A Trip To A Swamp II

Previous Part: https://saltytea.club/2019/01/a-trip-to-a-swamp

            Drip, drop, drip. It was probably the most painful five feet she had ever walked in her whole second coming. Orphelia could feel the sensation of the writhing slugs in her nuts as she followed the shapely mage back into her home. It was certainly bizarre, and Orphelia could muse on it all night, and come up with a dozen observations about the plethora of eye catching things she saw just on the walk to the chamber pot in the backroom, but these slugs were hell bent on making her cock dribble like a wounded beast.

            “Here is where we’ll get the rest of them.” She said. Her voice was hard to place, Orphelia found. Was she young? Was she old? It was a little nasal, and would dip into an almost cute sound. She winced as she stared at how the woman’s robes hugged her body. At least she would have some encouraging sights to help her get the slugs out. “We don’t want you running around for too long with them. Slug fever is harder to treat than you’d think.”

            “I-I can imagine why.” Orphelia said whilst a slug jolted in just the way to make her nearly fall to the floor. Her cock was rock solid and writhing with a curious slug or two crawling up to the tip of her horse dick to take a spot outside. Orphelia stared down at the little pot on the ground. It was a decently big pot, the sort that looked like the woman might have needed help to move it around her dark little home. A part of Orphelia was a little afraid she might possibly overflow it, but that was a concern for later. She’d at least get a giggle at the woman’s reaction if Orphelia did overflow the huge cauldron.

            Hands firmly around her cock, Orphelia started to coax herself into the rhythm of thrust her prick forward in her mitts. It proved easy enough to get the first few out. Her cum was so thick that any that ventured out into her shaft would get washed out in a thick flow of her cum. She tensed up as her thick pre was slowly dosed out in a sludgy consistency, two slugs caught in the stream of her seed, and washed down into the pot. They fell with a little wet splat, wading around in the fluids and trying to crawl out of the pot. Orphelia stared down at the pot before she had to cringe her eyes shut at a powerful sensation hitting through her.

            Right around her nuts, the woman had pinched her fingers in against the bulging sack. “We’ll need to work extra hard for these.” She said like it wasn’t the first time she’d done this. “The pot has a special scent in it that attracts the slugs. The problem is these ones.” She said, squeezing around Orphelia’s nuts tight. She winced as a slug was pushed out of the comfort of her sack and right down the tube to be deposited into the cauldron.

            Sensitive as fuck, every single squeeze at her balls sent her shaking and squirming through quakes of pleasure. It was unbecoming. She was a feather being blown through a tornado in the hands of the odd woman. Orphelia, that muscular warrior woman nearly collapsed from a woman moving her thumb weird. “S-shit, you really know your way around them.”

            “You’re not the first nuts big enough to move them.” She said. “And that’s how I know that we need to hurry.” She squeezed again, ruthlessly ejecting slug after slug right out of Orphelia’s cock, orgasm after orgasm wracking her. She was beyond shooting jets of pre, it was full on shots of loads into the cauldron. The scent of her heady, thick seed tempted some of the slugs out themselves, which was probably to the relief of the woman she kept squeezing at Orphelia’s sack. “You should see how bad some people get with these little suckers. One fella started naming them.”

            “Hah, and h-how do you know I didn’t?” Orphelia teased, watching out of the corner of squinted eyes as another slug peeled out of her cock.

            “You’re not sobbing their names like he did.” The woman said. Suddenly, she gripped both nuts with both of her hands, squeezed, and pushed forward. All in one glob, the rest of the slugs poured out. Single file first, but then in one big ball that opened Orphelia’s cock opening as wide as it was willing to go. The cluster of slobbering slugs slipped from the tip of her prick, and splashed down with their siblings to wallow in the seedy soup that Orphelia gave them. “You need to be careful.” The woman said, moving away from Orphelia. “The longer those suckers are in, the harder they are to get out.”

            The woman moved away, darting off to the other room. The sound of water and a scrubber confirming that she was, probably wisely, giving her hands a thorough cleaning.

            Orphelia looked down at the pot of slugs and cum. Her nuts felt… hollow. She had grown so used to the heft, to the writhing. Sure, her cock getting extra hard extra often with extra thick seed was a small inconvenience, but all the same… The feeling was one she had grown used to, perhaps had even gotten attached to. She leaned in close to stare down at the slugs. They shivered in the goop, unable to latch onto the sides to climb up, though a few tried, spreading the cum beneath their bodies up the sides only to slip back down.

