Boisterous laughter exploded against the muffling of the hotel door. Inside, three women were sprawled out across their fairly sizable inn room enjoying the night alone and the treats that were given to them by their friend. One of them, the three-eyed Mustari girl named Eupha, was the one to have laughed. However, in the center of the circle the three girls sat in was how the girl was brough to laugh so loudly, some beautiful thick blue berries, and she shared them openly.
“Oh, I am full glad you have brought these with you!” Hulkenberg brought the small blue berry, her third so far, to her lips and sunk her teeth into it. The juices it filled her mouth with were sweet and tart and more importantly very, very powerful. Even a seasoned drunkard would have their feet stumbling from just a few bites. “So badly I wish to go back to your home, Eupha! Only a few days is not nearly enough to truly sample their cuisine! I saw some sailors return home from their expedition as we boarded The Runner to leave and I still think of the feast they might have prepared!”
Eupha nodded her head, a giggle unable to be held back sneaking out as Junah grabbed her second berry and patiently chewed it. Junah made a little mmm sound as even she began to feel a touch loosened by the effect of the berries. Eupha rolled a berry patiently in her finger. “Ah yes, so many great dishes. I believe the village was planning a small feast in a few days after we departed to continue celebrating their safety.”
“Ahaha… These berries are insane!” Junah broke to laughter and threw herself forward to squeeze Hulkenberg’s waist. The three of them were all in loose comfortable pajamas. Hulkenberg wore a black night gown, Junah a set of lingerie, and Eupha only her small clothes and a comfortable cloak for modesty. Junah had caught the laughter in the air and returned it in double. “How do you get your hair so red, Hulkenberg? It is so unfair! That mane is practically divine, a proper crimson!”
“I um, have never made any true efforts to maintain my hair in all honesty?” Hulkenberg said, unsure how to react to the snuggly Nidia now pushing up against her. She lowered her hand and gave Junah a gentle pat on the head and a little whisper hush, like one might console a child. “All I truly do,” she continued, “Is just make sure my hair is cut at the bangs and otherwise it is essentially given full reign to grow as it may.”
“It is quite beautiful,” Eupha nodded happily.
“Ugh… it issss!” Junah sunk her head down against Hulkenberg’s belly and muffled her voice. “I bet it is cherry flavored… Only cherry candies get that red, that illustrious and sheening!”
Hulkenberg lifted one of the bangs of hair at the side of her head and took it into her mouth. She looked at Junah as if she had just told a terrible lie.
Junah saw the action and her cheeks filled with air before bursting into laughter. “Oh my God, Hulkenberg! Not actually! Ahaha… I’m so lucky to have you by my side…” She turned and laid her head in Hulkenberg’s lap, curling her legs so they were comforted as much as they could from the floor and elevated instead on the pillow nearby Hulkenberg. “And just as lucky the boys finally got it in their heads to have a boys’ night! Can’t have a girls’ night unless you first have the boys’ take their leave!”
“Well, it is not a full girls’ night, no?” Eupha asked. “Galica is with them since Will went along.”
“She never leaves Will’s side, so admirable,” Hulkenberg nodded her head. “Sometimes I envy what they have, but alas, there are no ways for me to be either a fairy or have a fairy of my own.”
Junah shook her head and laughed some more, her cheeks blushing red just like the other two. “It really is touching. Galica never rests it seems, even telling Will where to go during our free time. Sometimes I wonder if she should be the candidate instead, but we all know Will is a damn fine lad!” Junah sat up and grabbed another berry from the pile they were sitting around.
“Indeed!” Hulkenberg nodded stalwartly. “One of the finest men I’ve ever met, and I do not lack a roster after my time in the knighthood and amongst the nobility. You’d think I’d have met stauncher competition, but it is he who I consider amongst the best. That and Strohl if I’m full honest.”
“Strohl?” Junah laughed. “He’s a bit hot headed, don’t you think?”
“I like that of him,” Hulkenberg said. “We rarely disagree on taking action, it is just the minutia we disagree on, and even then, we’ve yet to truly argue. He is pragmatic and fair and has a sense of nobility and justice!”
