Obligatory Mandy and Lenea Lewds

Features Lenea from the SpaceSol (canon-est roommate)

            Controllers made percussive sounds as two total dorks sat back on the couch. Thumbs flew across the surface of the nubby control stick, gliding it against the rims and edges of the circumference. Mandy the raccoon bent forward against the chair, staring on at the screen with a squint in her eyes of pure determination. All the while on her left was a brown haired girl with a similar pair of glasses to Mandy’s contending in every way she could.

            “You cheated!” Lenea accused, hissing as she rammed her fingers against the buttons of the controller. “I can’t believe you’d actually cheat like that!”

            “H-how is it cheating?!” Mandy said, now leaning back against the cushion of her shared seat. They were sitting fairly close on the couch. A shrine of snacks laid around them on the floor, the spare cushions, and the armrests. A pizza box laid unattended on the floor. Soda cans hovered around the place like rubble. A bag of cheesy chips was laid out on its back against the arm rest of the sofa were fresh and cold cans laid in wait for the next thirsty eagle to sweep in and free it from the wrap that held them all together.

            “It just is!” Lenea said. “Like, I didn’t even know you could take that short cut?”

            “Well, I just sorta knew!” Mandy said. “I played this game before and-“ The pause screen suddenly froze all the action. Lenea clung her stick down over each option. Continue, Settings, Restart- Blink. The game instantly threw everyone back to the start of the race course. Mandy just stared at the screen, almost in disbelief. The black haired girl looked, the eyes of her furry masked face going wide. “Why did you do that?” Mandy looked back at Lenea with a glare.

            “Well, it’s fair now!” She protested. “You’ve played these DLC courses like twenty times! If we played any other stage I would have won easy!”

            “I mean,” Many blinked. “Winning doesn’t matter that much. We’re just sorta playing a video game, right?”

            Lenea just stared at Mandy, holding the accelerate button on her controller so her racer kept moving down the track. Mandy was wearing one of her numerous black shirts with a logo on it. This one had some pastel logo for a grand epic fantasy game that annoyed Lenea. Lenea herself was wearing shorts and a loose fitting shirt, just something to throw on. But her eyes were glued to Mandy for a little while. “Fine!” Lenea paused the game again.

            “Oh please just don’t restart anymore-!” Mandy began to protest, but was cut off as Lenea stood up in front of the screen.

            “We’re restarting alright! And this time you’re going to take it more seriously!” Lenea said with a bit of a grin. “This time, we’re playing this shit for keeps! Dares! None of the DLC courses either so you don’t have that shitty advantage! Winner dares the loser! Simple enough for a trash panda to get, I think.”

            Mandy blinked. “So, you really want to up the stakes?” Mandy seemed nervous for a moment, but a grin spread across her face. “Alright, fine,” Her tail flicked back and forth as she returned the game to the course selection screen, making sure to pick a race track that wouldn’t frustrated Lenea so much. “Okay, Lenea! I’ll take you up on that offer! But if you chicken out and toss a pizza at me or just not do your dare that’s all the video games I care to play with you.”

            Lenea seemed frustrated that idea was even brought up. “Well, I won’t get mad because there won’t be any chances for you to cheat!”

            With that figured, Mandy happily began the race. Slowly, Lenea’s face changed. It was that cocky self-sure look that vanished into a sort of astonishment as she was completely destroyed by Mandy’s racing. Lenea’s finger itched as it hovered over the pause button right as Mandy’s racer crossed the finish line. Lenea groaned and paused the game. “O-okay! Come on! How did you?…”

            “I won,” Mandy smiled, making eye contact with Lenea. “So, sounds like I owe you a dare.”

            “Aaaaugh!” Lenea shook her head. “Fine, fine! What do you want.”

            Mandy gently spread her shorts-clad legs, her red and black striped socks decorating her shapely legs, and she patted her thick thighs. “You have to sit on my lap until you win.”

            The girl’s face turned red as she processed what was ordered. Her face warped through emotions bottom to top before settling on defeat. She walked over to Mandy, gently turned, and landed her rear down on Mandy’s lap. Mandy was a fair deal taller than the girl, so she was able to still look at the game screen, resting her chin on Lenea’s head. The girl’s face was reading as she brewed in her contempt. “Just shut up you perv. Next game!”

