MEGALOMANIA – Sabrith and Tayelle vs Cecille Alborne

            “You have my word,” Sabrith spoke with her voice firm and high. “We will defend you, all of you! Until my very last breathe.” The cat girl gave a firm smile caught between her warrior’s determination and her savior’s grin. She looked back the scarred girl in the robes until she let back a little nod. With her approval, Sabrith rushed back onto the streets of Parren Hold, the cobblestone beneath her armored feet turning into a blur as she sprinted out.

            Between the buildings that walled in the streets was a massive beast crawling forward. Like an alligator that’s grown too large for its legs, the slithering mass of discolored scales and drooling black essence pushed forward with its tiny bulging legs that just barely skid across the ground. Beneath it was a belly of a million razor thin and sharp legs that could bite through metal and left the stonework in a mess of million of scratches, shattering the streets like glass.

            As Sabrith ran forward, a bolt of mighty ice emerged from the other end of the street, forming a barricade of spun winter around the beast. It was slowed. Sabrith then felt a jolt of speed and instinct rush through her. “Haste!” A familiar voice called. Sabrith pushed against the ground and flew forward, Stormfury comfortably in her grasp.

            The hammer slammed down against the face of the unruly and unusual beast. It hissed at the blow, black gunk splattering from its bursting vessels. Sabrith fell back and dodged the sudden swing from one of its arms. Its mighty maw and opened and snapped at Sabrith. Its teeth clashed down around the wall of the building, biting straight into the living room.

            From the back of the street, Tayelle came rushing forward, her tome of spells hovering in front of her. “Fire!” She raised her hands and the fire came bursting forward, tactically concentrated into a plume that never touched the barricade. The fire burst through its closing mouth, blowing away a part of its jaw so it could never close its mouth again. Skeleton showing, it only doubled down its mindless assault on one specific cat girl.

            It swung again, Sabrith dodging just as she did before with some basic footwork. But then its other side rammed forward with surprising speed. Sabrith moved out of the way, but right back near its center. It rolled straight at Sabrith and sent her into the building that was just opened, the beast’s flesh serving as a wall.

            Sabrith rebelled, quickly rushing forward to swing her hammer. It bashed against the beast, but it did little to affect it as it just turned quickly and blasted a breath of mighty rot into the building. Sabrith gasped, the poisonous miasma filling the room. Before it could well up another blow, Tayelle came rushing forward and swung her blazing red spells at it. One after another, the fury of blazes crashed onto it like meteors until the beast stopped moving.

            “I always knew the final sunset would be harsh… But this onslaught is just…” Tayelle was unsteady on her feet.

            “You’re getting tired?” Sabrith moved forward towards the new entrance of the building.

            “A little. Every monster so far has taken up more mana than I cast on a bad month. They’re endless and their endurance is bottomless.”

            “It makes sense,” Sabrith looked up at the gloomy sky, just barely able to make out through the purple hues the sight of the moon. “This is their realm now. Day hasn’t dawned and likely won’t ever again. But we need to hurry,” Sabrith gestured to the streets. “We need to save everyone that we can before a monster twice as bad makes short work of the people.”

            Tayelle nodded. “My thoughts exactly, Sab!” She quickly pecked Sabrith on the cheek before running forward, her magic starting to make her hover above the floor. It was so she could keep up with Sabrith who launched into a spring straight ahead.

            Parren Hold was burning. The mighty city was once a sort of religious mega complex. In olden days this was once its own kingdom before Ferbyn laid claim to her. Now its people lived in the shadow of the spires that reached out like handles to their God King of the skies so he might grasp ahold of them and bring the city to new deserved heights. Its buildings that were constructed in the sight of gods was now lost to them in the eternal night.

            Monsters were stronger in this darkness, even the smallest impling found its mana bolstered, its spells strengthened, and its form enhanced. The story was reversed for humans. Tayelle regained her mana in sunlight and could only regain mana at night by absorbing it from sunstones, a commodity often controlled by The Grand Church to the north. Tayelle was out of sunstones and had been for a while ever since the last city they saved.