            “Haven’t seen anyone try to eat one yet.” The woman jested to get Orphelia’s attention back from the slugs. “If you’re ready, I have another job for you.”

            “What needs done, then?” Orphelia asked.

            “I need a few more critters from the swamp.” The woman said, adjusting her hat quietly. “There is a rare sort of vine that grows even deeper in the swamp, closer to what folks call the heart. I’d like a couple of them. For your efforts this time, I’ll double your pay. Twice the distance, twice the gold. Sound fair?”

            “It does.’ Orphelia said, collecting herself as she put a new loin cloth around her crotch, happily replacing the old one that had gotten ruined in the swamp before. “Anything else I should be looking for while I’m off?”

            “Just be careful.” The woman said. “Else you won’t be coming back.”

            Orphelia, despite that ache in her nuts, headed the woman’s warning, and headed out to return back to the swamp, back down that same path to the place where this all started. The power of coin moved her again.

            This time, she departed onto the trail at a much more opportune time. She had spent the night back in town, though her rest was completely without rest. She’d just lay in bed, cupping her nuts and thrusting away at her cock. But it all felt empty. She had probably trained her urethra too hard to the feelings of slugs cramming inside it and tar thick cum, but nothing did it for her anymore. Her nuts also seemed disappointingly static and small. Hosting a couple dozen parasitic slugs seemed like a good time now that she looked back at it. She couldn’t really place why she was so fond of the experience now, she just knew that things felt better when she had the slugs occupying some space for her. She just knew it had to be that way, and no one could dissuade her.

            Still, she couldn’t just keep sobbing into her pillow over dick slugs. She had actual work to do. She was an actual mercenary, not some whore sobbing into a rose scented pillow over the one dick that got away. It was time she acted like that blade of hers was worth a damn. Though, sizing it up, she couldn’t help but wonder if that would still feel good up her ass…

            This trip, Orphelia accounted for some of the prettier parts of the locale. The sun was bright, and the grass glistened especially well when lit down by the afternoon sun. The puddles and ponds that started to appear were filled with life. Orphelia almost got distracted chasing after a yellow spotted frog that called out like a wounded little girl, its squeals probably some attempt at a mate or alerting other members of the frog community to the threat that was the powerful woman roaming around their swamp.

            The bugs were still an issue, but for now they were easily combatted and ignored. Though, a part of her wondered if dick mosquitos would be an issue down the line.

            Orphelia knew she couldn’t really locate the place where she first encountered the slugs, but as the afternoon went on and the mud she waded was thicker, she swore the puddles started to seem familiar. She stared down at a particular one, shaped in just the right to seem sort of just like that one where she first met the slugs.

            Staring down at it, she found herself with that ache again. It was that dull sensation that started to overtake her ever since the last slug was pushed out of her sick. It was that sick feeling that followed after those moments when she was so full she couldn’t tell if the slugs were wrapped around her nuts, or if her nuts were wrapped around by her little hive of horny slugs. The feeling hit her harder than she thought it would have. Her knees kissed the dirt hard, mud splashing around her and splattering across her exposed tits. Her teeth grit against her lower lip as her memories hit her with a powerful tang. She couldn’t get it out of her head.

            She clawed at her head, hoping somehow she could tear the thought out of her head. Expose her innerworkings like a stove, and splash water over the coals, and that would be it. When she opened her eyes she was staring down at her massive cock, her boner full on erect and desperate. She could see it visibly quivering. Her body was on the same page as her mind.

Where was the sensation even originating from? Was this poisonous addiction physical or mental? Was her body addicted to the feeling of the slugs, or was she addicted to them? Her hands trembled as she gripped around her cock, staring at how her length was just inches above the muddy water. The slugs seemed to come from there. Where else would be a better place for them to live, lay their eggs, and hope one day for the absolute best place to stay away?

J-just a poke. She let her defenses lower. The tenseness left her shoulders. On her knees, she let her hips gently move forward. The tip of her cock poked against the water. The sensation of fluids against her dick sent phantom sensations through her. She pretended her cock was being filled with not dozens, but hundreds of the slugs! They were all fighting over stuffing her huge cock, all trying to slip in at once, and spread her further than she was ever spread before. And they’d all writhe into her nuts, double their size easily! And they’d make her feel soooo good. She’d cum for days, make her own puddles all over, and never, ever let a single slug out! If one slipped out while she was jerking off, she’d catch it in her hand before it could get away, and she would shove it right back in! Right where it belonged! She needed them!

