Kobold Brain

Kobold Brain

            The damn thing was humming all day. Ester first heard the singing in his brain around the time he was filling his bowl with bran flakes and noticed the carton of milk was down to a dip of fluid. “Do you really need to do that?”

            “Do what?” The voice in his head was high pitched, a touch nasal. An excitable voice, always sounding giddy and ready to rise to new blistering heights. Ester sighed in defeat and pinched the bridge of his nose. He dumped the cereal into the garbage before it got soggy and cursed himself the waste. “Hey, why did ya dump that? That was perfectly good!”

            “I didn’t have enough milk and already poured that bit in.” He groaned. “I’m just being OCD again. Remember? I get this way over stuff.”

            “Still, if it was me, I’d dig it out and just eat it that way!” The voice replied. Ester tensed. “Just lift that lid off, scoop the flakes back up and-“

            “No!” He yelled. “I threw out some rotten food last night. It would have touched the cereal. I’m going to go to the grocery store and get some new milk and cereal. Alright?” He didn’t wait for a reply and simply threw his coat on and adjusted himself. Keys waited on the round wooden table in the center of the cramped apartment. He scooped them up and dashed them into his pockets and opened the door.

            Down the hall he want past the other neatly arranged doors of the wide hall. Past the bike laid on its side against the wall, lifting his feet over the paint cans and the large package flat out blocking one of the doors. “Oh boy a trip!” The voice laughed and then went straight back to singing a ditzy sitcom theme.

            He emerged down a flight of stairs, passing by the old lady who lived next door as she came home with her dog. The pug was a yippy monstrosity. Ester was haunted by hearing a retaliation growl in his head. He felt the corners of his mouth rise and his blood boil. Before he could snap he was out the door and wishing the old lady a good day. The bus was nearby, so he leapt in and sat back, burrowing his eyes into his phone.

            This, was Ester Tash. He was 25, glasses sharp and grey with curly black hair and a height that had him peering over behemoth’s cereal cupboards. At the time he was on break between two different colleges. He was a medical student, hoping to get a good amount of money and satisfaction with his job. Somewhere in his break he had met a woman in a coffee shop.

            Cold air bit any skin exposed, colder rain sewed chill like barbed threads dragging all things to a painful halt. When he ducked into the shop he saw her all by herself positioned at the wooden table with the metallic post. She was sipping at a cup overloaded with whipped cream. When he ordered his plain black coffee she had invited him to sit with her and discuss. She saw his jacket and recognized the band on the back and wanted the company.

            Ester was in no rush to get home at the time, so stressed out and confused as he was, he welcomed the distraction. Little did he know where it would lead. Then again, no one would have predicted with any sort of accuracy. He would never remember the diatribes and pleasantries as they came to know each other. Summaries sufficed; She was Abigail Branwinton. Obviously, she liked the band on Ester’s shirt (Take Home Victories) and coffee. Besides that she was also flirtatious in conversation but had this homely air that made every moment basked in coffee’s scent and warm hipster light feel like a place you always belonged. But what he remembered specifically was her question. “Can you do me a favor?”    

            “What kind?” He replied in kind, relenting and sugaring his coffee with just a packet of raw. She grinned and opted to stir his coffee.

            “I have a pet that needs watching. Only for a little while. They are a touch pesky, but you seem well mannered and also have excellent taste in music. Which is good, my pet adores music. If you could help me for only a short while, I’d be ever so grateful!”

            And that’s how he got a kobold in his brain.

            “Yap yap!” She exclaimed. She didn’t exactly have a name despite being a pet. Ester and his brain mate emerged from the bus and walked across the gray meadow of the grocery store. Ester’s kobold was a sort of spirit, existing in his mind through a binding ritual. The catch, while not explained by Abigail, had come to be understood by him.

            The sliding glass doors opened to the grocery shop and Ester came walking inside and grabbing the nearest blue plastic basket. The space opened right outward into a massive directionless dungeon. To the right was produce, to the left was sugary walls of soda like a fortress for sugar addicted monarchs. He just needed milk. He only needed milk. He was open to find breakfast alternatives and maybe cheese since he was running low- “Hey!” The kobold was chiming up. “Why’d ya get a basket? Where’s the cart?”