            Sabrith and Tayelle launched a campaign of heroism across the continent, the fallen Empire of Ferbyn. From city to city they moved, only seeking to rescue those who couldn’t save themselves, give them a chance to get away to the new line. But The Final Sunset was spreading, eclipsing more and more lives into eternal darkness and the beginning of the reign of monsters.

            The pair arrived at a center plaza with a statue of The God King himself stood with bastard sword in hand and armor so intricate and detailed it could only be the stuff of legends. Sabrith heard foot steps on the stone and turned behind her. The girl from before was following them, scared and alone. Sabrith sighed. “You should’ve stayed back there. Another beast could appear from any corner and snatch you up.”

            “I know, I just…” She pulled her hood up further, her eyes sobbing, face so lost and cold. “I’m hopeless, I’m scared. If I stayed back there what if I ended up like my… like my mother…”

            “You’re more likely to end up like it out here!” Sabrith snapped. “I urge you! Get to cover now!”

            “Sabrith could’ve said that more politely…” Tayelle chewed on the words. “But she’s right, girl. You really need to get somewhere safe where you can hide until we’ve cleared a path. Or until a member of the city guard can find you and take you somewhere else.”

            Before they could keep scolding her two more threats emerged from the adjacent streets. Two tall woman walked in confident strides from the parallel roads that met at the plaza just as the road the cat girls took did. Each woman was a tall dragon woman wearing similar armor. Black as their scales, engraved in gold. One had a purple underbelly and had wider hips. The other had a red belly and wore less armor. If anything the armor was more for show as their scales were strong enough to handle most blades.

            They were Cecillle’s Royal Guard, some of the strongest warriors she had plucked up from nothing. Her reign had barely lasted a month and already through her magic and forced dedication she had created a regiment of soldiers so feared and mighty they could take their place in legends. Both dragons had only chest plates with plenty of cleavage, plates of armor that clung around their hips, black belts that hardly covered anything but did a fine job of hugging their hips and showing how softly they squeezed. They also had quite large cod pieces, clearly covering up something they must use quite often.

            Beauty, sex, and blood. It could be the motto of Cecille’s corruptive army that turned foes into cock sucking allies, that left villages in flames and families twisted and broken. The red bellied dragoness retrieved a long enchanted spear, the whole thing covered in symbols.

            A quick cast of Identify and an understanding of Demonic Spell Runes told Tayelle all she needed to know. “A lust spell. Damage is translated into arousal. It’s a powerful enchantment too…” She looked to the other with the purple belly. She retrieved a pair of blades, each brutish and red, incredibly angular almost completely square save for the long straight edges at the end. “Armor breakers. They can carve through metal and cloth. The points do the same thing as the other’s spear.”

            “We’ve only beat one before,” Sabrith said. “And that one almost beat us.”

            “Great,” Tayelle grinned. “Now we can say we beat two.”

            The draconic woman chuckled as they walked towards the cat girls. Sabrith and Tayelle stayed near, shielding the girl sat on the stone behind them. She crawled in fear and awe of the mighty woman who stood two heads taller than Sabrith.

            “If only you knew how easily you will fall,” The red bellied dragon girl cooed. “Perhaps then you wouldn’t make what could be an easy and dignifying end become such a dragged out and embarrassing affair.”

            Sabrith held her hammer tighter, her heart beating. “You speak like the fight is already over?” That made both dragons laugh even louder. “I’ll let you have your joke,” Sabrith sprinted forward with blinding speed and swung her hammer at the red bellied dragoness. She readied her spear in defense. Sabrith’s hammer clashed against the reinforced pole. It bent a little her way. Sabrith followed through the momentum and leapt forward. She reeled her fist back and smashed it against the dragon’s head, her helm getting knocked clean off revealing a head of black and red hair and bright brilliant purple eyes. “So long as you accept my punchline!”

            The dragoness hissed and rushed forward. Sabrith was caught in the rush and quickly found her back pushed against a wall. Tayelle turned to see what happened but was rushed herself. She just barely dodged and cast a mighty blast of Thunder towards her foe. Electricity welled up in her fingers and emerged as an orb in blinding speed. As soon as she raised her hand the entire motion was over and the bolt was blasted, connecting with its intended target. The purple dragoness howled, but not in pain. It was pleasure.

