The Cat Cafe – Sabrith And Tayelle

Sabrith and Tayelle

The Cat Café

                The plate with the little cake was placed atop the covered table. Tayelle looked down at it with a big excited grin. “Oh wow! Look at how adorable it is!” She gestured to it happily. It was a tiny cake, spongy wet and soft. Pink frosting laid atop it all sparkling and cute, painted perfectly into a little cate face.

The waitress then set down their coffees, served in pristine white china placed atop holders of sewn fabric with cat faces on them. The waitress a short cat girl with bright blue hair and giddy eyes. Her hair was tied up with red ribbons into tails, her uniform a short-skirted maid attire, as pink as the carpet and the cakes.

“Please enjoy~ Nyan!” The cat girl left the couple to enjoy their food for the time being. Tayelle prodded her fork against the cake.

“I can’t bring myself to do it- I can’t kill him!”

Sabrith already had a shovel’s worth of cake in her mouth. “I mean, it was pretty cute.”

“Wow!” Tayelle smirked. “How unceremonious of you. Your cat cake didn’t even stand a chance!”

“If I’m going to be a cannibal, I’m going to be a remorseless one,” Sabrith said, getting back to work at finishing her tiny cake.

Sugar Cats was a new café that had only opened a little while ago, probably a few days if Sab’s memory was serving her right. It was a small place, run and operated by a girl with a real passion for pastry. They had posters all around, running job applications to get their first few employees so they could get off the ground. Tay considered applying a while back, but her current job at the office was doing good enough for the money. It wasn’t ideal, and probably not as fun as baking pastries and making cute coffee all day, but hey, that was life.

The place’s appeal was baked into the cute sugary treats made with a surprising amount of care, the coffee that was ground in house, and the adorable staff. Sabrith was surprised how provocative some of them could be. The dark skinned tiger girl was pretty damn stacked, and Sab must’ve gotten at least four up-skirts whenever she bent over to pour for the table next to them.

Their waitress returned, a cat girl who went by Gummy (probably a weird theme name based on how weird everyone else’s was. The tiger girl was Mocha) “So, if you two download our app, you’ll get a coupon today that’ll make the cakes free!”

“Eh, I have a lot of stuff on my phone right now…” Tayelle said. But Sabrith already her phone out and was giving it a shot.

“Sure, I’ll do it for both of us for now,” Sab said, letting the waitress guide her through the process. In seconds she had a big pink app on her phone to track her purchases. The waitress scanned the coupon and the drinks were waived. They paid for the cakes and then they were on their way back home.

It was a decent summery day, the sort where the rain from the day before was still haunting around. Streets were still shimmering with wetness, air was chilled from the downpours that had cascaded across the city. They walked together along the sidewalk under the shade of the trees, passing by countless storefronts. Sabrith was still in the app she had just downloaded, giving it a look over. “Heh. They got coupons, their menu here, how many points you’ve earned, and look at this!”

Sabrith leaned in, her breasts pushing softly against Tay’s back. She held the phone in front of Tay so she could see the menu titled Maids ;3. There was listed everyone who worked at the store, a little portrait of them, and a request button. “So, if we go back, we can ask for whichever maid we want!”

“Huh, I guess that’s kinda cool?” Tay smirked. “I mean, they gotta appeal to the lonely guy demographic anyways with the whole maid schtick. Still, that was some really damn good cake! We’ll be going back for sure.”

“Mmm, and we’ll have a little Mocha to go with it~”

“Well yeah, I think they serve that?” Tayelle raised her brow but shrugged it off.

They made their way back home and instantly started to relax. Tayelle sighed on the couch, staring at her phone. “Can’t believe I gotta go back to work tomorrow!” She groaned, sinking her head back against the pillow. She noticed something was a little off on her phone. Her finger hovered over an icon with a familiar logo. She pressed it, and sure enough, the café’s very own app came up. “Hey, Sab? Did you download something on my phone?”

“Like what do you mean?” Sabrith emerged from the fridge with a bottle.

“Like I mean the app for that café we just got home from?” Tayelle rose her phone and presented it to Sabrith. Sabrith just shrugged.

“I think we might still have that weird synch feature set up or something?”