            “I’m only getting one thing.” He muttered. “I don’t need a cart.”

            “No way! What if you get more than that dumb basket can hold?” Feet pressed flat, he stood right at the center of this room and argued.

            “I told you, I’m only getting one thing.”

            “C’mon, you’re running low on stuff!” The voice trailed off playfully. “Liiike… Meat! You’re always running low on meat!” Somehow he could hear teeth being licked in his head. “Big juicy steaks! Chicken too, yap! We likes the chicken most!” He groaned and groaned, feeling his feet already turning. He slammed the basket back into the tower of them and grabbed a few sanitation wipes. He slid it up and down the handle of a cart and took to pushing it, tossing the wipe away. “Yay! There we go! Straight to the meat!”

            The wheels of the cart rid over white tile, every square perfectly divided and equal. He parked his cart against the meat section, a large stretch of shelves letting loose a cold fog. With no enthusiasm, his eyes scanned along the packaged steaks and cuts. Shrugging to himself, he lifted a flimsy steak but heard a bark in his head.

            “Bigger one!”

            “They cost more if they’re bigger you know.” He grumbled and returned the little slithered of beef he had selected and opted for a juicier, plumper steak. Imagination wild, he felt his belly grumble.

            “Ohmygosh! That steak looks so good! Mmm! We gotta have some. C’mon! Rip it open, sink your teeth in.” That command had him breaking out into a cold sweat. His eyes darted instantly around. No one was too close.

            “N-no!” He replied. “I’m not going to eat a god damn steak in public. Raw! It’s raw for god’s sake!”

            “Mmm! Raw is best! When you cook steak it doesn’t bleed anymore, plus it loses that red, yap! Red is good!” The kobold kept on. His joints froze up as arms rebelled. “C’mon! Just sneak a biiig bite! You’re sooo hungry. I can feel it. We need to eat. We gotta get a full belly to keep hunting. No good hunting on empty stomach, yap.”

            “W-we’re not hunting! We’re in a grocery store, getting milk for my breakfast at home.” His hands squeezed into the plastic wrap around the steak. He watched the blood of the beef rise to the top of the red sponge and slithered off the sides, greasing over the surface. Temptation made his finger nails dig in. And as they dug, they began to grow, darken. His nails were darker and darker, turning black, turning pointy. His knuckles tensed and pulsed. A pop of air rushed across his hand as the seal on the beef opened. “Please. We have food at home. And this stuff… You got to cook it first or you’ll get sick.”

            “You threw the food at home out~” The kobold sung. “I told you to just dig it out and eat it! But here we are! Starved! We gotta eat! We need to eat! Just eat! You know you want to!” He ripped open the packaging, hunched over beneath the roof of the crescent shelf, the cold beating down on him. The steak was flat on the black plate of the packaging. He lifted the raw steak in his hands, watching as purple scales grew across the back of his hand, his palms a creamy yellow. “Eat the steak!” His mouth opened and he brought the beef to his teeth.

            Chomp. Teeth mashed against the chunk of meat and a beastly sense of satisfaction rushed over Ester. Scales crawled up his hands and down to his wrists. That meat tasted soooo good. He shouldn’t be enjoying this, but it just tasted so wonderful, juices rushing in his mouth. He swallowed it down and went for another bite, ripping it away with great gusto, growing more excited the harder he went in.

He barely noticed as his head was a little higher up, his body a little slimmer. The feeling of his shirt brushing over something tender startled him, but the sound of a cart rolling nearby made him drop the steak, slam his hands against the cart and race down the aisle as fast as he could, uttering a high pitched “Yap!” as he darted straight for the bathroom just down the turn.

Slammed against the sink, he turned his scaly hands against the valves and let the water pour out. He filled his palms with water and splashed his face, looking at the mirror to make sure he got all the blood off. His shirt wasn’t as dirtied as he might have worried. Examination showed he was a touch shorter than before, as confirmed by the way his jeans now dragged against the floor. He lifted his shirt and confirmed the starting formation of breasts. He looked at his scaly hands as his eyes wandered, holding them in front of his vision.

