Out of The Smoke

Goblins are lucky and difficult to defeat and spread like wildfire. Catgirls are adventurers and very unlucky! When the two meet what do you get? Two more goblins.
Commissioned by Sabrith of course
Thumbnail art is by: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/chesshire88/

            The church was abandoned years ago. One day it was filled with the worshipping type in their white habits and clutching pearls engraved with words only the devout knew. The next day, those very same pearls were plunging inside a goblin’s behind in an act of pure hedonistic disrespect. Monsters chased out every single nun until the church to the Goddess was entirely dominated by the terrible beasts. It only took two goblins to have a problem.

            Firstly, they bred fast and grew quicker, and just as quickly they could convert anyone who tried and failed to defeat them into another wholly new goblin. Goblins also seemed to have some sort of terrible power to them deeper than their short stature and strangely promiscuous habits. They had this terrible luck that lent them to lives of trickery and barely ducking beneath blades and escaping just barely. These all factored in to this church becoming dominated by their presence.

            Sabrith and Tayelle as representatives of their guild were hired to defeat this infestation and return the religious to their site. The payment was considerably generous, which it had to be to get their attention. This late in their career, the cat girls were very high leveled adventurers who were much more used to handling dragons than kobolds, let alone actual low-level mobs. This, they were certain, would be an easy job.

            Disrepair had overtaken the door. Vines sprouted along the front of it with slight signs of modifications. It was rare for these settlements to be upkept, treated more like frat houses than true settlements. Goblin forts were often much better kept, but this church’s windows caved and its bricks were reclaimed by the verdant weeds outside. Sabrith tried the door with no luck. The vines had effectively sealed it shut.

            “I’ll try one of the windows and look ahead,” Sabrith sighed.

            “Careful,” Tayelle nodded. “You sure you don’t want me to cast a spell to help?”

            “They can detect spells right?” Sabrith shrugged. She wasn’t actually sure bit sounded like one of the random abilities these little gremlins had. Sabrith walked to the side and grabbed ahold of one of the sturdier looking vines, brown as the wooded trees nearby. Either hand was filled with green cable and Sabrith climbed steadily with her boots walking along the wall and her biceps tensed.

            Over the edge she peered through the shattered glass to the inside. There was… a tree. Trunk thick as a shed and tall enough to fill the triangular ceiling with a black leaf canopy, this dreadful tree emitted a low aura of shadow that crept across the floor like a storm gathering at all times, building and building but never crashing. Sabrith squinted, unable to make clear sight of this. Figures moved in the smoke, short enough to benefit from the coverage but likely able to see through it anyways. Sabrith’s ear flicked as she heard one of the goblins speak.

            “Ugh, who let all the smoke out?! I can’t even see who I was fuckin’ now!”

            Of course, Sabrith groaned to herself. Their luck factor. Accidental coverage for an attack they didn’t know was coming…

            Sabrith lowered herself to go tell Tayelle what she saw… only to see too late that a glass shard had somehow gotten caught on her tabard. A steady and slow rip sliced open the front of her clothes and let her tits flop free in the open air. A sense of doom overcame her. Was just being close to these green bastards going to make this whole situation into a porn scroll story? She huffed and fell the rest of the way to the ground and ran over to Tay.

            As soon as she came back Tayelle wasn’t impressed and started to giggle. “Really? Were you flashing them? You’d make a good distraction.”

            “I mean, you know what, maybe?” Sabrith laughed. “Either way, the luck factor is the real deal. They accidentally spread smoke across the floor and are hiding in it. As well, ripped my clothes up already. We brought extras, right?”

            Tayelle sighed and opened their pack. “A potion bottle broke and now your change of clothes are covered in Protection From Lightning. Well, let’s take advantage of the smoke…” Tayelle tugged out another potion and handed it over to Sab. “Shrinking potion. Take advantage of your silhouette matching theirs and scout ahead to see how many there are. And then, when you’re ready…” Tayelle handed Sabrith a special ring. “Rub it and it’ll teleport me in to come help you. Got it?”

            “Sound strategy. When you get summoned in, then we’ll clean house and then get paid. Pretty straight forward.” Sabrith drank the potion in a single swig and then began to climb. She kept her hammer on her back but prepared for the rest of her clothes to no longer be that much help.

