A short story of where things might go. Gwen, the android, is brought to a strange place where demons took their technology to be repaired. In there, Gwen rediscovers who she really is.

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Gwen’s Vestige

          The flying skiff slowly neared the foreboding island. Around it, dark clouds swirled, remnants of a protection system which manipulated local weather. From afar it looked just as cotton white and puffy as the other clouds so no one would come out of curiosity, but the closer you roamed the more tremendous and terrible the weather would become. In its height, this system would slam larger ships to the ground, but after years and years of degrading this system now just made it slow coming for the pair aboard the skiff.

          To one side was a curious researcher girl named Hana, a brunette with a short studious ponytail and circular silver glasses. She wore a cloak to protect her from the rain and a satchel at her side filled with plenty of little gadgets and devices to conduct her research.

          And as well aboard the skiff was another hooded woman named Gwen. Gwen was much more complicated. She wasn’t human, but instead artificial. Demons built her using methods no one in the world fully understood. Humans knew how to modify demon tech but not the process through which it was created— through which Gwen was created. As well, Gwen wasn’t made for the sake of creating, but as weaponry. Gwen had a purpose, a designation and title in an army she didn’t remember serving. Something happened to her that removed all her additional machinery and stripped her of her memories. The rain fell on her hood that was misshapen by her horns. She and Hana docked their skiff right against the edge of the island where a little opening could be found. It was metallic and dark and lead inside.

          “So, this is Vyltilia…” Hana lifted a little lamp made of bulbous purple material that opened a slit down the middle. The light it emitted was purple and bubbling before stabilizing into a steady light. She moved her thumb across a dial at the handle and widened the light it casted out enough to reveal the hall proper. The material the hall was made of was this strange black stone that at times revealed thick purple veins beneath; all of it frozen like purgatory lava flows. “I heard from some early sky tales that this was a demon holdout. Some of their androids remained here for a while in the early days. We’re not sure what tore them out of here, but it’s been abandoned for a long time.”

          “And this place…” Gwen looked at Hana. “It has a bad reputation?”

          Hana nodded her head. “They made machines here. Machines that could fly. Villages would be peaceful and quiet until one day a giant machine with legs like a spider and wings like an angel— or, well, I guess a demon— would land and begin destroying everything. Some of them even came equipped to convert. Their tendrils would grab you, swallow you into the base… and you’d come out demonic.”

          Gwen put a hand to her chest. Her fingers sunk into the metal of her chest as her chest gradually turned into its darker, base component. Iron was made of ore, demonic metal was made from this strange dark goo and was far more mercurial in its ability to change between the two. “Me and that spider have a lot in common. We’re like sisters, except one of us is a spider.”

          “Spiders can have sisters,” Hana said with a shrug.

          “So, we’re just sisters. Though I think if my sister is a spider, it still warrants messaging in most social situations.” Gwen laughed a little but was met by Hana’s stoney face. This was a serious place, a terrible lab and factory filled with demonic secrets and contraptions that were let loose on normal people. Why was it then that Gwen felt strangely serene and at peace there? The only thing nibbling at her was the distinctly human tension, and anxiety taught to her by everyone she had met, that this place held secrets she wouldn’t be prepared for.

          They turned the corner and found two doors. One had been ripped open by human means and led to a room entirely raided of its supplies. Shelves laid empty and barren with only hints of what once had been held. Contraptions were ripped apart for their salvageable remains and no decorum was demonstrated in defiling the armory of the humans’ demise. Gwen imagined there was catharsis in it, like ants sinking their mandibles into a tarantula.

          It was the other door that bore fruit for them. Gwen approached it and the door began to turn dark. Black drops slowly slid across the surface like ice starting to melt in the sun. Hana raised her notepad from her satchel and began to write.

          Anxiety. That human emotion ate at Gwen’s mind. “Should I…? This seems unusual!”

          “Here…” Hana pulled from her bag a pair of metallic pucks. She clicked on a round disk on to Gwen’s back and held on to the other one. “Relentless Magnets. I squeeze mine and it sends you flying towards me and vice versa. Consider it your safety rope. Squeeze once and I’ll feel you tug without sending me flying. Then I’ll squeeze twice, and you’ll be nice and safe.”

          “A-Alright. But this is still me touching a slimy door that makes me feel…” Gwen turned to face the door, her reflection staring back at her as the surface became more viscous. Purple-pink eyes staring back at her. A nice, calm smile. She felt good, energized. She had to see what was behind this door to help her friend Hana out. This was for research. Gwen took a little pose… and reminded herself. This was who she was.


I am Gwen.

