Last Clutch of Reality

The power outage killed her phone. Tessa tugged herself out of bed with that lethargic rising like the world was being repainted for you as you woke. As it all loaded into being, Tessa became aware that she wasn’t awakened to the dulcet tones of a song called Wake Up You’re Dying, a song that starts with what can only be described as a ‘thrash against reality.’ That made her nervous as she walked out into her drab and dark apartment with wood floors cold against her bare feet.

Sure enough, as she went to have breakfast, egg in hand and hovering over the frying pan, she saw the oven clock. Work started at 9 AM; It was 12 PM. Tessa dropped the egg in the pan and flew across the room like a storm! Her frizzy hair flew as her wild bed head refused to meet the force of a straightening iron that didn’t have time to warm up. Oh you have got to be kidding me!

How the hell did she sleep in that long?! What did she even do the night prior to justify an extra 3 hours?! To call off or not to call off- No, she already knew the answer. One more sick day and she was tossed from the gears of her job and crushed underfoot as the tank treads of business marched on. It was only September and she already needed a damn break from this nonstop trudging, this brain pasting eight hours slammed down in front of a computer, spending half of it staring at her dating profile and critiquing the woman who stared back at her. Tan skin, frizzy brown hair that would never be tamed, plain clothes cheap and ready, glasses that she broke too often to really trust herself with anymore.

She was dressed in an outfit so eerily similar to what she wore before it only reinforced how surreal this grindhouse life was. Her head felt heavy as she still wasn’t awake, planning her route to hit the donut shop on the way to work and what to get to eat after and how to ever make it through all of this work and would it ever end would she ever get a bre-

And she was home again.

It was late in the evening, her boss letting her stay extra long to make up for lost hours. She spent that time glued to a chair fixing a database, normalizing and SQL and all that. She had a plastic shopping bag in her tired hand. A frozen dinner she picked up from the gas station on the way home. She walked into the kitchen and ripped it open and tossed aside the plastic and cardboard and left behind a frozen steak and gravy meal inside a black passionless tray. She plopped it in the microwave, dialed the same time it always was and let it all whirr away. Dead time waiting to have dinner way past dinner time; It made her eyes scan for something to do when she spotted the remnants of breakfast.

She went over to the stove and fry pan and peered down, a quizzical brow raising.

In the pan was a colored egg. It wasn’t cracked in the slightest and just sat atop the pale grey fry pan. It was striped with jagged smooth bolts, slithering snakes of bold blue outlined with white then black and white again, the egg base this calming pastel green. Tessa was just flat out confused. “Did a grocery guy just mess up or something?” She lifted the egg into her hand and rotated it around watching the patterns orbit it.

She envisioned an overworked grocery stocker alone in the backroom. With an artisan table and magnifying glass projected over the egg on a base, he diligently painted this singular egg in the carton to be this decorated and gorgeous specimen. The thought brought a smile to Tessa. That’s definitely what happened, she laughed in her mind. Just some weird guy painting grocery store eggs for zero reason whatsoever.

Just to confirm, she did check the carton of eggs and found that none of the others were colored. Plain white eggs. The fridge door closed just as the microwave began beeping, bringing her down from her elation. She sighed, set the colored egg down on the table and went to tug out her meal.

Off she went to the living room with her TV dinner tucked atop two layers of paper towel to stop the heating from eating her skin off. She sat on the couch and flipped on the TV. Thumbing away at the rubber switch, she flicked through channels like a slot machine, waiting for that jackpot of mindless entertainment.

Settling on some random gameshow, she began eating away at her steak. Oddly, it tasted strange. Her tongue was craving a sweeter flavor than what the savory morsel offered. She grumbled, her toes curling in her shoe as she threw her feet up onto the coffee table.

And kicked aside an egg. The decorated ball rolled off the table and onto the carpeted floor. Tessa perked up and peered over. “The hell?” She set her meal aside and stood up to tower over the coffee table. There on the floor was a bright pink egg covered in ornate blue and yellow flowers.

Tessa picked it up and turned it over in her hand, scared she might have damaged it! It was such a pretty little thing, so she really hoped it was okay! Such pretty flowers and bright pastel colors. Someone must’ve worked hard to make such a beautiful thing. Tessa paused, putting her hand to her forehead and groaning. Her head was aching something fierce. She set the egg aside and just collected herself.

