Saltyween 2019

[Tea Club] Futaba thought she was so clever, playing mad scientist by hacking into Aigis and trying to turn the combat android into her personal servant, but nothing like accidentally tripping a conversion protocol to find yourself getting fucked by a cyber-horsecock and getting converted into a fellow machine.

The rain was falling just outside her window. Futaba could barely believe what it was that she was toying with. It was that miraculous nature that was drawing her in deeper, the silvery strands of auspicious fortune dragging her down into the quicksand of foolish mistakes. Through a panel of the dormant android, Futaba clawed her way around with growing expertise. “Wow… This thing is incredible! And gorgeous too!” She snickers. “I bet I can get it to clean my room tons. Just gotta figure out how to respect its skillset… Ah, there we go!” She flicked a switch and ran back to her laptop on her bed to try and figure out if anything changed.  

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Tipsy Pixie Prompts



Eztella arrived at the bar on time. Well, she was on time mainly because she was the one who was opening the bar, running it until close, and also just so happened to own it. The posh slime girl adjusted her pink tie and retrieved her keys from inside one of her wobbly blue slime tits.

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Sab and Tay Visit The Tipsy Pixie

            “Welcome to The Tipsy Pixie, where we- Um, is that a golden ten foot phallus?”

            “Ignore it,” Sabrith said, setting down the massive statue off to the side. The warrior cat girl looked beaten and tired. Tayelle, who was carrying the balls-end of the statue, set it down a little after Sab, and was caught nearly falling forward with it. She was literally given the shaft. “So, I heard you serve some really interesting drinks here?”

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Amore A Manor

                It was certainly going to be a strange portion of her journal. Naoto Shirogane, Detective Prince, was on a case that had her crossing dimensions yet again. It began with rumors of a new variant of The Midnight Channel that was showing some sort of character from a video game violently thrashing and dishing out threats. Naoto was unable to see the footage herself, but it was worthy of a solo investigation. Curiosity was always one of her weaknesses.

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Breaking Pets

            Sabrith awoke from her dream with a sharp gasp. For a moment she didn’t remember where it was that she was sleeping and was surprised by the sights. She was laid out on the stone floor of a deep dark keep. The floor was a gray stone, surprisingly even and carved. The wall was blunt and covered in dark black iron chains and a single solitary rectangle window, barred by iron, and so small a slice of bread could narrowly fit even without the bars.

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Strong Girls and Strong Feelings

Strong Girls and Strong Feelings

                The rugged cliffs made for an excellent place to train. Kale stood amongst the bronze colored stone, staring out into the vast horizon. She wasn’t normally so contemplative, but this was a special occasion. Not too long ago, this place, and every place ever in her home universe were erased. Destroyed, as if they had never even existed. All of it gone because she wasn’t strong enough. If it weren’t for the decision to bring it all back, well, Kale wouldn’t even be able to think these thoughts.

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Salty Seas and Horny Beaches

            “This seems a good place to set our things down,” Laegjarn said. “Let’s set up here.”

            “Alright,” Laevatein said, as emotionless as ever. The sisters set their towel down on the sandy shore. Laegjarn put the cooler down nearby and wiped her hands down. Laevatein adjusted her bikini rather thoughtlessly as she peered over the calm warm sand, the rolling foamy sea, and the countless other beach goers partaking of the festivals. “Seems the Summer Festival has started for most people already.”

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With Fleece as White As…

            “Hmm, let’s see what it is over there!” The curious girl ran ahead towards the abandoned farm. She was a lot like the hundreds of other trainers who roamed these fields looking for the vast array of Pokemon. Her head was dressed with short brown hair with a green cap with a wooly white ball topped above it all. Over her body was a cute pink dress with a wooly sweater buttoned over it. She ran with such eagerness to go out and explore, a curiosity in her that wouldn’t be sated until she’d seen it all and done it all.

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