          Gwen pushed her hand forward. The material of the door began to unravel. Thick, tube-like extremities curled out from the door itself like hydra from the lake and swirled together to form a surface for Gwen’s hand to push upon. She laid her sharp metallic hand atop the surface, “H-Hello! Nice to meet ya…” she muttered. Click. The worms vibrated and a purple pulse outlined her hand, then reached the door. The door opened; a slit appeared down the middle and cut through it like a knife through taut plastic and the once rigid metal collapsed into flaccid flaps descending on either side to the floor like the entrance to a tent.

          Inside the room was… untouched. Demon tech. Fresh from The Shattering. Gwen walked inside as if coaxed inside by something familiar (a rare feeling for an amnesiac.) Her robotic hooves touched down on a material made for them and her entire being was suddenly aware that all the grass and all the soil outside of the room was never… meant for her.

          The walls were lined with tech that… reached out to Gwen. Each individual item emitted a low frequency that demon tech used to help them find each other. Gwen knew she was supposed to be a Queen class android, so it was likely the authentication she harbored not only let her in the room, but immediately overwrote the ownership on all the relics inside. They were hers now. All of it beckoning to her at once was overwhelming. Her legs squeezed together. She put a hand in front of her thigh and squeezed as her hips contemplating turning her around and getting her out. Gwen turned her head back to the exit. Hana’s light shined on Gwen for a moment as the inquisitive girl came walking inside.

          However, by far the most interesting part of the room was the centerpiece. A large, bulbous contraption filled with so much energy that even Hana noticed it. Gwen carefully placed her hand on it to let her sensors read it.

          “It is… a repair capsule. What it will do is take a demon device and return it to full functionality.”

          Hana nodded. “So, let’s say…” Hana reached into her bag and retrieved a small device. “This used to be a spear launcher,” She turned the handle over it her grasp. “But it hardly works anymore and can only launch rope, so I just use it as a grapple or a way to get the skiff back. But if we…” Hana pushed it into the device. Slowly, little bubbles of black fluid rose from the surface and wrapped around it. The tendrils of fluid rejected Hana but embraced the device. Gwen watched as it sank inside and felt something stir within her.

          A moment passed, Gwen’s eyes never moving nor blinking, and the device emerged. It was fully restored with elegant curves and terrible spikes. Hana grasped it and the device immediately rejected her. “Ow!” She dropped it, the handle suddenly turning scalding pink, Hana rapidly having to blow on her hands to try and cool them.

          Gwen reached for the device and grabbed it without issue. She felt the similar tug she always did when she grabbed on to demon tech. Her body begged her to bring it into herself. Swallow it. Let her ichor claim it and fold it into her, make it her weapon to be used at any point. She already had a centaur form waiting within her, as well as various other contraptions she used in various situations. But this device felt different. The repair pod had fixed everything about it, restored it to its prime state. Gwen watched it turn dark in her hand and seep through the cracks in her armor.

          It felt good. It felt so good. The device flowed into her, broken down into the same material all demon tech was made of and stored inside Gwen. It was a drop of blood in a crystal clear pool. The red dispersed through her, dyed her. Soon, it settled inside her and she was left with a strange feeling. “S-sorry, I didn’t mean to swallow that one.”

          Hana shook her head. “The tech is weird, I get it.” She brushed it off.

          Gwen… heard something. Was it her thoughts, or lingering effects from the device she swallowed? They did at times, addons often came with their own thoughts and programming. Humans shouldn’t have demon tech. They disgrace it. Fish with hooks and rods. Cattle building fences. It is the order turned the wrong way around.

          It felt good. Fresh tech in her. Refreshing. Gwen quietly walked to another shelf and grabbed ahold of a small orb. She didn’t care what function it served; she just needed it. She let it turn to goo and fuse into her as well, but the feeling wasn’t as strong. The orb was what made the tech fresh, undid the effects of time sitting on a shelf and decaying. Gwen quickly grabbed two more devices into her arms and dropped them into the orb.

          “Gwen?” Hana asked. “What are you doing? You remember why we’re here, right? That tech needs to come back with me to the village and my shop.”

          “H-huh? Oh, um, won’t take anymore, sorry!” Gwen tried to choke back any other words. The orb gently raised the devices when they were fixed with long, servile tendrils. Gwen eagerly grabbed ahold of each and pushed them into herself. Below her chest, the armored plating stopped closing entirely and left the seeping dark and flowing tendrils exposed. That was fine, it made it quicker for her to eat. She took each device and pushed it through. She shuddered.

          Too good. It felt far too good.

          Her hands shook and she stared at them as the tips of her fingers grew sharper and longer. When Hana wasn’t looking Gwen found another contraption and pushed it into the orb. The orb, seemingly cooperating, raised the device out of Hana’s sight when it was finished, all the while the girl continued to root through the demonic tech. A scavenging little mouse in the den.