“I-I’m transforming again…” He shook as he spoke. “Oh god my body!” He planted his hands on his rear. His brows fell and all the shock turned to concern. “Why does my ass always have to get bigger?”

“To attract a mate, yip yip!” The kobold replied, ever the sage on the matter. “Kobold don’t normally have titties, but you get em when you become a kobold. But kobold always have big butts, because big butts attract big dicks. And you need all the help you can get since you’re such a bad kobold. You didn’t even take the steak with you here!”

“Oh yes, that’s the obvious issue, I forgot to sneak a steak into a god damn bathroom!” He smacked the sink.

“Hey buddy?!” A disgruntled voice rose from one of the stalls. “I don’t really give a shit. Can you keep it down?”

“Oh, sorry!” Ester replied, hushing his voice. “I mean it! No more of this shit, okay? You’re embarrassing me.”

“Esti, Esti, Esti~” The kobold snickered. “Do you know who that is?”

He rose his brow and stared at the stall. He sunk his voice as low as it would go. “You mean the stall…? And are you sure you can’t hear these words when I just think them?”

“Nope! Can’t hear what you think, can’t hear what I think. This is me talking! And yeah, the guy in the stall. The guy! The male! You know what he has, right?” A drop of water slid across Ester’s head and hit the floor. “A cock~”

            “No… No, kobold! No more!” He wanted to plug his ears but there was no getting it out. “I don’t even know this random guy. You’re just being flat out silly. What am I supposed to do? Just rip open the door? Crawl under the stall?”

            “See! Now you’re thinking those good kobold thoughts! Yip!” The kobold beamed with pride.

            “I’m leaving!” He dug his feet into the ground. Then he tripped onto the floor and turned. “J-just one peak!” He slipped his head just beneath the door of the stall and looked inside. Sure enough, it was a random guy about his age sitting on the toilet. They made eye contact. For a single sliver of a second there was a real connection between the two. Ester could envision this man attending his funeral. One of the aunts would rise and she would ask something like ‘oh who are you?’ and of course this man would respond ‘I’m the man your nephew snuck under a bathroom stall to suck off. Sorry for your loss.’

            Then they both screamed.

            “I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I don’t know why I did that!” Ester was shot back to his feet and running out of the bathroom. Every step shrunk him down like an eraser running thin. Soon he was holding his jeans up to stop them from falling to the floor. By the time he was outside hunched over against the bathroom wall next to his cart, gasping for air and recovering, he was a foot shorter and had the start of his tail covered in purple scales with a pale yellow underbelly about the size of half a zucchini. His whole body was burning up with this heat. Two little nubs of horns started to poke out of his hair, yellow in color and jagged like lightning. The whole time he was running he could feel them, but lifting his shirt confirmed his breasts had grown a fair deal more.

            Kobold broke the silence first, “See~ You’re doing great! You just forgot the dick sucking part. That’s okay, we’re all different. You’re just a dummy slow learner.”

            “S-shut up…” But his voice was higher pitched, his face producing a few scales. “Ugh. I gotta hurry up!” He left the cart behind. This was just getting flat out silly and he was pissed. “All I wanted was milk! And now here I am! Shrinking!”

            The voice in his head sounded a little sad. “But! Remember, no one will notice! The spell, yip…”

            “I know, but you know what? Somehow that makes it worse. I think I’d feel a little more sane if someone could see I was turning into a weird mini sex dragon. Y’know, someone to acknowledge my plight!” He marched through the aisle, hunting straight for the dairy aisle to end this struggle once and for all. The steps brought on a slow crawl of changes that just kept developing. A little bit shorter, a touch more scales across his face and hiking up his belly. Hips were widening and thighs thickening even as there was less leg to go around. And his face grew more feminine, easily mistaken for a girl from afar, but even that was going to be quickly rectified.