“Well, we should probably get that switched off,” Tayelle was about to close the app and just let it vanish from her life. But, well, she was at least going to get a coupon for signing up. She hit the enter button on the screen and let it set up a profile for her. The screen flashed a bright pink that made her feel a little giddy as she saw a present open up on screen. A coupon with the words ON THE HOUSE appeared. She read the terms and conditions and… Yeah! It really was a coupon for one free visit, anything she wanted. “Well holy shit! Hey Sab, guess where we’re going tomorrow?”

“Heh, back to the café this soon?” Sabrith asked, walking over to the couch again to see what had Tay so excited. “Oh dang!” Sabrith laughed. “I didn’t know the coupon they gave out was random. Look at you, lucky girl!” Sabrith sat down next to Tayelle and they both spent the rest of the night scrolling through the app and checking things out.

They had four maids currently who all worked similar hours. There was Mocha the tiger and Gummi the cat. There was also Éclair the cat, and finally Icing the dog. The owner was a woman who went by the name Olivia Sweets. A cat girl just like Sab and Tay and most of the staff at Sugar Cats. Sabrith looked at the icon of her. Incredibly busty with short cute pink hair, a little wilder than Tay’s, like it was swept by the wind perfectly into place. She wore a slightly fancier maid uniform that had a bit of a slightly more seductive shape to it.

Bed time came fast for them as they spent their leisure time in relative comfort on their couch. They turned in for the night, kissing and grinding against each other. And then day just came like the sun could be tugged out at any moment. Tay pushed herself out of bed, not really remembering closing her eyes, Sabrith much the same. Their bodies ached, their loins especially feeling strange and off. Tayelle groaned as she forced herself into the shower, collecting all her thoughts into her arms in there.

Did we really just have sex all night? Tay sighed. I mean I can believe that! Sab’s been wanting it a lot more lately, and really, I’m not much better. Plus, she was clearly worked up from that café yesterday. Well, guess we’re going again today… Oh work first! Gotta go to work! Tay made her way out of the shower and got ready. “Sab, what are you gonna do today?”

Sabrith was already on her phone and back in bed, her naked body as fit and gorgeous as ever. “Hmm? Oh! I’m probably just going to stay home and work on stuff. I got a couple projects, few games to stream, you know the deal!” Sabrith nodded. “You have a good day at work, we’ll meet at the café!”

“Yeah, I’ll see you there!” Tayelle replied. She walked out into the greater public and just felt… off. Like something just wasn’t quite right. She took the steps down onto the street and made her way to the subway. Already there were eyes on her glancing, over her form. Tay looked back at them with an accusatory look, challenging their stares. They usually gave in after that, but the fact that there was so many people looking at her just made her feel off.

Was there something she was doing wrong? She patted herself down. Both her legs were on, her head attached, everything was in place. She sighed and made her way to the train to work. She sat down in her usual seat and pulled her phone out from her purse. She swiped her finger across the screen. The maid app was still up from the night before. Sabrith had her looking over the career stuff. How working there covered the cooking training and the service training and such. The pay seemed pretty good too, and apparently you got a big raise whenever you convinced someone else to join.

“Wow is she really just…?” A voice. Tayelle looked up from her phone and glanced across the train. Eyes that were on her quickly returned to their anything else. Tay’s cheeks flushed red. She just wanted to scream, try and figure out what the hell they saw that she didn’t?! It was driving her crazy! She even saw a strange start to reach out towards her. To correct her or to praise her, she didn’t know which, but that was more than enough for her to stand up and head out, all the eyes following her path.

When she got to work nothing exactly got much better. She went to her cubicle soon as she could and sat down, just trying to hide from the world and get paid before she had to head back out into that cold judgmental world. Even though she was mad, fuming even, she started to feel a little tinge of arousal. She had no idea why. Tug at that plant all she might, she couldn’t find the roots. But that feeling was growing, making her nipples stand hard, her loins leak and rumble with a hot and heated need. Static zipped up and down her spine, making it hard to focus at work as she typed away and took her calls.

Every call ended with her moaning, struggling to keep herself contained. It all ended when her manager came storming to her cubicle. She did not look happy at all, the ram woman usually rather proud. “Please! Just give me another chance! I think I’m sick or-“

“Miss Tayelle!” She growled. “You’ve been moaning down my phoneline all day! You’ve been distracting the employees! And worst of all you-“ But Tayelle didn’t want to hear it! She stood up and threw her head back, not suffering the indignity.

