Dragon Domination

            Going here was more or less a formality. The temple doors had long since collapsed when long ago its worshippers abandoned it. Amber could half envision what pompous mural it depicted when assembled before. Likely some dark purple paint depicting a big strong dragon capable of destroying the world, the typical thing humans made whenever they lost their minds and starting worshipping whatever upstart it was that had laid claim to their little cluster. Amber was annoyed she even had to display this much effort just to take some old gem but magic was magic and a job was a job.

            Amber cracked her knuckles and bent over. She pushed all four of her hands into the pile of asperous rubble. The larger chunks were gripped by a pair and tossed aside with ease whilst the other two hands made quick work of the miscellaneous stone that was sprinkled across the entrance. As the ruin cleared Amber sighed at her suspicions confirmed. The door was made for humans. Annoyance ran red hot in Amber’s veins.

            Dragon cults like this always irritated her. They made this temple to worship dragons but never once envisioned what would happen if one came to them? The archway was about seven feet tall but Amber’s horns pushed her past nine. Fine, she’d lean over but for their past sakes they had better have made the interior tall enough for her. Amber pushed the last of the rubble aside and leaned her head down to enter in to the darkness ahead.


            Amber turned her head quickly, her tail flicking behind her testingly. She left the entrance and stood tall from the top of the stairs to the temple entrance. She was nine feet tall, a smoldering inferno of a woman. Her long ashy black hair was nestled between two head sized horns that glowed like magma and her eyes mirrored this hellish power. She was in the nude and with a figure of worship. Strong shoulders armored in uneven stone adorned her frame in mystical number as she had four arms. And between her legs was a flaccid shaft that glowed like night’s camp caught in day, embers. She scoffed as she looked down at what dared to disturb her.

            Below, at the bottom of the steps, was a tall (for human standards) woman. White hair flowed behind her back and black horns topped her head and curled back. Her eyes were purple and her skin was covered in white scales suddenly appearing around her. She bashed a knuckle in to her iron chest piece and flung a great sword across her shoulder of pure white marble steel. “The fuck do you think you’re doing?”

            Where was the reverence? Amber hated this type the most. Forget the inconsiderate worshippers and foolish sycophants… it was the obstinate challengers who deserved submission the most. Amber dug her clawed feet into the ground and cracked her neck.

            “Putting down this temple. Blasphemous, empty, pathetic. As long as this shrine exists it is draining the energy of us more deserving dragons. No one will miss it, after all. Hasn’t been a single worshipper here in years. Run along, mercenary.”

            “Can’t,” The woman squeezed her blade handle tighter. Amber lifted her nose. This woman was giving off more and more of a draconic scent. Was she some sort of half breed? The woman took her first step on the stairs to the temple entrance. “You’re in my way. I need what’s in this temple.”

            Amber laughed. “Too bad. Everything in it needs to be destroyed. You will manage without it, whelp. Leave.”

            The other woman wasn’t interested. With every word Amber spoke she seemed to only grow more angry. Scales sprouted quickly across her arms, coating them entirely in a draconic chainmail of white scales. Amber felt her own muscles reflexively tense and prepare. Her heels creaked and her talons curled.

            Suddenly, the woman’s boots exploded and were replaced with draconic talons of her own. She leapt forward with an acceleration Amber immediately recognized. That was her exact speed. Amber was infuriated by this challenge so she’d meet it head on. She leapt forward straight down the stairs, just a bit above.

            The challenger rose her blade and Amber curled her two left arms around it and forced the sharp of the blade to clash down in to her armored shoulders. The black stud stone ate the damage, sparks flew off as some weak level holy enchantment tried to deal extra damage to Amber but it was no avail. The woman tried to tug her great sword back to her side but Amber’s arms could easily match all of the challenger’s strength and Amber still had just as much left to expend.

            Amber lunged forward and wrapped her hand around the challenger’s head. The woman tried to lung forward and use her horns but Amber could steer her away and keep her at bay. With her last free hand, Amber threw her hand back and then she SNAPPED her first forward square in the challenger’s gut.