Okay, so how did that egg get in here? That was the question of the night, her eyes drawn back to the little round mystery laid on her coffee table next to her remote and dinner. She sat flat on the floor and just puzzled over it. Did someone break in my house and just leave eggs everywhere? Like an Easter Bunny deal? That… Tessa that makes zero sense! And yet it was the most compelling theory! Clearly it must be Easter. That was just the only sense that could be made of colored eggs being put out like that.

Tessa got up and went to check her phone for the date but recalled that it was a paper weight now, abandoned on her nightstand to charge in the vain hope it may work again. Still, she went to her bedroom with some false hope driving her over. She tested it to no avail when she noticed a few lumps beneath the covers of her bed, right in the center. A chill ran over her back. She dug her fingers beneath her covers like a sheet of grassy soil and tugged it aside.

Beneath was a circular bundle of six eggs snuggling close. Each was a different color and pattern. Purple and green and yellow and white and fuchsia with flowers and polka-dots and bunnies! Tessa’s eyes lit up at the sight of so many nice eggs. She crawled onto the bed and looked down at them, her heart floating like a feather as she spread her thighs and planted her hands atop her legs to lean in for a better look.

She felt the weight of her body the way anyone does when entering the gravity laden orbit of their bed as she leaned out and ran her fingers gently over the surface of each perfect little egg. “Wow gosh… How did you guys get in here? What a lovely hiding spot~ And such pretty colors~!” Tessa was smiling bright and blushing on her cheeks before gasping. “No wait, seriously, why are there eggs here? I don’t…” She picked herself up and backed away from the bed. It wasn’t Easter right? She was damn sure it wasn’t that morning. She had to go to work! Or wait maybe she didn’t? After all, she slept in till 12! But no, she remembered going to work! Sure, it was blurry, but that was work! That was just how work felt, a mindless slog that made her every waking day into meaningless clutter and stressed her out.

Breathing, breathing, focus on the breathing. She was panting and collecting herself, this combination of work and eggs just giving her crazy anxiety. “Okay, okay, I just need to take a break. Just get my mind off these eggs. Maybe I hid them. As a happy surprise for me. Yeah, something to cheer me up after work. And if it’s not that then…” Not Easter, it is not Easter! “Then otherwise it’s just some kinda intruder who likes leaving eggs around as a weird ass prank. Yeah this’ll be on Youtube tomorrow, and they better send me half the ad revenue!”

Tessa plodded back out into her apartment living room, the pink carpet pale but comforting to her eyes. At least she was pretty sure it was comforting, something seemed odd about that. The TV was showing some candy commercial, chocolate eggs being cracked open to reveal that fluffy filling. It made her mouth water.

She went back to her spot with the couch and table but noticed that her steak was missing. Instead of a TV dinner tray there was a green basket filled with loose colorful fake grass and a bundle off colored eggs. Tessa’s heart thumped a single, hard time. “What…?” Her eyes shot around the room. “You’re kidding right…?! Really reality?! Are you seriously messing with me?” No, no, it just didn’t make sense at all!

Exhausted and feeling half crazy, Tessa sat back down on her couch. She tried to get comfortable but just couldn’t! Something was budging at her, feeling awkward and clumsy. With a growl, she threw herself back to her feet and lifted the couch cushion. Beneath was a clutter of a dozen large eggs, each colored playfully with bunnies and rainbows and spring grass laid with careful attention on those durable shells.

“How the hell…?” Tessa had only been in the bedroom for a minute max! How did eggs end up beneath her cushion? She looked cautiously around when she noticed there was a little slit in the cushion, a tear the used couch had since day one. “I… I must have laid it~” The words came out like a half joke a half truth. Tessa’s blush returned, cold and warmth battling it out in her body. “Silly me… I laid them while I was eating that yucky stuff… Yeah, I just lay eggs all the time…” She really didn’t know if she was joking or why she was even saying that out loud. “This feels… Oh god this feels weird!” She shook her head. It was getting out of hand.

Another candy commercial was airing on the TV. Tessa reached for the remote but it was missing. In its place was another even larger egg, this one colorfully decorated with numbers and buttons. “Wow… Even that’s an egg~” She giggled at that, rubbing over the egg playfully. “Okay, for some reason everything is just being eggy today.” She laid the egg back down and shook her head. “Maybe even I’m a bit eggy!” She giggled again melodically.