“Strohl and Will both have left great impressions with me,” Junah nodded her head, placing a berry in her mouth. Her toes curled and she broke into a shrill laughter. “This is my fourth! I’ve never had this many before! Mmm! But yes, both are great people. Strohl was so polite with me and patient and the same for Will. They make me feel welcome and… well… Like I’m a person.”
They all nodded their heads, agreeing in some part. The hotel room grew quiet for a moment, each of them given a chance to digest the berries they had eaten. Junah stood up, stumbling over herself and nearly falling against Hulkenberg, but was able to catch herself before she was caught by the knight. Junah pushed her hands back against her flowing orange storm of hair and kicked it up, her hair fluttering unnaturally in the air in beautiful glamor. She walked to the table in their room and grabbed one of the apples they had resting for snacks.
All of them were content in their own giggly states. Inhibitions vanished as the hour grew later. Junah parted the curtain and looked outside of their inn room out into the streets below before closing it.
Junah suddenly and aggressively sat back down at their huddle on the floor. Hulkenberg and Eupha both stopped their little chatter as Junah’s sapphire eyes sparkled with mischief. “So… which one would you do it with?”
“Hmm… Strohl I think would be hardier,” Hulkenberg nodded.
Junah gasped. “Wait?! That easy? Not even a touch of thought on it?”
“What is there to think? Will is about useless in the kitchen and always needs assistance. But Strohl? He is a fine chef and could easily prepare the feast.”
“We were talking of food before you arrived,” Eupha said. “She is likely thinking that is what you’re referring to.”
“Oh, no you fools!” Junah pouted. “Sex! I was talking about sex!”
Hulkenberg reddened from ear to nose. “OH! Oh sex! Sex! I see… well!” Hulkenberg cleared her throat. “I suppose in that case… My vows are very clear on their stance on celibacy. Afraid I must refrain from any comment!”
“Your vows are your own miss-former-knight! You can decide for yourself!” Junah smiled, satisfied she was finally getting these girls to blush some. “Come now, knife to your throat, igniter at your back, you must choose one of the men.”
“I may be reprieved of my vows, but when I reform the knighthood under our new king I shall be expected to return to them surely.”
“You’ll get to decide, it’ll be your knightly order, Hulkie! Surely you wouldn’t dawn another era of sexless knights, all staunch and dry as a bone?”
“Why limit ourselves?” Eupha asked.
Junah smiled. “Hmm?”
“To just boys, I mean?” Eupha replied. “I likewise see women as just as likely for companionship. I’d likely choose you, Junah.”
It was as if Eupha had captured all of Hulkenberg’s crimson with a net and splashed it on Junah. Her peerless pale face was suddenly a flustered mess. She turned her head away and lifted the pillow from its place on the floor to squeeze.
“Y-you’d what?!” Junah shuddered.
“Oh! I am so sorry!” Eupha turned now too, just as shy and ashamed. “I thought we were to be honest for this game! I’m just…”
“You… really like me like that?” Junah asked, now slowly turning back towards Eupha, perhaps open to the validation for the time.
“I… find you very attractive,” Eupha nodded. “Your hair is beautiful and long, your body lithe and excellent at dancing. Dancing is very important where I’m from. Your eyes remind me of the sea which I spent a lot of time staring out at, never daring to imagine freedom, but now that I am free… your eyes seem to reflect what the ocean had always taunted me with.”
There was a long pause as the two drunk girls stared at each other with a refreshed perspective neither had before. Junah suddenly turned to Hulkenberg.
“Well… if I had to with one of the girls, it’d be Hulkenberg easily!”
“I-I Beg your pardon?!”
“Look at her!” Junah pointed. “It is unfair! She’s so… athletic! So strong and beautiful! I always thought you had to choose but she can wear armor all day and swing her spear and still be pretty as a pageant and dependable as a true friend! And those thighs. How are they so damned soft and yet so firm?!” Junah dove done and squeezed her hands.