And as her head went wild, her body went free. She was laughing needfully as she humped the dirt, pushing her cock into the mud puddle, the rest of her sent slipping forward into the puddle. She wallowed like a pig, splashing hungrily like a horny fish dumped into a bucket for cum. She splashed the mud into her tits, and plowed her cock into the filthy water, praying, just praying for something. Something…


But there was nothing. She picked probably the most worthless puddle in that swamp that seemed overwhelmed with dangerous, fantastic things. What a fool she felt. Her lack of satisfaction was its own punishment. All she had gotten, was dirty, her nuts as empty as she was before she ever met the slugs. When her senses came back to her, she stood up, and did a half assed job getting cleaned off before heading back to the trail to go deeper into the swamp then she’d ever gone.

It was later when the path had turned into a proper swamp. The water was high and the path was low. There was mud every other step. The trees made their own ceiling as their thick leaves merged up above into a moody ceiling of overgrown leaves of a myriad of colors, though never too bright in green. The light was dim so deep into the swamp, not that much light could sneak through the thick foliage sky.

Collumns of trees were dabbled all over, each its own wicked, crooked arm reaching up into the leafy above. It was hard to track any one tree all the way to its own leaves, all so well mixed and merged together. And the trees curved off in crazy, wild ways. Orphelia didn’t make much of an effort to make sense of it, she just knew the vines were probably going to be on one of the trees. After all, that was where they grew. She waded through the waters with very little fear of keeping much of her above the water. The worst case scenario would be some big fishing trying her on for a meal, and she could easily handle that. Her sword wasn’t for sure, and neither were her biceps. She was built to ruin fish.

            Even in a swamp, her drool pre soaked cock didn’t stop. It kept on going, only seeming to stop bothering her when it was deeply submerged enough to disguise all the needy writhing and leaking it was doing. Only this time, there wasn’t a thing she could do. She hadn’t cum since the cauldron with the woman, and that was a long time to hold off. She was surprised she could even leak. Hell, she was leaking more than she was used to! She was probably trying to make up for lost time with her pre having gotten so damn thick prior.

            A map, she realized, probably would have been useful. Orphelia didn’t want to admit it, but she was lost. Like, really lost. The sort of lost where she didn’t even have a really good idea what the way out was, and if she actively tried to turn around now, it would only seal in how screwed she was. The mud and the water made it impossible to really make an accurate bread crumb trail, and the thick foliage of the cursed ceiling made it impossible to judge the placement of the beings above in the sky. There wasn’t a single thing to help her grasp where she was.

            She could imagine a worst case scenario. Someone with some slugs might just wander deeper into the swamp, allured by the amazing sensations and wanting to go wherever the slugs told them would be nice. Next thing they know, they were lost in the swamp. The rest of their life might end up being a breeding thing for those little guys. After all, they’d be stuck there, with their neediness stopping them from walking too far. Just a day in with them, and Orphelia was so affected she could hardly walk through a house, she could hardly imagine trying to trudge through a swamp. Even worse would be keeping your head clear enough to make any sense of your direction. It would be hard to ascertain north or south when your cock and nuts are screaming cum cum cum. For once, she was a little thankful for the clarity losing the slugs gave her. It was becoming blatant she was going to want her wits about her.

            Swimming with just the tops of their tails and heads above the water, Orphelia had to doge the path of a few gators roaming around the thick muddy waters. They swam past, though a few made quick turns to jolt right for her. They of course didn’t have the balls to follow through, but Orphelia kept them in mind as she kept her blade at the ready. Should one of those oversized lizards think her a good snack… or if they… y’know… wanted to try to crawl up her dick… a girl needed limits, and huge dick gators might be it.

            Dodging alligators, pushing through thick mud, handling her hard cock, and keeping her head focused was all tiring work. Her gut was aching as she got hungry from all the tense work. Her legs grew tired after hours of pushing through the mud. Her cock was needy, and very tired of being submerged below the water for so long. Settling on a spot of land, Orphelia ditched her armor and darted after a gator. She caught it between her arm and wrestled it onto land where it couldn’t maneuver better. She smashed her sword into it, and with some finer cuts, she had herself some gator steak to roast for dinner. She tugged out her flint and got some wood and set up her camp.