            Her legs shrank as she hung over the ledge of the window inside the church. Sabrith took a breath and tucked her tail between her legs, pretending she just had a big boner whenever her frame was composed in darkness. She flung herself to the floor and landed just as her height had shrunk enough to match her short statured prey.

            Luckily enough, all the goblins here were more worried about the smoke spreading through the room than the sudden inclusion of a goblin who was just a few inches too tall and a bit too hung. Sabrith steadily walked through and got a feeling for what she was looking at.

            Sort of typically, most of the goblins here were unarmed entirely and likely uninterested in actual fighting. The image of a blade wielding goblin was common in most minds but those were the raiding parties. Those parties would arrive, take a place, breed it full, and then move on to the next leaving behind the bimbo brained horny shortstacks to make the most of the location they were born in until it was time to move back in to one of the central goblin settlements. Sabrith only saw two who were actually armed with repurposed items they found in the church. One had taken four wooden spoons and a very heavy tome and fashioned them together into a book hammer, another wielded two candelabra currently sheathed in an X shape over her extremely voluptuous ass barely covered by a two inch square of loin cloth.

            Other goblins walked around in various states of dress, often nun attire repurposed and resewn with the most egregious example being the very hung goblin that stayed near the tree at the head of the church who had balls big enough to fill the bra she had fashioned around her hips. Sabrith felt dampness slide down her thighs and fill the fur of her tail currently pushed up against her slit. Still, she needed to look in the back to get an idea of how many goblins were actually here.

            One goblin caught her eye. A strong one was walking around holding a pillar that was bigger than Sab normally was. She had two armlets there were glowing bright purple. Enchanted. Sabrith nodded, taking a mental note.

            Her attention was taken away when suddenly a shelf of wobbly ass bent over and rubbed up against her tail tip. “Oooh, big big big!” The goblin that was suddenly humping her in the foggy church moaned as she felt the tip of the tail press against her folds. “You’re so biiiig! Oh my gosh, this feels soooo good breed me! I’ve been a bad gobbo I—”

            “Sorry, I’m married!” Sabrith ducked to the side to dodge her only for a second goblin to appear out of nowhere and rub against her tail.

            “What is married? Can you eat it?” She asked as Sab’s tail poked at her folds and nearly slid inside. Sabrith blushed and ducked backwards but the goblins stayed on her. One of them began to walk forward…

            And instead she slid. She tripped on something and fell into Sab’s arms. Sabrith could’ve handled this with no problem only for her to end up tripping on something too! She fell forward and slid her tail the whole way inside the goblin’s sweet tight folds. Good Goddess were they tight! She couldn’t get her tail to slide out no matter how hard she tried!

            On top of that, her tail was drawn so taught that it was now digging into her own folds, making her so wet and… Sabrith shook her head. “Sorry! Didn’t mean to—”

            “Harder!” The goblin beneath her wrapped her legs tight around Sabrith. Sabrith huffed and tugged back, eager to overpower this goblin and get away… but… those legs… they wouldn’t… budge! Sabrith wiped the sweat from her brow when she noticed the glowing purple ankle bands around this goblin.

            This goblin’s legs are a prison! Sabrith yelled in her mind. Well, there’s only one way to get her to give up…

            Thrust! Sabrith was shocked how good it felt to plunge forward with all her strength! And another deep seated plow! The goblin beneath her was reduced to a puddle of tight delicious need. Sabrith leaned back against her wrapped legs, still unable to move those stone walls, and then rammed forward again with everything she had and quickly, steadily, grew in speed and ferocity.

            Wild was the goblin beneath her, squealing and wagging her tongue like a dog, flashing her shark sharp teeth and her shimmering black lips. Sabrith waved her hips and did one last deep thrust while toying with the goblin’s clit, this being the part Sabrith knew how to please beast. Finally, the green short stack came her brains out and lowered her legs. Sabrith stood back up…

            Just in time for the smoke to get sucked up. A goblin mage appeared from the back of the church and raised her staff, absorbing all of the smoke.

            “Sorry about that everyone!” The goblin mage yelled out. “I was practicing my smoke spell for if we have an intruder! Did anyone get hurt?”

            “No, no!” A goblin yelled. Another echoed.

            “Good, good!” The mage laughed.

