You Are Me, My Everything (Cecille Self-cest)

Commissioned by The Wise Wolf

You Are Me, My Everything

A Tale of Love and Vanity

            Everything was bathed in eternal sunset. Fields of wheat swayed to the wind in the amber hue. Farmers rose to only the most subtle of changes to the lighting. Night was more purple, morning was more orange, but the differences were much less severe than what the rest of the world now felt.

            Iris didn’t always live in a world like this. The Eternal Sunset only began to take over a few years back. Since then, the Empire of Ferbyn had become consumed in endless twilight. Iris ran her hands along the field of green verdant crops. She examined between the growths to grasp at a plump red vegetable. She set it down in her basket with a sigh.

            She was a young woman, old enough to work the fields to keep herself sustained. Here on the farm she worked tirelessly for a cruel landlord eager to reap the harvests and keep the profits. Her payment is staying alive a few spare coins merely enough to clothe herself of her own whims. She had long brown hair she often kept tied up so it wouldn’t get in the way of her work, her eyes a weary leaf green. She wore a simplistic dress with a high skirt that wouldn’t get in the way of her work. Her arm was covered in little scratches and filth from the tireless working.

            When her basket was too full to carry anymore of the crop, she turned back to the center of the farm and returned. On the porch of the farmhouse was the skeletal man who ran the place. He nodded at Iris as she returned. “Good work, girl. The harvest is good this year,” He nodded. Iris looked at him with a scared expression and remained silent. “Ohohoh. Yes, yes. Now, I need you to run an errand. Oh, don’t look so worried! This is a simple one. Take these coins here and fetch me some booze from the seller who rolled into town. If we don’t hurry we’ll be stuck with the garbage they brew around here,” He lifted a small purse of coin and tossed it over at Iris. She caught it in time and looked inside to see several shimmering beads of a variety of shimmering colors, some dotted with sapphire. It was a fair amount more than she was used to seeing.

            “I will do it quickly,” Iris said, turning to head off to the center of town. It was a bit of a walk and she wasn’t allowed to use a horse like some of the other stable hands, but in a way it was nice, almost like taking the day off. She could just look out into the distant trees and rolling hills, feel the brisk autumn air on her skin.

            After about an hour of steady walking she arrived to the village. Buildings dotted the area, arranged mostly around a center part of the town with a dirt and cobblestone road. She looked around for any sign of the salesman who was said to arrive. “He said there was supposed to be one,” She muttered to herself. The whole place seemed oddly barren… Until her eyes laid upon one person in particular.

            Her heart skipped a beat.

            Flowing white hair. Piercing yellow floating in a pool of black, those dazzling mind melting yellow eyes. Her bolt black horn. Those hips. That regal dress. The figure that stood before her was a bit shorter than the girl, but she was recognizable. More than that! She was the most renowned person in the entire empire. Cecille Alborne smiled at the girl who stood before her, her freckled face looking on smugly at the mere peasant. “Pray tell, who might you be?”

            “F-forgive me!” Iris fell to her knees, her nose kissing the dirt frantically. “I am nothing y-your grace! Just a farm girl, an assistant if anything! I did not mean to-“

            “This farm girl has yet to insult me,” Cecille continued to grin down at the surrendering girl. “I merely asked your name, if you may.”

            “I am Iris! No last name that I know of… Like I said, I am no one. No one at all…” She gulped. She had heard the tales. Cecille ruined people for fun. The empress was as cruel as she was unpredictable. The only thing she enjoyed was control of those weaker than her.

            The empress looked down at her, continuing to appraise her appearance. “I suppose having no last name is quite unfortunate. No clan or family to turn to. What would happen to a humble farm girl should her farm suddenly vanish? Monsters could set her fields ablaze, leave her with nothing. But with my last name? I could turn to anyone, rule over all,” Cecille reaches her hand out.

            Iris looked at it, that gloved hand. It was wide open and offering. She didn’t know what to do. Taking it might mean… but ignoring it would be even worse! Iris grabbed it quickly and let the empress lift her back up to her feet. Iris arose from the ground with a surprising amount of grace! She stared on at Cecille, not sure what it was she should say. The ant looks to the sun and thinks not.

            At last, Cecille interrupts the silence. “Yes, you shall do nicely,” The empress smiles. Iris grows nervous, uncertain what was about to happen. Cecille, however, was much more certain. The empress pulls the girl into a hug. She embraces Iris, the expression of the farm girl becoming tense with uncertainty at what it was that was occurring to her.