            Sabrith rolled away, covered in dust from the stonewall she was just sent bursting through. The dragoness swung her spear at Sabrith, but she quickly dodged. Perhaps in too predictable a way as the spear came swinging her way again. Sabrith fell back from this, tripping over the table in the house. She kicked it up as a guard, the dragoness plunging her spear straight through it and ending with it stuck. Quickly, Sabrith kicked herself to her feet and capitalized on the moment.

            “This was someone’s home!” Sabrith reared back and swung her hammer in from the side. The table was quickly presented as a shield, which Sabrith’s hammer crushed straight through. Sabrith recovered and swung her hammer again. The dragoness caught it and quickly flung it against the wall with Sabrith still connected to it. She swung again, the stone wall cracking.

            The dragoness just laughed. “All you see is property of Empress Cecille. Even you.”

            “Your Empress is a hag-“ But the dragoness, strangely enough, didn’t wait to hear the rest. She slammed her body weight forward against Sabrith and smashed her through the wall into the adjacent room. Sabrith rose to her knees but was quickly kicked by the beastly woman, her claws grasping at Sabrith’s breast plate and started to try and tear it away. Sabrith swung her hammer and crashed it against the dragon’s shoulder. It barely did anything. Sabrith groaned and walked backwards, letting the plate be tugged away, leaving her red tabard feeling loose without the grasp of her armor and belts.

            All the while, Tayelle dealt with her own turmoil. The dragoness she was paired with was fast on her feet despite her size. She was a fair deal slimmer than the other now that Tayelle had to notice. She also knew a fair deal of spells. When Tayelle sent another bolt, the dragoness just rose her blades and caught it inside a shield that spanned the distance between those weapons, like a net of spell shimmer. Tayelle slammed her hand against the ground and sent a shockwave of ice, but the dragoness just leapt, patted her wings, and flung herself forward.

            Tayelle hovered just a little out of the way, and then leapt against the ice. She slid on it, usually used to how to handle it, but was thrown off her guard when the beast quickly recovered and leapt to follow Tayelle. She rolled out of the way, the dragoness following through with that momentum and sliding the rest of the way down the ice path. “I wonder how Sab’s doing…”

            Sabrith was flung from a window, landing right next to Tayelle. Her forehead was a bit cut up. “H-hey Tayelle…” Sabrith groaned, getting back up on to her feet. “Where’s the girl?”

            “Right here!” She called out, peeking from the statue. “You two need to try harder! Just focus! And whatever you do, don’t look at their forms! Just focus on the fight!”

            “Yeah, we’ve been trying!” Sabrith groaned. But oh it was a fair point. Sabrith watched as her foe emerged from the building. She was such a mighty sight. Huge breasts sealed inside a carved set of immaculate armor. Her hair was short and spiked, her horns curved and simple. Her abs were mighty, shimmering from battle. Her hips wide, betraying her form of battle and instead seemed more suited to being on the woman who was stepping on Sab and treating her like the naughty kitten she was.

            Tayelle stared at her own encounter much the same, finding the way she licked her blades to be dangerous and exciting. Her eyes drifted to that cod piece, noticing that the way it was fastened wasn’t quite holding up any longer. Sabrith was staring much the same. Both of the dragons looked to each other and laughed. The air was thick with corruption.

            “Here kitty kitties~” The red one cooed, plucking her armored cock hold away.

            “Come get your treats~” The purple one moaned much the same.

            Their pieces fell to the ground. The red one had twin cocks tucked away inside a tight draconic sheathe, swaying balls big enough to occupy Sabrith’s hands, a ball filling each palm. Her red dicks started to poke out from their shaft slowly, a bead of pre dribbling from each twin head.

            The purple had one long, thick cock, covered in little barbs along the sides of it. It was purple, shimmered like gemstone. It started to crawl free from its own cave. Her nuts swayed as she walked towards Tayelle.

