Shark Attack

Shark Attack

          Flora really just thought she was going to waste her Saturday going to the beach with her friends who were all a lot more outdoorsy or whatever. Her idea of fun was a little more dim room big dumb movie and less-

            It was a record high summer mid-day. Clouds perished of heat stroke, pets and children were kept indoors, and the sun was weaponized fire bashing down across the broad pearly sands that made up the popular beach. Flora lathered her dark skin in sunscreen all over her arms that showed beneath her dorky t-shirt that showed a cool looking knight on white background. She adjusted her blue bikini bottom and groaned. She was stranded on an island of towel beneath the sanctuary shade of the sentinel umbrella. Her book she brought with her laid on its back on the towel she occupied. She regretted bringing it. Now there was sand sneaking into the pages, between her toes, and if got anywhere else she was going to sue sand for existing.

            Her friends? Oh, they were already deep into their time of doing “beach things.” Splashing in the water, talking to random strangers, playing with a ball, and purchasing overpriced drinks at the beachside bar. In that dystopic heat she was alone without a soul to sing her woes to. “Well, this fucking suck,” Flora says to herself aloud. She wiped the sweat from her brow, her frizzled hair starting to be tamed by the perspiration.

            Objectively she was having no fun, but she couldn’t let that stand. If her book wasn’t going to be read and if her friends weren’t going to come back and try and help, then she’d have to delve out into the ocean and try and fish out some fun for herself! Flora stood up, adjusted her t-shirt and tried to shake off the few grains of sand that did somehow end up getting nestled in the crease of her top. She made sure her sandals were still on and marched forward!

            Removed from her sanctuary, she was now the plaything for the sun. Its absolution bathed her in a hostile atmosphere. Jesus fuck why is it this hot?! How does it get this hot? She kept walking along. With unenthused eyes she looked across the path and saw the lunacy of the beach dwellers on full display.

            Young adults sat in circles, trading pricy beer bottles and discussing things that could be just as spoken over in the comfort of their homes. One man was buried beneath the sand and was clearly starting to turn red where his face was not protected by the grains. People stood around like frozen peacocks. They stood in the water, or stood in the sand, waiting for their roots to sink into the ground forever. Flora looked on at each and every shirtless man, every bikini clad fool, every single person who came to the beach just to receive the passive buff to their mood of being at the beach.

            Flora removed her sandals and dipped her feet into the water. The water rose against the tide and hit her sandals. She now regretted bringing her sandals because they were made of that spongy material that immediately absorbs every drop of water in a five mile proximity and retains that water like a god damn vault. Flora groaned and cursed the lack of foresight from the sandal industry and roamed further into the salty embrace of sea foam and pearlescent waves.

            There was a sort of beauty to the ocean that Flora wasn’t blind to. Whenever she looked past the litter, the confused people absorbed in taking photos of themselves while hovering their technology over a vat of liquid-goodbye-phone, and even the swarm of all-consuming seagulls, there was a charm. She saw surfers wrestling with the waves, people just having genuine fun riding the waves and throwing things around. All sorts of things! Balls, frisbees, beer cans, infants! This was it, the inner fold of fun at the beach, standing in the eye stinging water and smelling the salt vapors and you vanish into a maddening repetition of tossin’ shit.

            “Heya~!” A voice crooned. Flora turned from her cerebral moment. Just as she tried to see who it was that was talking to her, all she saw was the water splashing. That person was nowhere to be seen. Flora began to look around frantically, trying to find who had just said something to her. Or maybe it wasn’t at her?

            Flora felt the water hit her as she emerged. Flora turned instinctively and observed the thing before her.