And as soon as she said that she felt a warm buzzing at her hips. It was a ticklish feeling, not this overwhelming paralyzing from prodding fingers, but this warm giggle inducing feeling that was ever so pleasant. Her heart relaxed and her body went limp in this ever so delightful way as her mind was washed from work and stress and all those dour things. Instead she had growing hips jutting out against her skirt, pushing it wider apart, overwhelming the curtain of her fabric. Her thighs thickened out, plumping so sweetly and making a shuddering moan arch out from her mouth.

What snapped Tessa out of her spell was the tension in her bra getting to be too intensive. She groaned through it, shaking her head and trying to back away. It was getting so hard to think how she did before. Everything just had this weird color to it now. Her thoughts raced and then relaxed like they hit a traffic jam. She ran her hands over her sensitive hips, cooing out nicely at how good it felt. She gasped, trying to clear herself when-

She heard her alarm go off in the other room. This delightful jingle sounded off, like a more default sounding phone jam. Tessa turned her head, utterly confused since her phone was fried. The jingle went on, confirming to her growing ears that in fact there was a song coming from her bedroom. Tessa walked slowly back down the hall and into her bedroom.

Inside she saw that her bed had even more eggs inside of it. As well, that fake Easter grass was laid around it like a nest. Tessa’s heart raced at the sight of the nest, her body tensing in a way she couldn’t explain except like hunger in reverse. This need to just sit there and- The continuing coo of her phone was her lifeline she tugged at to guide her throat the storm.

The device’s screen was lit up bright, a green and blue light emitting from it. Tessa lifted the phone up and stared down. On a bright background of blue sky, green grass, bunnies racing, and a proud chicken laying in a full nest of multicolored eggs was bright white letters and the current time. [IT IS EASTER~! HAPPY EASTER POPPY!]

Who the hell is Poppy? Tessa stared down as the very jovial song kept playing. And wait, Easter?! She picked up the phone that was very much supposed to be broken. There was no clear way to turn the alarm off, just forced to hear the jingle and the blatant lie of a date. Tessa’s eyes kept scrolling back to the nest on the bed, admiring the clutch of eggs laid out in the lattice of neon grass. There was that feeling again, that tug at her loins. Her hips jutted forward; a gasp surrendered from her mouth.

Tessa walked away from her bedroom feeling weird the whole walk over, struggling to keep a good pace going. So, is it actually Easter? Her brain replayed the thought as she tried to figure. Maybe she didn’t really go to work. After all, she couldn’t say a single thing that she did at the job in her supposed shift. Maybe Poppy really did stay home and just celebrate her favorite holiday? Mmm, yes, she laid a ton of eggs! And then she hid them all over just so she could find them again!

Tessa shook her head and tore up that line of thought like train tracks that went straight into a brick wall. “Dammit Tessa, focus! Focus!” She stomped and felt her whole body jiggle. Especially her stomach. Slowly, her eyes went down. Fingers grasping beneath, she lifted her shirt up.

Her stomach was starting to bloat up, her tan skin blushing across her straining form. Tessa let out a loud groan and fell backwards onto the floor, thankful for the plush bright pink carpet to pillow her fall. Her hips grew out, jutting until her skirt ripped apart, still staying on her body out of stubbornness. Slowly, that belly just grew rounder and heavier, and that tickling happy sensation rushing through her again and making her feel so giddy and happy.

So many eggs~ I can’t wait to lay them all! Poppy smiled bright, but Tessa shook her head and moaned. “What the hell is happening? W-why am I- Oh hrgghh~!” Her legs spread as her panties bulged around something pushing. Her loins squeezed and pushed, her hips jutting and legs lifting spreading until her panties were weighed down and pushed more and more out of the way. Tessa had to get some relief; the pressure was killing her! Her head foggy, she jutted her arms out, not noticing how her skin darkened or the bright pink feathers starting to jut out of the sides of her arms. She ripped her panties down and watched as a fat apple sized egg came out and filled the underwear like a basket.

Tessa huffed hot air over and over, the blush on her cheeks the brightest it had been yet, her whole body flushed, feeling so gooo~ood~! She could barely think, just stare down at that colorful egg. It was pink with green grass drawn over it and happy yellow chicks walking around it like a carousel. She laid that. Somehow she just flat out laid a big colorful egg despite being high and dry for months, despite being human!