          Gwen absorbed the next device and was greeted with a rush of blissful joy. Was bliss the right word? Was joy the right word? They were emotions but were inherently bound to a human context that was helpful for Gwen to interface with them but seemed inadequate to describe how she felt. She was “happy” but not the way humans smiled at their loved ones or delighted in their three meals a day. Gwen was happy the way cells feel when they multiply, but a thousand times grander.

          One of her stored abilities rose without her willing it. Below her original set, a second pair of arms emerged; goo pushed out from her torso and quickly solidified. She hunched over and embraced the pleasure of the changes. When she stood back up, she was taller than before. Her hooves sounded heavier as she walked through the room. She found what appeared to be a combat tail intended for androids like herself. She grabbed it and pushed it into the orb and let it fix it.

          “Gwen?!” Hana yelled. “Are you still taking the tech? At least let me look at it before you—”

          Gwen turned. Her eyes were narrow and glowing, slits ignited down the center of them. “Stop telling me WHAT to DO!”

Hana fell back against the wall from the shock. Gwen raised her hands and felt how sharp her horns were and little nubs at the sides of her head as a new set began to grow. She tried to summon fear, but that human emotion was disconnected. She tried to summon regret, but that emotion was invalid for her situation. She tried for joy.

          “Why are you scared?” Gwen took a step forward. The tendrils emerged from the orb and pushed the tail into her. Long black tendrils clicked into the small of her back and slowly began to glow as her body reeled the tail in. Vertebra by vertebra the tail began to slide into life. It felt good. Powerful. A burst of black goo burst out as her armored plating formed strongest around the tail at the base but failed to cover the rest of the long tendril formed device. She could break buildings with it, she could squeeze the life out of her foes with it— The tail told her. It showed her the thousand tests the demons had done, showed other variants of the tail wrapped around steel armor, squeezing it into a crumpled mess, shrapnel flying from the pure force.

          The orb obeyed Gwen’s subconscious commands. The tendrils patiently grabbed the tech off the walls and pushed it into her. Gwen opened her mouth, and a tendril pushed inside her and bulged her throat. It slowly rose up and took her tongue with it. Little spindly legs emerged from the tendril that sat on the flat on her tongue and they slowly knit into it. They drew it longer, covering it in barbs. Her tongue told Gwen that it was made to seduce and control. It showed her the tests demons did to ensure the venom had a powerful mind control effect and that it was made to overwhelm the throats of humans. Gwen wanted to do that very badly as she walked closer and closer to Hana who now looked so small. She had shrunk, but it was Gwen who returned to normal.

          “Gwen?!” Hana called out. “Gwen are you alright?”

The demon searched for her name but found that Gwen was disconnected. It was a human name, incapable of describing what she was. People would form slang or local terms for technology but that would never change what it actually was. The demon’s thighs parted and with terrible force her cock grew overwhelmed with demonic pleasure. It eclipsed all else.

“I am not Gwen,” the lights came on. Her four eyes glowed in the dark.

“I am Venythea.”

          Tendrils emerged and grabbed Hana before she could get away. Venythea was fast upon her. Claws slid through Hana’s clothes and tore them away with learned precision. Venythea’s tongue pushed down Hana’s throat. Immediately the battle between air and succumbing began. Hana instinctively moved her throat back to create more space but Venythea’s tongue was always there clogging the way. It emitted something just on touch alone the way heat transfers to a pan. This contact poison seeped into Hana, meaning the more she struggled the sooner she was medicated and adjusted. It felt good, pleasure reduced to its chemical purity and portioned out. Hana’s movements slowed as the need to escape gradually was erased. There was something more enjoyable about being held by the ferocious beast and to be hers. She needed it. Everything about her. Venythea spoke without need for her tongue. “Your village needs protection, does it? If they promise to serve me, I will keep them safe. Consider them my vassals. These repairs I have undergone are temporary. I will likely return to my older form and my restored memories will fade ever so quickly.”

          Hana’s frame was pushed down against that massive cock. The demoness intended to leave a seed of who she was. The corruption from a demon would slowly convert Hana, give her horns of her own. Venythea leaned in closer.

          “I’ll convert you. Even after I return, you will remain a demon. You will remain loyal to your village, and you will be stronger. Discard your humanity, how little it has served you, and embrace it.”

          “Y-yes…” Hana’s eyes began to turn pink. “My… Queen. Yes. I discard it, my humanity. I want to be strong.” Hana’s bag of devices was opened and Venythea slowly lifted them one by one. The tendrils of the orb slowly engulfed Hana and the old relics she had gathered. The same way the device undid the treachery of humanity from the modified spear gun, so too shall Hana be remade.

          This was just a piece to go along with the art I received from Monstrifex who did an incredible two-part corruption. I have always wanted to get art of what Gwen would have looked like back in her peak, and I am very very happy with how good a job Monstrifex has done. Don’t consider this canon if I ever, ever get a Gwen story done.

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