            The steak cooked up nice. It was a very, very tough meat. It tasted faintly of chicken as she chipped away at the surprisingly juicy meat. She was at least thankful for the moment of peace, though she was a bit afraid to really decide to camp out there. The swamp would no doubt have some dark secrets waiting to emerge should she spend another night. She lit her torch, extinguished her cooking fire, and returned to exploring. She wouldn’t sleep until she got desperate.

            So, despite her body’s protesting, she went back into the water, with only her torch light to guide her. Her fire reflected onto the murky waters, the vibrant colors of her illuminating flames shivering on the ripples of water that surrounded her.

            The night was chilly, filled with the song of crickets and frogs, and some third mysterious beast thrilled to join in. It was a slick, slimy purr. If a slug was as big as a castle, it would sound just like the slobbering, throaty sound that filled out the low range of the swamp night’s band. Orphelia pushed on ahead, paying no heed to how horrifying the implications could be.

            She nearly tripped forward into the water when something grabbed at her leg. She turned quickly, grabbing her blade with one hand and wielding it cautiously. Her eyes scanned at the water, searching for what made an attempt on her. Only for her to be grabbed from behind.

            Her sword and her torch were dropped into the ground, the sword sliding blade first into the mud so it stuck out like a sign post. In the dazzle of the moon light that snuck through the clearings between trees, Oprhelia could just barely make out the figures that shimmered in the moon light. They were big slimy tentacles of some sort. Orphelia could hardly make out their color. They seemed greenish, and their sources seemed to be all the way back to the trees. This was it. These must be the vines she was looking for!

            Sadly, her ankles were both being wrapped up. She grabbed at the slippering vines, trying to ply them off of her legs as they held her up. This only made the vines snap at one of her protesting hands. They countered by wrapping her arm up into bondage. Curled nice and tight into the thick tentacle’s grasp, she felt how surprisingly muscular the vines were when they held her back. She couldn’t gain an inch of freedom, and even started to lose the feeling in her arm. However, that was her left arm, and her right arm was still free and plying at the vines. She started to rip the vines right off her leg. With a might tug, she snapped that vine open, a rush of fluid gushing from it. The vine around her leg went limp and slipped away. With her chance seized, Orphelia quickly went to work clawing at her other arm even as the tentacle lost a grip on her. It was a few feet down, but she had fallen from higher. She almost had ripped the tentacles around her arm just the same until one slipped around her cock.

            With one tug, that hollow arousal that had grown all day gushed through her and made her limbs numb just long enough for the vines to grab around all her limbs. Both arms were tired extra tight, the vines around her legs spread them wide to show all her gear off. Orphelia grunted, still trying to fight even as the tentacles hardened around her, starting to feel more like a full body cast then just some plant rope. She grunted and hissed, hurling all her strength into fighting. She was able to get her body swaying, but all that did was push her cock harder into the thick pod at the tip of the one of the vines that was wrapping around her dick.

The mouth of the pod slipped down tight around her cock. A rush of tinier tendrils inside wrapped around her cock. The tentacles holding her down were huge, no doubt fully grown and as thick as the handle of her blade. The tendrils inside were thinner, varying in length. The pod slipped back and forth, happily letting Orphelia thrust in and out of its lips. Orphelia writhed as she felt the first few curious tendrils inside the pod poke at the sides of her cock. She felt this odd hot sensation writhing around in her. Followed shortly by a biting pain that made her scream out long enough for another tendril to slip down her throat.

The pod slithered back, thankfully giving Orphelia a view of what was happening to her cock. There were little wormy vines wrapped around her dick, and they were slobbering like crazy. This hissing fluid was rushing down over and cock and dripping below into the swamp, making the water bubble light. The stuff stung, and as it stung, the vines kept sinking deeper and deeper against her horse cock, deeper than they should have been able to squeeze her thick muscular cock. They were merging into it, implanting their roots right through with the help of a little aphrodisiac acid.