            Sabrith wasn’t laughing. She bent over, trying to blend in with the last little bit of smoke to disguise herself. The second they saw that she wasn’t green and was actually cat eared and tailed that’d be it for this cover. Sabrith crawled through the smoke towards the back, finally making it just in time before the last of her cover had vanished…

            Just in time for a goblin to grab ahold of her hips. Sabrith froze as soon as those green hands squeezed around her hips. Sabrith hadn’t noticed but even being lewd with a goblin was enough to start to corrupt you, and her ass had been slowly growing. Every step inching it along, making it steadily sprout… And this passerby had taken notice.

            Sabrith tried to move… fuck. She was wearing those purple bracelets too! Their grip was iron and there was only one way to fix this. And she had to go quick, the smoke was clearing and it’d be pretty obvious what was going on if she didn’t hurry.

            “Nice… let me just…” The goblin was about to thrust but Sabrith could at least take advantage of the part of her that wasn’t ironclad. She threw herself backwards and thrust that cock inside her slit so hard it pushed the goblin backwards on to her own sizable ass. “Woah! Woah! So eager…!” The goblin laughed.

            Sabrith faced away, locked that way with those hard hands squeezing her, and she rode. With all her might, she tensed her rapidly greening belly and used all the muscles in her thighs to ride up and down up and down tensing as hard as she could, swirling her hips in a steady motion. She was controlling the pace so she could raise herself just in time to keep that goblin seed out of her…

            Just had to keep going… It was exhausting to do all the work especially when you were shorter than you were used to. Sabrith squirmed as she slid down and it struck a nice belly bulging spot. Oh… this is… so much better than toys…! Tay should consider… Sabrith shook her head. She knew she must be getting a little corrupt. Goblin’s were extremely contagious. They corrupted everything they so much as stood near, let alone what she was doing right now! She climbed back to the tip of her cock and slammed down.

            … WHY WAS IT WET?! Sabrith quickly lunged up. The goblin was cumming and as soon as the cock was not contained it sprayed a long steady stream down Sab’s back and then over head to hit the dead torches and the stone wall ahead of them. The goblin came so hard that she dropped her arms to the side and laid limp on the floor.    

            Sabrith groaned and stood up, “Tell me when you’re going to cum, damn it!” Sabrith picked up the goblin’s hands and stole her bracelets.

            “Wait, my special—”

            “Can it!” Sabrith kicked the goblin hard as she could, sending the ungrateful hedonist to the wall. “Yeesh…” Sabrith shook her head as the whites of her eyes yellowed like a nocturnal beast. She rubbed at her ears as they stood on the sides of her head now, long and sensitive.

            The back hallway was filled with cells where the nuns used to sleep between their fervent prayers and tome studies. Doors were torn down as if they were just adding too many steps for the creatures that now owned this place and curtains were torn and set down on the floor to create hedonistic fuck nests that produced scents that excited Sabrith a little too much. She squeezed her nose to try and block out the intrusive thoughts that were seeping into her brain.

            Most of the cells were empty making it clear that this place wasn’t holding too many more secrets. All they had to do was scare off the goblins and maybe tug that evil tree out of here whatever it is. Tay probably had an idea… did Sabrith forget to even mention it?! Must’ve been the luck factor again, making Sabrith just barely forget to mention what was probably the most disturbing thing that was going on here.

            She stumbled into the last room where she discovered a slumbering goblin with demon horns and a third eye, a more purplish grey skin complexion marking her of special sinister purpose. Her hair was long and dark purple-blueish and she emitted a purple aura not unlike the armlets Sabrith still held in her hands. She didn’t want to put them on until Tayelle was here to examine them… but they were powerful no doubt. They made weak little goblins stronger than she was! And she was supposed to be some high level adventurer that could tackle dragons to the ground.

            Sabrith’s curious eyes were drawn to the scroll on the table. It was from the nuns…

            On it they detailed their plan to create a new Goddess. They had found a strange seed from the heavens. In it was the power to produce a new being capable of shaping the world to its own form. The seed must be planted and protected and allowed to grow strong. Then, it will choose its host and manifest in them an incredible power to overtake and corrupt.

            However, their plan was foiled and ruined. A goblin snuck into the monastery and confoundingly the tree had chosen the goblin as its host. The nuns were forced to leave as more goblins appeared and were bred or converted into existence. The scroll ended as the nun confessed to how badly she wanted to be a goblin… and the rest was gone.