            Esti opened the door to the milk fridge, reached for the milk jug on the higher shelf- Oh no. She hopped and hopped, standing on her tip toes, her clawed feet escaping her too big shoes. “No no no!” She jumped higher and higher, making her big breasts bounce away inside her shirt that was much too big for her. Everything crumbled away as the kobold groaned and hopped. “Yap! Gimme milk! Yap yap!”

            “Can I help you?” A woman approached from nearby. She was a tall sort with a top showing off her miles and mountains of abs. Her hair was half shaved and punkish, a tough black with streaks of purple. Just like Esti. The kobold barked at the woman as she approached.

            “You, tall one!” The kobold wagged her tail impatiently, grinding her eyes shut as it finished growing in at last, a thick meaty tail! She pat it against the fridge door, feeling a touch woozy like something was off. “Milk, please! I need it!”

            The woman tilted her head, her long wave of purple hair bouncing atop it. She stretched out and went to grab the milk. Esti’s eyes were on the woman’s shorts which were hiding quite a feast. A magnificent bulge pushed out against the confines of the attire. Esti licked her sharp teeth playfully as she reached out longingly for the button for the shorts. The woman was coming back down however! Quickly, Esti returned her grasp and took the jug of milk and offered it. “Here you go.” She handed the jug over. Esti could see, however, that the spell was working on the punkish woman. Her eyes were glazed over just a touch, her breathe was heightening, and that bulge was only growing thicker. “We don’t get a lot of kobold around here…?” She spoke as if the line were handed to her by some director she was skeptical of.

            Esti barked in appreciation, stole away the jug, ripped off the cap, and drank her share of the milk. “I visit.” She returned the words, looking back to the bulge. Esti pushed herself forward. Standing straight up her breasts pushed perfectly against that cock and the tip of her horns just missed the admirable bust jutting out from the fit and tough girl. “Mmm~ But, Esti might visit more with a girl like you.” Her fat chest sloshed across the outline of that bulge.

            Naturally the woman was a tad shocked but hadn’t it in her to retreat quite enough to escape Esti’s grasp. The woman turned so her rear pushed against the neighboring fridge door. “My! Aren’t you a forward one!” She licked her shapely lips, staring down at the little pest. “But maybe we shouldn’t be getting so frisky in a grocery store, hmm?”

            “Why not?” Esti wrapped her claws around the woman’s pants. She gasped as the button was opened up and the rest tugged aside. A thick slab of a cock broke free from its fabric prison. Esti held it in both hands and starting pumping at the veiny mass affectionately, an impish smile spread across her face with cat like eyes staring up at the head of the cock wielder. “Kobolds live simple lives. We see what we like, we take it! We don’t want it we run, but if we lose no big deal. We live to grab another day! Yap yap! And I like you a lot~”

            That glazed over look only grew as the woman was put through a quiz where choice answers gradually lost letters from the alphabet like learning in reverse. “I think I can dig that style.” The woman replied as she let her cock be bare in the middle of a public, high traffic avenue in the grocery store. At the moment there were no other visitors to the dairy section. The kobold showed no restraint, taking that cock into her maw soon as possible.

            Hurriedly, she rammed her throat down against that cock swallowing it all inside her tight little throat. Moans were solicited enmasse, growing in volume and vastness as every plowing plop of her gullet left wet thwaps drumming in the halls. All the while, a dainty little smile of a song gleamed out from the overhead speakers as the perfect surroundings for her casual blowjob. Esti was a hungry beast, seemingly more enamored with having an id pleasing cock grinding into her throat than the woman being pleasured was pleased. But she was very much pleased.

            With her head thrown back and legs spread, the woman squeezed her hand against the glass of the milk fridge, leaving smudges of hand prints against where her hot palms ground again and again. “Oh fuck. God damn that’s good head!” She moaned out happily, growing louder and louder as she became more intense, more enticed by the spell. Esti’s little curse made those who participated in her existence all the more entrapped, happier and happier with their pleasure, libido rising like a stock for oxygen.