Not just was her cock given the treatment, but so was her throat. A thin layer of the stuff was being sprayed inside her in steady intervals, that thick tentacle tube rushing the stuff into her like an open tap at a pub. Her eyes went half lidded as the drug took effect. Her nipples popped, hard and aroused, and quickly treated to their own little pods wrapping around them. Her cock throbbed and writhing, growing a little longer and thicker as the vines slipped away inside her cock, becoming little veins that gently joined the rest of her systems.

All the way to her nuts, the vines stretched as they grew in. She could feel them pumping all the time, seeping their pollen into her nuts and cock. She didn’t even need to get a whiff to know she was going to smell like seedy, musky, horny, horny flowers. She thought for a second she even saw rose vine thorns growing out along her balls, but the light was too dim to get a good look at what was exactly happening to her. And before she could really get a good look at her cock, it was pushed back into its own pod.

So all she could do was thrust. She was so damn horny. Pent up from a whole day of failed attempts to jerk off, and now driven to even more extreme lusts by a constant insertion of more and more arousing fluids being pushed into her system. She couldn’t even grasp what the vines were doing. All she knew was when she thrusted just the right way so as to really, really push against the vines, they emptied all those feel good fluids even quicker, overwhelming her blood with that rich horny goodness. She cooed mindlessly as she drooled nectar, her throat finally given a break after the vine must have cum down her gullet for the tenth time.

Horny and trembling, she shivering in midair like whore of the trapeze. The first time she emptied into the pod, she could feel the lips hungrily humping against her shaft to milk out her seed. The vines were clearly happy to take her cum as payment for the vines they had gifted her with. In her moments of mindless lust she was more than happy to cum away inside her new found plant friends. Hell, she was curious if there was a way she could pump the trade up even more. Then when she tried to ask all she could drunkenly ask was “Aghpph… C-cum… B-big cock~ D-dick hole feel gooood~” She felt the pollen rich syrup slide down her lips and over her chin. The syrup ran down her throat to her tits, that shimmering dribble running over her huge tits as they were bounced up and down by the hungry pods that were suckled on her tits. They really were just hungry suction cups, though she wasn’t sure exactly what the pods were trying to get out of her breasts.

Though, she had a hunch more was on the way. She had cum a few times inside the pod, each time feeling just a bit more incredible than the slugs and the last time. Yet despite how many times she had cum the vines hadn’t put her down. In her drunken mind she wondered if maybe they were just going to be keeping her up above forever? She wished she could say she wanted to be put down, but it was getting hard to remember what the ground felt like. What was it like to move her feet, anyways? Her stumbling state was broken, though, by the sensation of something.

It was hard to place, but she swore she could feel a little something tickling her insides. And it was growing through her fast. It was darting around inside her, tickling new parts of her before reaching her tits. She gasped. The pods moved away as soon as Orphelia felt her tits getting wet. Little beads of golden nectar were dripping from the tips of her breasts as the vines left their final mark on her. They were not just content with her cock, it seemed. “Oh shiiiit…” She mumbled.

Now both her tits and her cock were corrupt and excreting some fluids custom made with vines in mind. It looked like thin honey as it beaded and ran out from her nipples. She curled back and slammed her hips forward against the pod that wrapped around her dick. She was hell bent of stuffing that pod so hard it would finally put her down and let her start getting her bearings. She was finally starting to get through the horny drunken haze she was plummeted into, and she was excited to get the hell out of the swamp.

So, she thrust over and over, like she was trying to break her neck with her member. She pushed it as hard as she could against the lips of thick pod. She hissed through her teeth when her new veins made it harder, gushes of that drunken shit pouring through her whenever she nudged against one of them weirdly. It was irritating to have her cock be this lever that plunged her hard back into that mindset. It felt like a dozen shots of whiskey on command. She was determined, though, to get to the other side of it.

The tentacles started to weaken around her. She could move her hands again. The first place they went was her breasts, cupping them hungrily and pushing up against them and pinching her nipples hungrily. She cooed loudly, squeezing more of the nectar out of them. After she was pleased, she grabbed at the head of the pod and got a gain on pushing into it. She grinned, her thick nuts rocking back and forth, slapping against the pod as she gained a more in control rhythm.

“Y-yeah! Fuck you! Take this, take this~” She groaned, her huge cock pushing into the pod enough to make it bulge out. The vine aphrodisiac helped her keep her pace, making that adrenaline of lust rush through her and make her blushing body all the hotter to finally get some damn release. She pushed against it again, the head of her cocking pushing up against another small vine hopping on her. The surprise, the sting of pain, all at once, it made her cum. She poured a huge gush, so thick it made the pod burst wide open. The vines gently dropped her down into the mud. Oprhelia grabbed her blade and scrambled to get away from the vines.