            “HRGH!” The white dragon spat out purple poisoned blood. Amber reeled back and punched again, a satisfying powerful crackle filling her ears. She punched once more but missed the gut and struck the challenger’s chest plate instead and crumbled it, crunching the metal like a can with a deep mace like fist impact. The white dragon suddenly exhaled a cloud of purple smoke. Amber threw her back, lunging out of the way of the poison and coughing as sweat dripped down her forehead.

            When the cloud cleared she saw the woman she was opposing stood back up and ripping her chest plate apart to toss the broken metal aside.

            “You’ll pay me back for that. 10 gold. And then some.”

            “Seriously? How ignorant are you!” Amber laughed. “You felt it didn’t you? The strength of a dragon. All your pretending won’t carry you up these stairs. I’ll admit, you were certainly strong. Were you only able to match me this might have actually been a fight. Go, before I break your sword. I didn’t snap it out of respect. Blade like that certainly has sentimental value.”

            The woman was furious. She lifted the sword and tossed it aside. “THERE!” The blade fell and rolled through the dirt. “Now stop fucking holding back!” And suddenly she was launching forward again. Purple energy seeped through every scale like it was her skin trying to hold back the power she was congregating. Amber groaned but knew she’d have no choice but to prove herself again.

            Braced and ready, Amber would meet her in a stationary position. The dragoness below climbed every step, her talons growing larger, stronger, leaving massive clawed dents in the old stairs. She raised both arms above her head. Amber felt her breath leave her chest and watched both of those arms grow bigger and bigger, stronger and fiercer.

            And she swung down her arms locked in a hoop and netted Amber inside of it. With them wrapped up tight in an embrace the challenger lunged forward and pushed Amber inside the temple. Amber’s horns slid across the top of the entrance and marked it like knife through bread. The pair fumbled forward and rolled through the interior.

            “Ugh…” Amber tried to break the grapple but she couldn’t. Was it something about their positioning? She realized the air in here was purple… purely because of this damn challenger! Inside the tight entrance there was no where to run and the tight interior made the smoke gather nearer and fiercer. Its effects were occurring faster, harder… Amber felt the strength slowly leave her arms and pour… pour into her.

            “My name is Riza… I am the inheritor of The Cursed Dragon. This is her temple… and I am here to claim my birthright, even if it is just an old worship gem with nothing in it. I don’t care what you want, this is mine.” Riza threw Amber aside and pushed onward through one of the doorways towards the main part of the temple.

            Amber laid there for only a moment but it was a poignant one. Did this… person just beat her? It was only a short struggle but Amber held the advantage in that moment. How was that able to even happen? Her strength had been drained and some of it diverted to this strange woman named Riza, though Amber was already feeling some of her strength return to her. Whatever had been leached was insignificant to Amber but incredible to Riza.

            No, no! This would not endure, never this lie! Amber was not weaker than this mere pretender, some magician roleplaying but unequal to her. Amber stood herself back up and marched after Riza, lunging beneath the human shaped doors in this draconic temple.

            The next room was a center room of worship and perhaps the only room that could have possible accommodated a dragon were one to appear. The roof was 20ft high and likely encompassed the entire above ground section of this place with the living quarters typically situated underground. The top layer was ceremonial and thus less needed to actively be protected.

            Across the pyramid shaped ceiling were murals depicting a variety of scenarios. Men laid slump across pyrite streets drained of their strength. Seeping purple clouds left their bodies all across the surface of the ceiling to meet in one central location at the northern face. A dragon of white scales and purple belly consuming all of their souls and power. A Devourer. Amber felt her gut sink but only in understanding and not in fear she assured herself. Devourers were rare and terrible, these were the dragons that other dragons allied to defeat.

            Besides the ceiling, the floor was shaped primarily like a full round auditorium. Seats surrounded a central stage where an altar awaited Riza who patiently walked through the dark with a glowing orb following her casting long and alien shadows across the room, including her own shadow across the Devourer’s visage. Atop the central pedestal was a purple crystal, pale and almost devoid of any energy. Riza lifted the crystal and growled at it. “Why the hell does it… stink?”

            “Drop it!” Amber yelled out. Riza turned, immediately infuriated again at the sight of her. “Is what you said true, whelp? You are an inheritor of this dragon?”