            It was a warm, deep hug. Cecille gently parted only a ways from it so she could stare the girl right on. Iris looked back, her eyes meeting with Cecille’s. Nothing could fit in between them. Iris could feel Cecille’s cock, hard and aroused and straining against her dress. Iris gasped gently, but Cecille moved in quickly soon as she heard the sound.

            Their lips met. Cecille kissed Iris, but the farm girl only reacted in confusion, like a shark biting her neck out of nowhere. The empress was persistent, pushing past the resilience and uncertainty of the farm girl and continued to pepper her in smaller, sweeter kisses across her cheeks. Iris gasped in a strange rush of pleasure as those royal lips traded places from one soft cheek to the other. The farm girl was beyond confused as to why the tyrant of minds and darkness was happily kissing her in a public place.

            A few stretches of hair in Iris’s head began to change in shade. At first they turned a wispy smoke color, but as more strands changed shades the original ones started to become much whiter. Cecille’s kisses seemed to trigger these changes. The empress kept going. Iris stood in place, her breathe sloooowly heightening, her lips staying apart so the air could travel.

            Cecille pushed her own lips back against Iris’s, letting their plush lips meet again. This time, Iris was much calmer. She let Cecille be aggressive. The empress massaged her, rubbing her mouth firmly against her. Cecille’s hands wrapped possessively around Iris’s body, grasping tightly at her back. Her fingers dug in against her. More and more of Iris’s hair changed, turning whiter and whiter until Iris’s hair had become the exact same shade as Cecille’s.

            The girl parted from the kiss. She looked at her bangs and how they had changed. Her hair was still changing before her, slowly growing and shrinking to match the length and style of the empress’s. Iris stared at it, the strange sensations only rising higher and higher. “W-what is happening…?”

            “I picked you~” Cecille grinned. “I decided to give you my last name. Fufufu~ Though, I can’t just give it to anyone. So, a few changes are needed,” Cecille said. Iris began to shrink a little to match Cecille’s height. “But just think. Never again will you stew in filth or be ordered around. I dare say the rest of your life will be steeped in the greatest pleasures you can imagine. Of course, my power will always be grander~ But in time you will grow much more comfortable with that more content. You will be my twin phantom, my shadow~ And we will never part.”

            “B-but why me?” Iris asked, her voice hitching, changing to match the sound of Cecille’s voice. She spoke so much more regally, her voice much cuter. A sound of strained fabric sounded as Iris’s hips spread wider, threatening to tear open her dress. Her skin became more pallid, freckles dotting it.

            “Because I could hear it in your mind. All that misery. You deserve better~” Cecille kissed her on the forehead. As soon as she did, Iris’s crotch exploded with growth. At first just a speck, but it slid out and fattened. More and more, thicker, higher, a huge equine cock covered in sinister barbs pushed out against the fabric of the old farmer’s outfit. The filthy dress was ripped open by clean, fresh, horse dick. Iris gasped, her eyes turning black and yellow, the beginning of her black horn growing out from her head. She cooed in pleasure as her dick pulsated. When her dress fell to the ground she looked up to see that Cecille had casted aside her dress with just a snap of her fingers.

            There was no way to tell them apart physically. Cecille’s eyes flashed. Instantly Iris grabbed her head with her hands. Her mind began to become changed with the spell. She had all her memories and would likely keep them forever. She would remember the day she became Cecille so clearly, but she wasn’t Iris. She would never be Iris ever again. Her final second as the farm girl passed, and her first second as Empress Cecille Alborne began.

            “Fufufu~” Cecille II said, her lips spreading into her first regal grin. “This feels so… So…” She grasped at her own cock again, but she didn’t have much time to wallow in the sensations. The other Cecille quickly pulled her into a kiss.

            The pair of twin empresses spun around, mashing their lips against each other. Their tits also met, soft pink nipples pushing past each other unevenly, mushing up like the flaccid hills they were. Even their cocks mashed against each other, in a race to grow out to their full length. Arousal rushed through their staffs, the barbs that lined them with a sadistic demonic touch began to rise outward like flowers towards the sun. They became more rigid, harder to push down without too much effort. Cecille II felt the hardening of her cock for the first time, the oddly sensitive feelings that rose from her barbs pressing up against something. It was so amazing. There wasn’t anything strange about these feelings anymore as it all became clear. This feeling was what it felt like to be Cecille.