            A hearty thrust had plumes of cum shooting into that kobold belly. Esti broke away from the cock as the last drips went down her mouth. She looked at the cock like it was her Valentine, her eyes whimsical and pleased, tongue out to the side of her razor sharp mouth. She ran her forked tongue up along the underside of the cock, cleaning it happily before suddenly being grabbed and pushed against the fridge door. The same woman was already hard again after a few seconds to recover. Esti yipped in shock as her tits smudged the glass door of the fridge. “So fast! Yiiiip!”

            “Hah, you got me so worked up I can’t even think!” The woman roared happily. She grabbed at the base of her cock and pushed it against Esti’s tight little pucker, Esti’s own cock swinging happily away between her legs like a clock mechanism swaying. “So, let’s get the real deal now!” She used Esti’s horns as handle bars and plowed inside.

            The whole ride was wild. Every thrust sent Esti squeezing up against the wall. She pushed her hands against the door for support, she squeezed and squeaked as the thrusts grew faster and more frantic. The woman’s strong hands moved from those horns to the sides of Esti’s hips, squeezing into the plush scaly sides. Esti was built to whorish proportions. A short girl by all measurements and yet stacked enough to make a woman twice her size still looked blessed with some uniquely incredibly sizes. Her tits swayed, two D cups, while her ass jiggled along easily her most accentuated feature but not to be outdone were here hips and thighs, squishy and plowable in their own right. Her thick tail was lifted a lot, her scales shimmering in the clinical light of the local super market.

            As they raged one the woman rose her hand and slapped it against those cheeks. Esti moaned out a little bark, her cheeks sent shaking for a moment longer before returning to the rhythm they were securest in. Her cock drained across the floor as pre gradually slobbered out, steady and lewd and leaving a nice mess for the janitor.

            “God damn that’s a tight ass.” The woman muttered, her voice positively drooling in the gratuity and vulgarity. “Fuck how do I get to you again? This can’t be the last time I fuck this kobold.”

            “Hehe, my number~” Esti fished around in her discarded jeans, using her tail to hoist them over and pluck her out her phone. As she was fucked she proceeded to carefully read out every digit to Ester’s phone. For a backup she also gave out an email, but the woman stopped her halfway through reading the social security in the front latch of the wallet.

            “That won’t be necessary. I’m stealing your ass, not your identity.” She laughed as she squeezed the kobold’s tits and pulled her back hard into that cock. “Silly kobold~”

            “Hehe, silly me~!” She yapped. “I’m such a kobold brain sometimes!” Hey, that’s the name of the story!

            The woman came again, leaving a clammy kneed and happy kobold stuffed full of cum. Esti lunged forward and hugged her jug of milk. With her tail still wrapped around the wallet and apartment keys she slowly lumbered her way down the hall of the grocery stool, pucker slowly drooling all that thick creamy cum. “Bye bye~” She waved off, not even turning back to look. Esti retreated through the store gradually, returning back to find her steak unfinished. She licked her chops, hoisted up the steak like an emperor’s grapes overhead, and dropped it down her throat, swallowing it whole and licking her lips clean in satisfaction. Slowly she snuck out the front door, waltzed down the parking lot, careful not to get into any more trouble. The boys out by their cars were tempting~ She lifted her tail for them. Oh no, one of them are coming!

            Ester awoke with a killer headache the next day. Well, 4 am was the next day right? He was in his apartment and reeked. He rolled out of his bed, no covers on his body, the light still on in his room. He kicked his head into the shower and let water run over it for forty minutes.

            Crawling like a starved inmate, he returned to the kitchen, opened the fridge, and retrieved a half empty jug of milk and poured himself some cereal. He ate it, sitting naked in his kitchen. Just then, his phone rang. He picked it up, expecting a scam. “Hello.”

            “Hey, is this Esti?”

            “Esti…? Where did you hear that?”

            “From you while you read your driver’s license out to me and told me your first name needed changed. As did your photo. This is Veronica from the grocery store. I was wondering if you were free for some lunch?”

            Esper put the phone down, belly down. “… What happened?”

            Kobold replied, “We went shopping for milk.”

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