“Well, how about this! I quiiiit! This place has treated me like crap and worn me out! I can’t even remember how I slept last night I was so stressed! I’m going to go get a job somewhere that’ll treat me better! Like that café, or the pet store, or maybe I’ll stream with my wife! Sooooo, later~!” Tayelle walked straight out and never looked back.

The eyes on her were even hotter and more bothersome as she made her way to the café. She didn’t even try to resist. The wetness between her legs grew more and more impossible to ignore. The groping hands were welcome faucets that unleashed her heat. Tay felt so good being touched, she just wanted a little more! Just a little bit more!

Ring ring! The door to the café opened.

Tayelle just left the house.

Sabrith was left to her own devices. Which wasn’t anything too unusual, but for some reason that day if felt extra of not. Sab sighed and decided to get up and actually do something. The heat in her body felt a little off that day, like a fire a few blazes too hot for what she was used to. Her fingers dipped between her legs, but she wouldn’t let them stay in place like that, not when there was work to be done!

Firstly she went to her computer and started getting to work. Her tail swaying as she booted everything up and started eagerly clicking away at the projects she had left suspended. She replied to all her friend and sent Tay a message real quick, hoping she’d notice it once she got on her train. Then Sab tried to start focusing on a game, but her loins were aching for something more…

“Jeez, c’mon Sab, pull it together!” It felt like she was at the top of a poorly placed ladder overlooking a bottomless pit. She was out of the darkness, had both feet on the stairs to stay out, but any moment it could fall back in. Sabrith was already absent mindedly looking up porn.

None of it was really doing it for her. No matter how many live streams of various cuties she went past, jerking off raccoon girls, cum slut deer, just none of it was all that attractive. But then something else grabbed at Sabrith. It was a little icon in the Newcomer tab. She almost closed the window before it caught her eye.

“Woah?!” She clicked as soon as she saw the thumbnail. And sure enough there was. Mocha, legs spread, an absolutely massive barbed cat cock swaying between her bent legs. Her nuts swayed, big enough to tap into the floor in her lewd position. The camera was glancing up at her. Sabrith looked and looked, her eyes drooling at the sight. Her fingers were already slick having started grinding into her fold without waiting for brain permission.

Sabrith came in no time, and she came hard. It felt like her whole body was exploding, bombs of electric pleasure shooting down her spine like a rail gun. Every jolt sent her spasming, her loins spraying her liquid pleasure. “F-fuck… T-they’re hiring porn stars?!” No wonder I liked it there…

Possessed by her new found lust, Sabrith decided to go the café a little bit earlier than she had planned with Tay. Sure, it was still quite a few hours before Tayelle got off work, but worst case scenario Sabrith would just go to the game store next door, maybe message some friends online on her phone or something!

She checked the app real quick to check to see if she had any coupons. And sure enough, there was one waiting to be claimed on a creampie! She licked her lips, clicked her phone over to the request a maid feature, and then ran out the door, eager to get there!

Racing down the sidewalk, she barely remembered to grab her laptop bag incase she ended up spending a really long time over there. Hell, maybe she could stream! She made it to the crosswalk, barely noticing that everyone seemed to be staring at her for some strange reason.

She felt a bulge press into her rear end. Sabrith let out a little surprised eep, but still, had a nice big grin on her face. She wiggled back against the alien bulge, using it as a nice filler to pass the time. The person grasped her breasts and gave them a tug and a grope. Sabrith cooed in their embrace. The second the light turned green for her she walked right ahead, not ready to waste any more time on that. She had a café to go to! And a Tay to meet in a few hours!

Ring ring! The door to the café opened.

Sabrith took in the sweet smell of the cakes and coffee. The décor was bright and colorful, embracing her into a world of soft pastels and lovely looks. Mocha was stood at the entrance, and soon as she saw Sabrith she gave her a bit and pleasant grin. The woman was a bit taller than Sab, and she hid what she had pretty well inside her skirt. “Sabrith?” She asked, her voice accented a purr like tone rumbling through her words.

