GENSHIN CUMPACT – Prompts for March 2021

Diluc takes slimes, only to miscalculate and be transformed into a hot slime girl with a dick! And it feels good… shouldn’t everyone be a slime?

It was supposed to make his ascend.

That was how materials work; You take them and they bring your powers ever higher. Diluc wanted to save people in his own way… but three ruined shirts over the course of a few days later and a tender feeling in his chest all but confirmed that the way he was changing wasn’t a growth in strength. The mirror betrayed the dark knight and noble and showed instead a woman with curves and a softness to her cheeks. His dark eyes gained that glint of charm he had long been drained of. As his pants slithered down his more shapely legs and onto the floor to reveal the red slime shaft between shapely thighs he found it impossible not to carelessly hump said shaft into his gripping hands as he stared into the mirror.

She smiled.

It felt so good. Unlike anything else. Incomparable. It was unbecoming of a nobleman to so openly devolve into lewd ferocity, but if that was the case than damn that title away and let her be free and happy. A smile spread across her face as she sat back in the slime ejected for her form, clothing soiled in the fruits of her labors. Maybe everyone would be happier as I too have been made. Maybe if everyone was a slime…

Needless to say, The Dawn Winery began serving a much more… interesting drink.

The Fatui grow tired of the Traveler’s never-ending interference in their plans, but they know that they can’t possibly take her down with so many companions fighting at her side, so they decide to turn them against the Traveler one by one. First up is the eternally heavy bottomed Ganyu, and what better way to turn her against the Traveler then by unleashing a curse upon her to turn her into a thicc, tall, strong demoness to aid them instead… besides, who knows, perhaps the Traveler might just drop to their knees in desire from that massive equine bitch-breaker Ganyu’s gonna grow…

At first there was no way to notice the hex had even worked for either party. No wonder the Fatui looked on nervously from their cover, blending in amongst the populace of the bustling lantern light city. But, if everyone had gone right, they would have their answer soon was Ganyu began to react to the magic rippling through her body, swelling and burgeoning like the first seed of a storm to come. Ganyu walked calmly through the late afternoon streets as lantern light blossomed across her chest and twinkled in her eyes. It made it all the more obvious when the whites of her eyes began to turn blisteringly black.

Her steps began to grow haggard and forced her to gasp for breath. The expanding of her thighs made her steps uneven and strange as she took twice the effort to keep moving. Riiiip~ The stockings she wore began snapping open in uneven rubbery crescent pockets. Rip rip rip one after another the air holes popped, revealing the steady fading of her skin to a light blue. The front of her loin hugging stockings began to swell with her monstrous new addition. A concerned look was on her face as she suddenly lunged forward at a merchant’s desk, gasping for air. “Miss?” Came the concerned cry from the merchant. She turned to him, her face twisting into a smile.

“D-don’t worry~” She humps against his table. “It feels good~” She runs her hand over the bulge sprouting in her attire. Typically she was so quiet and reserved, more a sheep than a ram, more a part of the flock than a shepherd. But that all changed when she finally received her own herding stick. A thick barbed equine monstrosity emerged from her broken tights dripping thick fertile breeder fluid onto the ground. It began faint bright blue like her shin and ended in a thick glowing pink, an engorged horny look. When she stood up her horns were more twisted and long, her stomach bulged with abs, her being much taller, and a heavy horny nutsack swinging between her legs, a tail thrashing from her massive ass to destroy a few unlucky crates. “In fact it feels soooo good, I think I need to spread it~”

The Traveller was pretty fucked.

Ningguang finds out just how bad Zhongli is with money, and changes him into a lovely member of her secretarial harem to teach the archon a lesson. Mostly, making and taking deposits. Maybe cute golem or monster girl aesthetics. Idk

“I asked for lunch,” Ningguang began as she was sat back into her comfortable chair. Very comfortable. Surely, comfortable enough to ease the tension in her brows like match sticks kissing short fuses. “And instead you brought me bankruptcy?” Somehow, the calmness she spoke with made the words seem all the more chilling. She stole the warmth from the air. Zhongli gave a cheery nod despite it all.

“A thousand partings. It seems no matter how much I try I just can’t keep track of my Mora. However, I just couldn’t pass up on this.” He presents a silver chain necklace ending in a rectangular geometric artistry of carved amber. “And it only cost me- “

“It cost me my patience~” Ningguang raises her hand. The charm slides back and pierces into Zhongli’s chest. Eyes shot wide, he stares down at it as he feels the stone course through him… Which was an odd idea but it was all there was to describe the sudden chilling sensation rushing through him. “I believe a lesson is in order. In exchange for my loan- “ Zhongli’s chest blossomed with two milky cotton white breasts, hips squeezing tight as a corset of amber imbedded in his skin squuuuueeeezed tight! Legs and arms were turned to amber just the same, operatic embroidery fancying the line between knees and thighs and arms and shoulders. Zhongli’s ass sprouted fatter, all her clothes falling aside and onto the ground. The silver chain was turned into a silver collar through the Geo manipulation. It heeded Ningguan’s beckoning and flew into her hand. The stone of the floor lifted the desk, revealing Ningguan’s cock already exposed and prepared.

Zhongli, a newly minted and happy golem maid, fell forward and began hungrily sucking. “A few more sessions like this…” Ningguang spread her legs and huffed satisfied, “And you may actually learn the value of Mora~”

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