            Sabrith felt her heart drop. The tree wasn’t just any ordinary tree, it was a God Sprout, soon to be new Goddess. And that meant the weird goblin sleeping next to her… Sabrith turned her eyes back over. She was awake. Her three blue eyes stared back at Sabrith and tore through her. She could feel her thoughts being intruded on. The goblin began to float.

            “Wait wait!” Sabrith held her hands up. The goblin wasn’t waiting. Sabrith went for her hammer and held it at the ready. “Alright, no choice!”

            Bare green feet grit against the floor and her new claws tapped like a dog scratching. Sabrith lunged forward and swung her hammer. The goblin dodged to the left and raised her hands. A blast of purple magic oozed out. Sabrith dodged out of the way but bashed herself up against the wall. “Ugh!” Another blast sounded out and knocked the hammer out of her hands.

            “Stormfury!” Sabrith yelled. It was immune to magic… but it was writhing. The hammer shivered and shook and coiled and unfolded. Suddenly, Sabrith realized how an army of goblins snuck up on the church as Stormfury stood, a horny metal clad goblin wearing a helmet, shoulder pads, and nothing else. Her tits bounced and her extremely wide hips swung side to side.

            “Aaaah!” Stormfury giggled. “Oh wow! Thoughts! These are… these are nice!”

            Sabrith was dumbstruck. “Thoughts?! You mean…?”

            “Hey!” She waved giddily, her long ears flapping out her helmet through the hem. “Sab, its me, your hammer!” She gestured then to her loins as a long cock sprouted out, strangely resembling the handle Sabrith was very used to holding. “Though, I think its my turn to return the favor.”

            “Shit…” Sabrith looked back to the super goblin, curious what it was doing. She was hovering in the air, her eyes low lidded but a terrible grin on her face. “What did you do to my hammer?”

            She yawned, the goddess goblin shrugging. “Brought it to life. Thought it’d be funny.”

            “Well it’s not!” Sabrith groaned.

            “I think it is,” The girl hummed. “You were sent here to get rid of us. Yet, we are bound to the tree whose roots are here. We are belong more to this place than the humans who hired you. Were born here, we are of these bricks both literally and figuratively.”

            Distracted, Sabrith was struck by a haymaker from the goblin Stormfury. Sabrith went flying, back slammed against the wall. “Ugh…” Sabrith tugged out the bracers she had stolen. She needed the strength. She slid them on and ran up and punched Stormfury’s chest… to no result.

            “C’mon c’mon, activate!” Sabrith was pushed to her knees by Stormfury, her big hands wrapped around her head. She was pulled forward and that fat cock rammed down her throat. Sab’s eyes filled with hearts as she took it in.

            Well… it never hurt to give your weapon a little grease. She let Stormfury control the situation, let that cock slide down her throat. Sabrith’s thighs thickened and rubbed together. Her tail shriveled and slowly shank away, vanishing in to the space above her thickening green rear. She moaned loudly on that cock, feeling pre slide down her throat.

            And suddenly… the bracelets! They were glowing purple. Sabrith pushed on Stormfury’s knees and PUSH! Stormfury was flung off without much effort from Sab. Sabrith stood and laughed triumphantly. “Hah!” Sabrith wagged her green fingers, her black claws shimmering as she looked back at the goddess-to-be. “See?! I stole your magic items! Now you’re screwed!”

            The purple goblin just smiled.

            “… Say something!” Sabrith was frustrated.

            The other just sighed. “Those only work if you are a goblin.”

            Sabrith blinked. “I’m… still going to beat you!”

            “Wouldn’t you rather breed?” The goblin asked. Sabrith shivered. “Wouldn’t you rather get down on your hands and knees and beg for a cock?” Sabrith’s loins oozed as her clit grew long and steadily filled with need, so much so it bulged a bit at the tip. “Wouldn’t you rather stuff all these willing, horny friends? Take them one by one… And then… Your wife…?”

            Sabrith fell to her knees as slowly goblins approached her, each with their cock in hand throbbing needily. The purple goblin flew near, pushed the tip of her cock to Sabrith’s cock pillow lips. Sabrith opened her mouth gently, pursing them around the head of her equine member. She muttered something and then let her eyes grow heavy lidded.

            Tayelle realized at some point that it had been much too long since Sabrith had come back. Assume the worst, Tayelle sighed. That Sabrith… She would probably need a rescue, but it was just some goblins. Tay could handle that. But she’d need to swap gear. She had better robes for the kind of damage goblins did.

