A Trip To A Swamp

Next Part: https://saltytea.club/2019/01/a-trip-to-a-swamp-ii

            Gold coins were pretty little things. They glimmered in torch light. They were heavy in the hand in juuust the right way. Nothing felt quite like that, and not a thing could do all they did. You could be the best farmer in the world, but eventually you’re going to find something that no amount of carrots can afford. Orphelia’s healthy interest in keeping a steady flow of gold kept her going and doing the oddest things that she would never willingly do for much of anything else. When it came to slaying beasts, and cashing in on their sliced off heads, Orphelia was an expert.

            It was a steady flow. Enough to keep the ale and food coming, enough to make sure there would always be a bed (and maybe someone adventurous enough to warm it.) Though, some work was a bit odder than the rest. She took what she could get, though sometimes things got a bit too weird, even for her. Collecting slugs, well, that was a bit weirder.

            The woman who chose her for the mission had a wicked eyepatch placed over her left eye, which was no doubt disfigured in some way that an eyepatch with a pentagram on it seemed a good alternative. She had long robes that somehow clung to her curvy form, and a long crooked hat that sat on her head at an angle. As soon as she spotted Orphelia, her eyes followed over her form and quickly caught sight of her blade. She smiled and nodded. “You look like just the girl for the job…”

            So, there was no doubt that this mission would somehow be dangerous enough to justify hiring Orphelia over some other loser who was enthralled with catching slugs. Still, Orphelia couldn’t help but be skeptical as she walked down the path to the swamp where the slugs were said to live.

            Wind swaying through her ashy blonde hair, Orphelia marched along down the path. It was late in the afternoon, the soon shortly setting as the passage of time kept on; a constant reminder that Orphelia might have to set up camp soon. Her huge sagging nuts swayed between her legs as she walked along, the grass beneath her feet growing squishier with each step forward. Ponds were aplenty. They were dispersed unevenly all across the grassland as it gave way to the slimy swamp where the slugs roamed.

            Orphelia’s hands dwindled beneath her loin cloth. Her fingers slid inside her sheath, toying at the head of what laid inside. The length stirred, poking forward and bulging up against the thin cloth. A huge glob of pre slid out, staining her cloth right in the darkened center where the cloth was permanently soiled from her constant leaking. The rest of the glob went slithering down the head of her cock, drippling all over the fingers of her toying hand, the rest onto the ground. It’ll feed the flowers, she thought, snickering to herself as she brought a few drips at the tips of her fingers to her mouth. The taste was better than it probably should be.

            As she grew nearer a massive pond surrounded by decaying trees, Orphelia figured the daylight was getting too dim for her to continue on much longer. “Dammit, I should’ve just spent the night at the town.” She groaned. “Oh well.” Camping out at a swamp couldn’t be too horrible. At least, she hoped. Setting up the tent, despite the weird texture of the ground, was easy enough, and even getting a fire going was simple.

            At night, the swamp was plenty cold. The smoke from the fire was warding off the worst of the cold, as well as the worst the swamp had to offer. Bugs stayed at bay for the time being, swayed by the smoke to not even bother. Orphelia laid back in her tent with a blanket draped over her. She relaxed, her hands busy underneath her covers. After all, what was sleep without a little masturbating?

            Her breasts, with thanks to those old modifications, were huge and sensitive. She grasped her hand around one of the huge mounds, happily groping down around it. Her inverted nipples stirred, little pulsations of arousal running through her. A coo escaped her lips, though not just from the urging of her breast play. Her horse cock, the mighty shaft which more than often stole the show, was just as hungry for attention, if not twice as much. She wrapped a single hand around it as it grew stiff in anticipation of her nightly ritual. There wasn’t a night that went by, it seemed, without her jerking the beast off as hard as she could. She considering getting up and letting off her steam outside the tent, but at the moment the idea wasn’t very tempting. It was warm under the blanket, and it was muddy just outside her tent. Besides, she was far too horny to think of a resolution to that situation.

            So, her focus remained on her cock. Both hands jerked up and down, the shaft standing tall and moving her blankets to the side to proudly stand erect. She ran her hands quicker up and down it, every press between her palms sending shivers through her. Her huge nuts earned a good squeeze too, so she found it in her to tear a hand from her cock and give them a little squeeze. The touch made a shot of pre shoot out from her tip, landing somewhere on the other end of her tent. She grinned as an idea hit her. She aimed her cock carefully, taking into account how the tent flap was positioned… And with a little more jerking off… just a bit more…

            A steady flow shot out, right through the open crack in the tent flaps! (Though, not without getting a bit ON the flaps as well, the stuff leaking from the flap the whole night!) The worst of her orgasm went slipping out through the door without her having to so much as get up! Relieved from her lust, and maybe for at least a few minutes from her damn pre, she settled in against her blankets, and fell asleep, sneaking in just a taste of her heady cum, finding some relaxation in the taste.