It felt so good~ Tessa thought, just trying to make thoughts happen inside her head. Why did it feel so good? Why did I lay an egg? I only lay eggs on Easter! That must mean… Her eyes lit up as the pale brown eyes turned pink. “It… It must be Easter!” She giggled a little, still looking out of it. “Yeah… I lay eggs every Easter, so if I’m laying eggs again it must be that time of the year!” She clumsily stood.

As she stood her heavy tits sloshed, her bra bursting and falling down out of her shirt which fell back down around her breasts. The fat melons entirely lifted her shirt up so it was more of a little stop squeezing around the top half of her tits. Milk strained out from her needy pink nubs, making a mess of the front of that poor shirt struggling to contain her.

When the TV went dark between commercials, she saw a glimpse of herself. Her hair was looking more in control and brighter, a gorgeous pink frizz. She pushed herself back up to her feet the rest of the way and waddled around, looking at the walls for something to ground herself. The bright blue pastel walls were decorated like the eggs with pink stripes and beautiful paintings of rabbits and chicks. Streamers of spring colors were laid across the walls, arching out from corner to corner. The walls looked kind of like obscured fields of happy meadows, making Poppy tempted to just-

Suddenly, she remembered how hungry she was with a resounding growl. Her yucky food was gone, but she still needed to eat! But she already knew what she wanted. She rushed over to the kitchen, all the while feeling the tension in her gut grow, watching the feathers sprout from her arms, her shirt becoming less and less effective as her nipples prodded against the weak covered and poked free to start straining her front.

Frantically, she opened each cupboard only to find more eggs. Where plates were now there were eggs, where there were snacks eggs as well, all of them even bigger than the one she had just laid. The fridge was filled with them too! It was driving her nuts until she noticed something out of the corner of her eye. On top of the kitchen counter where the microwave used to be was a big purple basket.

She rushed over and ran her hands through it and found inside a bundle of chocolates. All of them wrapped and gorgeous, shaped like rabbits and eggs. She lifted up a hand sized chocolate bunny and cracked off the ears in one bite. She let out a loud sigh of satisfaction and dove in, eating more and more. As she ate her rear sprouted out, growing thicker and wider, bouncing to her little dancer. Her feet burst through her strained shoes as big sharp talons grew. Yellow scales sprouted up and her feet and stopped right before her knees.

With the last bite, she licked each finger clean with a loud pop against her thick pink lips. Oh, she felt so lovely~ That chocolate really hit the spot and made her head feel so much better! She was trying to remember what had her so worried but couldn’t quite place it. Oh! That was the issue! It’s Easter! And she still had to find all her eggs!

Quickly, Poppy did a count of what eggs she could see, pointing her finger at each, counting the tally thus far on her other hand. Slowly as she counted, little nubs sprouted just below her set of arms. These nubs grew out, slender at first but thickened out. Her counting out loud interrupted with a moan of pleasure as her second set of arms finished growing, covered in just as gorgeous a set of pink feathers, making her arms look as much like wings as her first set. Yes, this was most of them, she figured for the egg hunt. There were only a few missing and then the hunt would be complete!

Off she went to go find the last few eggs and complete her hunt! Every step with her talons digging into the pink grass of her home had her delicious rear shuddering and clapping, her wide motherly hips swaying with a certain allure that she adored feeling, her pink tail feathers dancing right along with her every step!

Walking proved difficult, however, as she felt that tension in her belly growing again. “Mmm~ More eggs already? I can barely keep track of them anymore! Mmm~ Maybe I should start spreading them out?” Poppy winced as she squatted down. She howled in pleasure, rutting her hips forward, guiding it out. The head of the purple egg pushed out through her folds, slowly sliding. She squeezed and cooed, legs spreading apart and pop~ The egg slid out and rolled on the floor, wet and fresh and shimmering as the grass took the big egg into its receiving arms.

Poppy giggled as she kept looking around. She found another set of eggs in the bathroom in the old medicine cabinet. The bathroom was so dour and sad, but she had to take a break in the bathtub to plop out a few more eggs. She took some grass from the living room in all four arms and her mouth and laid them down into the tub. Gently, she squatted down and let the first egg slither out.