            Riza groaned. “As far as I know. Dad died before he could clarify any of this, mom never really around, and anyone who’d care to tell me put to sword. Here I am traipsing through an empty temple getting in a brawl with some random asshole like you, digging for answers. What I do know is that I have a dragon soul in me that lets me borrow draconic power, and the more I use it the more dragon I become. And this is one of my soul’s old temples. I need this crystal to grow stronger, especially if I’m just going to keep meeting people like you.”

            It was rare, but there were tales… Dragons before they died would seal away their souls and have those souls seek out a way to be reborn. The longer it took, the less of the original dragon’s personality there would be. There was a possibility this Riza had obtained her soul when the dragon was all but gone but their terrible power remained strong and inheritable. Amber felt her ego demand she assert control of the situation but she also knew to be careful.

            Riza narrowed her brow. “Why destroy this place anyways? Nobody here, crystal’s just about empty. Why bother?”

            Amber thrashed her tail ardently. “Clear up space for something else like maybe a temple to me. You don’t have any worshippers like you said, and temples are usually built on good soil for worshipping. As well, it is bad practice to leave temples to dark dragons up. They can be repurposed for evil, or worse, upstart dark dragons can get their start here. Great that this temple is empty, but the only way to keep it empty is to destroy it and crush that crysal.”

            Riza shook her head. “Not gonna happen. Crystal is what I came for. Could take or leave the temple, grew up in stuffy big houses and they’re not really my thing anymore. I’m more about tavern beds and whores for blankets.”

            A little pulse in Amber’s cock made her snicker. It was a cute image. “Why even bother with the crystal, then, whelp? That gem is for collecting tithe, the fervent worship of your true followers. If you take it from here you will merely end up paying it as a tip for some slut you hired.”

            “Well now I really don’t fucking care, I’m taking it,” Riza squeezed her fists tight. Amber detected just as much… Riza wouldn’t give up the crystal now just to spite her.

            Fire flew from Amber’s form filling the room with her violent bright light. “Give it here, now.”

            Riza opened her mouth and faced the ceiling like a chicken staring at the rain. Riza dropped the gem in her mouth and swallowed. She struggled and nearly gagged on it. She reeled and teared up before thundering down one final gulp. Hands on her knees, she looked up at Amber and giggled as she wiped a tear from her cheek. “Come fucking get it four arms.”

            Fine, another fight it was. After Amber recovered from the audacious stupidity she lunged forward and let her fire guide her. She burst forward like a meteor and lunged her fists forward. Riza caught two of them but the other two had to be parried by her tail swinging. Riza’s tail rapidly grew as her rage roared through her and emphasized that part.

            Smoke filled the room as purple tendrils bit threw the fire that surrounded Amber. She could feel her power rapidly shrinking away. Her arms grew unsteady in their grip against Riza. Suddenly, Riza rammed her arms forward with a sudden burst of strength. Amber flew backwards and cratered a radius of seats around her impact.

            Following quickly, Riza was upon Amber again and lunged on top of her. Amber was beneath trying to push her away with all her might. The purple smoke slithered across the surface of her skin and tickled at her as little pockets of her might vanished. The glow of her internal fire began to gently diminish. Her arms shrank, grinded down further as Riza kept pushing as if Amber was a wad of clay for her to reshape. Riza’s eyes glowed brighter. Her own arms grew bigger as her scales grew unruly and sharp and stacked over each other.

            Slowly, the purple overpowered the orange embers in the room. It was getting swallowed up. Amber had no choice. She let get of her resistance and let Riza over compensate. She went falling forward like a roof without supports. Amber slid beneath Riza and flung herself down towards the center of the room where she’d have more options.

            Huff huff… She was smaller now. She had lost a foot of height in that exchange with Riza where Riza appeared to have gained all that height that had vanished. The only part of Amber that hadn’t been diminished was her own cock and her breasts which were still the exact same size but were now in ratio a touch too big for her. Was this Riza just reshaping her however she wanted in the moment.

            Riza growled and began to laugh. “The crystal… I can feel it in my gut. I can do more than borrow and drain your power now…” Riza cracked her draconic claws as they grew bigger and blunter, big maces the size of some men’s chests. “I get to keep it now.”