            Sabrith shook her head and quickly ran to the side. Tayelle followed behind her. But it was too late. It was as if just looking at her foe had begun to rot away at Sabrith’s mind. It was the onset of insanity. Why? Why did we have to be foes? She belongs to that vile order! Sabrith’s thoughts were racing past her faster than she could correct them. She was high on her battle instinct, sweat beading across her forehead, her tabard clinging to her tighter. Claw marks were drawn across her belly, showing her abs and red wounds beneath. Oh gods if I could be so blessed as to be bent over by that beast in another life… Grant that to me as a reward for facing and defeating these bastards! Those big cocked… Fierce eyed… Wide hipped…

            Tayelle wasn’t doing much better. Her own thoughts were racing as her eyes traced the form of her own foe, as well as Sabrith’s. “I-I’ll trade you!” Tayelle muttered, her voice hitching louder as she spoke, like a literal push of heat and need to her words.

            “U-unfair! Mine has twice the… power…” Sabrith gasped, trying to clean her mind. She didn’t notice as little nubs began to sprout and push up against her ripping scabbard. Two rows of said nubs sprouting beneath her breasts in a perfect line. They grew with little hills of flesh around them. They started to slowly push out against her form. Tayelle felt a similar sensation, though her clothing permitted even less to be seen. What could be seen, however, were the two nubs of antlers starting to sprout from her forehead.

            “Just do it!” Tayelle groaned, trying to hide the lust in her voice. “The one with the smaller weapons can’t reflect your blows, and I can move quicker than you with the other! Its reach is its strength!”

            “I thought it was the fact there was two- “

            “NOT. THAT. SPEAR.” Tayelle groaned, already running straight forward towards the red dragoness.

            Tayelle swung her knives towards the dragoness. She dodged, but Tayelle was relentless, spinning on her heels like a dancer, following through and ducking under every swing of that spear.

            “You’re a foolish slut to face us,” The dragoness growled in a low tempting purr. “Empress Cecille has blessed us with endless might. Even just being in our presence consumes your mind, corrupts your body. The atmosphere twists you like a toy into place!”

            “That won’t stop us!” Tayelle grinned. “Just because you’re kinda sexy doesn’t mean anything! It doesn’t change the crimes of your empress!” Tayelle lunged forward but her hand was caught suddenly. The dragoness dropped her spear and lunged all the way in. Tay’s glance was caught distracted by the sudden move.

            “Tay! Don’t let her hold you like that!” The girl screamed from behind the statue.

            “Do you know what I was before this day, before our empress rose?” The dragoness cooed. The purple one laughed as it distracted Sabrith in battle, but Sabrith quickly noticed. She was punished for distraction by being struck by the small sword in her shoulder plate. Purple fire instantly embedded into the armor and turned it into soot and coal. Tayelle tried to watch the fight, but the dragoness grabbed her cheeks and forced eye contact. Tayelle swam in her eyes and drowned in that ocean.

            The dragoness cleared her throat and began to walk with the limp cat girl in her hands. Tayelle’s antlers started to grow more and more, being held by the dragoness seeming to amplify the growth. Fur started to rush up her legs, bloating her leggings. “Before Cecille, my glorious goddess, the queen of my heart and soul, I was a farmer. A dull farmboy with the wits of a pig sty! I harvested grain and counted bronze. There were days when we were surrounded by food and didn’t have enough to eat!” She howled with sinister laughter. Tayelle started to drool involuntarily from her mouth, looking on in terror, her body limp.

            “I shoveled shit, I obeyed my lord and never went anywhere while everyone around me prospered. My father was old and wounded from his days as a soldier, but he was fine! My brother left the farm and went on to be what?! A scholar? He fucks books for a living! But I waited. And my day came when Cecille, my perfect goddess, she came and she put her hand on my shoulder!

            “My body erupted with all the pain, all the suffering, and it bled onto me as scales, as muscle, as pure fucking gorgeous sex. I’m hung. I’m busty. I’m strong. I am tall!” She howls in laughter, fire erupting from the sides of her mouth. She threw Tayelle across the ground. The broken stone eats at her clothing. Her boots fall aside, revealing white fur and hooves. Her six breasts are growing, bursting through her dress, splitting the flowing white thing open. White fur is all the way up to her throat, choking out her humanity. She tries to stand, her wobbly rear growing. She lands forward, too top heavy to stand easily. Her rear erupts through the tear in her leggings, her new doe tail waiving, wet with her sex and need. The dragoness takes a whiff of the air and smiles, flicking her forked tongue.