            The woman was tall and powerful. Her skin was aquatic and shimmering, a faint dark purple in color with a white underbelly. She had a short muzzle filled with powerful teeth, long fins with an elven tip for ears, punkish white hair with green colored tips, two big green eyes, and that was just the face. She wore a sort of tube top made of a latex-like black material that clung to her tits, but did nothing to cover the lower half of her white colored watermelon sized tits. Her abdomen was bare and covered in rippling aquatic abs, openings for gills along her sides, and a slick bikini bottom that hugged her loins tight like she was pressure storing them for later. Her wide hips also hosted a powerful tail that ended in a wide V-Shaped fin.

            This woman was a shark woman. Shark women were not entirely unusual to Flora since most people had access to special pills and medicines to transform into things. That, however, didn’t stop Flora from falling backwards on her ass and yelping. “Fuck shit fuck!” Flora retreated on the sandy seafloor, the water riding near her chin.

            “Ahahaha, shit, sorry. Didn’t mean to spook ya,” The shark girl offered a webbed hand to Flora. The startled woman collected herself and took the offered her and rode it all the way back on to her feet. The power behind the tug was mighty. She wasn’t sure if she was being brought back onto her feet or about to be belted across the pacific. “I just wanted to say hi, but I forgot how fast I can swim. Saw you were alone! Figured you could use a swimming buddy!”

            Flora’s eyes were engrossed. She looked all over this strangely sexual shark lady over and over like she was looking to see if the next thing she had to say was tattooed underneath those massive breasts. Flora gulped and looked back up at the shark’s eyes. The shark girl grinned big and bright. “It’s fine, you only scared a few years off my life,” Flora said, finding a trace of wit in her otherwise completely shocked self. “And I’m alright. I um wasn’t really planning on staying at the beach much longer anyways.”

            “Oh?” The shark lady tilted her head emphatically, leaning closer to hear Flora’s answer. “What, ya got plans?”

            “Well, it’s more that the beach isn’t really my scene,” Flora said, hand on her shoulder pressed across her chest.

            “I know how ya feel,” Sharky replied. “I wasn’t really too big on beaches for a while. But, their charm grew on me once I figured out how to actually have fun at them.”

            “Oh, there’s a secret, is that it?” Flora smirked. I probably can’t convince a shark that the ocean isn’t all that fun, Flora figured. Still, so far she is the first person I’ve even talked with here, and that includes my friends… And those abs… Holy shit. Flora recollected her stares and looked back up again. “So? What’s the secret.”

            “There’s a few,” The shark girl said, waving her tail across the surface of the water. “First up, you gotta talk to people you think look like fun. Ya never know what’ll happen.”

            “Well, I’m not so sure about fun,” Flora said. “You’re like… A literal shark and I’m just some girl,” Flora said.

            “Sure, one way to look at it,” The woman started to slowly circle Flora. Her tail always gliding across the water, toying with it, ready to pounce into the waves at any second. “What I saw was a girl walking into the water, staring holes in everyone’s face looking lost, but also wearing a cool shirt. That was reason enough for me!”

            Flora thought that one over, her face keeping a stern neutral expression. “You just talk to strangers that look lost?”

            That made the shark girl laugh a bit. “Duh! They’re the people who need a little fun the most. And usually there is something else on their mind that might be a whole different way to have fun or something. I try not to overthink it.”

            We’re certainly opposite then, Flora thought. Or maybe we’re not that different… Oh, shit, I’m kinda just proving my own point… “Well… I’m Flora. And you are?”

            “Eza,” The shark woman who went by Eza said. “Your friendly neighborhood shark girl. Sorry again if I came on too strong. I’m not the best at social cues and junk!”

            “Nah, it’s alright,” Flora said, making up any excuse to keep those abs in her life. She kept staring at them, a little grin on her face. “I’m Flora.”

            “Yeah, I know Flora~” Eza laughed, giving Flora a big pat on the shoulder, grabbing her closer. “You sure the sun’s not getting to ya?”

