Halloween Vibes

Halloween Vibes

A blistering spark of flames leapt from its containment to a book. Brought to life and suddenly aware of what it was capable of, the winged toad instantaneously burst into a furious green flame and emerged with the zest of a being well aware of the short wick of its existence. She had been looking away when the confluence betwixt the summon’s world and our own emerged. By the time Beth had lifted her head out of her other book the toad had already accomplished its first leap and set fire to the curtains. “H-hey!” Beth shot straight up to her feet and raised her hands in defiance. Her ability to defy went further than others, past physical grasp as her gestures grew beyond whims and became magical hands that hurriedly squeezed the leaping meteor toad before it spread the flames to the god damn laundry basket.

“Little bastard! I thought that spell fizzled,” Her eyes darted to the curtains as the rivets of verdant embers slithered up the black veil. She lifted the broom with her magical power and beat the tar out of the curtains… until the broom caught flame as well. “Come… on!” The focused upon magic hand thrust the broom into the sink and a third hand emerged and turned the water on. With her first magic hand she ran the toad under the water forcefully, pushing the ablaze gremlin as beneath the water as possible. The toad sizzled and croaked. The flames were still going. Another magic hand emerged and filled the mop bucket with water and dashed it against the curtains. Flames went down. Only a few whispers of flames remained. But in her distraction the toad slipped from her grasp and went down the drain. She gasped and dropped the broom which was still just barely aflame. The carpet took its turn to catch fire. The curtains never really stopped. Her phone was ringing next to her book.

Beep. “Hey babe…” Beth held the phone to her head while her magic hands, much less steadily now, continued to fight the green flames in the background. “Uh-huh? Oh, movie got cancelled? That sucks! You want to come over?” She turns back. Her wallpaper had soot marks. Her sink was now the haunt of a demon toad filled with flames from Hades. The curtains were probably not savable. And shit, she never did the dishes! “Y-yeah! We can totally do something tonight! I’ll make it extra special for you too since the horror movie night got cancelled. Yeah! Oh, I’d love it if you brought that! Yeah, my place! Okay, see you then. Love you!” Beep. She looked down the drain. The toad was missing.

“Okay… Apartment is an absolute mess. There’s a demon toad in the plumbing. Curtains look like the Pompeii seasonals. Whole house smells like a book burning. Water all over the place… and I just got the fire out on the carpet…” Beth crossed her arms over her chest and sighed. “Seriously, summoning magic is unreliable anymore. But… I can’t be expected to clean this mess myself.” No, not at all. Beth was far above it, as too was the book she would turn to in order to get her messes cleaned.

                This particular was a massive leather bound behemoth. Despite how often it was used and returned to it seemed vehement on remaining as dusty as possible, as if there was some house keeping horror curse placed on it so it’d always be a shelf topper eye sore. Beth puffed her cheeps and blew away the dust in a clean practiced sheen. She’d done this a dozen times. She cracked open the old rusty parchment, the crinkle of the paper giving her a satisfying chill. With talented fingers she navigated through the table of contents and scrolled through the pages for the spell in particular that would get her house cleaned. “The hands aren’t really cutting it. I need something with more grip, more suction, and more… well everything to be honest. Plus, we need to fish that toad out of the sink…”

                Her finger thudded against the paper right on the perfect spell. Astral Tendrils. A fairly powerful utility spell that would summon intelligent and willful tendrils of the perfect size for whatever task be demanded of them. She had summoned similar ones before, but she was going to need heavy duties ones to get all these chores done. If she had to focus on them and micromanage them she’d end up burning shit on accident again. That meant she needed this exact brand of tentacle that could manage things on their own and make their own decisions.

                With a component list shorter than her last grocery bill, Beth let a bemused grin spread over her face. She was already satisfied with the soon to be results by the time she had set the book on the floor and began to incite the spell to form. First, a sprig of Black Rose Petals turned to a fine dust and sprinkled over the top of the tome. The particulates vanished into the book as though it were a thin sheet of embers parting to let the dust submerge into what laid below. A catalyst was needed then to bring further power. Beth supplied a few drops of Imp Blood, letting it ooze over the imagery on the book.

                “And the last ingredient, the will of the user implanted upon the to be summoned, enriched in the weave of mana made true… But a word of caution—” Beth read from the book. “Focus is needed. Focus is precious. Focus is… I’m plenty cautious, thank you,” She rolled her eyes. “This isn’t my first summoning.”

                She held her hands out and closed them into fists and let the magic ooze out from her. They formed like sturdy powerlines that snatched into the book like hooks. She moved her arms in a careful manner, chanting to herself to carefully shape and urge things. It was like watching someone experience make cotton candy, perfectly weaving the cone through the spun sugar to form a more and more sturdy connection. Slowly her glowing blue mana turned bright and solid, less ghastly and more ghoulishly solid. The book began to open like a rippling wave pool.