            The purple smoke began to unfurl across the back of the room. Amber’s arousal was difficult to hide… w-why was she aroused? Was it… no no. Riza slowly walked forward and taunted her. “Admit it. You’re excited. Finally a chance to serve. You said I need worshippers earlier, right? Why not be my first one. If you think I’m a fake dragon then what exactly am I going to be once I’m done draining all your power? What will I be when I’m not just myself but all of you? What is it, whelp?”

            Amber’s tail curled tight. She shook her head, stood up from her sudden seated position, and darted for the altar. Retreat was the only option that made sense at this point. Riza’s poisonous drain was unlimited and growing in range and an interior battle was just not in the cards. She’d retreat back and get some support from her own worshippers or maybe even some mercenaries. That armored girl she had heard rumors about, that tanuki who would do dark favors in exchange for dark prices… Anything would be better than losing in this temple.

            The exit was at hand. Amber raced for the door when suddenly the inactive stone slammed shut. There was no longer an exit. Amber raised a hand and slammed it in to the reinforced stone. The exterior began to crack and break but try as she might she couldn’t quite break through whatever it was that was in the center of it. She slammed again and again, all four arms break through the door and denting it deeper and deeper until there was a large dome cratered in to it. She raised her fist back again only for a purple tendril of smoke to wrap around her arm.

            She punched and punched, every new dent she made markedly smaller until she was hardly leaving so much as a single dent, and the dents she was leaving were lower and lower in the door. She was shrinking again.

            When she turned she saw Riza. Riza had grown taller. Her horns now were joined by a second set of horns further to the side. Her original pair now pointed to the sky. Her maw opened to reveal a long tongue covered in prehensile thorns. The tongue itself was a bright violent purple and forked at the tip. Riza’s tail grew so long it was practically the size of herself. Her legs had drown tall and strong, muscles bulging out against their own limits. White scales adorned her thighs unevenly but became uniform and fierce as they followed the path down to her strong and terrible talons. Riza’s eyes became two glowing pools of purple power.

            Amber fell with her back against the door, gazing upon this incredible might. Riza took steps forward towards Amber but the fire dragon no longer tried to retreat. What compelled her to no longer run was an emotion that was difficult to place. Amber hunted for words in her gut but she may as well have been searching for a single grain in a bowl of sand. That in itself was what drove her to submission; for an answer.

            “How did you… become so powerful?”

            “You,” Riza leaned down to the shorter dragon and wrapped her hand around that still potent and strong cock. “All of your power has gone in to me, and in me it found new, greater potential. I am more than that. I am a better container for all that power you had.”

            For some reason, that idea excited Amber. The gentle motions of that strong powerful hand rising up and down. Amber felt her resistance fade and her body go limp. The power she had been desperately holding on to no longer had anything anchoring it. More of it drained in to Riza without anything to hold it down, without any need to keep it. That power left the dragoness and joined in to the great one above and in her it swelled and multiplied.

            Amber’s additional pair of arms began to shrink much quicker than her other pair, not to become shorter but to vanish. Amber was afraid but when she looked up and saw a new pair of shoulders start to sprout out from Riza she felt a terribly exciting reassurance. No, she wasn’t vanishing… she was becoming a part of something bigger than herself, something that would be utterly worthy of her worship. Amber’s mouth became so wet she reduced herself to drooling and her cock joined in the activity. Drip by drip she let Riza win.

            Riza made it easy to lose too. How leaned forward and licked the tip of that cock. With her tongue still filled with the pre she leaned in for a kiss. Amber spread her lips and their tongues met. Riza’s tongue wrapped its barbs around Amber’s and embraced it. The pre slid from her tongue to Amber’s. So that was how she tasted… wasn’t as bitter as she was afraid it might be.

            At this point… Amber was as short as a slightly taller than average kobold and had a comparable IQ to one as well. All those grand ideals in her mind, those thoughts of being a raging powerful beast who stood above all others… such complications were above her station. She needn’t fuss over such frivolous thoughts when such things were merely threads to Riza’s greater destiny.