Hulkenberg shook and tried to stammer out a word. “I just… a few squats a day… and some weights…”
Suddenly, Junah’s head was up from her little dive. They stared at each other. Junah’s eye lids lowered and she slowly drew nearer… and nearer… as if to see if Hulkenberg would push her away. But she never did. Hulkenberg’s hands dropped on Junah’s hip and the small of her back and squeezed. The squeeze made Junah ignite. She sunk the rest of the way and her soft lips met Hulkenberg’s. They kissed. Hulkenberg began to giggle as they parted.
“What do you find so funny…?” Junah asked.
“That was my first kiss just now. I always thought it’d be a sweetness denied me. Never dared to even dream.”
“That’s the Junah experience,” The songstress laughed back. “Dreams are realities with me… Now keep kissing me~”
She returned to the kiss. This one was deeper as all confusion vanished. Their lips met and squeezed. Passion flowed as their voices met each other in soft muffled moans. As soon as Junah broke the kiss she began to laugh aloud.
Her eyes met Eupha’s who was then looking very nervous at how things had progressed. And yet it was her berries that had encouraged this change in them. Junah lifted her hand and made a come-hither motion with her pointer finger. Junah obeyed it, shuffling over on her knees against the floor.
“Would you like a kiss now too, Eupha dear?~” Junah purred.
“I… I would very much like one, Junah!” Eupha nodded. “If you do not mind, that is. I did not wish to come across as rude or disrespectful for your culture.”
“Culture can come and tear us apart if they’re so offended, we’ll set them ablaze, hell we’ll send a dragon on them!” Junah laughed. “That’s you, you dragon tamer. Now get over here and—” Junah’s own drive broke off her words. She pushed forward and met Eupha in a kiss. They were met by equal parts passion that ignited further. Hulkenberg watched with a voyeuristic enjoyment typically uncharacteristic of herself.
They broke the kiss and Eupha blushed something mighty. Junah had a hunch. “Oh no! Have I taken your first as well?”
“Do the people here consider their first kisses important?” Eupha wondered. She giggled and pulled Junah back into another kiss. This one was deep, filled with tongues dueling and their mouths met tight. Junah cooed and made an especially excited noise when Eupha pushed her hands against her shoulders and squeezed her closer. The kiss broke as Eupha reached for another berry and eyed her staff across the room. She stood up and Junah turned her hunger back to Hulkenberg.
“Am I being too forward?” Junah asked.
“Not at all…” Hulkenberg replied, a little giggle sneaking from her throat. “I’ve always thought myself a lady of action.”
“Can the action be crushing my head between those legs, darling?”
“The action can be very arranged, but be warned, I might kill you.”
“Consider the warning received!” Junah was taken by an aggressive kiss from Hulkenberg, the Roussainte apparently eager to take now for herself what she had missed when the other two kissed. Tongue. Squeeze. Hulkenberg was shocked, however, when she felt fingers intruding on her pantie line. They broke the kiss just as Junah’s finger had grazed across the surface of Hulkenberg’s folds.
The pair stared at each other, panting, gasping. And then they both broke to laughter and returned into the kiss. Junah pushed her fingers inside. Hulkenberg shivered and pushed closer to the other, more dependent on her touch with every moment. She wanted to return the kindness, see the other as well feel the pleasure. Her own hand found the elaborate texture and design of Junah’s lingerie and slipped inside. Junah melted into the touch, so eager to have it reciprocate that she did not even bother to hide it.
An excited voice interrupted them both. “I think I have an idea!” Eupha said.
The kissing girls turned to her, clearly excited but struggling to come across as normal with all of the indulgent touching and kissing they had submitted to.
Eupha lifted her staff and it began to glow. “Perhaps I might make use of my station and borrow something~” Slowly the two watched as Eupha’s cloak was illuminated by the light of the staff passing through inside, giving every a pantomime show. They could see the silhouette of Eupha’s breasts sitting on her chest and the outline of her hips. They could also see the start of the growth.