                A prodding blue tip emerged from the tome. And then another. And then another. A bouquet of three tendrils slithered free from the book as the wall between realms was unmade. With the hooks of mana weaved into the flesh of these specters she urged the beasts to rise. “Hear my words servants of the realm afar. My keep is in shambles and problems surround me like tar. Put thineselves to work and clean per my demands. As your summoner and keeper, my wish is your command!” The tendrils instantly rose to an erect and pounding attentive state.

                One of them shot straight towards the sink and plugged down the drain hole. Beth’s eyes were faintly glowing with the power of her concentration as she watched carefully. The tendril slammed back and forth with concerning construction like noises. It emerged like a fisher’s line with something on the hook. The toad was captured, still ablaze and apathetic to its capture. It swallowed the human finger it found. Beth squinted and sighed. “Okay, that’s one thing down.” The tentacle dragged the toad back into the book. It… probably should’ve been brought back to the book it was summoned from, but that should be okay. “Okay, now we just need to make this place perfect for tonight. My boyfriend is going to be coming over and everything needs to be perfect for him, okay?” She asked the tentacles. All three were listening but were stagnant. “Um, you heard me right? Do I still need to rhyme after the first command? Um… Servants from a world beyond my world is law! The curtains are—HEY!” Beth snapped at a tendril as it went to wrap around her ankle. “I can bathe myself, thank you! I—”

                Two more tentacles rose uninvited from the tome. And then another two as if they were curious about what was occurring. “I didn’t summon that many!” She felt a buzzing form, a pleasant blush on her cheeks. “Okay, I can fix this…” She backed up without noticing the tentacle that was wrapped around her other ankle. She tripped and fell backwards onto her ass.

                “I order you tendrils! Heed my commands and stop this!” She was too upset to even try to rhyme. A tendril wrapped around her clothes and skillfully ripped them away leaving her only in her lingerie that lay beneath. Softly, a tendril squeeze around her breast and fervently worked to try and free what laid beneath. Her thick thighs were squeezed at by the other tendrils that were emerging. She gestured wildly again, starting an incantation when a tendril rammed down her throat instantly ceased any further attempts to cast away this issue. Without the verbal component she…

                Shlurp… Her head began to lazily bob back and forth. The tendril was thick in her mouth but it had this firm sponge sensation to it. When her tongue ran across the underside it felt firm and unmoving, but as it urged down her throat the thick appendage was able to perfectly squeeze and squish into her with a perfect permutation of its form. Just like the kitchen sink. Her legs were spread by an extra two whip cracks of the eager tentacles spreading her more and more open. They oozed across her thighs and hiked up past her leggings and undid the clips of her garter belt. Her moans were muffled against the tendril filling her throat. Her hands gestured weakly and her nails raked across the stone floor. Her eyes began to squint and weaken. Something about these tentacles went beyond what she was expecting. Her mind was captured in this overwhelming feeling of lust of power of so much and so much. This tome was more than she thought it would be.

                It was strength flowing through her like a sympathetic part of the tendrils but something like it. It was firm and authoritative and it became how she felt in turn. Not like some unstoppable being but more… decisive. And her decisions were aligned that this was… good. At first she was cautious and wanting to stop this, but now that the rhythm was found and the tendrils had scraped away the last of her small clothes she was fully convinced… She wanted to see where this was going. She urged it even, lightly panting and pushing her crotch closer to the first prodding blue tentacle. Whatever this is… She thought, I can fix it still. I can. I just need to stop letting it work me over like this. I need to think of some spell instead of thinking about how good that tentacle filling my insides will feel like and how warm and hard it was going to be and how it is going to pound me senseless—

                Before her conflicts could reach conclusions the tentacle acted upon those feelings she was becoming akin to. A decisive plow pushed the tendril right inside of her. She wretched and was able to free her mouth from the tendril, coughing and gasping for air. The acts at the same time was like trying to rake and grab at a wet cliffside as you fall. She wheezed and moaned. “O-oh fuck!” She let the words tumble. She weakly tried to rise back up to her feet, just let her hands push down against the stone floor and her feet feel the weight of her body again. The tendrils were still going.

                Every plow made her ankle creak and her heart rumble. The blood rushing to her head was corrupted with the lust she was driving with. Standing was a belabored nearly impossible effort. Vision was heavy, head was spinning, body felt like an apple too heavy to stay on its branch. “Counter spell…” She raised her hand and weakly summoned a magic hand once again. “Fetch… my book… Fix this…” The hand returned and grabbed weakly at her throat. Just enough to make her wince in pleasure and fall back to the floor. This wasn’t a return splash to the bath or a surrender to 15 more minutes in bed. This was tar.