            Oh god dammit Flora you dork- “Y-yeah. The sun claims another victim,” Flora shook her head. “No, no, sorry. I really am just out of it. Finals and stuff. School just let out, and I had like seven finals I swear. And my friends thought going to the beach would help-“

            “And you’re not really having fun, eh?” Eza smirked, still holding Flora close. “I know how it is, really do. I only graduated last year, and one of my finals was two hundred questions long, all open ended, swear on my life.”

            “That’s bonkers,” Flora said. “How well did you do on it?”

            “It missed the trashcan when I threw it,” Eza laughed. “C’mon, we really need to hurry before the sun burns the fun out of ya!” Eza urged Flora on, lowering her grip a little, but still herding Flora just a bit. Flora looked back over to try and find her friends amongst the crowd. The only head she could make out was sitting next to some girl and sipping a $14.00 beer bottle. Flora loosened up and followed Eza.

            Something about being around Eza made things already seem more fun. Eza guided Flora on through a little swimming. The whole while Eza talked on and on, always making sure the air was filled with jokes, and her checking in on Flora, and really anything that went over Eza’s mind was fair game for being spoken aloud. Flora was shocked at how much Eza talked, and even more, how much Flora enjoyed it.

            “Here,” Eza turned around and bet over towards Flora. Flora blushed at the shark’s rear before noticing the gesture of her tail pointing at her back. “Climb on. And don’t let go.”

            Flora smirked at the gesture and walked forward. She carefully climbed onto the shark girl’s back. She wrapped her arms around her like she wasn’t a stranger and just relaxed. Eza flicked her tail and bolted forward. She pierced through the water, her muscles flexing and whirling through it, her arms carving the ocean apart like it was a roast.

            The pair exploded through the ocean. Flora rode the crest of a wave, taking them back towards the coast. Flora laughed, holding on as her strange new shark friend kept giving her a rollercoaster ride across the beach. By the time Flora was getting tired they somehow ate up most of the sunlight.

            Most of the beach goers were going and gone. Flora didn’t see her friends right away. They probably walked back to the hotel on their own. It was sort of Flora’s fault for hiding in the ocean most of the time, but dammit she was trying to have fun. And that was the weird part… She actually had fun. She looked back at Eza, the buff shark girl just stretching a bit after a good long swim, the amber hues of the orange and purple sunset reflecting on her wet abs, her gorgeous body, her hair dangling back in the tight ponytail it was tied into.

            “It’s getting late…” Flora said, speaking to the sunset that reflected in Eza.

            “You headed out or anything?” Eza replied, still doing plenty of stretching.

            “Well, that depends,” Flora said, her heart racing. “You sick of me yet?” She tried to say it with  little flirtatious edge.

            “Sick of you?” Eza laughed. “I don’t get sick of people, especially not cute ones. I had fun today, and I’m alright if you wanna keep going.”

            “Oh, I wanna keep going alright,” Flora smirked, walking up to the shark and running her fingers down her abs. She traced over the contour of them and felt her hand tremble. She was about head level with those shark tits. She nervously flicked her hand upward, her finger getting caught on Eza’s top. She slipped it back, unleashing one of her huge tits which flopped atop Flora’s head. Flora looked up and felt the soft flesh push down against her face.

            Eza giggled at that and gently leaned down a little. She grabbed Flora’s hand and pushed it onto her other, still covered, breast. Flora hesitated. And then she tugged the material free. Both breasts free, Eza leaned down until she was eye level with Flora. She leaned in and kissed her. Flora returned the kiss.

            Flora’s back ended up on the towel. Eza crawled over top of Flora, doing all the work to maintain the kiss. Flora and the shark’s tongue mingled in each other’s mouth. Flora was careful to dodge all the jagged stalagmites of the shark caverns she was flirting with. The kiss broke and Flora gasped like a fish put back in the water. “Wow, this so…”

            “Do you want it girl?” Eza asked. Her eyes were flirty and low lidded, her tail swaying in the air, her body swaying so temptingly. “I promise it’ll be fun! If this is how you wanna end a boring day at the beach that is~ With an itsy teeny shark attack~ Hehehehe!”