            Sabrith was wrapped up in her own battle. The purple dragoness was fast and relentless. She didn’t seem to care how many openings she made. She rode out the storm, flying forward with a flurry of blades. She struck at Sabrith from every angle, spun on her feet and swept her feet with her thick tail. Sabrith tripped but slid away from the attack. She fell on her back from the maneuver and barely lifted her hammer in time to deflect two knifes rushing her way. She kicked forward and manage to strike the knee of the best. F-feels like fucking steel!

            “Little kitty, little kitty~” The dragoness sung sweetly. The girl was looking out from the statue. Sabrith growled.

            You’re starting to get on my nerves, girl! She thought, staring her down for a second.

            “Sabrith!” The girl called out from her hiding place. “Please, be careful not to suck her dick!”

            “I-I know!” Sabrith growled. “What kind of shitty advice is-“

            She was struck. The blades swung against her. She felt them, her clothes starting to burn. Sabrith fell to her knees. Her decaying clothing was standing like strands of straw in a fire. The tinder fell apart. Her growing breasts pushed out against her web of remaining clothing. The fire spread further and further up until the base of the straining fabric was burst! Sabrith’s six fat tits burst free, covered in growing grey fur, each nipple inverted, popping free and aroused at sight of the dragoness.

            The purple dragon presented her thick purple barbed member and stood there. Sabrith gripped her hammer and snickered to herself. How dumb was she to drop her guard?! Sabrith got ready to swing but… Her arms felt limp… And her eyes were just drawn to that cock.

            W-why can’t I look away?! Sabrith shivered. Her eyes were glued to it. Her neck was craning forward as black fur spread across her eyes, giving her a little thief mask. Slowly, her jaw dropped, her tongue spread out. T-this cock… I think I need it? I think I need it in me. It fucking me hard and stupid. I want to ride it over and over until the bed breaks, until I break~

            Sabrith’s mouth met the tip of that cock. Quickly, though, the rest was shoved down her throat. Hard. Her hair was grasped tight by the dragoness above her. She pulled and tugged on those red locks over and over. Sabrith found it hard to think, just focusing on the rugged flavor, the tug of those barbs, and the assertive dominance of the dragon.

            Tayelle lifted her rear. A little higher, trying at first to get a grasp of the situation. The white snowy fur had spread to her rear. But then she felt that thick forked tongue swab across her slit, her rear, and leave it all drenched. She cooed out in pleasure, gasping hungrily. Her eyes darted to Sabrith, seeing that she was in much a similar situation. She also saw the girl behind the statue. She looked ready to run. Tay’s eyes closed and she felt happy she was at least able to save one last person before the corruption took her.

            Every lick drove her further into the howling madness of pleasure. Tayelle saw the girl walk towards her. “B-beast!” She yelled. “Don’t fuck my friend brainless, please!”

            The dragoness just laughed and laughed, licking Tayelle even harder. The darkness of the situation… The girl she tried so hard to save being so close to danger… It made Tayelle’s fall further, harder, and more amazing feeling~

            With the pageantry out of the way, the dragoness crawled on top of its new reindeer mate, Tayelle’s face stretching into a short muzzle just as the dragon grasped her mouth and forced her fingers against it. Tayelle’s scared face ran her tongue over what was given. The girl snickered.

            “See, it was hopeless to fight,” She said. “I told you as much. But you didn’t listen. Now look where you are. Giving in.”

            Tayelle nodded. “Giving in~” She cooed it like it was a song she was taught. The dragoness pushed her huge cock inside of Tay, spreading her wide, her twin just splaying out to the side. She slowly slid back and held her cocks together with her hand. She slid forward and pushed her cocks inside of Tayelle. Inch by agonizing inch. Tayelle howled in pleasure. It didn’t make sense to run anymore. The girl was right. She was always right!

            Sabrith’s throat was thrust down over and over. Her face stretched into a short muzzle, the newly made raccoon girl struggling to keep that big dick inside her. Her feely new paws grasped at the dragon’s nuts, happily squeezing them and cooing.

            “Hehehe, you’re not so tough now, huh?” The purple dragoness purred, her blade deposited on the side. “Not that you were ever much of a match for us…”

            Still, something felt so off and strange about this. Sabrith’s eyes glanced over at Tayelle right as she rubbed her hand against Stormfury’s handle, stroking it as if it were a cock. A glimpse of purity and true sight struck her.