“That’s me!” Sabrith beamed.

“We’ve been expecting you!’ Mocha beamed as she offered her gloved hand politely to her. Sabrith grabbed it and let the waitress guide her over to her seat. It was the same place Sabrith had sat the day before. Mocha pulled out the chair for her and let Sabrith sit right on top of the massive purple dildo glued on the center of the chair. Sabrith leaned in slowly, not sure she could take it, maybe wishing she had ordered it a little smaller. Mocha pushed her in, leaning in close so her big breasts pushed against the back of Sab’s head. She felt the weight of them, the softness. They were soft, especially so when wrapped up inside the fluffy fabric of her uniform. “Did you walk here naked, mam?”

“Y-yes?” Sabrith gasped, a little surprised at the question. Of course she was naked! She… She… Sabrith swum in her thoughts for a moment, but decided to just ride the dildo a little more. It was like striking tinder. Her fire lit and her thoughts became so much softer and easier to deal with. “I-I’ll take a… Unf~”

“It says here you have a coupon miss Sabrith~” Mocha leaned in, planting her lips so close to Sab’s ears. “Would you like for me to redeem it in you?~” Those words made Sabrith shiver.

“Yesss, oh fuck yesss~” Sabrith cooed.

A minute later Mocha was back with a coffee and a big creamy slice of pie. She laid it down for Sabrith with a nice motherly smile. “Here’s your cream pie miss~”

“Oh…” Sab poked it with her fork. “Y’know, I’m weirdly disappointed?” Sab raised her brow.

“Because…?” Mocha was fishing with her words, her face only feigning her innocence.

“Because I wanted you to bend me over and-“ Sabrith barely got any other words in before Mocha lunged in. She plucked Sabrith from the dildo she was sat on like a ripe apple. Sabrith let out a heavy moan. She was pushed against the table, her tits moving the items laid on top. Mocha parted her dress and pushed her cock right inside of Sabrith’s spread and prepared hole.

Sabrith’s face was pointed straight at the entrance. Mocha steadily started to thrust away at Sabrith, cooing sweetly as she did so. The big prickly cock was every bit as big and devastating as Sabrith had imagined it would be. Having it in person was absolutely much better. No toy Sab ever had could compared to the mighty member.

The door bell rang. Sabrith looked up nervously. A woman came in, someone she didn’t recognize. A customer. “Éclair, can you get this one?” Mocha groaned. “I’m a little busy with my new favorite toy~”

“Of course!” A scrappy cat girl came out from the back. She had cute orange and white ears, both the colors splotched together. She was short and a little flat chested, but her hips and thighs more than made up for everything else. “Hello mam! And welcome to Sugar Cats!

“Hi, a booth please. I just need some coffee and a little cinnamon roll!” The woman was guided by the maid. Sabrith watched, her face flushed red hot. The woman even looked at Sabrith and made eye contact and then looked away naturally, not in any particular rush to do so. She sat down, pulled out her phone and scanned her coupon.

I’m getting fucked right in the middle of this place. Anyone who comes in will see me first thing! Sabrith’s thoughts were racing as her body was wrecked by that perfect feline prick. Sab felt so excited, so overwhelmed. She came, and so too did her partner a few stokes later. Her cunt was left filled and seeping with cream. She fell back into her chair when Mocha parted, her rear brushing past the dildo but settling to just sit on the chair for comfort and less for the sex toy.

Mocha smiled down at Sabrith, licking her lips in satisfaction. “You know, if you work here, we can do more often~” Mocha said. She pulled out Sabrith’s phone and slid it over to the page to apply. Sabrith mindlessly reached for phone and giddily filled out the application with just a few swipes and saying yes to every question~

Ring Ring! The door to the café opened.

An exhausted and tired Tayelle stood at the entrance, waiting for her waitress. Gummi came right over, all naïve smile. “Welcome home mistress!” She bowed before Tayelle. “Oh my! Mistress~!” Gummi was blushing. “Mistress, did you walk here naked? How scandalous~”

“Naked?” Tayelle’s brow furrowed. “Of all the dumbest things I’ve heard all day I-“ She looked down. “T-the fuck?!” Tayelle quickly went to cover herself up. “How the hell did I…?”