A new shadow emerged from the space between her belly and her nethers. At first it was only a little bump that had concerned both of her friends but soon it began to take a much more familiar shape. Hulkenberg looked shocked but intrigued whilst Junah had already connected the dots and her expression was more in disbelief.
It grew and grew, slowly stretching out from Eupha’s crotch until the tip pushed against the lampshade of her robe and pushed further out yet. The magic ceased its function and the lightshow ceased. All that was left to see was the obvious bulge in Junah’s loose attire. The girl giggled, drunk out of her mind, and opened her dress.
The cock she had grown was massive. All along it were little prodding spikes and bumps and the crown was decorated with a regal crown of nubby prodders. The coloration was white scales with little lines of glowing orange across it, suggesting the fire within. The other girls looked at it in shock.
“Did you just…?” Junah gasped.
“Incredible…!” Hulkenberg nodded.
“It is not something in our teachings, however as the priestess of our dragon god, I thought maybe there’d be a way for me to summon… just a part of them. And sure enough, as I lifted the staff it just continued to work until… well here it is!” Junah gave a big grin, an innocent smile, as her new cock throbbed and pulsed in the cold air. She dropped her robes and threw aside her small clothes. “Now friends… which of you shall be first?”
“You can’t be serious…?” Junah replied.
“I am a woman of action,” Hulkenberg lowered her head and kissed the tip of it, Junah absolutely shocked. “What? In all things I tend to be the bravest and truest. If we are to see to this matter then I shall be the one to lead the charge.”
“That’s a dragon cock you braggart! There’s no courage in that, just some hurting hips and a funny walk the next day…”
“You said I was strong!” Hulkenberg said with a drunken bravado that made it clear there were no words that could tear her away from the actions she had in mind. “I assure you, I will walk fine after this.”
Eupha smiled. “Please… kiss it again. It felt… intense when you did so. Like someone had lit a fire in me, but in a good way.”
Hulkenberg obliged. She gave the tip a tender kiss and Eupha moaned. Then she ran her tongue along the head and slowly swirled around it. These actions tickled out even louder moans then from Eupha. Hulkenberg slowly dropped her jaw and pushed the cock along the broadside of her tongue to bring it inside her mouth. Her lips sealed shut around it and the brave woman lowered her head so the cock would begin the descend down her throat.
“W-what does that feel like?” Junah asked, brutally curious.
“In truth? Very… very good… my thoughts… oh gods my thoughts… they race and race and imagine you both in so much… so many… and the more she sucks… the pressure builds. There this pressure running through it, like how a snake might fill from its feasts. And this pressure grows and grows like something is going to happen. Over and over again this new part of me yells something is happening, something amazing, oh please keep going–!” Eupha soared her throat and curled her toes against the floor.
“Incredible…” Junah lowered her head and ran her tongue along the part of the shaft that was exposed. She lowered her head and kissed the underside then. And then she found Eupha’s slit and slowly licked it. Teasingly at first before she committed herself fully to the effort. “And does this… make it feel better?”
“I-it’s a wholly different sensation!” She laughed. “Now another part of me yells out in need, a slower burn, an emptier one, demanding to be filled…” In response Junah pushed her tongue inside.
They rolled in their passions until without much warning Eupha grabbed Hulkenberg by her ears and pulled forward. She came down her throat. Hulkenberg swallowed loudly and moaned before reeling back, the excess seed spilling down her chest in a thick white mess.
Eupha reeled as Hulkenberg recovered and turned her eyes to Junah. “Junah… I am sorry but it is still ever so needy…”
“N-needy?” Junah gulped. “H-Hulkenberg? Are you alright?”
“Uuuughhh…” Hulkenberg was barely responsive.
“I should’ve known… this was a fool’s endeavor…” Eupha said. “To please a god is no small endeavor. My body is overflowing… with it…” Scales crept along her crotch, claiming more of her body. Horns sprouted from Eupha’s head, short yet sharp. She licked her lips and lunged for Junah before any more words could be shared.
Her pretty lingerie was parted. Her legs were spread. With shocking strength, Eupha pushed the head of her cock and buried it inside of Junah. “S-so tiiiight! This is so much tighter than her throat! I see why they like it so much. I will struggle to give it back.”