                “N-no… I was almost… There!” Her magic hand must have been hijacked! Her own powers made into turn cloaks! Why… did the thought only excite her more? The tendrils grew more tireless. A second one slid into her slit and pumped away with that eager and wild abandon. She raised her legs and spread them wide. She watched with wide bright lantern eyes, hungrily swallowing very second into her mind. A shaky hand shivered like a leaf as it reached forward. She grabbed the bouquet of tentacles burgeoning into her. Squeeze. She pushed them in deeper. “H-harder…”

                They obliged. Two more tentacles emerged and joined the others. Each of them was just as spongy yet firm as the first but all of them unison meant that slowly things were pushed in the tentacles’ favor. Each could only collapse so far. She was now the one being shaped by them. And in this one great unison she could feel those forceful feelings multiply in their intensity. Huge waves of emotion rushed over her. It was pure will and decision yet again only now it was a feeling so powerful she felt it above her skin. Lust and desire rode above her and surfed like a skiff over the waves. It washed over her narrow waist and seemingly encouraged a pinching sensation. It crested the heavy waves over her chest which only seemed to bounce heavier with every second. Both grew more and more the longer she watched, perfectly in synch with the pace of the thrusts. And when the sailing reached port in her head, Beth could only assume the worst. And that was the best part.

                She shrieked as a climax exploded through her. She gasped and weakly reached for the table and brought down the phone. Twenty minutes. “Hrgh… Okay… w-we had our fun. My guy is going to be here in forty… so we need to get cleaned up and ready for him—” Their efforts redoubled. “H-h-h-heeeeyyyyy!!!” They thrust hard enough to make her bounce from the force. Her wrist flicked and the phone was tossed aside in the sudden bum rush of thrusting. She cringed through it, squeezing her knuckles white and tight. “Hrghhhhh!” She winced through it. Right above her slit a little bulge was forming where the tendrils seemingly had knotted extra tight. The bump kept growing, kept pushing outward and kept growing more and more the focus of it all. That sensation of will was hyper fixating on this one spot that was rapidly sweltering in the weight of importance like the sword in the stone. It was urged on to grow further, emerging further and further until it wasn’t just a little bump.

                It was a cock. A weighty heavy cock of dark coloration and animalistic composition. It was a horse dick. It was growing and growing with a steady humping pulse. She watched in disbelief and a mixed candor of lecherous mind rot. Every bit of concern she brewed was dusted with the discoloring panache of corruptive delight. She was aroused to watch something so obscene growing bigger and bigger off of her. The flared head fatted heavy and oozing a dollop of pre. A tendril swathed over the tip, cleaning the pre away and wiping her like a spatula flattening the frosting on a cake. A hiss left her gritted teeth. The tendril remained, stirring in a circle across the tip. It pushed. It pushed deeper. “N-no… No way…!” But it kept going until it punched down and.

                “HRGHH!” Her moan violently filled the air. She bucked her hips, not noticing the pair of black horns growing from her head. “Yesss~ Oh fuck yes! I get it I get it! I’ll let it… just don’t stop!” Her mind was rushed with this horrible feeling. She couldn’t even seen the whites in her eyes turn dark. She couldn’t even tell how far gone she just became as the last few terrible thrusts sealed her fate. The tendrils came inside of her, a sweltering heat emerging from her skin as steam filled the air. Her smile was visible with the mana glow from her throat.

                Knock knock knock.


                No response.

                He awkwardly waited a minute more before trying the door. It opened. “Hey, sorry this was so last second. I brought some movies and money for dinner if you… want… to…”

                Laying on a bed of tentacles was a voluptuous figure. She wore her stockings ripped and sizzled, her top tight and tucked beneath her double sized breasts. The swollen horse cock oozed a steady drip of drizzle and the slit beneath similarly seemed to urge on that drastic, lustful action must be taken. She rose from her bed, the crease in her thin stomach shimmering with a natural sheen akin to the oils dancers decorate in. “There you are~ You were taking so long I had to start the party without you…” Her smile glowed. A tendril wrapped around his ankle. “But don’t worry~ I had everything under control. This new power is something I can get used to… before we fix it. But first, I’m going to milk you for everything you’re worth and not a drop less~” The poor guy didn’t have a chance to reply before the tendril tugged him into the mist. He was enveloped and swallowed into the belly of the fog. His clothes fell to the floor and the DVD he brought laid across the floor untouched and likely not to be played until he had consummated as hard as he could. A toad hopped atop the case and humbly settled.

The night would be long.

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