            Tay was bent over by a huge dragoness, and Sabrith saw through it. The girl was Cecille Alborne. She was the empress. The empress was just stood there, white hair, black horn, bold yellow eyes. Sabrith bit down on the cock and squeezed the nuts hard as she could. The dragoness yelled in pure agony. Yeah, those aren’t armored are they bitch?! Sabrith lifted her harmed and slammed it against the head of her foe, focusing on pure percussive persuasion.

            The dragoness was dizzied, but Sabrith wasn’t doing much better herself. The sway of her breasts made holding her hammer hard, and she felt the need to grope and pleasure cocks growing in her paws. She tried to hold down her rows of fat tits, but even glancing past her nipples made them peek out and bud like flowers in a very fertile spring. Sabrith had one chance. “Empress Cecille!”

            Cecille turned away from Tayelle and saw Sabrith running forward. “Y-you shouldn’t be out of your spell!” Cecille raised her hands, trying to prepare a spell. Sabrith growled and hissed, making a great pace. For a second it felt like her new body wasn’t even holding her back. She felt weightless and free! A liberating burst of speed pushed her past the mighty bolts of black lightning Cecille shot out from her hand.

            Sabrith bum rushed her, pushing her shoulder against Cecille’s chest. The empress tumbled. This was where the extra weight was actually helping Sabrith. Sabrith swung her hammer and she crashed opened Cecille’s head like a watermelon. The dragoness released Tayelle and ran in fear. Like the coward she was!

            Tayelle gasped and quickly hugged Sabrith, sobbing sweet victory. “W-we did it! We saved the city!”

            Sabrith nodded. Though, she forgot what it was she did to save the city. The thoughts were hurting, so she just turned back to nestling her head inside of Empress’s nuts. There… When she was against a cock it was so much easier for her dumb raccoon slut brain to function.

            “You were close, I’ll give you that, Sabrith.” Cecille laughed, seated on a throne brought to her by dragons. Her new reindeer and raccoon pet were eagerly suckling away, licking at Cecille’s cock, taking in her scent so it might be forever carved into their minds. “A shame you gave away your cover so quickly! That little mind of yours was already trivial to conquer. Such a fast attack is like a mouse trying to escape the paw of a lioness~” As she said that, Cecille’s barbs magically grew larger, her cock more feline like. This aroused both of the girls to suckle harder, worship more thoroughly.

            That night, Sabrith had a dream. Just a glimpse of what it was before they fell.

            They arrived at Parren Fold before The Sunset had claimed it. Heroes with names that reached far and wide, Sabrith and Tayelle became known as liberators, some called them The Heroes of The Dawn. Their exploits were accounted for and retold ever since they escaped from their home town only days after Cecille’s ascent.

            “We need to settle down and just get back to us,” Tayelle urged Sabrith as they arrived and began scouting for an inn. “At least we’re back in the sunlight. I should have enough time to rest!”

            “Yeah, you really used up a lot of your spells out there!” Sabrith smiled, admiring her mate so carelessly, so lovingly. How many cities had they seen on their ride here, to the very outskirts of the falling empire? Their count was at least in the tens, and in each they must have saved hundreds, maybe even thousands. The beasts they faced were mighty, including one of Cecille’s Royal Guards. Sabrith never had such a close encounter, and to think Cecille could just make those with magic from people…

            The inn was accommodating and kind, and even had known of Sabrith and Tayelle. In fact, everyone there had heard of them! Now the streets weren’t lined in confetti and a feast prepared in their honor, but what they did see was countless citizens they had saved. The fleeing nobles and wayward peasants were entirely pleased when they saw Sabrith and Tayelle, their heroes, staying at the very same inn!

            All through the night they shared tales of how those heroics enabled them to lead better lives. “I made it out thanks to you!” A farmer said. “I was able to get here and rest up. I have a transport prepared tomorrow! I’m riding to The Holy Capital. I owe you my life!”

            “I as well!” A woman said. “Because of you two I’ll see my husband again!”

            “And I my wife!” “I can finally make it home!” “I would’ve been dead!”