“H-h-h-h!!!” Junah was drowning in the sound of the thrusts, their skin meeting in a wet and rough embrace. “S-s-slow d-d-down! You’re going f-f-far too fast! Ack!”
“I cannot bring myself to slow, not even a bit!” Eupha laughed. “It feels so good it feel so good. I cannot… not for a second! If I stop I feel I might burn away! I have to! I must… oh Junah~! Junah you feel so amazing!”
Thwap thwap thwap, bodies colliding over and over. Junah barely had the pillow she had caught on the way down to support herself against. The pleasure sparked through her in a growing blaze. She wondered if the dragon god somehow had a way to make it feel even better than usual? That wouldn’t be above the power of a god surely, especially one who was so well equipped! There was no way Junah would have made something this big on purpose!
She didn’t slow, only raging onward with an unending vigor. At some point Junah squealed and she came. Her legs folded tight together and her body squeezed with more force than she had ever before and yet they kept going. Junah thought she’d be exhausted out but there was yet more pleasure to be pilfered from her, more to her being to be used up by that draconic member. For some reason the thought excited her, her mind filling with where it might lead and what might become of her.
“Keep going… Eupha please~ Keep going~”
“I need you so bad, oh Junah!”
Hulkenberg had crawled over at some point and was now helping Junah along her way, kissing her and pushing her fingers over her clit with a sympathetic, drunken lust. Eupha gave out a mighty roar and a warning moan.
Cream oozed out from her, exploding in an unending flurry. The last ten or so pumps were to place that seed deep, deep inside the songstress. “Ahaha…” Junah laughed. “You just jumped to the front of one of the longest lines in the entire world, you know that? I have so many fans who’d have killed to do this to me.”
“I am truly, truly honored…” Eupha leaned in. “And take full responsibility.”
“Ahaha…” They kissed again. “Responsibility…?”
“Ah… just about done! Pfft, bolly cooking duty for the mechanic?! Do I not do enough to keep this runner… well, running?” Neuras grumbled as he slowly moved the fry pan back and forth, watching the egg sizzle atop and the yolk slowly develop color and solidity. “How did she even want these cooked? Oh blast it! I am a scientist not a chef! If it is an egg and it is cooked it passes all its marks and it is done!” He turned and paired the egg with its toast and laid the last plate down in front of Hulkenberg. “Eat up!”
“I thank you, friend!” Hulkenberg nodded.
The whole group were gathered around the table slowly eating as the Runner continued its march to the next destination. Well… the men were eating.
“Mmm,” Strohl swallowed the egg. Eupha blushed. Junah looked away, unable to talk. “When we arrive we will need to be careful. The dungeon is supposed to be quite dangerous. I trust each of you to be prepared.”
“Indeed,” Heismay nodded, taking patient little bites of his toast dipped in the yolk. “Not often we have eggs now that I notice it…? Typically our rations are less prone to their destruction from the rattling of the vessel.”
Galica shrugged. “Apparently Junah found a shop at the last stop selling them for very, very cheap. She had about two dozen in a crate.”
“M-money well spent!” Junah laughed.
“I see…” Galica glared. She watched as Will took a big bite.
“Delicious!” Will smiled.
Hulkenberg nodded as she took a bite of hers. “Oh…! Divine!” She laughed. “What a delicious breakfast. We should procure more!”
“UMMM!” Eupha stood up. “I just remembered I need to be… meditating right now! I will be meditating… over there…! Quietly!” And she ran over whilst Junah kept that forced smile.
Strohl made little of it. “What did you girls do that night anyways that got you shopping for eggs? Do girls make grocery lists when they unwind alone?”
“Oh, we… we just played a few silly games, that’s all!” Junah laughed. “Y-you really… really shouldn’t worry about it. At all. Ever again.”
“I thought it was quite a fun night,” Hulkenberg nodded. “It was fun watching you have a little trouble walking the next day, Junah.”
Junah pinched her ear.