            As the realization hit her, Cecille II was unable to hold back her passion. Her empress had freed her from her life! Had picked her beyond so many people. She loved her empress. And in turn she now also loved herself. She was Cecille just as well as the other~ Her cock ached. Oh gods above it felt good to be her. Cecille~ Their kiss grew harder, tongues trading mouths to venture out, wet wrestling snaking about in the pits of passion.

            Hands explored each other. Both went almost instinctually for the rear. Huge mountains of gorgeous freckly rear to explore. The firmness, the softness, just how round and gorgeous it was. How both of them were! Cecille’s ass was a breath taking monument, one of the most perfect assets to an already perfect empress. It was hard to stop from going further. Cecille II pushed her fingers against the curve of the rear, gently lower it until she felt Cecille’s wet slit.

            So soft and ever so pink. The twin empress pushed her fingers firmer against the entrance. Meanwhile, the original Cecille pushed her own hands against the newer one’s nuts. A nice big package to toy with and feel how soft it was. Their cocks continued to kiss and grind against each other. Both of the twins had their feet instinctively pushing up, hips grinding their dicks together, frotting so happily.

            “Mmm~” Cecille II gasped. “You’ve made me perfect~” She cooed, just wishing to express her gratitude. It felt almost like a dream at times. At any moment it should’ve ended, but it never did.

            “I felt it only right,” Cecille kissed her other shortly again. “Besides, now I have someone as gorgeous as I to stare at~”

            “And I am quite gorgeous as well,” Cecille II said back. The duo snickered in unison.


            “I believe there is something I wish to do,” Cecille II said.

            “I can hear it already. I can read your mind ever so clearly,” Cecille said.

            “What a shame I cannot read your’s~” Cecille II replied.

            “I shall allow for that soon. I just want to assure you are growing used to your form. But certainly, I like your idea. Let us be off quickly then~”


            The walk was much shorter with someone to take it with. Cecille II stared at the same hills and trees that Iris had grown up around, had looked to while she worked countless hours toiling away in the fields. As she worked through sweat and gruel, she would see the bountiful lands that laid about before her like a grand green gourmet of countless changes and lives she could be leading.

            Oh, how it taunted her before to look outward and see the fence of the farm that marked where it was her life ended and belonged. That morning, a girl named Iris left that farm, parted past the fence through the gate with only the slightest of permissions. She returned as an empress of all the empire. And now she felt that the least she could do was show off.

            As soon as the owner of the farm spotted the Cecille’s he immediately bowed. Iris had never seen the man so frightened. It brought a sinister grin to her face. “Empress Cecille!” He shouted as if volume might transfer to mercy. “I was not expecting you, your grace! W-why do you humble my farm so?”

            “I come,” Cecille II said, one gloved hand to her chin (as Cecille casted a spell to dress them both.) “Yes, I come to make a declaration about this farm. I have decided to, in all my humbleness, free your former hire, Iris, of her debts and binds. She will now and forever be rid of you farm.”

            “A-as you wish!” The man said, still bowed. Iris had never seen him so small, prostrating to the best of his ability. He dare not look up.

            “As well,” The other Cecille spoke, emerging out from where she waited. Their voices sounded just the same, so the man did not look up. He had no idea there were two. “Your other farmers are also freed. All farmhands under your hire, debt, or other methods of accusation are freed, and your contracts are voided.”

            “Y-you what-“ He rose from his pit of mercy to spot the twins. “B-but! Without them my farm-“

            “Will no longer have any to abuse?” Cecille II said, her words caving over his. “To underpay and deprave? To treat as though they were not much more valuable than the dung that dots your pit of a farm? Yes, you are now devoid of any such pleasure. You are to inform your staff that they are freed,” As she spoke, she lifted a small coin purse and threw it back to him. “Oh, and I don’t need that anymore.”

            He looked to the package and immediately rose. “Iris!!!” He growled. “What illusion is this you have cast? To pretend to be the empress? If you think this is enough to fool me then you have-“

            Barely a step forward before Cecille threw her hand down. He was crushed to the floor with enough weight to indent him into the dirt. Debris flew around him. “You are foolish to assume me an illusion,” Cecille said, much firmer now. “You have been given a command by I, Cecille Alborne. Obey or I will erase you from this earth and from every mind.”