            She was lifted. Riza wrapped all four arms in a powerful X across her short stack kobold. Amber’s rear was still nice and big, her tail more bulbous and cute than powerful and domineering. Riza pushed the head of her cock against Amber’s needy kobold tail hole. She looked up at Riza and could only see through the darkness of the towering tyrant the way her terrible purple eyes looked back down in pure understanding. If Amber didn’t comprehend what was happening then it was her goddess that did. Riza was doing what needed to be done and in that Amber found pure focus. Purple tendrils wrapped around her ears and coaxed her… her own eyes turned to hearts.

            And Riza rammed inside. It was furious and merciless. An arm loosed from Amber’s harness and grabbed the stone wall to support. Every thrust was so uneven and powerful that it steadily pushed them both forward. Amber’s face met the wall where her kobold cheeks smooshed up against it. Her short muzzle adjusted her eye closed. The pleasure was overwhelmed. Her own cock oozed across the wall and marked it with her pleasure, the first in many brush strokes that would make a new and incredible mural in pure dedication to this new dragoness.

            Riza roared loud, the purple light leaving her maw igniting the room in poisonous saturation. It was all there was to breathe now, this terror that wouldn’t leave Amber’s lungs. She came to relish it, grow excited by it. Her puffy tailhole sprouted bigger and puffier, more accommodating for her mistress. Her breasts hung heavier and needier now as the fire inside her was tinged. Orange faded to yellow faded to blue turned dark and purple. Her very essence was being rewritten.

            And the final word was Riza’s orgasm. She came inside her kobold toy. Load after load until her stomach was fat with cum and her eyes crossed with love. Riza finished the final drop before reeling away with a sudden grunt. The room went dark.

            Amber laid alone on the floor, oozing seed from her used hole. She wagged her little tail and slowly stood up once she realized she wasn’t going to be lifted back up by her goddess. “G-goddess? Yap?” Amber stood up, her legs shuddering. She took a few slow steps forward looking for her. She looked back at the doorway to discover that during their sex Riza had broken the door the rest of the way. Throw the darkness there was a slither of outside light not shining in to the worship chamber but sure enough slicing through the entrance.

            How long did she look out there? There was something about out there that drew her towards it, made her lift a little leg towards the exit. She turned. No. She would not leave. Not until she checked in on her goddess. She took a few steady steps and ran down the stairs towards the center of the chamber.

            “Goddess, are you there? Are you okay? Did I do something wrong? Yap yap yap…”

            No light shined for so long. Amber was afraid that as she neared the center of the stadium she wouldn’t ever find Riza and that would be it. But where could she have vanished to? Amber tripped over something and landed ass up in the air and tail wagging. “Yap…” She grumbled and stood up.

            Whatever she tripped over was attached to something big, and that something was stirring. A familiar groan filled the room with low volume but great distance. The figure turned, revealing a glowing purple circle in the center of it. Riza opened her eyes, all four of them. And smiled down at Amber.

            “There you are!” Amber was so happy, her cock immediately hardened at the sight of Riza. In the center of her chest the dragon’s crystal had emerged as a part of her. Lines of glowing power outlined her abs, outlined her arms, showed the power pouring through her. Riza slowly sat up and slid a hand out to grab ahold of her favorite kobold.

            She kissed her kobold on the forehead and then looked across the room.

            “I was out for a second… But I’m back now. I’m surprised how powerful this crystal was. Maybe you were right, maybe getting it was a mistake. I’ll give you credit there, Amber. But…” Riza could hardly contain herself as her free hand starting to rub herself. She hardened, both of her cocks rising to full height. “It is so hard not to just… fucking go nuts, break loose. I want to leave this temple so bad and show everyone what a real dragon looks like.”

            “You are a real dragon, yap yap!” Amber was so happy to affirm this, so horny to see her goddess horny. So happy. “So big and strong! And so strong and big! I can’t wait until you conquer everything my goddess.”

            “With you by my side, my first follower,” Riza growled with utter pleasure. “First things first… we need a bigger doorway.”

            “I’ll get right to it, yap!” Amber slipped from Riza’s grasp and began to try and puzzle out where she could hire some contractors to assist… her goddess needed a better temple. A true place of worship for a true dragon.

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