“It’s okay, we have some extra clothes here!” Gummi nodded. “One of our uniforms. Would you like that mistress?”

“I-I’ll take anything at this point!” Tayelle said. Gosh, and there were people in here! A woman eating a cinnamon roll, a guy sipping coffee, and another girl getting her coffee poured by a smoking hot red haired cat gi- “S-Sab?!”

The cat girl nearly missed her pouring as she heard the voice. Sabrith turned from her work and waved. “Heya Tay! About time you got here! My shift has been going on for a while now!”

“Since when the hell did you work here?” Tayelle asked, still trying to cover herself up. Sabrith was wearing some pretty revealing clothes. Something about that tight dress that barely covered her tits, it just made a part of Tayelle feel firm and needy. She touched her nipples as she hid them, giving them a firm and pleasant squeeze.

Gummi returned with the dress and offered it to Tayelle. She got in it as quickly as she could, the fabric feeling nice and pleasant, though it didn’t seem to quite fit right. Tayelle sighed and was shown to her seat by Gummi. Tay said back, taking the knotted dildo laid out on the chair without a second thought. The knot stretched her rear wide apart. She sprayed arousal across her lap, her hands hovering over her crotch. She sighed and grunted, humping the dildo a little as Sab came over to her table.

Sabrith was at least a sight for sore eyes no matter what she was wearing. That big dumb grin, those happy eyes. Tayelle felt more in love than ever, especially with how alone and embarrassed she felt after her day. “So… I got fired.”

“Great, you can work here with me now!” Sabrith smiled even dumber and brighter.

“Sab, I got fired! Fired! From my big fancy job that paid for everything! I know this place pays decent and all, but that was from the perspective of you getting another gig, not me just…” But it was hard to think with that plug up her rear. Tay went to stand up and get away. That was what she was going to do, just climb off that fake dick, get outside, and figure things out.

But her hands slipped on the juices lining her chair. She fell back, her ass taking the whole dildo up her rear again. She huffed and tried again, only landing back on her ass again. And again. And eventually she was just fucking herself on her chair, gasping and moaning out into the busy café. Sabrith leaned over the seat and kissed Tayelle, their hands meeting under the table.

They gasped and cooed, kissing blindly and sweetly. Tayelle’s head was a rush. Her thoughts were like a flood, raging and shapeless. There weren’t words or sentences, just exclamation marks and buzzes of pleasure. Zaps crawled across her flesh, rising above her loins. Her clit felt so needy, so hot and red and gushing.

                Eventually they both came, spraying the underside of the table with their arousal juices, leaving a heavy white load all over the table. They both stood up discretely, smiling at how few people actually seemed to notice what they were doing. Tayelle sighed and hugged Sabrith close. “I’ll think about it sweety…” Tayelle sighed. “I think I need to go home and rest for a while.”

                Sabrith arrived at Sugar Cat bright and early. This was her first real day on the job since the day before she was just working there for a little while. She and Tay had another restless night, losing themselves to their lusts. Sab was starting to notice their whole home was a little bit wetter than usual, walking past piles of lewd juices all over. Used toys, soiled panties, ripped clothing…

                Amongst it Sabrith was able to find her uniform. She took extra careful care to make sure she was actually dressed that day! Dress on, ribbon tied, she was ready to go! She kissed Tayelle goodbye, who opted to sleep in for the day.

                What Sabrith didn’t understand was why Tayelle didn’t want to come work with her at the place. It was such a lovely place and the pay really wasn’t that bad! Hell, with the raises she got, Sab would be making more than that old office job in no time. Not to even mention the tips. All she had to do was talk sweetly to a couple dorks, maybe grind on them a little and she was good to go! She’d have ones pouring out of her cleavage and twenties and hundreds shooting towards her bank account like an arrow sure and true!

                As Sabrith walked to her job in her uniform, she swayed her hips seductively and gave a little flash to a gentleman she saw. Just lifted her skirt, bent over, and waited for a quick slap. When she got it, she giggled in a giddy manner and ran straight for work, feeling as thought she hit her naughty quota for the day.

                Ring ring, the door opened~ Sabrith reported for duty with all of her fellow employees. “Just in time, Sab!” Mocha grinned. “Today’s training day. The owner’s going to be in to make sure we’re all behaving and make sure you know the ropes.”