            He rose back up from his new hovel and huddled away. “A-attention! All staff! All men! All women! Y-you are now longer under my employment! You are to leave as soon as- “ His voice grew smaller as he ran off.

            “That was incredible~” Cecille II said, a light snicker escaping her lips. It felt so earned. “I’ve never done anything like that before…”

            “There isn’t a person left on this world that is not beneath your feet,” Cecille said. “I was like what you were before once. Powerless. Hurt. I grew with not even a whisper of control. I could barely control myself, truth be told. But now that I have grown stronger, I leave no room for control to ever be taken from me again. Their minds and bodies will bow to me, to us,” Cecille turned to her twin, her hand out stretched. “Everyone in the world must behold the might of the empress. They bow when they see us. They beg to be spared. They are graced with our presence and worship our every step. We are beyond these ants.”

            “F-far beyond,” Cecille II nodded. “Those people we set loose? What will become of them?”

            Cecille grabbed Cecille II’s shoulders and turned her to face the scene as the farmer ran over to tell a woman on horseback the good news. “You decide. This is your world. Do we fund their lives? Bring them back to the palace as maids? Employ them elsewhere? Allow them to decide? Anything can happen to them as your whims. You need only speak it, and the whole world shall collapse and rebuild if it means it will make it happen.”

            “Fufufu~” Cecille II couldn’t help but laugh. Her cock grew hard inside her dress, straining out against her attire. “I can grow used to this~ Just something about… The power~ The obedience…”

            “The control~” Cecille put words to it, the feelings that were still so foreign and exciting. They were control.


            The two empresses laid in the back of the regal cart. Cecille II sat inside of the horse drawn carriage, surprised at how roomy it was. They sat in seats that overlooked each other, plush cushioned benches that could host plenty more people but had only the two empresses staring at each other, their knees an inch apart as they sat.

            Across the roads of the twilight empire the cart travelled, going over those hills that a girl named Iris spent her whole life staring down. Cecille II could barely contain herself, her dick growing long enough to stand at full mast. Cecille’s own cock grew in reaction. Their tips kissed.

            One twin climbed across to lay atop the other, moaning so sweetly as they cuddled against each other. Her dick gently slid against her pair, their masts rubbing hard against one another. Pre slobbered out happily. Kiss~ Their lips mashes. They turned in their romantic and deep kiss, turning over and over. They lost track in all the passion of who was who. The differences between them shrank more and more as they became more absorbed in one another. If they didn’t check their own clear memories there would be no difference, not without checking to see who still had all the spells in the relationship.

            One pushed their cock into the other. Her belly swelled from the size of the shaft. The other rammed her cock up against the other’s tits. They kept on kissing as the humping became more steady. Every push became so deep, so incredibly satisfying. She didn’t feel like the one who was taking the cock was truly bottoming. The differences between them were so slight, their feelings so shared, it was more masturbatory, but filled with a narcissistic love and adoration.

            The first one came, pouring her cum inside of her other with a frantic abandon. But no time was given at all. The other swapped places and rammed her dick back inside. And in time she too would cum. And then they would swap again. They repeated over and over with such absorption into their lusts. It wasn’t until the cart came to a draw that they even realized how long it had been.

            Twin empresses emerged from the cart and entered Cecille’s palace. The immaculate white stone of the ageless castle gave off a distinct depth. It felt like a magical place, a land removed from the possibilities of the one just outside. Servants decorated walls with alluring visions and sights. They were pets and toys, drawn out and remade so sweetly. Cecille poured her adoration for control into each and every one of her staff. Their minds were happy, their bodies content. They lived in comfort and pleasure and waited on Cecille with such eagerness that it was unmatched.

            Cecille II looked on and marveled as they walked into the throne room. A tall decorated chair awaited them. Cecille snapped her fingers and her spell split the throne into two.

            “I’ve never seen anything like it,” Cecille II said. “Is this truly my home?”

            “It is our home, my home, your home,” Cecille said. “This palace is where I rule from, where my every desire is sated. And now it will be the home of two empresses to be served,” As Cecille spoke, her dress began to change in form. The white fabric began to fluff out, becoming more ornate and decorated.

            The skirt of her dress lowed down to her feet, a long veil like a carpet blanketing the floor behind her. Her dress dazzled. It was a wedding dress, breathe taking in its perfect design. Every aspect of it was dreamlike beyond comparison.