            Morning came quietly. Orphelia’s eyes opened slowly. Her crotch was wet, especially wet. A bit wetter than usual. Except, she noticed, it wasn’t truly morning. It was later, though there wasn’t much light out at all. Her fire was dead, and there was this wet dripping sound, like something leaking all over the floor of the tent. She let her eyes close, no doubt the sound was just the tent flaps leaking. But then she felt something, and she realized that the sounds were getting closer.

            Orphelia yelped, tossing her blankets away and jolted. These slobbery, slimy creatures were crawling up her thighs. There were dozens of them, all of them crawling up to her! A few were distracted by puddles of pre that surrounded her. She shrieked and started bashing them away, the girl quickly standing. A few were hanging on by her nuts, climbing towards her sheathe. She batted at them as well as she could.

            Grabbing them was a futile effort as they were far too slimy to get ahold of. She got one of the few that were gripping onto her nuts when she noticed there were even more still clinging onto her thighs, and one that was crawling up along her rear. “Get the hell off!” She yelled, still trying to swat. She froze when she felt one prod its head inside her sheath. Its antennae went in first, poking through her urethra. The slit on her cock was plenty big, though the slug squeezed through. Her whole body went rigid at the sensations of the slimy thing crawling through, mushing its little boneless body inside. Her cock gently pushed forward, leaving the comforts of the sheath to stand fully erect as the slug crawled through. Her cock hardly bulged as it filled her narrow tunnel and slid inside. Orphelia, after a minute of just swatting at the slugs and cautiously watching her cock, felt something drop into her nuts. Instantly those hefty nuts felt just that much heavier, and she had a hunch at what was happening.

            After a few more attempts, and only two more slugs sneaking down her cockhead, she was able to get rid of enough of the slugs to grab her armor and her sword and abandon the tent. The flap was covered from top to bottom in the slugs, all of them shimmering green, swallowing and suckling on anything stained in her cum. The sight made her balls stir strangely. She nearly fell to her knees from the new feelings, but her footing caught her just as she started to fall. There were plenty of slugs to choose from, but she couldn’t slow down yet. She figured out quickly that if her feet stayed in one place too long they’d started crawling up her heels.

            She darted from the tent, vowing to return soon. There were even more slugs outside. They were all surrounding the main wad of cum she shot out the door last night. They raised their stalks as they sensed Orphelia come outside. The traced through the air, as if triangulating the source of the scent. They slowly turned and started to crawl towards Orphelia. She growled and backed towards the swampy pond near her camp, slashing at the ground to try and stomp them out. The blade was effective, cutting right down the middle through a whole bunch of the slugs. A sharp pain stabbed her right in the balls. She gasped, falling to her knees in the muddy water. The pain kicked again as she tried to slap her blade down against the slugs incoming. And then one more time as she tried to again. She dropped her blade, and fell backwards, the base of her cock just barely submerged as the slugs swam up. She watched in defeat as they reach took turns crawling up her tower of a cock, their little journeys ending in a plunge into her shaft. Any attempt to cut them off was now being rewarded with that stabbing pain, and it only got worse as more were able to slither all the way down into her balls.

            Eventually, Orphelia found she was a bit too into the idea. Jerking off was probably inevitable, but she wished it was more than a minute of slug attacks before she turned into a horny wreck. Her hips thrust forward, humping into an invisible mate before her hand finally stepped in to serve as a surrogate. As the sun rose to defeat the twilight, Orphelia gave in to her needs. Her cock, much to her shame, felt better. Now there was this constant stirring in her nuts, this happy vibration that made it feel like there were always hands running over her huge nuts, which were plenty bigger and bulged out by the shapes of the slugs.

            As Orphelia kept jerking off, a few more slugs snuck up. Some stayed near the top, feasting on her pre as it came slithering down her shaft. Her pre was much thicker. It was almost as thick as her actual seed. The slugs would settle for anywhere her seed was, though it was always just a distraction. Pre was just a pit stop on the way to their hellbent goal. It was almost funny how determined the slug were. Orphelia picked up her blade and put it right in the path of one of the slugs, watched it crawl over the blade onto the handle, and then swiftly rotated it, forcing the slug to completely turn around and restart its journey. She got a swift little stab in her nuts for that, a jolt of pre shooting out her cock, ejecting the current slug mid-pilgrimage. “Ouch! Alright, alright, I won’t bully them!”

            Eventually, despite her fears, the slugs did stop coming. She never counted how many slugs actually got up, but she was pretty sure it was just barely double digits, and maybe not even that. Her jerking off got a bit too intense to care what was coming into her. Though, the whole crawling thing left her a bit sensitive in that sense, so her fingers ended up slithering inside her slit, toying with her horny cock hole. The pre kept flowing, the stuff so thick and smelly. That hard scent hit her nose and turned her face blushing. Her teeth gritted down over her lips, mashing them over and over as she felt the stirring in her nuts get more and more pleasant.