            She sighed. She lifted her robes up and dropped her skirt. She opened her pack to pull out her special equipment—FLASH!

            Tayelle was teleported in to a room. Immediately she was scared as the room was dark. She looked down. Oh, it was Sab’s ring! So she was okay! Only Sab could activate it. The room was smokey so it was hard to make out what she was seeing. But a familiar voice rang out and a silhouette emerged.

            The figure was short. She had long ears and a wiiiide hips. There was something hanging between her legs. Oh, it was Sab pretending to have a cock like the other goblins using her tail. Tayelle sighed. “Sab?”

            “Yeah, Tay?”

            “There you are!” Tayelle groaned. “You scared me. What’s going on in here?”

            “Goblins,” Sab said. “They’re all weak, so don’t worry.”

            “Well, their luck is still good. They literally teleported me right as I was changing!” Tayelle grumbled.

            “Hey Tay? Do me a favor, can you drop your height spell?”

            “Huh? Oh yeah, sure!” Tayelle raised her staff and focused for just a moment. She found the spell in Sabrith and released it. She was shocked to find however that Sabrith only gained an inch of height… and yet the tail between her legs suddenly was much more pronounced with its growth. “… Huh? Wait… Sab… are you…?!”

            Suddenly, something lunged out and grabbed her. A goblin with purple bracelets grabbed one of Tay’s arms, and another grabbed the other. Vines erupted from the ground and wrapped around Tay’s bare thighs and spread her legs apart. The mage struggled for a moment and tried to break free. She was about to cast a spell when a girl grabbed her from behind… and just absorbed all her mana! Tayelle tried again and again but the goblin behind her with the iron helmet just sucked it all up like it was nothing. Tayelle’s ears began to slide down her head and grow longer, losing their fur steadily.

            Sabrith emerged from the smoke with an extremely aroused smile. “I’m sorry Tay~! I tried so hard to resist but fuck goblins fuuuuuck so fucking good like…” She giggled and licked her lips. “I think I sucked off too many goblins and now my head feels funny. But listen! You have a lot of mana so that means you’ll get more pregnant than me. I need to breed you!”

            “S-sab!” Tayelle shook her head but Sabrith kept walking closer.

            “Please… Just… tons of breeding! We need to make an army Tay! Tons of goblins… And we need to do it for our goddess!”

            “Our… what?!” Tayelle asked but there wasn’t any time to answer questions. Sabrith climbed on Tayelle and pushed her cock inside. Tayelle mewled. Thrusts were the only exchange they had. Tayelle’s resistance steadily fell apart as her legs shrank and her tits grew bigger and fatter. She felt every thrust as her stature steady decreased and she become more affected by the lungs of her wife.

            Sabrith came inside, bulging Tayelle’s stomach with all that goblin seed. It spread deep inside her, a terrible pink brand spreading across Tayelle’s crotch as she looked up. The smoke cleared and a purple goblin floated in front of them, watching eagerly.

            Around Sabrith’s cock was a strange ring that was pale. Tayelle shivered as she tried to figure out what it did. She was heady in her gob lust drunken stupor, but she could navigate it. Seasoned climbers could manage reliable cliffs even less than sober…

            It couldn’t be… “Those are essence bands. They’re used by Paladins to channel their Deity’s attributes. Which means…” She looked to the purple glow around some of the goblins’ arms and then to the floating goblin staring down at Tayelle with a half interested look. “You’re…?!”

            The goblin afforded herself a smile as she combed through Tayelle’s thoughts. “You’re excited. Too excited. You’re scared the next time you close your eyes in pleasure they’ll open and wonder why they were even worried. Those are cute thoughts. You stare at the cliff and anticipate the fall, your toes curl and the expected inertia weaves into your fear like a hallowed poem. You’re right to be afraid, but you’re wrong to resist. What awaits you… is a great future. I am the Goddess of Goblins, Telva.”

            Telva spoke and Tayelle caved and Sabrith came again.

            It wouldn’t be long until Tayelle was pregnant, until she was worshipping her goddess with a stomach too big to let her bend to her knees. It wouldn’t be long until their offspring conquered villages and spread the word of their new goddess.

            It wouldn’t be long…

            The smoke swallowed the room and all that was left were silhouettes and a purple glow.

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