She darted back to the crumbling cook fire, all the way giving her cock attention. She pinched down around the little writhing vine, trying to stop it from crawling into her skin. It had already made its little hole and was pushing through. She tugged and tugged, feeling the writhing thing fight with every step along the road. She screamed and groaned, tugging and tugging but to no avail. She slipped just once, and the thing zoomed right inside and merged into her cock. She grunted, trying to grab it again, only ending up pinching it so it would shoot her full of that nectar again. It sent her toppling forward, taking a spill into the mud.

She sat flat on her rear, hungrily jerking off her cock again. The lust clouded her mind, and in those drunken minutes all that there was, was that need, that feeling. Only when she came, shooting a thick gush of her nectar flooded seed did she come back to her sense. She cursed quietly and stood back up, found her blade where she dropped it again, and scrambled.

It took all night to navigate out of the swamp. When she emerged out from the haunted woods, she was in some new location that she didn’t recognize at all. The grass fields were all there was as twilight gloomily embraced the first rays of sun. Orphelia’s eyes stung dully, her cock and tits throbbing as she placidly took a few zombie-like steps forward.

Mind blank, legs aching, cock constantly getting long and hard at random intervals, the march to wherever was a constant break down of masturbation and naps. She would wait until she couldn’t stand anymore, and let herself slap down against the ground, ass first. Hands around her corrupted cock, she’d jerk herself off until she was sprayed in her warm, sweet seed. Lulled by the warmth of the fluids gushing, and the overwhelming pleasure of her afterglow, Orphelia would let her back dip down against the grass, and bathing in the gradually warmer sun light, she’d let herself sleep for a little. Her naps would always be broken ten or so minutes later by the next time a mandatory masturbation session took her. She always awoke hissing and confused, cursing to herself as she finished cumming again. She probably took four naps like that until she found a landmark.

Cobbled with stone, the main road was a hug relief. She knew exactly where that road was, and where was headed. The town couldn’t be far off now! Trying her best to maintain looks, she wiped her nipples clean without prompting another masturbation session, and kept her loin cloth tight around her cock. Despite her best attempts to conceal it, the thing was still writhing with all of its new company. She could seem them as they thickened with their fluids and they started to fill their little spaces. “God damn, you guys don’t slow down at all…” She groaned. “At least the slugs were easy to hide when they didn’t make hard.” She sighed, the front of her cloth already starting to be drenched in her cock drooling thick plumes of nectar-ish pre down the front of her cock head. Her huge nuts swayed with the veiny vines just beneath the surface. They slapped against either leg as she marched along the road back to town.

            The sound of bells awoke her from her stupor of silently marching forward. She quickly look to her right, catching sight of a horse and wagon quickly approaching her. From the back of the draped compartment, a woman grinned and motioned for Orphelia. The cart came to a pause, and Orphelia spent the rest of the trip back to town in style.

            “Rare to see an adventurer this far out without any sort of transportation.” The woman said, her eyes constantly drifting to between Orphelia’s legs. The proud mercenary blushed, hoping that the vines weren’t grabbing too much of the woman’s attention. After all, weird veiny cocks made for a weird first impression.

            “I surely didn’t intend to be gone for so long.” Orphelia explained. “I was just on a simple quest to grab something from the swamp. It slipped my mind to grab a map.”

            “Oh dear.” The woman covered her mouth, either hiding a grin or a deep frown. She laughed either way as she shook her head. “That swamp is treacherously deep. Queen’s Swamp they call it. It goes deeper than any other in the world. They say a queen went missing deep in it, so folks around here call it that.” The woman went on explaining. When she saw the surprised look on Orphelia’s face, she grinned broadly. “Ah, I see you didn’t know that. Well you needn’t worry, you plainly survived and have learned a hard lesson. Best you be more careful about that swamp, or you want be so lucky as to make it out next time.”