An interesting popping warmth fizzled down her chest, just below her chest. Two more little pick nubs sprouted out. Gently, they grew little hills around them, the pace of the growth arising higher as another egg crested outside of her. She moaned, two hands squeezing the edge of the tub, the other two squeezing at these new growths and encouraging them. She rose from the tub after she squatted out at least three more head sized eggs, each just as colorful and positively delightful as all the others before. If only all my eggs were that big! This hunt would go soooo~ much quicker~ Poppy giggled as she stepped out, happily surprised to see the bathroom tile was overwhelmed with thick green plastic grass sprouting out like weeds. “Oh gosh~ That’s perfect!” She danced her way out back into the living room.

She seemed to be a bit closer to the ceiling than she remembered being before. She reaches up and touched the ceiling only a few inches higher than her head. Odd, but as long as she could keep looking! Bending over and humming to herself, she found a few more eggs inside of her shoes. But bending like that just put soooo much strain on her, made her just have to jut her loins down and squeeze out another clutch. The first egg came out so easily. Her hands rubbed at her clit, aching with that fluffy delicious needy as milk strained from her tits and down her dark skin. Beneath her newest row of breasts came another two pink nubs. She rubbed them exactly the same, smiling as they grew in, remaining the smallest by far but oddly extra sensitive with their freshness~

Poppy finished laying her newest clutch and pawed at her needy slit. Even as she stood, she had her lowest right hand digging in against her crotch. Her whole body was tingling with need, her belly still nice and round even though it had descended a bit from all her laying. Poppy felt so giddy and nice, but staying around this place felt so constraining! She needed to go out for a bit and spread the Easter cheer to everyone! Lay eggs for them to find, make sure they got plenty of candy, and most importantly make sure they were using the holiday to relax and let all their stresses go!

She looked to the window. Slowly she looked out and was shocked to see a whole world of drab and grey. It was so different from her world when she looked back at her happy little space. Everything was colorful and nice, just the way it should be for such a giddy holiday! But out there it was dreadful! It was cold! It was September! The horror!

Poppy gave her wings a few testing flaps, surprised to find how easy it was to lift herself even when she was so heavy with eggs, but she would need to really lay a dozen more if she wanted to be able to fly! Poppy grumbled and turned away from the window back to her world. The ceiling was a vast and real sky, gorgeous and blue and infinite. The walls were gone, replaced with white fence, only a single wall with that window from the old apartment remaining like a stark portal. The door to her bedroom was a cavern entrance. Off in the distance she saw trees and rivers and candy bushes and wandering chicks and bunnies. A smile spread over her face as she ducked back into her cave.

Her nest was a wide and colorful lattice of different grasses and straw and even a few colorful flowers weaved into it. Inside was plenty of plush pillows and her clutch of eggs. When Poppy stepped inside her hips instantly flared, her womb ignited with need. She went purely mindless in that happy way. She laid against the pillow, spread her legs and lifted up.

Another egg pushed out against her loins. Her fingers furiously rubbed at her clit, circling and rubbing, itching and pinching. The middle of the egg slid around her. She squinted down tight and rutted her hips forward, gushing as that egg came squeezing out and her pace only hastened on her fingers. The egg popped out and rolled down into the pile but her fingers were still going.

Conveyor fed; another egg came pushing out against her needy loins. She howled in pleasure; a delightful bird song uttered from her lips. This egg was the biggest one yet! Squeezing it out was hard, and the more she pushed the more the milk poured from each and every teat. She squeezed and squeezed, her fingers diving in tight and rubbing at her clit, squeezing hard at her nipples.

And then it was an incredible eruption. Delight flowed through her right as that egg popped out. Her climax was a lurid and blurry bliss filled with eggs flowing through her body over and over as she laid passed out. No stresses, no worries. Just egg after egg. Poppy felt so utterly delighted. As she slipped into a calming sleep.

She knew the second she woke up she’d spread these delights near and far. But first, she’d need to get some chocolate, and maybe get some more eggs in her. Lazily she checked her phone in her a little burst of awareness. Sure enough, her Breeding App was filled with studly bunny girls and boys, all equipped and girthy, offering to stuff a breeder harpy full to bursting with more confections. Delighted at the notion of being cream filled, Poppy just smiled and laid back against her bed of eggs and straw and slid asleep.