            “I knew I should’ve watched the porn adaptation of Jaws for romance advice,” Flora smirked. “Holy shit yes I want this. You’re crazy hot!”

            “You’re really hot too~” Eza cooed, sitting up so she was straddling Flora’s body. “But you gotta make sure you know what you’re in for,” Eza said. She undid the strings of her bikini bottom. They fell aside revealing she had a nice little flap at her crotch. Two pink-red shafts gently slivered out from their cave, each standing tall in symmetrical perfection. She pushed her tapered lengths together, their heavy bulging bases and slender heads coming together like a set of shark buns. “You sure you’re in for these bad boys?~”

            “Holy fuck~” Flora ripped her panties down and tore her shirt and threw it aside. In the heat of the moment she couldn’t even bring herself to care that this was out in public. She was starting to love the beach and she didn’t care who knew! “I-I want it. I really do,” Flora was pretty sure, but she wasn’t very used to the idea of this hookup being so quick, so casual. Eza just gave off that sort of energy.

            With permission, the shark lady moved herself back. Her body eclipsed the sunset, the waves rolling behind her. She pushed the head of her first dick against Flora’s form. “Just one, or both?” Eza asked, marking the first time Flora had ever been asked that question in the bedroom when referring to dicks. “Most people don’t know what they’re in for when it comes to my hooks~ You might wanna go slow.”

            “Both!” Flora said with a smug grin. “I think I can handle it.”

            Eza shrugged in a carefree manner and pushed her dicks together, spinning them into a little helix as much as she could. She pushed this beast against Flora’s entrance. Her pink bud spread across the girth of the slick shark dicks as they pushed against her. Flora grit her teeth, quickly realizing that the girth of two dicks together was indeed quite large. She tugged at the towel, risking a deadly meeting with her old rival sand, and then she felt those dicks slide all the way in. Eza started to tug back and Flora fell back against the bed of towels, letting herself relax.

            The shark above her started to work her hips in a hypnotic motion. Despite all her cares and platitudes, Eza was showing no signs of going easy on Flora. She slid out and then pounded forward with abandon. Flora was surprised at well she was doing despite herself. In fact, every push was making her feel stronger. Pain subsided and it became more about pleasure, more about enjoying the sight of something so big and tough standing over her. Her own personal umbrella had amazing tits, rippling abs, two dicks that made her howl like nothing else, and cute caring eyes despite how dangerous she looked.

            Flora wrapped her arms around Eza’s torso and dug her nails into Eza’s form. Eza was egged on by the meaningless dose of pain and started to thrust a little more hurriedly. The shark girl leaned forward, her dangerous maw opening up to reveal her endless array of sharp shaaarp teeth. She pushed her fangs down around Flora’s throat and she merely tickled Flora’s throat with a glance of them. Flora cooed sweetly, little red marks left where the kiss of fangs was dragged over her.

            The towel beneath them shifted and moved as they embraced and Eza quaked the sands. Eza cooed sweetly as she came inside of Flora. The shark girl was dripping with sweet salty sweat, a bead gliding across her abs as she finished. Flora came as well, just a few thrusts after the shark was done depositing her salty goodness. The pair laid there for a moment, gasping for their breathes in twin pants.

            “Hahaha…” Flora laughed, shaking her head. “Well, can’t say this is how I saw my trip to the beach going! A real honest to goodness shark attack.”

            “I’m so glad I met you~” Eza grinned. Slowly, she dragged her twin dicks out. Flora felt a huge ball of tension inside her just vanish. She laid in the towel for a bit before standing up and giving Eza a nudge.

            “C’mon, I got sand on me, and you in me. Let’s go clean up in the ocean!” Flora ran off into the sea soon as soon as she told Eza what the plan was. Eza shrugged and ran to keep up with Flora.