Salty Union Decree of August 26th

Salty Union Decree of August 26th


Oh god school is back up, and it doesn’t look like fun.


5 year anniversary, school is hard and might make me not do weekly fics, reworking patreon to work better, and legit love ya all.

Hello everyone~

I hope you’ve all been well since last I’ve officially had a Salty Union thingy. I believe the last one I did was a bit before Tumblr decided to be bad? Either way it has been quite a while, and during that time I have been particularly hard at work to try and make sure that you are getting as much quality smut as possible.

During this period I had obtained my website with the help of a certain Devi Lacroix, whose generosity and wisdom has been essential in my existence as an author, so kudos to them! is my new primary home, and it feels nice to have a platform entirely my own. What isn’t so nice it the massive blow the Tumblr meltdown dealt to my readership. It was inevitable, but swapping platforms will always damage your audience as some people just don’t follow. And that’s fine if it is a conscious decision on their part, but its just a shame when otherwise.

To counter this issue, I had created a few new ways to engage. Primarily with my new Patreon and with the weekly story posting. I am very pleased with how both have proceeded, however I foresee changing how both work.

With the Patreon, simply put, the $1 tier is too powerful. A guaranteed 500 words for $1 is very cheap considering I charge $1 per 100 words normally. I can forsee reworking this in the near future. As for weekly stories, well, it leads to the main topic of this maddening ramble.

School has started up for me. This is my final year of college and the semi-final semester. To put it bluntly, I have elected to “fucking destroy” myself with classes. I just got done with my first day and some of the classes that presented themselves as easy are actually very, very intensive. A lot of work and concentration is going to be required, and this is definitely going to eat into my ability to post stories on a weekly basis. I genuinely wish I could keep the weekly format going, but as of now I am just going to say that it is unlikely I will be able to keep it on. I will try and keep monthly prompts a thing just because it is very pleasant and fun.

Oh, and as of… July or so? It was our five year anniversary! Five years ago I posted a story called Salty Tea. It was all about characters I loved being corrupted, changing into stranger and lewder forms, while maintain their charm. I still like to think myself as a good author, someone who’s written prose that is worthwhile. From Salty Tea, to Huntresses, to mountains of commissions (full novels!), to Aska and Blaire, and Mandy, and even Cecille in bits and blobs extracted surgically from my long over thought and over planned amalgam novel that may never come to fruition.

I don’t know how much longer this style of writing will be my main creative focus. I’ve done a lot with it, composed entire libraries worth of fiction in these stylings. I’ve gone the full spectrum from cruel and dark to humorously light and fantastic. Countless fandoms, entire universes composed for short 2k bursts of lewding…

I hope to do this for a bit longer still and write a couple dozen more pieces I can be proud of and that you will enjoy. I write this stuff, sincerely, because I love that people enjoy them. I’m always so happy when people tell me that they read my newest story and they loved it, thought it was sexy, or that my portrayal of a character was particularly spot on. I’ve even been told one of my stories made the reader cry in the case of Aska and Blaire’s Valentines chapter. You have no idea how long it has been my dream to be a story teller on this level, and knowing that there are people who enjoy my style, my ideas… It flatters me so hard it could land me in a hospital.

Just know that even as I get busier, I’m always thinking about what to write next, how to please everyone, how to take criticism and praise on board and use it to shape my next project. I’m not done yet, and I’m far from out of fuel. I’m just going to be a lot busier than ever before. But that’s fine, I’ll make it through.

Thank you again for reading.

Salty Tea