                “I’m so excited to meet the owner~!” Sabrith said, her voice already feeling a little more giddy at just the mention. Sabrith followed Mocha and the others into the back and waited for the owner to arrive.

                She arrived with Sabrith bent over the employee lounge table, her hair pulled back into a handle so Mocha could use it. Olivia entered the room and pat each girl on the head. They instantly calmed down, almost like a robot entering stand by mode. She tapped Mocha who fell backwards, taking her dick with her. Sab was still bent over, her slit leaking needily.

                “There you are, Cream. My my, how excited I am to finally get to meet you!”

                “Cream…?” Sabrith blinked. For some reason that name was making her feel weird. But it was an intense weird. The sort of weird that came when everything was lining up too well. The planets lining up, the clock striking midnight as lightning burst through a tree like a shotgun. Sabrith shuddered. Olivia parted her own skirt, revealing a long monster of her own between her legs. She slammed her dick inside of the still bent over Sabrith.

                Heat rushed through her. It felt like her entire existence was floating on a hot air balloon, rocketing to the sun. She couldn’t think, could only feel that cock. She swore she could see inside her cunt, watch as that flared beast plowed ahead and spread her wide and needy. It slid back and forth steadily as the owner used her. It was all happening so fast. Sabrith didn’t have time to notice as the woman rubbed her hands across her hair, combing through it so sweetly.

                “Good doggy~” Olivia cooed, scratching Sabrith’s ears. “My my, what a big dick you have~” The owner leaned in and grabbed at Sabrith’s dick beneath the table.

                “Arf?!” A shocked bark emerged from Sabrith’s lips. She was completely surprised at the news she had a dick, but the second the owner grabbed it she became painfully aware of the fact she had grown one at some point and had it for quite a while. All the squirting she had been doing the last few days suddenly made a lot more sense.

                “That’s a good girl~” Olivia roughly pet Sabrith’s head. And pet just made everything feel so much better. Sabrith’s eyes started to close as her hair started to turn blonde, as her human cock started to shudder and pulsate as it turned redder and redder. Sabrith’s ears went floppy and long, swaying by her head. Thoughts were vanishing from her mind with each pat. And when one pet was all that was left between her and some pure black state, Sabrith came and cooed.

                “Bark bark~”


                After a little over a week, Sabrith got her first paycheck. But that wasn’t all the money she had been bringing home, but this was her first formal payment from the workplace. Tayelle was surprised at how much it was, especially considering she was pretty cold about the job. Ever since that day at the café Tay had been trying to avoid thinking about the café, just trying to keep head clear and her hunt for a real job secure. But every night Sabrith would come home, sporting her new hair color, her new over eagerness.

                “Like, this one guy just pulled down his pants and put the money on the table! Oh my god~ So many hundreds! I just sucked him off a little and gave him some black coffee and that was it!” Sab had gotten a few new piercings, a new purse, and had also upgraded all her underwear to be tight lingerie. “I’m so excited to go to work today~ I love my job like soooo much!”

                “Heh, that’s nice Sab,” Tay said, still a little frustrated with Sabrith. If she makes me look at the app one more time… I’m not filling out the application for that place, I’m not!

                “How goes the job hunt though?” Sabrith asked.

                “It goes…” Tay blushed. “Well, no winners yet!” Every place she had gone to just wasn’t taking her. She had no idea why! She made sure to dress herself… At least she was pretty sure! Everything checked out, but in the end she was turned down. Though, she did end up with quite a collection of phone numbers from some of the secretaries. Most of the time when she picked up they were just looking to hook up with her for some reason…

                Sabrith nodded. “Well, how about you just come to the café with me today, Tay?” Sab tilted her head. “You might like it! My slutty kitty kitty~” Sabrith leaned in and began fully intending to make out with Tay hard. Tay reciprocated, but found it all a little overwhelming, especially when Sab grabbed for Tay’s crotch. The sensation made her feel wet and very strange. She broke off the kiss and gasped on the couch, collecting herself for the moment.