            And so the next game began. Lenea squirmed in her new throne of trash panda thighs. She could feel Mandy’s bulge welling up, sprouting out and pushing against her rear. Lenea tried to ignore, focusing on the game. Still, she felt herself starting to settle her weight, just ever so gently push herself back against that bulge until-

            “I-I lost again?!” Lenea looked on in shock. This time there was even an NPC beating her. “How’s that fair?!”

            “Well, we’re still playing the normal tracks?” Mandy said. “So, everything is fair on that end. Though I don’t really have any ideas for anymore dares! I could even dare myself to breathe…”

            “Just shut up and come up with one!” Lenea said, growling as she pushed her head back against Mandy’s tits as pillows.

            “Fine, fine! Um, do you want to er…” Mandy rubbed the back of her head a bit. “Well, maybe you could strip?”

            Lenea groaned louder. “You pervert. You really want me to…?” Lenea pushed out of Mandy’s lap and turned back and looked at the raccoon. “Fine! Here!” She grabbed her shirt and pulled it away from her body and tossed it aside. Her chest was compact with only wide pink nipples marking her lithe form. Then she tugged down her shorts revealing a pair of panties that Mandy had bought her. They had a little raccoon face on the front. Lenea blushed, holding her arms over her chest. She turned around and threw herself back at the raccoon lap and sat down. “Don’t look so surprised! Everything else is in the laundry, alright?!”

            Now there was even less fabric separating her from Mandy’s groin. Lenea tried to settle in, but it was annoying feeling that big juicy doggy boner pushing against her rear and- She shook her head before her thoughts got any muddier. While Mandy was still flustered that Lenea actually followed through, the brown-haired girl clicked on continuing the game. The next race began and she plowed her button down and her racer shot out across the landscape, leaving Mandy’s in the dust.

            With this big head start, Lenea lead the pack as she raced on ahead through what looked to be a neon glowing shopping mall. Lenea also discovered she had a few other weapons at her disposal. As Mandy’s racer gained on her, the lithe girl waited until a tricky corner came up. As soon as Mandy was nearing the corner, Lenea slid her rear back rougher against that cock, hot dogging it a little. Mandy let out a sound and totally failed the turn, crashing her kart into the curve of the track.

            Mandy closed it again. Lenea gently snuck a free hand over and squeezed her tit. Mandy made a similar sound to the last and once again failed to steer well. Lenea had to hide her laughter as she made it across the race track and finally won a race. “Hahaha! Yes!” Lenea stood up and grinned. “Eat that, trash fire! I won one!”

            “That wasn’t fair at all!” Mandy said. “You cheated!”

            “Now how did I cheat, hmm?” Lenea asked, nose high. “I just knew how your track worked.”

            “T-that’s not even kinda fair!” Mandy protested. “You like just flat out cheated!”

            “Barely any more than you did!” Lenea said. “And I still won, soooo-“ Lenea turned and started to seemingly go on a victory march before she was stopped.

            “Hey, we’re not done yet!” Mandy said. “I still have one more win than you, and besides, you have a dare.”

            “Oh, is that the case?” Lenea replied, sounding like a tired rich girl with her victorious yet bored tone. “Fine. Take your dumb shirt off. I’ll beat you in the next race too,” Lenea said, returning to the couch and cracking open a soda for a quick swig.

            Mandy let out a blush and groan combo as she lifted her shirt away from her soft fluffy self. She tossed it aside. The raccoon girl’s heavy tits laid out, tucked inside of a tight black bra. She was definitely a very big raccoon, but Lenea had no doubt it was just because the pervert painstakingly chose juuuust the right transformation to have such a gifted rack. Still, the girl took her seat in Mandy’s lap again and clicked on to start the next race.

            “I knew these dares were a bad idea,” Mandy said, still a bit bashful about having her chest out. “And hey, you won a race. You don’t have to sit in my lap anymore.”

            “I know that!” Lenea replied, sounding plenty defensive. “I just wanted to sit here!”

