” Sabrith howled as she rode Tayelle’s sinister dick like a stripped pole. She slid her needy folds up and down against it, teasing her poking red prodder against Tayelle’s rod, watching her knotted member sprout out from her confides to greet and puppy dog kiss Tay’s horse dick. All the while Tayelle just smugly sipped her second Grey Steel, enjoying the flavor, letting out a few whinnies and neighs, clicking her hooves, and even having Eztella bring her an apple.

            Soon Sabrith was riding on the cock of a fully formed horse girl, Tayelle’s pink hair preserved, with a few pink flower patterns dotting her gorgeous brown fur. She fucked Sabrith senseless, ramming her up against the bar, her huge breasts pushing aside dozens of little glasses. When at last Tayelle came, it was an orgasmic rush that filled the bar with her wonderous moans. Sabrith, the little doggy bimbo slut, was powerless to resist, hungrily suckling at Eztella’s breasts. Her mouth just needed to be sexually pleasing something, anything!

            At last, their afterglow came. Eztella figured it was best for them to rest for now. They both had plenty of drinks with highly corruptive effects. She slipped them both one last drink that snapped them asleep. It was for the best. She lifted them both inside her slime and brought them upstairs. She laid them flat on a queen bed and let them rest. When they woke up they’d discuss how to pay off the tab and see exactly how it was they were going to deal with the evil golden shaft from another dimension-

            “Dammit! Get that out of you! It’s evil for fuck’s sake!”