                After Sabrith left, Tayelle spent some time by herself, feeling a little hot and bothered as she had the past few days. The whole week was this lewd haze that was passing her by. Every night was another hot and bothered session with Sabrith, every second without her spent in the haze. She was being reshaped by it. Tayelle slowly crawled over to the computer and pulled things back up, just trying to find… Something!

                Click. There was one thing. She came. Next thing. Click. She came. It was all falling inwards and she was getting off still, sure. But she needed something more. At least Sab has gotten more cuddly after sex lately, Tayelle thought. We must’ve been stuck together for an hour last night…

                Hours passed of being stuck in the haze when Tayelle saw something. A little link on the porn site that lead to the café’s website. Tayelle gave it a quick little click and was greeting with a big pink screen that was similar to the app. Tayelle felt odd seeing it, like this was some inevitable thing she had been putting off. What was new, though, was the tab she saw on the sight labeled Streams.


                The camera was in the backroom of the café. Sabrith was on her hands and knees, a collar around her neck with the name Cream. One by one, she pleasured what must have been at least ten dicks. All of them arranged around her, neatly awaiting their turn. Sabrith jerked away, hungry for it all. Another hand wrapped around Sabrith’s cock, grasping it… S-sabrith’s…?!

                Tayelle suddenly realized where her hand was. She fell back in a yelp, her ass hitting the floor. “Woah, cock?!” Tayelle collected herself. “When did Sabrith get a- NO! When did I get a cock?!” Tayelle was holding in her hands her large member. It stood large and erect, a little dribble of cum seeping out from the tip across her hand. She looked around her home. Cum everywhere, deposited wherever it was they wanted. Their bed was soaked.

                It was all coming to her. Memories of failed attempts of getting a job. It was because she was wearing a skirt that didn’t even try to cover up her cock! Hell, she was jerking off through half of her meetings. She was plowed that thick raccoon secretary in the bathroom on the way out, and it was just erased from her memory!

                Her heart was racing as she realized the day she was fired she hadn’t been doing work. Her hands weren’t on her keyboard, they were wrapped around her cock and desperately jerking off the entire day, coating the entire underside of her desk in cum. She didn’t even stop when her boss arrived!

                “What… The… Fuck?!” Tay shook her head, her face so red her blood must have been replaced with hot sauce. “I… I don’t know why…” She grabbed her phone and very cautiously opened it. First it flashed pink. Then it showed a spiral. Tayelle tried very, very hard not to look at the spiral, but it just kept dragging her eyes in like there were hooks in her head. She closed the app and pulled her phone out. She dialed Sab.

                “Like, bark bark~ Hello~” Sabrith answered. Tayelle could hear the sounds of wet cocks being jerked off in the background.

                “Sab… You do realize we’ve changed, right?”

                “What are ya talking about Tay? Gosh, you’re so paranoid. I just don’t get it~ You’re horny. Just come here and bend over for me, okay?~ We’ll take it slow, like, real slow. But I’ll get you off, you’ll get me off, and we’ll just-“

                “Sab! This app or that café or something made me grow a dick, lose my job, and hypnotized me or some shit!”

                “I love this café~” Sabrith cooed. Tayelle could hear cum splatter across the microphone. She heard a shirt ruffle against it. Then, a new voice.

                “Am I speaking with Tayelle?”

                “W-who is this?” Tayelle asked, her voice rising in urgency. Her eyes turned back to the stream. Sabrith’s mouth had been suddenly and fiercely taken by a cock. The woman who had the phone was nowhere to be seen in the stream. Tayelle’s dick pulsated rapidly. She watched Sabrith’s slutty body take every cock it could. She raised her rear into the air and took a big fat one in her-

                “This is Olivia, the owner of the café. Is there something I can do to help you?”

                “Yeah, tell me why this is happening to me… To Sabrith…”

                “That’s a simple answer really. You wanted it,” Olivia replied. Tayelle’s mouth went wide, ready to yell. “Hypnosis… Magic… whatever you think is this doing this to you, its not this nonconsensual concept. You need to want it. Your mate Sabrith right now, Cream as well call her, right now, is exactly where she wants to be. This is what she wanted.”

                Tay’s eyes darted back to the stream as Sabrith choked on two cocks at once. She gulped. Tay slowly slid her head down. Her hand was still around her cock, steadily jerking off.

