On Hell’s Back (And She’s a Milf?!)

On Hell’s Back (And She’s a MILF)

                When Lucina awoke, she could hear wind. Her vision was hazy, her whole body feeling strange. She became suddenly aware that she was naked and inside of a cage made of a deep dark metal. She started to panic and struggle against it, looking out wards from the cage to try and spot any sign of who it was that had here locked away. But then, the blue haired maiden spotted her.

                By all means the woman appeared to be Robin at first glances. The tactician who lead the Shepherds to their numerous victories in the field of war, the wife of Chrom, the mother to the time jumping hero Lucina. But those bright red eyes, like blood pooling on the floor, defied it all. The aura she emitted was intensive. Also she was very naked and sporting a pair of curved black horns, tiny demonic wings, and a huge draconic cock. She approached Lucina with a mirthful expression, the sort of curved and crooked grin only someone so self-assured in their victory could sport.

                “Hello, sweet heart~” Robin cooed, walking straight towards Lucina, her big dark cock wobbling to her steps. “Sorry mommy had to treat you a little roughly, but I had to make sure you didn’t get in the way. It’s all over now, though~ And you’re mine. Forever.”

                “That’s what you think!” Lucina cried. “I’ll escape from here and then-“

                “And go where?” Robin laughed and pointed to the floor the cage was on. It was a chitin material, a dark and natural armor that Lucina recognized.

                “We’re on the back of Grima?”

                “New and improved Grima,” Robin laughed.

                The surface they stood on was none other than Grima, The Dark Goddess, ender of worlds, big bad boss battle to end a pretty fun video game. However, her form was changed. Her neck was still long and craned, but her face was a bit more human looking. Her whole body was! She was flying through the air, but she now had big fat breasts, each the size of whole castles, dangling from her fit and sinister body. She had one hand around her cock, long and sinister, covered in little spires of spikes and little feelers and bumps and tendrils. It was enough to just plunge that cock into the earth to infest the area around it in a deep inescapable corruption.

                Lucina was sort of impressed but also incredibly weirded out. “You… Y-you made it… sexy?”

                “Of course, my sweet dumpling,” Robin laughed. “I occupy both bodies, this, and that one. I however grew tired of the discrepancy between my forms and sought to unite them a bit more. Hence why now I sport a replica of my perfect cock between these legs!”

                “And why your body now has… breasts?” Lucina couldn’t help but raise her brows higher, like they were reaching for the cereal box on the top shelf high. “You’re thousands of years old, right? And you’ve only been in that body for a bit?”

                “Oh, I’m very aware of my age, you fool,” Grima Robin growled, a hand on the cage door. “I’ve taken a liking to how this form feels, and wanted to graft a portion of what makes being Robin so pleasurable and put it onto my true self as well~” The door slid open and Lucina started to run forward. A tendril emerged from Robin’s form and grasped Lucina, pushing her to the ground, bent over, ass in the air. “Perhaps once I grant you a piece of me as well, you’ll come to understand that resisting has never made much sense at all. Especially not now that true beauty and true darkness have coupled and made perfection.”

                “Y-you’re insane!” Lucina struggled beneath the grasp of the surprisingly powerful tendril. If only she had her blade! Grima walked forward and pushed her black demon dick against Lucina’s perked up rear. The tendrils operated Lucina like a puppet, making her grind her pussy back against the front of the shaft. Lucina felt every bump, every barb drive against her. Her skin sizzled from the deep deprived darkness that was swelling from within that cock. It was impossible to not feel her energies be drained by that dick. A lesser woman would be completely converted just by contact, but Lucina was a fighter.

                All the while, the anthro Grima body they stood atop hovered over the world beneath, flying across the lands at a steady pace. It continuously jerked off its sinister cock, its surprisingly sexy body flying above. Drips of pre slithered from its head and dropped to the world. Where it landed it created wellsprings of deep dark corruption. Feral animals began to turn more sexual, violent, standing on two legs and becoming more like humans and demons.

                Lucina grit her teeth, trying to think of a way to escape. She felt that cock slide in and out of her, each thwap of Grima’s hips against her own increasing the volume that the little voice in her head screamed. Give up~ Giiiive up~! GIVE UP~ It was tempting Lucina as it echoed in her head. “I should g-g-give up…” She repeated it like a well hypnotized slut. She watched as the Grima logo began to glow on her budding chest, her tits swelling and rubbing against the floor. “I looooveeeee-UUUURRGHH!” Lucina hissed through her teeth, hitting her head with her own hand. “Y-you dastard!”

                “No matter how much of a commotion you make, my sweet, sweet daughter, you just won’t be able to escape your destiny~” Grima laughed, her eyes glowing brighter. Tentacles rose from the ground, wrapping around Lucina’s body more and more. “So go on and challenge your fate. See how far it has gotten you, and see how it will end!”

                She shook her head, trying to ignore it, pretend that she wasn’t right. Her mother, n-no! This demon, this monster! Just because she looked like Robin doesn’t mean that she was her mother. B-but it felt so much easier to think that way. The dark voice in her head was reassuring her, drawing pretty feelings and sweet cooes. The pleasure of that dark cock plowing away at her, the growing sense of the pleasure surrender would bring. It was like standing on your tip toes on a bed of nails with a comfortable bed in front of you. All one had to do was fall and it’d be all over~ Lucina could just let go and everything would instantly be better.

                Tendrils wrapped around Lucina’s head, slamming her lips around an especially bloated tendril. Her lips mashed around it, suckling tenderly at the shaft. She slid back and forth, eye lids lowering, mind going fuzzy and nice. She knew she was supposed to be trying to break way, but sucking her mother’s tentacle was just so… Her eyes opened again, hazy, but filled with confusion. Why did she feel so conflicted? She tried to stand up, but the tendrils pushed her back down. Her body ached in pleasure. It felt good to be used, to be pushed back down into place. She stayed down that time.

                The massive demon flew further and further out. A huge splash of pre rained down on the local village. A man was hit by the pre. It burnt away his clothes and ate at his skin. He screamed and fell to his knees as his new dragon dick emerged from his body. Scales grew over him~ The Grima symbol emerging on his chest as his new tits grew in. Everyone that saw him fell to their knees and began to wait their turn to be corrupted~ Pre ran across the cobblestone, staining it black.

                “You see now my vision. No longer of destruction, but conversion~ Leaving no stone unturned, leaving no innocence to be found,” Grima howled with pleasure as she plowed her daughter even harder. She kept on giving that sinister grin. “Everyone in the world will be my plaything just as I have designed, just as I have aspired to do~ And none will be spared. So don’t worry~ All your friends will join you and mommy. Soon~”

                Lucina felt more aroused than worried. Those words were so reassuring! For a second, Lucina was scared that Severa wouldn’t be turned into her own plaything! Or that anyone would be able to escape the oncoming storm that was the start of the lewd and dark reign. Lucina swallowed the load that the tentacles shot down her throat and cooed. “Fuck me harder mommy~”

                Grima howled with laugher as Lucina’s eyes went red and black scales started to spread across her form. It was all over. Grima reared her hips back and put her everything into it, plowing Lucina against her own back. Grima came inside the holy warrior, rendering her as a new convert. Lucina sung sweetly as her dick grew from her loin pressed against the floor, just as fucked up and terrible as her mother’s.

                The massive dragon finally arrived at the capital of Ylisse. It rammed its cock into the castle and came, flushing it with its corruptive cum and then it-

                Lucina awoke from her nightmare in a fit of sweat and fear. She turned and sighed. “Well… That was a weird dream…” She then noticed her panties were soaked. “…Well I’m fucked up.”