            Drinks and splendor, celebrations of terrors escaped! Sabrith and Tayelle cheered them on and relaxed after a long campaign against darkness. It was a rough month of endless forces and fears, the monsters never stopping with their unlimited endurance and strength.

            “We just did what we knew we had to!” Sabrith said. “I am glad you’re all okay! I pray you make it to your new homes and that this false empress is defeated!”

            They didn’t know it at the time, but she was there. She could hear every word. Cecille would reveal to them later that she was able to alter other’s perception of her, thus effectively making her like a changeling in a way. She was specifically targeting them. Sabrith’s dream went hazy until it got to the part, a part that Sabrith couldn’t remember when she awake.

            Both of the cat girls awoke and stood up just as ordered. Sabrith was shaking, Tayelle as well, their minds free but their bodies disobeying. “Who goes there?!” Sabrith snapped.

            “Bow.” A simple order.

            Sabrith felt her knees give out, her hands meet the floor. She prostrated before her intruder. As did Tayelle, who joined slower, struggling to obey even though it felt so good to do so.

            Once they were both on the ground, Empress Cecille emerged into the inn, the light of candles on the bed side table illuminating her gaze, her yellow eyes brighter than the embers of the room. “And here we have The Heroes of Dawn. Accepting their new empress.”

            “C-Cecillle?!” Sabrith struggled, grinding her nails against the wood. Her heart raced. All she could think about was Tayelle, how to protect her, how to kill this new threat- But then, her thoughts stopped. She just heard a snap.

            “Sabrith, please greet me more properly,” Cecille said with a wry smile. “That was hardly a proper entrance.”

            “Empress Cecille, I am soooo pleased to see you~’ Sabrith cooed. And as far as she could tell, she truly and utterly believed it.

            Their downfall was planned. It was made as public as possible. Of course, Cecille let them, give the fight a fair shot. Their attempts to defeat the dragons were fair, just peppered with the secret orders Cecille gave during the fight, and one omnipresent command they couldn’t escape.

            You. Will. Fall.

            Sabrith awoke from her dream, already collared and leashed. Cecille tugged. Sabrith walked on all fours, her six tits drooling cum, her new horse cock leaking. Tay’s own horse dick was leaking as well. All of their tits were pierced with enchanted stones. Sab got the white ones, Tay got the black. They buzzed almost constantly, keeping Sabrith unendingly aroused and happy. So very happy.

            Cecille paraded the pair through the city on leashes, escorted by a troop of her guards, including the purple and red. The city had gathered when they heard the sounds earlier in the morning, the explosions, the battles, the screams, and then finally the moans.

            Before a crowd that was contained by her guards, Cecille presented what was still undeniably The Heroes of Dawn. “This is what happens to traitors, to holder-ons to the this thing called purity.” Cecille locked eyes with any member of the audience she could. Her voice was charismatic even without the support of her spells. Sabrith grew bored of the speech and started to suckle at Cecille’s cock, hungrily sipped away at the extra pre. She loved the feel of those venomous barbs against her skin, making her every inch purr and feel just like her sopping wet slit.

            Cecille laughed at the sight, turning back to the audience. “I hope you see the message. Harrowing as it is to accept. I will grant you a moment to learn it. None of you shall be harmed beyond what it is you desire~ But just learn this lesson as my tax. Heroes are gone and dead~” Cecille turned and walked away. The purple and the red dragoness walked forward and claimed their prizes, and they claimed them in front of the entire audience.

            Sabrith looked into the audience and recognized faces she once fought to preserve, people she adored, friends she clung onto so hard. I’m sorry you, and you. I’m sorry everyone… The dragon thrust harder into her. Sabrith’s eyes rolled back, her tongue lolled. Her nipples grew hard with the same. Tayelle looked much the same. Please… You need to understand… Sabrith moaned, unable to vocalize, trapped in her mind. Please forgive me! I tried… I tried to fight it! I really did!

            I just… Sabrith howled. I just love cock so fucking much~!!!

            And she was tossed to the audience, spent and filled with cum, to be observed. The dragoness tugged on her leash and made her crawl back into the shadows. Sabrith smiled all the way, flashing her wet cum soaked pussy at one of the people she saved. She moaned inside her mind…

            Empress Cecille~ My empress~!!!

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