                “Those who don’t want this life aren’t affected. They open the app and nothing happens. They eat the food and they never change. If they want to see the workers as sex toys, they see the sexiest people in the world. If they just want a slice of cake and a tea they get that. See, Mint, it is all that simple. You and Sabrith have just finally started to act on your true desires.”

                “I…” Tayelle she shaking, her cock drooling eagerly. “I-I don’t care! I feel like we should’ve at least been asked.”

                “Why, you were asked!” The woman said. “You and Sabrith… Sorry, Cream, could’ve snapped out of this at any time. But you wanted it so badly that the effects refreshed every time. If you truly didn’t want it, the app would’ve snapped you out of it in a second! Here, I’ll tell you what, Mint~ Come to the café. That’s all you have to do. Grab Cream and leave, and everything will go back to exactly how you want it.”

                “Y-you promise?!” Tayelle urged. She was getting close, so clooooose. Sabrith was getting covered in cum from all those cocks. Tayelle bit her lip, trying to stop but she was just so close to-

                “I promise.”

                Tayelle was just barely able to pull away. She threw herself from the computer chair and dressed. Panties that didn’t hide her cock, a skirt that was brushed aside when she got hard, a braw two sizes too small, a shirt that hugged her too tightly and showed midriff, Tayelle wasn’t prepared for the world of consciousness.

                She ran down the streets, ready to get Cream back from that mean owner. Tayelle raced along the sidewalk just as the rain started to drip. The crosswalk turned red. She paused at it and waited, not expecting the hands that reached out from the pedestrians.

                “H-hey! I’m in a hurry…” She growled. A hand grasped her bulge. She was still so close to cumming from her little session in the house so this felt especially good. Tayelle crossed her legs, she cooed and moaned, she purred under her breathe trying and failing to resist.

                The rain came down hard, soaking her shirt until it clung to her breasts. Her chest sprung free from the wildly inefficient bra. The pink of her nipples could be seen through. Her panties were soaked too, her cock spewing pre as she was just a whispering wind away from cumming.

                A flash of green rose from the walking sign. Tayelle pushed towards the crosswalk. “I-I won’t let her win!” Tayelle growled. She knew deep down, swore it, that this wasn’t what she wanted! Why would she want to be plowed over and over by sexy girls, cuddled inside of a shop filled with cake and coffee and tea and get paid to do it? She had to just focus on her only goal,  get Cream back!

                “Cream is such a dumb name!” Tayelle yelled, swearing that it wasn’t her mate’s true name but she just couldn’t think straight she was so furious!

                She arrived at the front of the café, her heart racing. She locked on to the door, took a deep breath. “I’m getting my mate back, my job back, everything! And if anyone tries to stop me…! I swear to god!”

                Ring ring~ The door opened.

                Tayelle smiled big and bright. “Hey, I came here for the job~” Tayelle cooed. “I was being so dumb not taking it!” She giggled, finding it hard to not notice just how silly it was of her to not just give in. Sabrith and Olivia had been waiting at the entrance. Sabrith pounced on Tay like the over excited dog that she was, giddy to see her mate return. Olivia shook her head, a big grin across her face.

                “We’ll get you sized up for a dress~”


                The training was hard, but it was worth it! Mint’s horse dick was long and, well, mint green! Just like her name suggested, duh! Mint was nervous since this was her first day without having anyone help her. Cream really insisted she was going to do alright, but she still wasn’t sure! Mint had coated all her cakes for the day in her creamy jizz, she made the coffee, did everything she was used to! But an actual customer?

                Mint emerged from the back, slowly approaching the people at the table, her dick swaying between her legs underneath her fancy maid skirt. “Hello! Welcome to Sugar Cats!” She grinned big and bright. “What can I get you guys today?”

                They didn’t seem to notice that their waitress had a big bulging cock, breasts poking out of her very tight dress, and had left a little dribbling trail of cum. “Hmmm, I’d like the cream pie please!” The man said.

                “I’ll take the strawberry shortcake!” The woman replied then. “And a coffee for each of us, of course. Ummm. I think that’s it? Unless I’m forgetting something!”

                Mint was just soooo happy to inform them!

                “Well, if you wanted, you should check out our app. Just download it, and you might even get some nice coupons. The savings are life changing~