            The race was off! Lenea and Mandy were neck and neck on one of the trickier tracks that took place entirely on the back of a flying dragon. Lenea was quick to start cheating against, pushing her rear back against Mandy’s dick, or tugging a fat needy nipple out of her bra. Mandy became more and more of a mess as Lenea snuck in a few licks and kisses at that loose nipple. Mandy threw her head back as the lust grew, everything just so sensitive and overwhelming. When she looked back at the screen she saw how things were progressing from the point of view from last place.

            “Ooh that does it!” Mandy growled as she jammed down the buttons again. Her car raced ahead. But as she did her best to race with one hand, she snuck her free one on Lenea’s chest, gently twisting her nipple.

            “H-hey!” Lenea growled. “What do you think you’re doing?!” The girl struggled against Mandy as teased Lenea’s body.

            “Just giving you a taste of your own medicine!”

            “You’re pinching too hard! It feels like this!” And Lenea tugs a big harder.

            “Unf! F-fuck!” Mandy retorts by squeezing back at Lenea harder.

            Lenea retorts by reaching into Mandy’s shorts and squeezing that big red dick that lies beneath, all the while trying to focus on racing.

            Mandy retorts by ramming her fingers inside of Lenea’s panties, pushing right into her wet folds.


            Lenea slid her body up and down against Mandy’s fat knotted cock. The raccoon girl leaned in against the other. Lenea was facing Mandy, running her hips up and down like a pogo stick. Mandy leaned in and pushed her lips against Lenea’s. The browned haired girl turned away as the kiss ended, looking bashful and almost confused. On the screen, a big YOU LOSE screen kept showing, a tune of defeat playing at a jaunty rhythm that Lenea realized she was being fucked to.

            Mandy rammed her hips a bit, trying to get involved in the bouncing as much as she could, her wobbly tits bouncing steady like mountains of jello. Everything felt like it was lost to a haze of lust. Lenea couldn’t decipher if it had been minutes or seconds. Everything just bled into each other. The yelling, the teasing, and it all just built up until this was the scenario she found herself in. She craned her neck back and let out a moan as she felt that big fat dick dig deeper inside of her.

            Every thrust of that cock sent Lenea further and further back into the haze. Jolts of pleasure read through her, leaving her trembling. Mandy leaned in and pushed her lips against Lenea’s mosquito bite tits. Mandy was making little grunts and moans all the while, Lenea feeling the raccoon’s hot breathe as her lips neared her body. She suckled for a little while, Lenea feeling even stranger as the raccoon worked on her.

            All these feelings just welled up into Lenea riding even harder. Mandy awkwardly pushed. Lenea landed with her back against the sofa. The soda cans were knocked away. Lenea swore she could feel a chip crack underneath her. Mandy was now on top of Lenea and repositioning herself. The wet sounds of her stirring her cock filled the air. Mandy reared her hips back and thrust forward, pushing her dick back inside.

            Mandy found herself thrusting to a steady pace, hungrily pounding her dick inside of Lenea. In this position every thrust felt so much more powerful. Lenea laid back. This was nice… To have someone else do all the work. Lenea smiled a little as she felt Mandy’s cock vibrate inside of her. Mandy moaned out loudly as she shot her first strand, than her second, and before long, her whole load was deposited inside of Lenea.

            They panted in unison. It took a little while for Mandy’s knot to descend, and then followed by them continuing to rest. Lenea laid back, letting her slit slowly leak out Mandy’s hearty load. It was thick and sticky. “W-what happened…” Lenea gasped.

            “I-I barely know… Hahaha…” Mandy cooed. “I think… I think we shouldn’t play games with dares… It always ends up like this…”

            “I dunno… It made the game more fun. I hate that game,” Lenea leaned back harder against the chair, gasping for breath. “I need a shower… You joining me?”

            “Sure, why not…” Mandy clumsily stood up and helped Lenea get up. Together the totally canonical roommates made their way over to the bathroom and washed up. Lenea was extra cuddly in the shower that time. She rubbed her head against Mandy’s belly a dozen times or so.

            Mandy just sighed at the little goblin she was living with in this completely canonical story. At least they got along here and there. She pat her head and sighed as the fic ended.