            Cecille II looked down at herself, realizing her dress had mirrored that of her original. She gasped in delight at the sight of it. She looked around the room to watch as the magic spread to it as well, changing everything to become exactly as Cecille whims.

            The ceiling opened, turning the throne room into a garden in the center of the massive palace. Carpet and tile beneath their feet rose and changed, twisting into green grass. The whole square garden erupted into an explosion of white flowers. Petals were lifted into the air by an uppercut of wind. They gently fluttered back down to the world, capturing the drafts of sunlight as they cascaded down upon the place.

            Windows of surrounding walls grew taller, turning into colorful murals of stained glass, depicting both of the empress in embrace. A red carpet was drawn out across the floor where a statue of Cecille rose where once the thrones were. Slowly, the maids filed in. As they passed through the doorway into the room their bodies were redrawn over with beautiful dresses. They filed through, taking seats as they magically arose from the ground.

            A gorgeous bouquet of flowers arose, filling both Cecille’s hands. Slowly, the hum of a violin filled the air. Cecille II realized what this was. After all, she was Cecille, of course she knew what it was.

            The theme of their wedding gently played in the air, inviting them down the aisle. They walked slowly forward, holding their flowers close to their chests. There was no priest waiting at the end of the walkway. Just a plush table with a gorgeous white and gold pillow laid out over it. The rings rest on the broad slab, the jewelry adorned with their own miniature pillow atop the more massive platform.

            As the sway of the gorgeous music moved on, they walked in unison to the relaxing waltz. Somehow, it just felt right. Cecille II suddenly began to hear Cecille’s thoughts. Their minds were becoming linked as the empress allowed for the differences between them to split. Together, they shared one mind and thought aloud,

“I love you, my empress~”

            They met at the altar. They moved in unison like pretty dolls, more gorgeous than life. They shared their rings with one another, placing them on the other’s finger. They made eye contact at the exact same moment. Gently, they leaned in, turning their heads in synch. Their lips met, their eyes closed. The music swelled.

            Everyone in attendance began to applaud wildly, so pleased that their empress was married. And who better to marry than their empress? There would be no power struggles, no confusion over who to listen to before the other. Cecille gasped as she parted from the kiss. Her dress parted down the center as her huge spiked horse dick arose, as did the other.

            They both giggled together. One Cecille tossed the ring aside and threw herself up onto the plush material of the platform. She spread her wobbly hips, revealing the dress was perfectly crafted for excellent lewdness. The other Cecille grinned down as she eyed those perfect thick thighs, that needy pink entrance, that entrancing tower of cock.

            Cecille slid her dick into herself. They cooed out in unison. She thrusted away, pleasantly consummating the wedding with every push, every thrust of her hungry cock. As the crowd watched and began to get worked up themselves, they too surrendered to lust.

            One turned to the other and began to kiss, jerk the other off, or just frantically leaped at them. The more Cecille fucked, the more the crowd began to surrender to the apparent chaos of their growing lusts. They thrust against each other on the ground, kicking up a storm of those pedals fluttering around them.

            When one Cecille came, they quickly swapped places, desperate to keep it going. The one who had been came inside of thrusted away, loosening the white seed glued inside her, letting to dribble down her own perfect thighs. She pushed away with abandon, gasping out in howling pleasure.

            The audience grew rowdier. Everyone was happily kissing and thrusting, eating one another out, or at least jerking off at the sight of their perfect empress loving herself~

            Finally, the other Cecille came, and all the energy began to diminish. She gasped out in delight. “Thank you so much~”

            “Thank you so much~” The other mirrored. They both giggled and kissed as the other rose back to her feet. As she did, the room around them was blanketed again by the roof returning. All the symbols of their wedding slowly vanished around them, the throne room returning to its natural state slowly. The two thrones stood there, symbols of their love.

            Both of the empresses took a seat, their dresses returning to normal. They sat close enough to hold hands.

            “Thank you, servants~” The Cecille on the left said.

            “Now, allow us a moment alone,” Cecile on the right replied. “Back to your duties. And please, welcome the new farm girls when they arrive. They are to given the highest accommodations.”

            And they say their in the throne room as the workers slowly left. They shared their thoughts, realizing just how much they had in common~ Together, they would rule this empire effortlessly, for they had each other, themselves.