            Orphelia thanked her for the information. Afterwards, she just did her best to make the trip as quiet as possible. Her vines were constantly throbbing and getting so pent up. Even a little movement in the wrong way made a few drops of the honey drug slip into her bloodstream. Her cock would start to get nice and hard. She’d just have to turn away and hide her body from the woman as the cock started to push her cloth aside. After all, pushing and trying to hide the cock might just have her accidentally bursting more of the big plump tentacles in her cock, and that would just mean she’d have an even bigger mess to clean up.

            The worst was when the cart hit a bump on the road. More than a few vines would be activated. Enough would drain into her cock to make it reach full length. It was a miracle the kind woman who rode in the back of the cart didn’t look up from her book to sneak an eye at Orphelia. The boner from the bump lasted a while, and she nearly broke down and started jerking off, before the cart came to a stop.

            “Ah, we must be at the inn.” The woman said, quietly looking straight towards the exit. She opened the tarp and helped Orphelia on the way out. The mercenary went out first and held her hand out to help the woman down from the cart. “Mmm, now you be careful. I mean it, that swamp is treacherous.” The woman said. “You take care. If you need anything else, we’ll be staying at the inn for a few more days before leaving.”

            Orphelia’s cock, even while descending, wracked her mind, so all she could shudder to say was, “Thank you. I am in your debt…” The woman vanished inside the inn with a few of her men in armor…

            She stood there for a minute, that mighty woman still feeling ever so numb. Right and left, she looked over at the village she had spent the last few days in, taking in the buildings like it was the first time she had ever seen any. She had only been in the swamp for a night, but it felt like she had really been there for a week. Stumbling forward, she could feel a throb in the side of her head. A splitting hangover wracked her as she moved forward. She could see her reflection in a puddle in the side of a street. Her hair was a wreck, completely wild with flakes of mud specking across her light colored hair. Her bangs were falling forward in messy curls. From head to toe she had little bits of mud and nectar staining her skin, like tattoos of some tribe of cum and pleasure. She must have looked like a wild wreck to that woman who stopped to give her ride. Orphelia looked like an addict stumbling through the streets.

            Hobbling over, she ducked out into an alley as her cock didn’t let up even as her mental fortitude was weakened. The lack of sleep was stinging her eyes and making her bones feel hollow. Every motion was harder than the last, and still the tentacles in her cock didn’t sleep. She growled and squeezed her cock in outrage, pushing all her frustration into her member. Too bad, it also squeezed something else into it. Right away, she remembered while she didn’t do that earlier in the day. She was on her knees in the alley, trying to stop herself from moaning in the middle of the city. Her cock stood tall and erect, pushing her cloth aside and standing like a tower erected out of nowhere. She ducked further back into the alley. It wasn’t one of those alleys were no one ever ventured; there were doors all over. Cumming here was a bad idea, she had to find a way to hide it.

            Eyes scanning, she darted from door to door to window to every corner of the little alley she had. She noticed a little potted bunch of flowers. Double checking behind her, she quickly sprinted over to it and started to jerk off her cock. Doing that made all her thickened veins release their overloaded wads of nectar into her. The horniness was too much. Her tongue slipped out of her lips as she started to jerk off her cock.

            Huge and unwieldly, a part of her became concerned with her aim. Even as she was drunk, all she could think about was where she was aiming. She held her cock with both hands, carefully pushing back and forth and trying to hold it steady with the tip aimed ahead at the potted flowers. She couldn’t aim on her best of days when she was just trying to get to sleep, but now with all these vines driving her insane…

            Her eyes slammed shut when her orgasm came just as she wished! A spew of cum, thicker than the other loads she had been spilling all day, slipped inside the plant. The pot was pretty big, but the nectar colored cum was still far too plentiful. She drowned the plant, covering every pedal in a sticky webbing of her sweet cum. The stuff overflowed down the sides of the pot, dripping down onto the ground. She quickly darted away, leaving a trail of her nectar as she slipped away, desperately pushing her limp cock away and hiding it beneath her cloth. With her seconds of sanity, she traced down the path to the woman’s house, eager to get some rest, and her damn gold so she could this job complete.

            The woman was wide awake, humbly awaiting Orphelia to return. She rose from her seat, gently sipping on a cup of tea as she grinned from the confines of a her risen hood, her face concealed in shadows until she let her hood slip back to show her face. She gently adjusted the strap of her eye patch and tucked her bangs to the side. She looked down at Orphelia’s crotch right away, a big grin spreading across her face. “So, I take it your trip to the swamp was fruitful?”