            A part of her wished she could get her legs and hands stable enough to at least crawl out of the mud. Her loin cloth was a wet mess, and the rest of her was in much the same state. She’d need a damn good shower after this. Up and down, her squeezed hand ran up and along the length of her cock, the mighty horse spear standing especially proud and tall after the oddest of encounters. The shaft still slithered a little with the signs of one last slug finishing its journey. She squeezed her nuts with her free hand. She could feel all the slugs slithering inside, working hard to do… Whatever it was that dick slugs did. Maybe she was just expelling their eggs in her seed? Her cum was to them as yolk was to chickens? She didn’t have long to figure as another shiver hit her hard. Her cock grew hot from her touch, hot and needy. Even though she got more sensitive and the sensations more quake worthy, still she couldn’t climax. Her pre just grew thicker and thicker.

            She figured the slugs must have thickened her damn cum up so much that she’d really have to work for her orgasm. She grunted, throwing herself onto her legs and reached for her blade. “Dammit.” She grunted as she slid the blade into the more stable dirt. She turned herself around, and pushed her rear back against the other end of the blade. The slugs stirred extra hard inside her nuts as they rubbed up against the handle of her blade. The rod steadily slid into her hole. Her eyes went wide as her knees steadily lowered herself onto the awaiting handle. Reversed stabbed and quivering, Orphelia felt trickles of thicker still pre sliding from her cock and down her legs. She wrapped both hands around her cock and slid her eyes shut, anticipating just how hard she was going to have to work with the corrupting little buddies in her. She’d have to really give them a show.

            Both hard hands squeezed down tight around her fat shaft. The thick horse cock stirred the slightest of bits. She nibbled on her lip. Her hips reared back, pushing her ass back against the handle of the blade, and then she slid her hips forward like a pendulum, sliding her cock hard through the tight confines of her hands. She gasped and grunted, each direction she went made cum spew from the tip of her cock. She thrust the handle back up her ass and a jet of pre went out, she thrust the cock back into her hand and another few drops were milked out. It was like stirring back in forth in a bath, watching all the water slop out from the steady movements.

            The pace picked up. She knew she’d have to put everything into it, but still she was nervous as she found her footing in the sinking ground. Back and forth, grunting along the path as she steadily leaking and milking cum from her cock. The speed grew, more and more. She went quicker, fucked harder. Her hands were stained in cum, her ass spread and sensitive from the sword. She quickly slid back and pulled out the big guns, realigning things mid swing so her slit would take the blow. The handle pushed back into horse slit, and all hell broke loose.

            Pleasure burst like a hot eruption. Her cock pushed a thick, tar mud of cum from her shaft. The thick plume of slug egg infested seed came spilling into the mud. Slugs slid out along with the cum, only a few getting caught by the geyser as she sprayed her web out into the thick grass and the muddy waters. Orphelia panted as the last thrall of her orgasm shook her. She stood stunned for a while until her senses came back to her. She took a deep breath, and she prepared.


            When she returned, the woman was there, right back at the same place in the pub, waiting with that same weird grin. Orphelia walked right into the pub, her cloth freshly cleaned, her armor still a little muddy. She watched her eye trace over her, and realized then that she must have not been looking at her blade. Rather, what was between her legs. “Welcome back. I hope you were successful?”

            “Yeah, I was.” Orphelia said, not sure if she should grin or roll her eyes.

            “Well, where are they?” The woman asked.

            “Oh, they’re here.” Orphelia said, flipping her cloth to the side. She slapped her cock down against the counter and jerked off. The odd woman watched with hungry eyes, the patrons of the bar stirred as they stared over at the disturbance.

            Orphelia made a million different faces as she grunted. She feared a similar situation with what happened in the morning, but luckily things went smoother. A jet of cum splashed down across the table, along with two slugs that were caught up in the contractions. The woman grinned, picked them each up with her bare hands, tucking them beneath her robes after sizing them up. “Well done, well done!” She grinned. “That’s the issue with hunters with smaller balls, or worse yet, only a uterus to store them. They’ll never fit, or never crawl out!” She nodded happily, producing a heavy sack of gold. Orphelia couldn’t help but feel a parrellel between the sacks they were trading. “You’ll have to come over to my lab and pump out the rest of them.” She said with her little grin arching out into a full on evil smile. “As well, if you’re interested in more work, there are these interesting vines that only grow in the thickest parts of that swamp…

            “That is…” The woman said, tugging something out of the sack. “If you want this~” She purred, showing Orphelia how the gold shimmered in the torchlight of the pub.

Next Part: https://saltytea.club/2019/01/a-trip-to-a-swamp-ii