            “Yeah.” Orphelia said, not quite sure if it was time to get mad at the woman. After all, she should probably wait until her tits were fixed before she started accusing the woman of causing more harm than anything. “It was pretty tough this time. I almost didn’t make it back.”

            “And yet here you are.” The woman said. “Proving yet again that you are very easily worth the coin.” She grinned. “I had the cauldron cleaned out just for the occasion. I’m sure you can’t wait to get the vines out.”

            Orphelia nodded, going back to the room carefully. She was so tired, she just wanted to get her mind on anything but cumming long enough for her to clear her head. Staring down at the empty pot, she could already feel herself envisioning that cauldron overflowing with thick ripples of honey, vines swimming along inside of the brew. Orphelia gasped, a little too tired to really bring out the sultry full tone of her moans. She pushed her tarp to the side and started poking at her sheath, prodding at her cock until it started to emerge.

            “You seem a tad limp.” The woman commented.

            “Don’t worry, I got this.” Orphelia said, pushing down hard on one of the veins. Her cock instantly rose up hard. Oprhelia’s tired eyes went wide and horny.


            Early in the morning, as always, was the time to open the curtains and get outside. Janice lived by herself in her little shop. Customers weren’t too common, but she got just enough to keep her cute little store growing. She was happy, too. With the warm weather, the sorts of flowers she could grow and collect were astounding.

            Janice sold all sorts of flowers. The most vibrant colors decorated her store front, and she even had a few in her back entrance just for employees. Some of the richest nobles came by her humble little store, happy to get ahold of some of her rarer flowers. In that way, she was one of the many small prides of the town.

            As she rose, she made herself her morning oats, flavoring it with a little dose of honey. She liberally drizzled it across her bowl. She hated to admit it, but sometimes she could be a real sugar freak. Hey, a girl could like her sweats. That’s what they were made for, to make people smile and actually like the taste of their food, after all. She quickly finished her oats and made herself some tea to sip on as she got ready to water her flowers.

            She filled her pail with water and went outside to the back to check up on the alley flowers first. She didn’t keep a lot back there, so it made the most sense to her to get them out of the way first. Though today was a bit different. As she emerged out, she was overwhelmed by this extreme sugary scent. Tempted in, she followed the smell, looking down at the floor. There was a drizzling path as if something was leaking as it entered the alley. She followed the path all the way to her flowers.

            There, a single one of her pots was overflowing with this thick, honey like substance. She dipped her finger in the thick stuff, bringing it to her finger to smell curiously. In an instance, her weak mind was crushed like tin in powerful hands. She plowed the finger down her mouth, hungrily sipping on it. It was some sort of honey, and it was completely and utterly better than whatever it was that she was calling honey for breakfast. She needed more! She dipped her finger tips again, and then she cupped both hands and filled them.

            As she dragged her hand back out from the puddle of honey, she stared down as she brought back more than just honey. There was a little green thing writhing in the sweet stuff. Janice raised a brow as her odd actions were disturbed by the inclusion of something she wasn’t expecting. “Hey there little guy.” She said, look over the little thing curiously. “Now how did you get here. You look like some sort of caterpillar…” She toyed with it for only a bit longer before it darted out of her hand.

            It wiggled across the floor faster than she though it could, and it pushed up inside her skirt. “H-hey now!” She darted her hands in, trying to grab it. Whatever it was, it was burrowing through all of her under clothing. It’s cold, slimy skin poked against her slip. Its head slipped in before she was able to get ahold of it. Her fist was wrapped around it. She hardly ahold of it, and it was a slippery bugger as it tried to writhe free from her grip. And it was winning too. She almost tugged it out when it suddenly spewed honey all over her hand. It slipped right between her fingers and slid through inside her.

            She panicked. She tried digging her honey coated hands inside her crotch, hoping to dig it out, but right away that proved to have the opposite effect as it sent her writhing in pleasure the second the honey came in contact with her sensitive nethers. Her loins were ignited in a rush of needy pleasure. She collapsed all the way, quickly mashing her fingers against her loins hungrily, pumping her fingers up and then, shlicking herself until she was a moaning, cumming messing in her flowery corner of the town.

            Giggling like the little slut she must have seemed, she wrapped her fingers around her clit. Much to her amusement, it seemed a little longer, a little greener. The honey tasted so, so sweet…